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1. All activities and materials will be uploaded in the google classroom. Kindly check it as often
as possible for you not to miss out the activities that you are supposed to accomplish.
2. Quizzes and Exams are scheduled. Refer to the course guide for the schedule.
3. Chapter activities will be posted weekly to give you time to access and study the materials
given. Refer to the course guide for the schedule.
4. All assessments are open notes but you are to complete each assessment alone. If cheating
occurs and is proven to be true, corresponding points will be deducted to the person/s
caught cheating. If it happens twice, corresponding points will be deducted to the whole
class. If cheating will happen thrice and is proven true, a failing grade will be given to the
whole class.
5. Only solutions compiled in a single pdf file will be accepted. I highly suggest that you install
scanning applications in your mobile phone to make images clearer and to compile them in
pdf format. Also, follow the prescribed file name for a certain activity/exam/quiz.
6. As much as possible communicate with me through my email address indicated at the
course guide, not through Facebook messenger.
7. If you have problems with your connectivity, do not hesitate to email me.

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