Science: Quarter 1 - Module 4 Biodiversity and Evolution

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Quarter 1 – Module 4
Science – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 4_Week 5: Biodiversity and Evolution Week 5
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
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Development Team of the Module

Writer: Mary Ann S. Dapitan
Illustrator: Name
Layout Artist: : Mary Luz V. Manalili,EdD,
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Schools Division Superintendent : Wilfreda D. Bongalos, PhD, CESO V
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent : Marcelita S. Dignos, EdD, CESO VI
Curriculum Implementation Division Chief : Oliver M. Tuburan, EdD
EPSVR- Science : Jennifer S. Mirasol
EPSVR- LRMDS : Teresita A. Bandolon
ADM Coordinator : Marigold J. Cardente

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Quarter 1 – Module 4:Week 5

Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

Welcome to the SCIENCE 9 Module on Biodiversity and Evolution!

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent learning
activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners acquire the
needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This module is self-explanatory. You are
expected to encourage, assist and keep
track of the learners as they do the tasks
included in the module.

Notes to the Learners

This module is self-explanatory. You are
expected to follow the module sequentially
and independently. Answer the activities
and assessment with outmost honesty.

Notes to the Facilitator/Parent

This module is self-explanatory. Provide
ample time for the learner to finish the task
given and a space conducive for learning.
The role of the facilitator/parent is to
explain a topic for clarification

Standard Symbols/Icons used to represent some parts of the

Introduction. It contains learning objectives to be developed in
a material. It introduces the topic/content of the module briefly.

What I Know. This is given to check what the learner knows about the lesson to
take. This contains instruction in whether to proceed or skip the module.

What’s In. Connects the current lesson with the previous lesson by going over
concepts that were learned previously.

What’s New. Introduces the new lesson through a story, a poem, song, situation, or
an activity.

Discussion. Provides questions that will help the learner discover and understand
the concept.

What is It. This section provides a brief discussion of the lesson. The aims to help
you discover and understand new concepts and

What’s More. This comprises activities for independent practice to solidity your
understanding and skills of the topic. You may check the answers to the exercises
using the Answer Key at the end of the module.

What I Have Learned. This includes questions or blank sentence/paragraph to

be filled into process what you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do. This section provides an activity which will help you transfer your
new knowledge or skill into real life situations or concerns.

Assessment. This evaluates the learner’s level of mastery in achieving the learning
objectives. The task given shall validate the concepts and provide more opportunities
to deepen the learning.

Additional Activities. In this portion, another activity will be given to you to enrich
your knowledge or skill of the lesson learned. This also tends retention of learned

Answer Key. This contains answers to all activities in the module.

At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in developing

this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module. Use
a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities included in the
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to
consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to
This module will help you understand the importance of biodiversity. How changes in the
environment affect species interaction and relate species extinction to the failure of populations of
organisms to adapt to abrupt changes in the environment.

In this module, you will find and appreciate the significance of biological diversity and what
it provides to meet the needs of an organism. A change in the environment can affect species and
might lead to worst and that is species extinction will be discussed, and distinguish the different
environmental changes that results to species extinction.

Expect a fun-filled learning journey as you flip each page of this learning resource. This
module is made easy just for you. Each independent activity is designed to suit your needs as you
learn new concepts in science and develop new skills. Don’t skip a page or else you’ll miss the
essence of this learning module.

The Most Essential Learning Competency for this module:

⚫ Relate species extinction to the failure of populations of organisms to adapt to abrupt changes
in the environment. S9LT -Ie-F-30

After studying this module, you should be able to:

1. Explain the importance of biological diversity

2. Find out how changes in the environment can affect species extinction.
3. Distinguish environmental changes that may result in the loss of the species.
4. Make A multimedia presentation of a timeline of extinction of representative microorganisms,
plants, and animals.

