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Topic 1: WORK
1. What job is the most popular in Vietnam?
As I see it, it’s computer programming because this job is in
great need of development. We are in the IT age.

2. What are the offbeat jobs today?

Offbeat jobs em có thể hiểu là những công việc nghe có vẻ kì lạ,
hiếm thấy so với trước đây như youtuber, live streamers,…

3. What do you want to do after you graduate?

After graduating, I plan to rest for a while, then I will apply for
a job at a school near my home. I want to become an English
teacher, and then I will get married.

.4 What qualities should a good teacher have?

Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in
communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy,
and patience. Once upon a time, effective teaching
characteristics included an engaging classroom presence, a
value in real-world learning, the exchange of best practices, and
a lifelong love of learning.

5. Do you do a part-time job? If yes, what do you do?

Yes, I am working as a waitress at a restaurant. It helps me gain
money to use for spending on materials or to use for college. I
learned patience, endurance, and a better appreciation of the
value of money.


1. What's your major?
My major at university is English-language. I chose this major because I
have a passion for English and I want to be an English teacher in the future.
At first, I feel like I can’t keep up with my friends, but I will try to make my
dream come true.
2. Do you like your major?
I really like the major that I chose. To get into this major, I worked really
hard. It will help me easily integrate with international friends, have more
job opportunities and a more stable salary.

3. Why did you choose your major?

Because I love English . It will help me easily integrate with international
friends, have more job opportunities and stable salary.
Personally , I strong believe that the sector of this major will be highly
4. What difficulties do you have at the university?
At first, I found it difficult to keep up with my classmate, because in the
lower grades I did not learn the 4 skills of Listening –Speaking- reading-
Writing as much as my friend in the city. I used to want to drop out of
school , but I have more and more faith in myself and always told myself : I
will do it ‘’’ and gradually I caught up with my friends.
5. How would you do to overcome those challenges?
I was enthusiastically supported by my friends and teachers . At the same
time, I singed up for extra classes , I reminded myself ‘ i don’t grt
discouraged’’ and geadually I caught up with my friends.

Topic 3: MONEY
1. How important is money to you?
I consider money as a tool to achieve goals. Without it , it would be quite
hard to get anything significant in life when it comes to tangible thing that
can be bought.
2. Do you like shopping?
No , i don’t . i am not a hoarder and only prefer to buy high quality things
that I know I definitely need, And this, of course, happenss not that ofter.
3. Are you good at saving money?
Yes , I consider myself very conscious when it comes to my spending habits.
4. Can money buy happiness?
Money is unlikely to buy happiness, but it may help you achive happiness to
an extent. Look for purchases that will help you feel fulfilled. And beyond
that, you can find happiness through other nonfinancial means , like
speandings time with people yu enjoy or thinking about the good things in
your life.
5. What do money in your country save money for?
I suppose it’s for difficult purposes. While the young save money for travelling or
paying tuition fees, the elderly tend to keep money for the health service and
their kids. However, young people have more desire than seniors, so they spend
more than their savings.

Topic 4: Etiquette
1. Do you think people should be polite? And why?
People should always be polite because it shows that they have good
manners and it helps them earn others' respect. Being polite is like having
good social skills; it can help one widen their social network, and this can
positively influence one’s private and professional life.
2. Is it important to be polite in your country?
Politeness and civility are important in every culture, country, and religion
that I have come across. It’s the cornerstone of humanity and times when
we, as humans, I’d like to think, are more naturally inclined to be curious
and friendly rather than the opposite.
3. How do people in your culture show good manners towards

Keep a personal distance and don't touch people when you talk to them.
Ensure proper table manners, never discuss religion or politics, and try to
maintain a level of quiet dignity. Silences during conversations are not
considered uncomfortable, and it's better to be a bit quiet than overly
3. Who taught you to be polite?
This may sound weird, but my friends actually taught me to be polite. I
wasn’t a very nice person when I was a kid, and my parents often scolded
me for being rude to the elderly. One day, I remember watching one of my
friends talking really nicely and politely to a senior. She was praised, and so
I started imitating her. My parents were really surprised when I changed my
attitude, and they gave me some sweets as I was "being a good kid". I have
been showing my politeness to everyone ever since.
5. What are some polite actions ?
Give up your seat for children and the elderly when taking
public transport. Always greet the elderly. Do not interrupt
others when chatting,…

6. What are some rude actions ?

Littering and spitting on the streets, shouting at the elderly,
interupting others while chatting...

