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Advances in Civil Engineering

Volume 2021, Article ID 8894042, 12 pages

Research Article
Compaction Quality Inspection Method of Soil-Rock Filled
Embankment Based on Continuous Compaction
Control Technology

Zhuoling He and Junyun Zhang

School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Junyun Zhang;

Received 30 May 2020; Revised 14 December 2020; Accepted 22 December 2020; Published 9 January 2021

Academic Editor: Paolo Castaldo

Copyright © 2021 Zhuoling He and Junyun Zhang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Affected by the site construction conditions, the measurement passes of the Taihang Expressway K8 + 105 ∼ K8 + 341 (K8
worksite) in the Taihang Expressway did not meet the requirements of data analysis, and the quantity of the control points was
insufficient so that the linear correlation between the dynamic deformation modulus () and the vibratory compaction value (VCV)
was not strong. Therefore, the target value of VCV cannot be used to diagnose the Evd compaction quality of soil-rock filler. This
paper analyzes the roller measurement VCV value and in situ measurements Evd value separately. Results reveal the difference
between the VCV mean measured in the last two passes and the standard deviation of the measured VCV mean in the last pass are
used as the main basis for the actual compaction quality. In addition, the Evd mean in the last rolling can be used as an auxiliary
judgment basis for the quality control of the compaction.

1. Introduction but also in identifying and rectifying quality issues [10].

Following several years of use of intelligent compaction (IC)
Compaction quality is vital in water conservancy and hy- technology in Europe [11, 12], the United States started
droelectric power engineering and highway engineering. using it in highway engineering. White et al. [13] credited the
Whether it reaches the index is a vital factor to ensure TH-64 construction project in Minnesota as the first
compaction quality control. Based on the relationship be- earthwork project to require IC technology. More states in
tween wave propagation and electrical resistivity charac- the US have been involved in researches exploring IC for
teristics of filler and compaction status, such as dry density, compaction quality control [14–18]. Through the research of
the water content, and electrical resistivity, the compaction the relationship between sedimentation quantity and
quality can be analyzed by a wave seismic refraction survey compaction quality, Mei et al. [19] settled the problems of
[1, 2]. But these methods are not able to use for controlling construction technology and quality control of embank-
the compaction quality quantitatively. ment. But the sedimentation difference method also has a
Many highway pavements deploy field inspectors to shortage, and it does not directly demonstrate the technique
conduct in situ measurements of embankment properties, index such as density and water content, only indirectly
such as portable falling weight deflectometer (PFWD) and indicates the compaction quality of the compaction layer. In
light weight deflectometer (LWD) [3–9]. The traditional recent years, continuous compaction control technology has
quality inspection method relies primarily on testing ran- appeared in the compaction quality inspection of highway
domly sampled spots in site, which may cause unreliable and railway subgrades in China. In well-graded coarse-
representation of the compaction quality of the entire work grained soil or fine-grained soil near the optimal moisture
and lead to delays not only in performing construction work content, there is a good linear correlation between roller
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