What I Know
Before you engage on this module, let’s find out what you already know about the topics to be
discussed. Read and understand each question carefully and choose the best answer. Encircle the
letter of your choice.
Remember that your answers will help your teacher determine the knowledge you have for
the topics.

A. PHOTO QUIZ: The words in the box are some of the causes of species extinction. Look at the
pictures below and identify which cause of extinction matches each group of pictures. Write your
answer on your notebook.

Taking animals for profit Introduction of species

Hunting and trapping Destruction of habitat
Overharvesting Pollution

1. .




5. -effects-of-overharvesting

B. Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on
a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following refers to the variety of life in the area?
A. Biodiversity C. Limiting factors
B. Carrying capacity D. Population

2. When a species’ population becomes so low that only few remain, then the species is considered
A. Diverse C. Extinct
B. Endangered D. Threatened

3. All of the following are components of biodiversity except one:

A. Economic diversity C. Ecosystem diversity
B. Ecological diversity D. Species diversity

4. Which of the following statement is NOT an importance of biological diversity?

A. It is essential to maintain balance in the ecosystem.
B. It is a source of diseases and economic instability.
C. It is a source of income for many people.
D. It is the main source of food.

5. Which of the following refers to the maximum population size an environment can support?
A. Biodiversity C. Limiting factors
B. Carrying capacity D. Population



Biodiversity is a vital resource that must be protected and sustained for future generations. Why do
you think biological diversity is important?

Diverse organisms in a certain region increases the stability of an ecosystem and the over
all health of the biosphere. To better value and protect biodiversity, one must understand its
totality. Biodiversity consists of the entire range of living organisms across levels of organizations
- genes, species, and ecosystems.

What’s In
In Grade 8, you learned about the concept of species, classification of organisms using the
hierarchical taxonomic system and the advantage of high biodiversity in maintaining the stability
of an ecosystem. In Grade 9, you will explain the importance of biodiversity, find out how changes
in the environment may affect species extinction and relate species extinction to the failure of
populations of organisms to adapt to abrupt changes in the environment.

In any ecosystem. Organisms need a balanced environment. A balanced ecosystem is one

in which all living and nonliving things are interacting harmoniously.

Notes to the Teacher

This lesson is self-explanatory. You are also expected to
encourage, assist and keep track of the learners as they do the
tasks included in lesson 1.

What’s New

In what ways is biodiversity valuable or important? Try the activity below to find out.

Activity 1: How Valuable Is Biodiversity?


At the end of this activity, you should be able to identify and explain the importance or
value of biological diversity in economic, ecological, aesthetic and moral.

Consider this…

Humans have different perspective about the value or importance of biodiversity. Some
value it because people need resources or want to raise profit for business purposes. Others look
at it on a different side, respect and care on all types of organisms regardless if they can benefit
from it or not. Some devote their time and effort to preserve and protect the precious species on
Earth for future generations.

Instruction: Using a sheet of paper or a notebook fill in the table below. Write your ideas how
important is biodiversity on each given aspect and how will you preserve or conserve its value?

ASPECT IMPORTANCE How do you preserve or conserve its





Ethical/ Moral

Guide Questions:
1. What is biodiversity? Why is it important?


2. As a student, what will you do to encourage your family, friends and other youth at your age,
to value and conserve biodiversity?


What is It

Biodiversity is defined as the variety of life in the area. It is the variability among living
organisms from all sources including interalia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems
and the ecological complexes of which they are part, this includes diversity within species, between
species and of ecosystem.

Importance of biodiversity

Economic Value
Many plants, animals, and microorganisms have economic benefits. They provide humans
with basic necessities such as food, raw materials for medicines, shelter and clothing. The
environment also provides you with a wide array of naturally made products.
Our country Philippines boasts of rich ecosystems, which can provide substantial economic
value. Today, wildlife tours in rainforests, savannas and mountain ranges are common.
Ecotourism is a booming industry and an important source of livelihood. Thus protecting
biodiversity is equivalent to protecting your future economic resources.

