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MBA (FT) – March 2022

MBAFT - 6402 Strategic Management

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70

This is an open book exam. You are free to read materials available online and offline. What
you are not free to do are these: 1. Not consult another person (friends, family, teacher, etc),
2. Copy and paste materials from online/offline sources

Even if you have written ‘the correct’ final answer, you will get a score of zero if 1. you give
an answer without explanation, or 2. your answer does not match your explanation, or 3.
your answers looks exactly like someone else’s answer or materials published offline/online..

To get a non-zero score, solve the paper yourself. Explain using your own words to get full

All questions are compulsory

Section A

Go to the following link (will only work with your id)

and read the article. Answer mostly on the basis on the information given in the article. But,
since this is an open book exam, you can also refer other online and offline materials. Please
use reputable sources. Mention all sources and give a Reference List at the end.

State the assumptions that you are making clearly and back them up (wherever you can)
using real information.

1. Why has Zoom seen such widespread adoption during the Covid-19 crisis relative to
its competitors? Does Zoom enjoys a strong network effect and is it setting standards
for the industry? Explain. Evaluate Zoom’s decision to give away free access to
educational institutes.

(20 marks)
2. What will happen to Zoom’s user base and utilization once the effects of the
pandemic wear off and study/work from home patterns change? How should the
company prepare for such changes? Explain.
(20 marks)

Section B

3. Why do large corporations adopt Global Strategy. What is National Differentiation.

Under what circumstances should such corporations go for National Differentiation.
Critically examine global strategy of Apple Inc .
(15 marks)

4. What gains and benefits companies can expect by Diversification. What are some of
the critical factors essential for success of Diversification Strategy. Critically examine
diversification strategy of Tata Motors in acquisition of Jaguar.
(15 marks)

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