measurement values and in situ measurements, and the higher efficiency, less operators, nondestructive, and longer
compaction quality can be detected and controlled by target service life as well as the FWD, and it also has the advantages
values, such as compaction meter value, compaction control as follows: lightweight, objective tested data, high precision,
value, machine drive power, acceleration amplitude, sound easy operation, and less costing [28].
compaction value, and compaction value [20–26]. Therefore, The loading equipment used a vibratory roller with a
IC can quickly monitor the compaction quality based on the dead weight of not less than 16 t, and the fluctuation range of
measurements of the roller vibration in contact with the the vibration frequency did not exceed ±0.5 Hz of the
ground. specified value. Detection equipment was composed of vi-
However, in fillers with large differences in the filler bration sensor, signal conditioning (amplification and fil-
particle size, it is difficult to establish the linear corre- tering), data acquisition and analysis processing, data
lation between roller measurement values and in situ recording, display device, and system control software. The
measurements due to the large discreteness [27]. It is not vibration sensor adopted an acceleration sensor, the sensi-
convenient to diagnose the compaction quality by the tivity was not less than 10 mV/(m s−2), and the range was not
target value. Based on the field compaction test at the less than 10 g, and it was installed vertically, as shown in
Taihang K8 + 105 to K8 + 341 (K8 work point), an in site Figure 2.
inspection evaluation method and evaluation standard
for the compaction quality of soil-rock filled embank- 3. Results and Discussion
ment are proposed based on continuous compaction
control technology. 3.1. Data Processing. From the 16 sets of field test data, 8
comparatively complete and representative working con-
2. Materials and Methods ditions (WCs) were selected for analysis, as shown in Table 2.
The quantity of the test passes for each group of the selected
The source of the Taihang Expressway K8 + 105 to K8 + 341 WCs was more than 3, and the number of points controlled
(K8 work point) site filled material is the excavated soil-rock by Evd was more than 10. The selected data are shown in
excavation of adjacent roads. There are mainly two types of Figures 3 and 4.
fillers with different weathering degrees, the strongly
weathered to fully weathered granite gneiss soil-rock mixed
filler, type A filler, and the medium-weathered to strongly 3.2. Correlations between Roller Measurement Values and
weathered granite gneiss soil-rock mixed filler, type B filler Point Measurements. According to the in site test, the linear
(Figure 1). correlation analysis is performed on the data obtained in
each working condition, and the linear correlation coeffi-
2.1. Test Bed Construction and Testing. The Liugong CLG6126 cient and regression equation corresponding to the VCV
vibratory roller was used in the field test. The specific model and the Ev d in each working condition are calculated. In this
data are shown in Table 1. To guarantee the compaction quality, paper, when the linear correlation coefficient R > 0.7, it is
each test strip was checked by the settlement difference considered that there is a strong linear correlation between
method. Before the vibration rolling, the test strip was pre- the two indicators [10], and a linear regression equation is
compacted to obtain a flat surface. The length of the wheel track given. Otherwise, the linear correlation between the two
selected at the site was basically 20 m, and then, the PFWD test indicators is considered weak, and no regression equation is
point was set at a spacing of 2 m or 3 m. The VCV test was given.
carried out with the roller compaction first, and then, the This paper considers the linear correlation between the
PFWD test was carried. Evd and the VCV among all the measurement points, the
different compaction degrees, and their mean.
Figure 5 illustrates the linear correlation coefficient
2.2. In Situ Point Tests. Xu [24] described an index, vibratory between the Evd value and the VCV value in all working
compaction value (VCV), which is based on the embank- conditions. During the rolling process, the change trend of
ment compaction status established by vertical vibration the Evd value and the VCV value is not completely con-
response signal of the vibration wheel in rolling. The VCV sistent, and the Evd value has a large dispersion, and the
can reflect the change of the embankment resistance and the correlation is poor.
compaction status, and there is a good relation between Three compaction conditions, mild, moderate, and se-
embankment resistance and its increment vere, are considered in this paper, and selection of data is
VCV � P sin ωt + Mg − ηMf(u€ , ω), (1) shown in Table 3. Figure 6 shows the linear correlation
results of the Evd value and the VCV value. The correlation
where f(u, € ω) represents function of vibration wheel ac- considering different compaction degrees in the K8 work
celeration, vibratory frequency, and the function needs point is poor, unless the WC 7.
monitoring data to define; η is comprehensive correction Using the Evd mean and the VCV mean for analysis, the
function, and it is a dynamic quantity. relationship between the VCV mean and the Evd mean
Using the PFWD for testing on the subgrade and the measured during a certain rolling can be partly reflected to
ground, the dynamic deformation modulus (Evd ) can be avoid large errors caused by the large dispersion of Evd
acquired. The equipment has several advantages such as values. As shown in Figure 7 and Table 4, the result reveals
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

Figure 1: Type A filler and type B filler. The left is type A filler, and the right is type B filler.

Table 1: Liugong CLG6126 roller parameters.

Parameter Value
Total static mass (kg) 26000
Eccentric force (kN) 300/400
Excitation frequency (Hz) 28/33
Excitation amplitude (mm) 1.95/0.90
Total sizes (length × width × height) (mm) 6640 × 2360 × 3050

Figure 2: Installation of vibration sensor.