Ecological Value

All organisms, including humans plays a specific role in the environment and depend on
each other for survival.

Nature provides not only the natural resources that are of economic value but also the
natural services which are process that support life on Earth. Air purification through oxygen
production by trees and algae, topsoil renewal, nutrient recycling, water replenishment, insect
pollination of agricultural crops and forest trees, natural pest control, flood mitigation through
wetlands, greenhouse gas reduction, pollution breakdown by microorganisms are the many
ecological benefits that you derive directly from nature but usually unappreciated.

Aesthetic Value

The innate beauty of a certain of a certain environment invites people to preserve its current
state for future generations. People visit nature parks and sanctuaries to enjoy the natural
surroundings and wildlife. Governmental efforts are sometimes focused on preserving their natural
ecosystems not only for economic reasons but also for maintaining the natural beauty of Earth.

Ethical and Moral Value

Your roles as stewards of nature also places your ethical values intact to protect the
environment further destruction. Many believed in the importance of protecting all life forms on
Earth. They believed that all forms of life deserve equal treatment and have the right to exists on
the planet as much as what human beings deserve. Your ethical values also dictate your behavior
on preserving organisms and not to harm them unnecessarily for one’s gain or benefit.
(Source: Pavico, et. al., Exploring Life Through Science Series, 2018, p. 91-93 )
Factors that Affect Species
2 Extinction

Different parts of the ecosystem interact with one another. Changes to onpart affect
other parts. When all the members of a species die, that species’ place in the ecosystem is gone

What’s In

In lesson 1, you were able to define and describe biodiversity and explain why biological
diversity is important in several aspects.
As you go through the activities in this lesson, you will find out how environmental changes
can affect species extinction and these changes may result in the loss of species.
You will also discover what human actions or activities that threatened biological diversity.
Perform the activities below to have a deeper view of these environmental changes that affect the
survival of the species.

What’s New

A population is a group of living things within a certain area that are all of the same
Several different populations may be found in a community. A population one kind
may affect a population of another kind within the community. Example, a jungle has a greater
amount of biological diversity or biodiversity, than a cornfield. Why? Why do you think population
sizes vary among organisms?
Communities with many different species ( a high index of diversity) will be able to
withstand environmental changes better than communities with only a few species ( a low index
of diversity).

Activity 1. Measuring Population Density
At the end of this activity, you should be
able determine the pattern of population
distribution using mathematical formula and
compare the distribution of patterns of the
different populations.


Pencil & Paper, Ruler

1. Study the three patterns of population distribution in Figure 1.
2.Using the given formula for computing population density, calculate the density of each
𝑁𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑙
𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 =
𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎
3. Count the total number for each population. Record the number in the table.
4. On a sheet of paper, prepare a table to record the data for population density.
Table 1. Population Density
Population Name Number of organisms Density

5. Calculate the density of each population. Record in the table.

Guide Questions:
1. Compare the distribution of patterns of the three populations.
2. Which population has the greatest density?
3. Infer from the recorded data from the possible cause for the differences in the population
4. What conditions could change the density of any of the population?
5. Describe how a population’s density can be used to learn about the needs and characteristics
of that population.
( Source: Alvarez, Science Grade 9 Learners Module, 2017, p. 56-57)

