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Anca Marinela
[COMPANY NAME]  [Company address]
Background of the study:......................................................................................................................1
Aims and Objectives of the research................................................................................................1
Literature Review:................................................................................................................................2
Research methodology:........................................................................................................................2
Data Findings, Analysis & Discussion:..................................................................................................3
Conclusion and Anticipated Limitations:..............................................................................................5
Research is the combination of activities that helps to do effective investigation about any
specific issues or facts. Research help to dig in the facts and helps to manage pros and corns
information about the specific issues. It also improve idea and knowledge about the research
facts. It generates new information and ideas to develop the strategy about the existing facts.
Researcher of this researcher chosen the research topic as the implications of digital
technologies on SMEs business in UK. Nowadays business world is become much more
challenging. It is high time to use more technology to improve production, services and
customer management to make sustainable run of the business. Researcher chosen ‘CoCo
Tamarind’ as an Indian restaurant that is having 3 branches in UK. They are running under
the SMEs business concept. They are running with the traditional Indian food to make
satisfaction of their customers. They are giving ore focus to make their customer satisfaction
to reach the sustainable growth and beat their competitors

Background of the study:

‘CoCo Tamarind’ is an Indian restaurant that is operating form 2006 in Buckinghamshire. At
present they are having 3 branches including the origin one. They are providing delivery
services, takeaway, sitting inside on their restaurants. There are eats of competitor that the
business is having. As different Indian restaurant are giving tough competition to them also,
all the other food restaurant are also giving competition to this business. So, it is necessary to
make continuous improvement of products and services of this business to reach goals and
objectives of the business
It is mandatory to use digital technologies to improve products, operations, services of the
business in present world, using digital marketing helps to make effective engagement of the
business with their customers. Also, they can use digital technologies to improve their
production and services, communication process, coordination of work, employee
management and after sales service by giving customer feedback to reach sustainable growth
of the business.
Aims and Objectives of the research
Researcher need to set the aim and objectives of the project. Also, should define the research
question that relates to the aims and objectives of the business. Researcher set the research
topic as to make use of digital technologies to improve the product and services of ‘CoCo
Tamarind’. So, the objectives of this project is to define best fit strategies with this business
to make sustainable growth of it to reach goals and objectives of the business.
Also need to set the research question and relates to the aims and objectives of the business.
Researcher set the research questions to find out the present condition and policy of the
chosen business and also the result of the present policy of it also, need to identify the
competitor’s activity and their potential output of these strategies. These answers will set the
tone to identify the best possible digital technologies that can implement on this business to
make sustainable run of this business
Literature Review:
Small and medium sizes enterprises is playing major role to develop the economic position of
the country. It helps to do effective resource management and employee generations. They
are playing the major role to make improve of the economic performance and on the same
time they will crating employees that is helping a lot to the national economy. House of
Commons briefing paper shows the report that defines as in 2017, UK is having more than
5.7 million business. Most of these business is having employees in between 0-249. Mostly
they are having more micro business that is having more than 5.5 million. These business are
having less than 10 employees. But alarming issue is to shut down of many business in year
2015. There are 328000 business shut down from the 414000 business in 2015.
They are having different operation that the ‘CoCo Tamarind’ is having. As, they need to
improve their services by developing the digital technologies. As to develop the
administration they can use the cloud technology to do effective filling, storage and sharing
of information. Also, they need to run effective communication by developing more
technologies. They can use social media to make effective engagement with their business.
Also they can use effective database management to make effective record of customer data
and employee’s data to manage the storage, distribution and communication services. They
can also use data analytics to make effective run of innovative run to reach the success
margin of the business.
The chosen business is having 3 branches. They are having 43 employees’ on the whole three
branches of them. All the branches is running under the single owner. So, it need to make
effective engagement and communication between all these three. This is important to run the
strong management and database management approaches. That help to make record of the
employees, sales and stocks they need to give more concern about their stock margined
because this business is running every single day in a week. So, they should give focus to the
availability of all food items, drinks to serve their customer to make them satisfy. This
business is having less margin of employees so they should keep them motivation and should
performance management. Database management system helps them to teach their employees
performance and activities to make strong engagement their employees with the business
goals and objectives.
Also, they are looking for to give better services to their customer and run the strong
marketing channel they should use updated digital technologies as the digital marketing
concept. This business is also having more chances to use the safety payment system and
online booking system that helps their customer more flexibility and ensure the strong
engagement with the business to reach the vision of the business