Table 2: K8 test condition table.

Working condition Thickness (cm) Machinery (t) Roller strips Wheel track number Measuring points number Filler
1 60 26 4 1 11 A:B�2:5
2 70 26 6 1 10 A:B�2:5
3 70 26 4 1 16 A:B�2:4
4 60 26 5 1 11 A:B�2:4
5 70 26 4 1 11 B
6 60 26 6 1 11 B
7 60 26 6 1 11 A
8 70 26 5 1 11 A
4 Advances in Civil Engineering



Evd (MPa)
Evd (MPa)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Measure point number Measure point number

Strip 1 Strip 4 Strip 1 Strip 4

Strip 2 Strip 5 Strip 2 Strip 5
Strip 3 Strip 6 Strip 3 Strip 6
(a) (b)
Evd (MPa)
Evd (MPa)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Measure point number Measure point number

Strip 1 Strip 4 Strip 1 Strip 4

Strip 2 Strip 5 Strip 2 Strip 5
Strip 3 Strip 6 Strip 3 Strip 6
(c) (d)
30 35

Evd (MPa)

Evd (MPa)

24 25


18 15
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Measure point number Measure point number
Strip 1 Strip 4 Strip 1 Strip 4
Strip 2 Strip 5 Strip 2 Strip 5
Strip 3 Strip 6 Strip 3 Strip 6
(e) (f )
Figure 3: Continued.
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

26 32
22 26
20 24

Evd (MPa)
Evd (MPa)

16 18
14 16
10 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Measure point number Measure point number
Strip 1 Strip 4 Strip 1 Strip 4
Strip 2 Strip 5 Strip 2 Strip 5
Strip 3 Strip 6 Strip 3 Strip 6
(g) (h)

Figure 3: Evd test results. (a) WC 1; (b) WC 2; (c) WC3; (d) WC 4; (e) WC 5; (f ) WC 6; (g) WC 7; (h) WC 8.

VCV (kN/m)
VCV (kN/m)

535 545

530 540

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Measure point number Measure point number

Strip 1 Strip 4 Strip 1 Strip 4

Strip 2 Strip 5 Strip 2 Strip 5
Strip 3 Strip 6 Strip 3 Strip 6
(a) (b)

555 540

VCV (kN/m)

VCV (kN/m)


540 530


525 520
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Measure point number Measure point number
Strip 1 Strip 4 Strip 1 Strip 4
Strip 2 Strip 5 Strip 2 Strip 5
Strip 3 Strip 6 Strip 3 Strip 6
(c) (d)
Figure 4: Continued.
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

550 550

VCV (kN/m)

VCV (kN/m)
535 530

530 525

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Measure point number Measure point number

Strip 1 Strip 4 Strip 1 Strip 4

Strip 2 Strip 5 Strip 2 Strip 5
Strip 3 Strip 6 Strip 3 Strip 6
(e) (f )
560 560
545 550
VCV (kN/m)

VCV (kN/m)

530 540
515 530
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Measure point number Measure point number
Strip 1 Strip 4 Strip 1 Strip 4
Strip 2 Strip 5 Strip 2 Strip 5
Strip 3 Strip 6 Strip 3 Strip 6
(g) (h)

Figure 4: VCV test results. (a) WC 1; (b) WC 2; (c) WC3; (d) WC 4; (e) WC 5; (f ) WC 6; (g)WC 7; (h) WC 8.

