Chapter 2 - DS

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Microsoft Excel 16.

0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [LPP.xlsx]Sheet1
Report Created: 15-03-2022 18:34:15
Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Engine: Simplex LP
Solution Time: 0.047 Seconds.
Iterations: 2 Subproblems: 0
Solver Options
Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001, Use Automatic Scaling
Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Max)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$B$13 Maximize Profit X 0 1600

Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
$B$10 No. of units produced X 0 25 Contin
$C$10 No. of units produced Y 0 20 Contin

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$B$16 Material 1 (tons) LHS 20 $B$16<=$D$16 Binding 0
$B$17 Material 2 (tons) LHS 4 $B$17<=$D$17 Not Binding 1
$B$18 Material 3 (tons) LHS 21 $B$18<=$D$18 Binding 0
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Sensitivity Report
Worksheet: [LPP.xlsx]Sheet1 Limits for the
Report Created: 15-03-2022 18:34:16 Optimality conditions satisfied

Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable Min
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease Lower Limit
$B$10 No. of units produced X 25 0 40 20 16 24
$C$10 No. of units produced Y 20 0 30 20 10 20

Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable Min
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease Lower Limit
$B$16 Material 1 (tons) LHS 20 33.333333333 20 1.5 6 14
$B$17 Material 2 (tons) LHS 4 0 5 1E+030 1 4
$B$18 Material 3 (tons) LHS 21 44.444444444 21 9 2.25 18.75

Reduced cost for example: There are two products x and y, for example we are not selling x product so actual value is 40
minimum eligible criteria is 50 that is profit 10 so here as the no of units decreases then the reduced costs increases.
Shadow Price: Also called dual price if we look at material 1 then it is 20 if we make one extra product that is 21 so my pr
viceversa if we decrease the ton then it will decrease by 33.33 from overall profit 1600. Because we have a slack in mater
Binding constraints- everything you have is utilized.
One variable is changing at a time and all remain constant so for example if material 1 is changing then material 2 and 3 w
imits for the
Optimality conditions satisfied

Objective Max
Coefficient Upper Limit
40 60
30 50

Constraint Max
R.H. Side Upper Limit
20 21.5
5 1E+030
21 30

x product so actual value is 40

he reduced costs increases.
xtra product that is 21 so my profit will increase by 33.33
cause we have a slack in material 2 then it won't affect shadow price.

hanging then material 2 and 3 won't change

Microsoft Excel 16.0 Limits Report
Worksheet: [LPP.xlsx]Sheet1
Report Created: 15-03-2022 18:34:16

Cell Name Value
$B$13 Maximize Profit X 1600

Variable Lower Objective Upper Objective

Cell Name Value Limit Result Limit Result
$B$10 No. of units produced X 25 0 600 25 1600
$C$10 No. of units produced Y 20 0 1000 20 1600
FA SB Total available
Material 1 (tons) 0.40 0.5 <= 20
Material 2 (tons) 0.2 <= 5
Material 3 (tons) 0.6 0.3 <= 21
Profit($) 40 30

Decision variables X Y
No. of units produced 25 20
Total Profit = 40X + 30Y
Objective function
Maximize Profit 1600 1 unit of FA = 40
Xunits of FA = 40X
Constraints LHS RHS
Material 1 (tons) 20 <= 20 1 unit of FA = 0.4 tons 1 unit of SB = 0.5 tons
Material 2 (tons) 4 <= 5 Xunits = 0.4X Y units = 0.5Y
Material 3 (tons) 21 <= 21

X, Y >= 0
1 unit of SB = 30
Y units of SB = 30Y
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [Book1]Sheet1
Report Created: 16-03-2022 23:52:13
Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Engine: Simplex LP
Solution Time: 0.016 Seconds.
Iterations: 0 Subproblems: 0
Solver Options
Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001, Use Automatic Scaling
Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Min)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$C$26 Minimize cost LHS 0 0

Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
$C$15 No. of trannings X1 0 0 Contin
$D$15 No. of trannings X2 0 0 Contin

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$C$19 consultant LHS 0 $C$19<=$E$19 Not Binding 84
$C$20 Manager 1 LHS 0 $C$20<=$E$20 Not Binding 8
$C$21 Manager 2 LHS 0 $C$21<=$E$21 Not Binding 10
$C$22 senior level LHS 0 $C$22<=$E$22 Not Binding 25
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Sensitivity Report
Worksheet: [Book1]Sheet1
Report Created: 16-03-2022 23:52:13

Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$C$15 No. of trannings X1 0 10000 10000 1E+030 10000
$D$15 No. of trannings X2 0 8000 8000 1E+030 8000

Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$C$19 consultant LHS 0 0 84 1E+030 84
$C$20 Manager 1 LHS 0 0 8 1E+030 8
$C$21 Manager 2 LHS 0 0 10 1E+030 10
$C$22 senior level LHS 0 0 25 1E+030 25
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Limits Report
Worksheet: [Book1]Sheet1
Report Created: 16-03-2022 23:52:13

Cell Name Value
$C$26 Minimize cost LHS 0

Variable Lower Objective Upper Objective

Cell Name Value Limit Result Limit Result
$C$15 No. of trannings X1 0 0 0 8 80000
$D$15 No. of trannings X2 0 0 0 10 80000
Objective function: Minimise cost

Number of training programs being offered

Teaming (x1) Problem Solving (x2)
Consultant 3 2 84 days
Manager 1 1 8
Manager 2 1 10
Senior-Level 1 1 25
Cost per program 10000 8000