What is It

Populations can be of the same size, but they may be have different densities. When we
consider the number of individuals per unit area, we are referring to the density of the population.
Differences in population density in any community may be attributed to many factors. Population
sizes changes when new members move into the ecosystem. They decrease when members move
out of an ecosystem. The birth and death rates can also affect a population’s size. Anything that
limits the size of a population like certain environmental conditions are called limiting factors.
Limiting factors keep a population from increasing in size and help balance an ecosystem.
Examples of limiting factors are the availability of food, water, and living conditions. Light,
temperature and soil nutrients are also limiting factors because they help determine the types of
organisms that can live in an ecosystem. The maximum population size an environment can
support is called carrying capacity. If the population size rises above the carrying capacity,
organisms die because not all their needs can be met.
Life depends on life. Animals cannot exist without green plants. Living things create niches
for other living things. But, what happens if living conditions of these organisms are not ideal for
survival? What do you think are the major causes of species extinction?
When a species’ population becomes low that only a few remain, the species is considered
endangered and will possibly become extinct. List down some species in the Philippines that are
in danger of extinction.
Some particular species that declines so fast that it becomes endangered and is said to be
threatened. Identify some species in our country that are recognized as threatened species.
Extinction is the disappearance of a species when last of its members die. Changes to
habitats can threaten organisms with extinction. As populations of people increase, the impact of
their growth and development is altering the face of the Earth and pushing many other species to
the brink of extinction.
( Source: Alvarez, Science Grade 9 Learners Module, 2017, p. 57,59)

Activity 2: Making Predictions

⚫ Determine differences between two hypothetical islands

Paper & pencil
1. Imagine you and your friends are being sent to explore two islands. The islands are very similar
in size, age, and location. But island A has human and population and island B does not have.
2. Predict what will you see in each island.
3. Tabulate your predictions as shown below.
Island A Island B
1. 1.
2. 2.

Guide Questions:
1. What did you predict you will see in each island?

2. How would you explain the differences that you will see in each island?

When you activities at home, in school or in a public places, you use one or more natural
resources. Natural resources are materials in the environment that people use to carry on with
their lives. But are yo using these natural resources wisely? Will the time come when these materials
will no longer be available to you?
Many changes have taken place in our environment that resulted from human activities.
Nowadays many subdivisions, townhouses and condominiums are built that cleared our land.
These decreases plant and animal populations in that area of construction and probably pollution
and other environmental problems would occur.
As a student, you probably need to know what are some local and global environmental
issues/problems that are affecting your community.

➢ Deforestation
One of the country’s environmental problem at which trees are cut down. Major causes of
deforestation are:
- Kaingin farming
- Illegal logging
- Conversion of agricultural lands to housing projects
- Forest fires
- Typhoons
Figure 2. Kaingin Figure 3. Illegal logging
The following are the consequences of cutting down trees:
◼ Soil erosion
◼ Floods
◼ Decrease in wildlife resources that will eventually lead to extinction

➢ Wildlife Depletion

As population grows rapidly, demands of basic necessities arises one is shelter. More land
are cleared for housing projects. Deforestation is the major causes of wildlife species
disappearances. What happens to the animal populations that are driven away from their natural
habitat? If they cannot find enough space to live with, many will die or become extinct. Some may
become endangered or some will be threatened. Figures 4, 5 and 6 are some examples of
endangered species in our country.

Figure 4. Monkey - eating Eagle Figure 5. Tarsier

➢ Water Pollution
A major problem in lakes, rivers
and ponds is eutrophication. It
happens when concentration of
organic nutrients that comes from
domestic garbage are thrown in the
bodies of water, increases rapidly one
of the effects of water pollution. Man,s
activities hasten the process of

Figure 6. Eutrophication
Other effect of water pollution is fish kill which happens when there as increase in
concentration of organic nutrients in the bodies of water. This condition causes algal bloom and
growth of aquatic plants. When algae dies it will sink at he bottom and decomposition process will
proceeds. The process uses up oxygen and as a result, aquatic animals die due to lack of oxygen.
Other pollutants in the water are:
- toxic waste
- PCB ( polychlorinated biphenyl)
- heavy metals ( lead, mercury, and cadium)

➢ Air Pollution
Pollutants can enter the air as gases, liquids, or solids.