Research methodology:
Research methodology need to set before start processing the research. Researcher should
have clear idea about the research theme and methodology that going to make effecting run
of the research. Researcher is using qualitative and quantitative both research method to get
the effective date of the research to make the further progress of it. Also, researcher issuing
primary and secondary data collection process that helps to get tithe required data and
information about importance of digital technology and the best way to implement the issues
on the chosen business.
Quantitative research method is the method that helps to get the data and information from a
large target population. It is necessary to get eth view of large population views about eh
business products and series to identify the efficiencies of the present business plan. Survey is
the bet method, that the researcher uses on this researcher to identify the external
environment and customer satisfaction margin of the business with their current policies. To
do that, first research set the target population. As they set the target according to the buying
power, customer taste, customer preference about products and services of the business. Also,
that reflects the customer feedback on the business policies.
On the other hand, researcher uses qualitative research method, that is the best way to get the
flexible data from the research, to identify the internal environment practices and its
efficiencies, researcher is using this methodology by evaluating interview section. Researcher
chosen 4 employee, owner and 22 management person to do the interview from different
branches that help to get efficient data about their research topic.
Researcher also uses different secondary data that helps to define the importance of digi5al
technologies. Also, it evaluates the idea to match these digital technologies with the chosen
business to make sustainable run of it. There are many digital technologies area available but
the research about the internal and external environment of the business, matching with here
potential and resources researcher identifies the exact digital technologies that twill help this
business to make sustainable growth
These practice helps to generate more idea about the current business strategies and the best
way to evaluate the digital technology on this business to reach the sustainable growth

Data Findings, Analysis & Discussion:

On this segment, researcher need to show the way to analyse the findings data. After
approaching with different methodology, researcher set the plan of make use of findings the
data for the further analysis to make discuss about it. Research uses qualitative and
quantitative research method, so, output of these research need to analyse to make further
steps of decision making. First of all, researcher arrange all the output data as he collects
from the survey. To arrange the data and make solid representation, researcher using
frequency table. It is the best way to represent the collected data and get a proper view over
the whole data.
For example,
Satisfaction margin of the Products of Output
‘CoCo Tamarind’
1-4 0
5-6 13
7-8 31
9-10 16
Satisfaction margin of the Services of Output
‘CoCo Tamarind’
1-4 0
5-6 12
7-8 36
9-10 12
So, this table shows the satisfaction margin about the products of ‘CoCo Tamarind’ is mostly
in 7-8 ranges. As a business they need to make continuous development plan because already
this business is running with large competition. So, they should give more concern to
evaluate the dynamic website that will give more flexibility to their Customers to boot him
table, having proper knowledge about their foods, loyalty programs, different discount and
offers, can buy vouchers etc. So, it will improve the strong ration with their customer and
make sustainable run of the business. On the other hand, this business is having mostly 7-8
ranges satisfaction margin about their services. So, they should use strong database
management to manage employee, margin strong relation with suppliers and improve the
production and distribution level to make strong engagement with their customer to make
them satisfy what their services
Also, to make the effective scheduling, researcher uses work breakdown strategy and Gantt
chart. This chart helps to define all the activities sand making solid representation of the plan
and process to reach goals and objectives of the research
Conclusion and Anticipated Limitations:
There are some limitation that the researhcer faced during the research. Because researhcer
had very less exeriences to use these tools as research methodlogy. Also, it is not easy to set
the research question and make relate with the research aims and objectives.but using the
more secondary research, researhcer identify the best platform to make solid use of these
incentives to maek effective growth of the research.

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