BAA-323 Ancient Indian Numismatics, 2014-15

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VERS... BT/Sem VI/297 B.A. (Hons.) (Semester VI) Examination, 2014-15 AIHC & Arch Core Course Paper : BAA-323 Ancient Indian Numismatics Time : Three Hours Full Marks : 70 (Write your Roll No. at the top immediately on the receipt of this question paper) Note: (i) Attempt all questions. ait st & ger fer 1 (ti) Questions of Section - A, Band c carry 18, 10 and 1 mark each respectively ars. 8 a 8 ort ar Gate mag: 15, 10 oft 01 8) Printed Pages : 4 Section - A we - Note: Answer in approximately 500 words. STI S00 set A Sere eft BT/Sem VI/297 BT/Sem VI/297 1. “Throw light on the importance of numismatics 4. Give.a brief account of the coinage of the as a source of ancient Indian history Yaudheyas. BF Sela cpapllaled BRS feet a clare Ree mee A aT TTT ony mea _ OR /steat Describe thatbuidhttadlres of ttle indo-Greeke Give a brief account of the coins of Panchal. coins. ere Reet er fener Rea ore esa Freel a fedtversit ax acts str 5. Write a note on the Saka-Kshatrapa_ coins. 2. What do you. know about punch-marked coins ? Sect eed aera (fear Explain, ee Feeedt art A omy a oI #7 are ORs. apr Give a brief account of the Huna coins. OR/ seat : er geet a fre: Peart fr Throw light on the gold coins of Samudragupta. RTT & eae Te seme sth | “Section - ¢ ws - a Section - B wee Note: Answer in briefest possible way. Answer approximately in 250 words. Ls oe were 250 wai! sere ere 6. (i) What is Sataman ? | 3. ‘Throw light on the coins of Kaniska I raat gar B 7 8 afte ner & femme re sear sere | (ii) What is the difference between sun and | OR/sterar sixarmed symbol ? Mention the salient features of Satavahana ei cd weces atte A zr on 8? a (iii) Who issued the coinage bearing Boddo ? RTT Rt Fee anit ar Setter aA | ee expe Reb Reh oro eR 7 2 3 “pro. BT/Sem V1/297 (iv) Who is the author of ‘Tribal coins’? grees rere! & trae sha B Ne {v) Name the Indian deity depicted on Indo- Greek coins. feccaga Pret oe sift recta @ac ar arm ferfer | (vi) Write the name of script used on Gupta coins. ayer feast oe ERT fafa an are fee! (wii)Who wrote the book “The Mint and Minting in ancient India” ? @ fire fatter ga cPamve shear’ Teh farat fret 7 (viiiJName any one Indian deity depicted on the coins of Yadheyas. Aaat & Pers oe ifr Pret ary aa at are faery (ix) Write the name of Gupta ruler, who issued Raja-Rani type of coins? owt ware & Res a PT TS TTT gafeet frat ? {x} Which language is used on Gupta coins ? ges Reet oe Ree soar ot sty rar rar 8? 4 1,000

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