Figure 7. Air Pollution

Contributors to air pollution are:

⚫ Cars
Cars burn fuels and produce harmful gases- carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxides, and
What makes it harmful or dangerous? Carbon dioxide acts like a blanket over the
Earth, holding in the heat that would otherwise radiate back into space. The trapping of
heat by gases in the Earth’s atmosphere is called greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect
is a natural process, but once carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, greenhouse
effect intensifies and will lead to global warming. Global warming is an increase in the
earth’s temperature from the rapid build up of carbon dioxide. Thus could result to climate

⚫ Factories and power plants

Factories and power plants that burn coal contributes to air pollution. Coal conatins
sulfur. When coal burns, sulfur combines with oxygen in the air to form sulfur dioxide, with
choking odor. Power plants also burn coal to give off particulates into the air. Particulates
are tiny particles of soot, dust, and smoke. These particulates block sunlight and get into
your lungs when you breathe.

➢ Destruction of Coastal Resources

Coral reefs and coastal mangrove forests in the Philippines serve as breeding grounds
and nurseries of marine fishes. But due to man’s activities, coastal areas are getting
destroyed through the years. Some of these activities are the following:

⚫ Deforestation, agricultural activities, and mining activities
⚫ Dynamite fishing
⚫ Coastal areas’ conservation to beach resorts, residential areas
⚫ Overharvesting

➢ Acid Precipitation
Acid precipitation commonly known as acid rain. Rainwater is normally acidic
because of carbon dioxide present. Other pollutants, mostly sulfur and nitrogen oxides,
make rainwater even more acidic, with pH of 5.6 or lower. Emissions from factories and
from exhaust of motor vehicles are some examples of pollutants.
Acid rain causes yellowing of leaves of trees and cause leaves to fall.
Figure 8. Acid precipitation
Human activities and overpopulation have caused most of the environmental
problems. People are beginning to realize that the way they interact with the environment
must change to ensure the survival of all living things. As a challenge to everyone - is to
maintain the resources needed for the survival while ensuring that they will still available in
the future. A practice called sustainable development. This means that the rate at which
society uses renewable resources does not exceed the rate at which resources are generated.
( Source: Alvarez, Science Grade 9 Learners Module, 2017, p. 61-68)

What’s More

Instruction: Work on the following problems on population density.
1. If 40 carabaos live in a 1 1/2 sq. Km. Area, what is their population density per sq. km.?

2. Suppose 60 ants live in a 4 square meter plot of grass. What would be the population density
of ants? What would the population density be if 100 ants live in an 8 sq.m. plot grass?


Using a 1/2 piece of cartolina make a slogan that depicts preservation or conservation of
biological diversity.

What I have Learned

Key Concepts:
1. Population is a group of organisms of the same species living in a certain place.
 Biodiversity refers to the variety of life in an area.

 Communities with many different species (a high index of diversity) will be able to withstand
environmental changes better than communities with only a few species (a low index of diversity).
4. Population sizes vary among organisms. They change with the number of births and when they
move into an ecosystem. They also change when members die or move out of an ecosystem.
5. Limiting factors are environmental conditions that keep a population from increasing in size and
help balance ecosystems.
6. The carrying capacity is affected by changes in the environment.
 Extinction occurs when the last member of a species dies.
 When the population of a species begins declining rapidly, the species is said to be a threatened
 A species is in endangered when its population is so low that it is nearly extinct.
 Human actions have resulted in habitat loss and degradation that has accelerated the rate of
11. The principal causes of deforestation are illegal logging, kaingin farming, forest fires, and
conversion of agricultural lands to housing projects, and typhoon.
 The effects of deforestation include soil erosion, floods, and depletion of wildlife resources.
13. The major cause of wildlife depletion is the loss of habitat.