Topic 5: FOOD
1. What kind of food do you like?
Well, I would say that I am a picky eater. I do not have a sweet tooth or a salty
food addiction. But, if I have to choose, I will opt for healthy food. I mean, it
doesn’t have so much grease and spice. As I am always concerned about
nourishing food such as vegetables, fruits, nutrition, bars, etc., that helps me lead
a healthy life and, what’s more, be in good shape. That's why, when I devised a
scientific diet for myself, I felt as fresh as a daisy.

2. What the types of food do people eat in your country?

Well, rice and noodles are staple foods in Vietnam. We usually eat noodles,
steamed sticky rice, or "Banh Mi" for morning tea (a kind of Vietnamese style
Rice is frequently combined with different kinds of viands, such as pork, beef, or
chicken, cooked with vegetables, fruits, and other ingredients for main meals.
Since my country is located in the tropics, In addition, junk food is becoming
increasingly widespread in some big cities, such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

3. Can you cook?

A little bit, but not by much. However, much as I adore cooking for myself,
What’s more, I love the sense of satisfaction I get when I enjoy my dishes. I know
how to cook the great delicacies that my mother can cook. I often spend more time
learning than preparing food or thinking about what the meals for the day are. It
includes tons of complicated steps and requires a lot of attention.

4. Did you learn how to cook when you were younger?

To be honest, I didn’t learn how to cook a meal as a little boy. My parents and
siblings always did the cooking when I was young. They pampered me as I was
the youngest child in the family. I can just make simple dishes like boiled eggs,
boiled vegetables or boiled pork as I’m not faced with the issue of adding
seasonings and flavourings.

5. Who does the cooking in your family?

Needless to say, my mother is the one who does most of the cooking in my home.
She is the best cook ever since she knows the taste of each family member and
makes tasty meals.

6. Do you have a healthy diet?

Actually, I don’t, but I try to eat green and clean every day because highly
processed foods or poor quality processed foods are associated with obesity and
an increased risk of heart disease and, in some cases, cancer. So I need to stay
healthy by eating books to not only control my weight but also build a stronger
immune system and boost my energy.
7. What is your biggest meal of the day?
According to this seasoned dirtitian, breakfast is the most important meal of the
day, and it should also be your largest meal. Breakfast is a surprisingly polarising

8. What are some problems caused by unhealthy eating habits?

Malnutrition, poor digestion, inflammation, unwanted weight

gain, and obesity are all symptoms of an unhealthy diet. It can
also make you more susceptible to chronic diseases like
diabetes and heart disease, as well as have a negative impact
on your mental health.

9.What are some unhealthy eating habits ?

Eating too quickly, always emptying your plate, eating when you're not
hungry are all bad eating habits that can lead to weight gain. Eating
while standing up (which can contribute to mindless or hasty eating),
constantly having dessert, and skipping meals (or maybe just breakfast)
are habits that also cause harms to your body.


Topic 6: HEROES
a person who likes helping other people
You should say:
– Who this person is
– What did he do
– Why did he do that
– and explain how do you feel about him or her.
Topic 7: HEALTH
1. Is it important to eat healthy food?
2. Do you do exercise?
3. In what ways do you try to stay healthy?
4. Is it important to have a good health?
5. What could you do to have a healthier lifestyle?
6. If you catch a cold, what do you do to help you feel better?
1. Do you like learning English?
2. How often do you practice English?
3. Do you have any difficulty in learning English?
4. What skill do you find the most difficult? What would you do
to improve it?
5. Why do people learn more than one language?
6. Do you think that all children should learn foreign languages
at school?
7. At what age do you think children should learn a foreign
II. Review useful languages in
Expressing opinion
Expressing interest
Expressing agreement and disagreement
Making and responding to suggestions
Making and responding to requests and invitations
Asking for, giving and responding to advice
Expressing concern

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