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"Future Ready"
February 24th, 2022 (Thursday)

11:00 – 13:00 Hrs Inauguration of the 19th BioAsia Convention

13:00 – 16:00 Hrs Break

16:00 – 16:55 Hrs Panel Discussion: Two years into the pandemic
Challenges, successes and what next?

The COVID-19 pandemic brought to fore the urgency to strengthen the healthcare delivery system globally. It further highlighted
how equitable access to care is critical for economic growth and security of any nation. The last two years saw several new
experiments globally across the entire value chain of managing healthcare delivery – some of these were successful, while others
failed. But all these experiments have given us immense learning. This session is to discuss:
• Our successes (what we did well) and challenges (what we could have done better), and how we can benefit from the
learnings to shape the future of healthcare
• Future healthcare challenges, and how can we prepare for it today

17:00 - 17:55 Hrs Panel Discussion: Pharma and Tech Collaboration: A recipe for success?
How traditional Life Sciences companies are leveraging Technology vs. how Technology companies are approaching Healthcare

18:00 – 18:55 Hrs Panel Discussion: Sustainable practices in pharma

Role of Life Sciences and healthcare companies for a healthier and cleaner future

Sustainability has emerged as a critical focus area for all industries globally. Climate change, air pollution and other environmental
challenges have a demonstrable impact on public health. The relationship of Life Sciences and Healthcare industry with
environmental sustainability is multifaceted - both in terms of its impact on the climate, and the impact of pollution on health. Life
sciences and healthcare companies can play a very important role in driving the sustainability agenda with:
• Continuous focus on inventing life-saving products and improving human health
• Pollution v/s progress: Specific goals to adopt green practices, reduce carbon footprint, and overall environmental
footprint (packaging waste, inefficiencies in transport and logistics, global supply chain, to pharmaceutical contamination
of water supplies and drug disposal)
• Ensuring equitable access to medicines and participation in clinical trials
• Examples of some initiatives by Global and Indian pharma companies, and exploring linkage between environmental and
financial performance
19:00 - 19:30 Hrs Fireside chat

February 25th, 2022 (Friday)

09:30 – 10:30 Hrs Panel Discussion: Innovations in vaccine technologies (FABA)

10:35 – 11:35 Hrs Drug research and development (R&D): yesterday, today, TOMORROW
Moving from Make in India to Discover in India

India has already established its leadership in the generics market. This session will focus on how India can achieve its ambition of
now moving from ‘volume only’ to ‘value+volume’ leader.
• Learning from R&D best practices for COVID drugs and vaccines (e.g., virtualization of clinical trials, parallel processes,
speedy approvals, collaborations) and recent successes (e.g. Covaxin)
• New R&D draft policy: what will change and what more is needed
• Plan for future innovation (innovating new tech platforms), role of academia and developing the ecosystem
• Funding (public, private, and public-private-partnership models) and infrastructure availability: private equity, where is the
capital flowing (what do the investors value)
• Robust Intellectual Protection and increased collaboration with the global firms (case study)

11:40 – 12:10 Hrs Keynote Address

12:15 – 13:10 Hrs Panel Discussion: Advanced Manufacturing, Quality Focus, and Resilient Supply Chain
Becoming preferred/trusted global drug suppliers

Deliberation on some important elements to achieve global leadership:
• It is first important to strengthen the foundation and then shift to manufacturing novel medicines:
where have we reached in our journey of achieving self-reliance in API manufacturing ?
• how can we build the capabilities (skilled human resource and technological advancement) to manufacture complex novel
drugs at scale (e.g., complex biologics, cell & gene therapies, etc.), and the COVID drugs from the global MNCs
• What have we done to increase focus on drug quality?
• What are the real issues and how can we address those (e.g., infrastructure and people/training/culture investments to
establish right quality frameworks, and establish quality by design?)
• Did India benefit from China de-risking? What did we do well and what we could do better? Can India be considered as a
second threat to countries globally (like China)? How can we de-risk on that aspect?
• What best practices emerged during pandemic (demand planning, nimbleness, technology enhancements, etc.)?
• How can suppliers, customer, vendors, pharma companies share information and collaborate better? What can we learn
from the collaborations during the pandemic?
• A lot is going on in the US market at the moment, e.g., the build back better act. What can be the implications for Indian
generic companies and how do we keep the supply chain alive?

13:15 – 14:10 Hrs Panel Discsussion: Post pandemic regulations

• Are we prepared for the future of virtual audits?
• Adapting to the pandemic: Ensuring safe, effective and high-quality drugs availability to the public, specially during and
post pandemic
• Challenges faced and changes made by regulatory authorities to accommodate for industry disruption and how will it
impact the industry
• Harmonization in the approaches across the world’s regulatory authorities
• Preparedness on the crisis management in future

14:15 – 14:45 Hrs Break

15:00 – 15:55 Hrs Panel Discussion: MedTech and HealthTech: challenges and strategic opportunities
Building on India’s IT strength/leadership

• What has limited the success of the Indian MedTech companies?
• India has been strong in frugal innovation, as also evidenced by some innovative COVID diagnostics: can this be a potential
opportunity for India? What would lead India into an atractive medtech destionation and what would be the challenges?
• When and how will India foray into complex and innovative medical devices? How has the PLI scheme helped? What more
does the industry need to research, develop and manufacture?
• How to reach atmanirbharta in the sector? Challenges in becoming import-independent?
• India has been strong in Information Technology (IT). How can India leverage its IT strength in the MedTech and
HealthTech industry (e.g., clinical decision support tools, virtual monitoring, chronic disease management platforms, etc.)
- What are startups doing in this space? What are future challenges and opportunities?

16:00 - 16:50 Hrs CEO Conclave

Moving up the value chain for the next wave of growth / Leading into a resilient future

16:50 – 17:00 Hrs Closing remarks

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