 Coral reef destruction is caused by dynamite fishing and muro-ami, while mangrove destruction
is caused by overharvesting and conversion of the area into other uses.
 In eutrophication, nutrients are washed away from the land to enrich bodies of water. It causes
excessive growth of aquatic plants and algae and results in algal bloom, which eventually die and
decompose. The process depletes the oxygen dissolved in water, causing fish and other aquatic
organisms to die.
16. Acid rain is a result of air pollution mostly from factories and motor vehicles.
 Sustainable development means that a society should live under the carrying capacity of the

What I Can Do
Performance Task:
Now you have understood the importance of biodiversity, and what are these environmental
changes and acts of humans that threatened our biodiversity specifically the species its now time
for you to make an action.
Each student may develop a multimedia presentation of a timeline of extinction of
representative microorganisms, plants and animals in order to give an idea or inform your
community or those who could watch your presentation that those species are extinct or
endangered or threatened to be extinct.
Your teacher will give you detailed instructions on this task. Use the rubric as your guide
in planning, doing, and completing the task. See rubrics below.
Rubric for Multimedia Presentation.

Let’s check what you have learned from this module.

Multiple Choice. Read and understand each question carefully and choose the best answer.

1. All of the following are effects of deforestation, which one is not?

A. Depletion of wildlife C. Kaingin
B. Floods D. Soil erosion

2. Which of the following refers to the variety of life in the area?

A. Biodiversity C. Limiting factors
B. Carrying capacity D. Population

3. When a species’ population becomes so low that only few remain, then the species is considered
A. Diverse C. Extinct
B. Endangered D. Threatened

4.What causes the destruction of coastal resources?

A. Agricultural activities C. Mining
B. Overharvesting D. All of the above

5. All of the following are components of biodiversity except one:

A. Economic diversity C. Ecosystem diversity
B. Ecological diversity D. Species diversity

6. This is the result when the earth’s temperature increases due to rapid build up of carbon dioxide
and other gases.
A. Biological magnification C. Global warming
B. Eutrophication D. Greenhouse effect

7. Which of the following statement is NOT an importance of biological diversity?

A. It is essential to maintain balance in the ecosystem.
B. It is a source of diseases and economic instability.
C. It is a source of income for many people.
D. It is the main source of food.

8. Which of the following refers to the maximum population size an environment can support?
A. Biodiversity C. Limiting factors
B. Carrying capacity D. Population
9. Which is NOT an ecological value of biodiversity?
A. Air purification through oxygen production by trees
B. Believe that all forms of life deserve equal treatment
C. Flood mitigation through wetlands
D. Pollution breakdown by microorganisms
10. Which level of biodiversity involves habitats and communities?
A. Ecosystem diversity C. Population diversity
B. Genetic diversity D. Species diversity

1. C
2. A
3. B
5. A A. Solve It
6. C 1. 27 per sq.m.
7. B 2. 15; 12.5
8. B B.
9. B Answer may vary
10. C
Activity 1
Answers may vary
1. Hunting and trapping
Activity 2
2. Taking animals for profit
Answer may vary
3. Destruction of habitat
4. Pollution
5. Overharvesting
Activity 1 1. A
Table: 2. B
Answers may vary 3. A
Guide Questions: 4. B
Answers may vary 5. B
Answer Key
Pavico, Josefina F., et. al., Exploring Life Through Science Series. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing
House, Inc., 2018
Capco, Carmelita. Biology: You and the Natural World Science and Technology Series.
Second Edition. Quezon City: Phoenix Press Inc., 1990.
Rabago, Lilia M., Crescencia C. Joaquin, and Catherine B. Lagunzad. Science and
Technology: Biology Textbook for Second Year. Metro Manila: SD Publications, Inc., 1997.

DepEd Materials:
Science 9 Learner’s Module. Unit 1 Module: Biodiversity and Evolution

Internet Sources:
The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, s.v. “Stomate.” Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, inc.,
2020. (accessed July 19, 2020).
Home Science Tools. “Test for Plant Starch” 20-17-2020 Home Science Tools. https://learning- (accessed July 19, 2020).
activities/ - Population_growth_rate - History - Growth_comparison_between_Africa_and_Europe

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Lapu-Lapu City

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