Schwind: Canadian Human Resource Management, A Strategic Approach, 10ce Errata

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Schwind: Canadian Human Resource Management, A Strategic

Approach, 10ce
Chapter 1

Page 47 – Role-Play 1: Importance of HR Management Activites:

The second point under ‘Guidelines for Conducting the Role-Play’ currently reads:

It should read as follows:

Chapter 3

Page 126:

This page currently does not exist. Please add the following ‘Role-Play’ (it should be formatted
like all others in the textbook):

Role-Play 2: Preparing for Job Analysis is missing. Please insert full Role Play, provided below, and
format in the same design as other role plays appearing at the end of each part.

Role Play 2: Preparing for Job Analysis

Time required: 40-50 minutes

Objectives of the role-play:

1. To help the students understand the steps in preparing for job analysis
2. To enhance their skills in negotiating with line managers
3. To help them prepare for the staff role of HR manager and enhance their ability to influence line
managers through persuasion.

Prior Preparation:

1. Study Chapter 3 of the text

2. Read descriptions of Maple Leaf Shoe Company Ltd at the end of Chapter 1.

Guidelines for conducting the role-play:

The role-play enacts an interview between Jane Reynolds and Steve Smith, Supervisor of the
Cutting Division of Juvenile Shoes Division of Maple Leaf Shoe Company Limited. Ms. Reynolds has been
seeking cooperation from Mr. Smith for job analysis of workers in his section. Mr. Smith has been
delaying and ignoring her request citing extreme work pressures. Ms. Reynolds is about to meet with
him to persuade him one last time in her efforts.

1. Two students, one for the role of Jane Reynolds and the other for Steve Smith should be identified.

2. Each student should read their own role description along with the company details given at the end
of Chapter 1. Instructors can find role descriptions posted under Instructor Resources in CONNECT.

3. The instructor should signal the beginning and end of the meeting. The interview will last about 25

4. The remainder of the class time is used for discussion of the behaviours during the role-play and

5. Observers should be asked to make notes against the questions listed below and discuss their findings
at the end of the role-play.
6. Instructor should sum up by highlighting the importance of job analysis and the staff role of human
resource managers..

Instructions For Observers

As you observe the meeting between Jane Reynolds and Steve Smith, make notes against each of the
questions below.

1. How did Jane begin the meeting? Would it have been better to begin it in some other manner?

2. What was Smith’s response? Were his arguments sound?

3. Was there open communication between the two?

4. Did Jane respond to his objections well?

5. Did the two parties come out with a satisfactory solution? Were there other solutions they could have
looked at?

6. What did you learn from this exercise?

Chapter 6

Page 231:

The first blue paragraph on this page currently reads as follows:

This should read “heroin”:

Page 257 – Role-Play 3: Selection Interview:

The second point under ‘Guidelines for Conducting the Role-Play’ currently reads:

This should read:

Chapter 8

Page 327 – Role-Play 4: Providing Performance Feedback:

The second point under ‘Guidelines for Conducting the Role-Play’ currently reads:

It should read:
Chapter 10

Page 387 – Role-Play 5: Flexible Benefits

The second point under ‘Guidelines for Conducting the Role-Play’ currently reads:

It should read:

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