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Course Pack for Introduction to Agribusiness Management | Module 2 | 2020 1



The Agribusiness Support Subsystem


• Describe the support subsystem undertakings.

• Present the classifications of actors in support subsystem.
• Explain the different roles of each actors.


We are about to finished the agribusiness commodity system and lesson 5- the
support subsystem is the last subsystem of agribusiness. Appreciating the
participations of these actors in the system will help us understand the entire
agribusiness system. Enjoy learning!


Thought – Bubble

Try to examine your understanding in agribusiness subsystems. Write your

own thoughts in the thought bubble. Then share your thoughts to the class.

1. Do you have the same understanding with your classmate?
Course Pack for Introduction to Agribusiness Management | Module 2 | 2020 2
2. How does your understanding influence perception and appreciation on
agribusiness subsystems?

3. How does each subsystem affect the activities of the other subsystems of

The agribusiness subsystems represent the vertical structure of the agribusiness
chain. It is recognized that the coordination of the whole chain rests primarily on the
nature of the interactions between and across the different participants (from input to
marketing) in the chain. Yet how whole system functions also depends considerably on
the actors who may be directly involved in the movement or processing of goods but
nevertheless play roles that are crucial to the whole system. These actors and the
institutions they represent comprise what we call the support subsystem (Garcia, 2003).

The Agribusiness Support Subsystem

The support subsystem provides the necessary logistics, coordination,
financing, manpower, technology, information, policies and programs, incentives, and
other services to the system. Given the complexity and size of the agribusiness
system, it is difficult to assign the task of keeping the viability of the whole to one
person or one group of people only (Garcia, 2003).

Participants in the Support Subsystem

The participants of support subsystems shall be classify as: government
agencies, private institution/industry associations, financing institutions, and
educational/ research institutions.
Course Pack for Introduction to Agribusiness Management | Module 2 | 2020 3

Figure 1. Actors in Support Subsystems

(Source: Garcia, 2003. The Agribusiness Support Subsystem)


Reflect and write in your journal how a support subsystem facilitates and
coordinates the other subsystems.

Congratulations! You have just finished lesson 5 of module 2. It is

expected that you appreciate the whole agribusiness subsystems and the
presence of support sector. Thank you for learning with us. Now you are
ready to the Module 3 – Planning and Organizing Agribusiness.
Course Pack for Introduction to Agribusiness Management | Module 2 | 2020 4
Agribusiness Management. (2014). 3G Elearning FZ LLC.

Berlin, James G., Scheeberger, Kenneth C., and Osburn, Donald D. (1986).
Principles of Agribusiness Management. Prentice Hall, New Jersey

Briones, R. (2013). “Agriculture, Rural Employment and Inclusive Growth.

Philippine Institute for Development Studies

Downey, W. David and Trocke, John K. (1981). Agribusiness Management.

McGraw Hill Kogakusha, Tokyo

Drillon, J. et al. (2008). “Agribusiness Management Systems Approach”.

SEAMEO SEARCA, College Loz Banos, Laguna

Dy, Rolando t., Garcia, Primo G., Lim, Manuel Q., Manalili, Nerlita M..
(2003). Agribusiness Management: Systems Approach. Los Baños,
Laguna, Philippines: SEAMEO SEARCA

Freddie L. Barnard, J. T. (2016). Agribusiness Management. New York:


Jamandre, W. (2011). “Agribusiness: A perspective. Retrieved from:

Garcia, P. G. (n.d.). Agribusiness Concepts, Dimensions, and Dynamics.

Ricketts, Cliff and Ricketts, Kristina (2013). Agribusiness Fundamentals and

Applications. 2 Edition. Philippine Reprint: CENGAGE Learning.
Course Pack for Introduction to Agribusiness Management | Module 2 | 2020 5

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