that the linear correlation between the Evd mean and the VCV According to the analysis of the continuous compaction
mean is poor, when the lift thickness is 70 cm, but the linear test results of the field compaction test, it is found that,
correlation coefficient between the Evd mean and the VCV overall, the VCV value increases with the increase of the
mean is strong when the lift thickness is 60 cm. vibration time and finally stabilizes. Therefore, this paper
considers the difference between the mean value of VCV
from the last two times of rolling and the standard deviation
3.3. Compaction Quality Inspection Method of Soil-Rock Filled of the VCV value of each measurement point from the last
Embankment. Due to various factors such as filler prop- time of rolling to determine whether the compaction quality
erties, rolling machinery, and technology, the linear cor- of the soil-rock filled embankment meets the requirements.
relation between the VCV and the Evd for soil-rock mixed It is shown in Table 5 that the difference between the
fillers is not generally strong. However, the measured data VCV mean values obtained from the last two roller passes
are insufficient, and its reliability needs further verification. under each working condition does not exceed 5 kN/m; in
Therefore, the method of using the VCV target value has other words, the relative difference between the VCV mean
limitations for the compaction quality detection of the soil- values obtained from the last two roller passes is less than
rock filled embankment. 1%. And the maximum of the VCV standard deviation from
Advances in Civil Engineering 7

550 555
R = 0.157 R = 0.119
545 550
VCV (kN/m)

VCV (kN/m)

520 530

515 525
20 30 40 15 20 25 30
Evd (MPa) Evd (MPa)
(a) (b)
560 R = 0.391 R = 0.323

550 535
VCV (kN/m)

VCV (kN/m)

525 515
15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30
Evd (MPa) Evd (MPa)
(c) (d)
R = 0.665 550 R = 0.461
526 540
VCV (kN/m)

VCV (kN/m)

524 535
522 525

520 520
12 14 16 18 20 20 25 30
Evd (MPa) Evd (MPa)
(e) (f )
R = 0.665 R = 0.256
528 555

VCV (kN/m)
VCV (kN/m)


12 14 16 18 20 10 15 20 25 30
Evd (MPa) Evd (MPa)
(g) (h)

Figure 5: Evd values and their corresponding VCV values all the measurement points. (a) WC 1; (b) WC 2; (c) WC 3; (d) WC 4; (e) WC 5; (f )
WC 6; (g) WC 7; (h) WC 8.
8 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 3: Selection of rolling passes among the different compaction degrees.

Working condition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Selection of passes 1/2/4 1/3/5 1/2/4 1/3/4 1/2/4 1/3/5 1/3/5 1/3/5

550 555
R = 0.191 R = 0.070

VCV (kN/m)
VCV (kN/m)


520 530

20 30 40 16 18 20 22 24 26
Evd (MPa) Evd (MPa)
(a) (b)
560 R = 0.482 R = 0.467

555 540

550 535
VCV (kN/m)

VCV (kN/m)

545 530
530 520

525 515
15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30
Evd (MPa) Evd (MPa)
(c) (d)
R = 0.235 545 R = 0.292
VCV (kN/m)
VCV (kN/m)

530 525

525 520

520 515
20 25 30 20 22 24 26 28
Evd (MPa) Evd (MPa)
(e) (f)
Figure 6: Continued.
Advances in Civil Engineering 9

R = 0.836 R = 0.295
VCV = 2.362Evd + 488.602

VCV (kN/m)
VCV (kN/m)


520 540

10 15 20 25 10 15 20 25 30
Evd (MPa) Evd (MPa)
(g) (h)

Figure 6: Evd values and their corresponding VCV values among different compaction degrees. (a) WC 1; (b) WC 2; (c) WC 3; (d) WC 4; (e)
WC 5; (f ) WC 6; (g) WC 7; (h) WC 8.

R = 0.733
R = 0.320
540 VCV = 5.581Evd + 413.637 550
VCV (kN/m)

VCV (kN/m)

535 545

530 540

525 535
20 21 22 23 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0
Evd (MPa) Evd (MPa)
(a) (b)
R = 0.554 R = 0.816
VCV = 2.151Evd + 478.194
VCV (kN/m)

VCV (kN/m)

545 530

540 528

19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25
Evd (MPa) Evd (MPa)
(c) (d)
Figure 7: Continued.
10 Advances in Civil Engineering

R = 0.478 545
R = 0.968
VCV = 3.064Evd + 458.956
VCV (kN/m) 534

VCV (kN/m)


22 23 24
22 24 26 28
Evd (MPa)
Evd (MPa)
(e) (f )
550 R = 0.816 550
R = 0.203
VCV = 2.378Evd + 489.890
VCV (kN/m)

VCV (kN/m)


520 542
16 18 20 22 24 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0
Evd (MPa) Evd (MPa)
(g) (h)

Figure 7: Evd mean and their corresponding VCV mean. (a) WC 1; (b) WC 2; (c) WC3; (d) WC 4; (e) WC 5; (f ) WC 6; (g) WC 7; (h) WC 8.

Table 4: Linear correlation between the Evd mean and the VCV mean.
Working condition Linear correlation coefficient Linear regression equation
1 0.733 VCV � 5.581 Evd + 413.637
2 0.320 —
3 0.554 —
4 0.816 VCV � 2.151 Evd + 478.194
5 0.478 —
6 0.968 VCV � 3.064 Evd + 458.956
7 0.816 VCV � 2.379 Evd + 489.890
8 0.256 —

the last rolling is 3.59 kN/m, which does not exceed 1% of the quality. The Evd test results of each working condition at
average VCV, indicating that the rolling uniformity is also the K8 station are analyzed. The analysis results are shown
good. Therefore, this method can be used to quickly deter- in Table 6.
mine whether the compaction quality meets the requirements Generally, in the soil-rock mixed filler, when the number
for the soil-rock mixed filler at the K8 working point. of rolling passes is enough, the hard rock block content is
Since the VCV value measured by continuous com- higher, the lift thickness is thinner, and the Evd value is
paction does not correlate with the in situ measurement higher. The maximum standard deviation of the Evd value of
used in the test of the compaction quality of the subgrade, each measurement point after the last rolling is 2.44 MPa,
the above-mentioned determination method merely re- which also indicates that the Evd value is relatively discrete.
flects the compaction degree of the subgrade indirectly. Most Evd are larger than 20 MPa except WC 8, and the range
From the perspective of ensuring that the detection is 20.70 to 27 MPa, which indicates that whether Evd mean of
method is more reliable, the test results of Evd can be the last rolling is more than 20 MPa can be the auxiliary
considered to further judge the embankment compaction evaluation standard.
Advances in Civil Engineering 11

Table 5: Analysis of the results of continuous compaction of VCV values at the K8 station.
N − 1th pass Nth pass
Working condition ΔVCV (kN/m) Remark
VCV mean (kN/m) Standard deviation (kN/m) VCV mean (kN/m) Standard deviation (kN/m)
1 539.4 2.56 539.0 2.22 −0.4 n�4
2 546.9 2.70 546.9 1.92 0 n�6
3 552.0 1.88 552.1 2.07 0.1 n�4
4 529.4 2.33 533.8 2.71 4.4 n�5
5 534.3 1.98 536.3 1.98 2 n�4
6 538.6 6.02 543.0 0.67 4.4 n�6
7 540.5 1.77 545.5 3.59 5 n�6
8 543.3 3.75 545.0 2.36 1.7 n�5

Table 6: Analysis of the results of continuous compaction of PFWD values at the K8 station.
N − 1th pass Nth pass
Working condition Remark
Evd mean (MPa) Standard deviation (MPa) Evd mean >(MPa) Standard deviation (MPa)
1 22.50 2.34 22.60 2.05 n�4
2 19.79 1.46 20.70 2.11 n�6
3 21.64 1.76 22.50 2.03 n�4
4 23.23 1.28 25.01 1.42 n�5
5 23.89 2.61 23.94 2.26 n�4
6 25.62 1.2 27 2.42 n�6
7 22.01 1.14 21.33 1.42 n�6

4. Conclusion Acknowledgments
When it is difficult to establish a linear correlation between This research was supported by the Science and Technology
roller measurement values and in situ measurements due to Department of Sichuan Province (Grant no. 2018JY0076 and
discrete data, roller measurement values, and in situ mea- Grant no. 21ZDYF2108). The work was also carried out
surements can be separately analyzed to detect the com- under the subgrade filled Engineering Research and De-
paction quality of soil-rock filled embankment. Based on the velopment Project of the Chengdu East Road Technology
field compaction test and test of Taihang Expressway K8, this Co., Ltd.
paper proposes a rapid diagnostic method for compaction
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