X1 X2
No. of trannings 8 17

consultant 58 <= 84
Manager 1 8 >= 8
Manager 2 17 >= 10
senior level 25 >= 25

Objective function
Minimize cost 216000
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [Book2]Sheet1
Report Created: 22-03-2022 12:16:41
Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Engine: Simplex LP
Solution Time: 0.016 Seconds.
Iterations: 3 Subproblems: 0
Solver Options
Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001, Use Automatic Scaling
Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Min)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$B$14 Minimize cost AM 0 2170

Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
$B$11 No of units produced AM 0 100 Contin
$C$11 No of units produced BM 0 60 Contin
$D$11 No of units produced AP 0 0 Contin
$E$11 No of units produced BP 0 90 Contin

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$B$17 Demand for model A LHS 100 $B$17=$D$17 Binding 0
$B$18 Demand for model B LHS 150 $B$18=$D$18 Binding 0
$B$19 Injection-molding time LHS 580 $B$19<=$D$19 Not Binding 20
$B$20 Assembly time LHS 1080 $B$20<=$D$20 Binding 0
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Sensitivity Report
Worksheet: [Book2]Sheet1
Report Created: 22-03-2022 12:16:41

Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$B$11 No of units produced AM 100 0 10 1.75 1E+030
$C$11 No of units produced BM 60 0 6 3 2.3333333333
$D$11 No of units produced AP 0 1.75 14 1E+030 1.75
$E$11 No of units produced BP 90 0 9 2.3333333333 3

Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$B$17 Demand for model A LHS 100 12.25 100 11.428571429 100
$B$18 Demand for model B LHS 150 9 150 1E+030 90
$B$19 Injection-molding time LHS 580 0 600 1E+030 20
$B$20 Assembly time LHS 1080 -0.375 1080 53.333333333 480
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Limits Report
Worksheet: [Book2]Sheet1
Report Created: 22-03-2022 12:16:41

Cell Name Value
$B$14 Minimize cost AM 2170

Variable Lower Objective Upper Objective

Cell Name Value Limit Result Limit Result
$B$11 No of units produced AM 100 100 2170 100 2170
$C$11 No of units produced BM 60 60 2170 60 2170
$D$11 No of units produced AP 0 0 2170 0 2170
$E$11 No of units produced BP 90 90 2170 90 2170
Model A Model B Total Available
Units (next week) units 100 150
Injection-molding time (mins) 4 3 <= 600
Assembly time (mins) 6 8 <= 1080
Manufacturing cost ($/case) 10 6
Purchase cost ($/each model) 14 9

Decision Variables AM BM AP BP
No of units produced 100 60 0 90

Objective function
Minimize cost 2170

Constaints LHS RHS

Demand for model A 100 = 100
Demand for model B 150 = 150
Injection-molding time 580 <= 600
Assembly time 1080 <= 1080
Resource constraint
Demand constraint (customer) there will be = sign

AP= no contribution in the profit

there shouldn't be any purchase of model A done

to give optimal solution there will be bare minimum

to meet eligibility criteria which is 12.25 (14-1.75)
this wil be the value which will be the contribution if AP want to
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [TOD511 LP chptr 2.xlsx]22nd march
Report Created: 24-03-2022 18:24:24
Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Engine: Simplex LP
Solution Time: 0.031 Seconds.
Iterations: 7 Subproblems: 0
Solver Options
Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001, Use Automatic Scaling
Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Min)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$B$21 min L 0 3300

Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
$B$18 L 0 3 Contin
$C$18 N 0 7 Contin
$D$18 S 0 5 Contin
$E$18 W 0 5 Contin

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$B$24 local LHS 3 $B$24>=$D$24 Binding 0
$B$25 Local+national LHS 10 $B$25>=$D$25 Binding 0
$B$26 c3 LHS 0 $B$26<=$D$26 Binding 0
$B$27 weather LHS 5 $B$27>=$D$27 Not Binding 1
$B$28 SPORTS LHS -5 $B$28<=$D$28 Not Binding 5
$B$29 LHS 20 $B$29=$D$29 Binding 0
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Sensitivity Report
Worksheet: [TOD511 LP chptr 2.xlsx]22nd march
Report Created: 24-03-2022 18:24:25

Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$B$18 L 3 0 300 1E+030 100
$C$18 N 7 0 200 100 100
$D$18 S 5 0 100 200 0
$E$18 W 5 0 100 0 1E+030

Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$B$24 local LHS 3 100 3 7 3
$B$25 Local+national LHS 10 100 10 2 3.3333333333
$B$26 c3 LHS 0 0 0 10 2
$B$27 weather LHS 5 0 4 1 1E+030
$B$28 SPORTS LHS -5 0 0 1E+030 5
$B$29 LHS 20 100 20 10 2
resource constraint has <= sign
demand constraint (customers) there will be = sign

cptr 3
sum 30

total 30 mins

advertising 10
local news at least 15%
local+national atleast 50% of broadcast time
weather less than or equal to sports at least 20%
sports no longer than the time spend for L+N

decision variables L N S W
3 7 5 5

objective function
min 3300

constraints LHS RHS

local 3 >= 3
Local+national 10 >= 10
c3 0 <= 0
weather 5 >= 4
SPORTS -5 <= 0
20 = 20
L+N+S+W= 20
production cost/min $
local 300
national 200
weather 100
sports 100
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [TOD511 LP chptr 2.xlsx]24th march
Report Created: 24-03-2022 18:27:52
Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Engine: Simplex LP
Solution Time: 0.016 Seconds.
Iterations: 7 Subproblems: 0
Solver Options
Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001, Use Automatic Scaling
Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Min)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$B$16 objective function L 0 3300

Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
$B$14 Decision Variables L 0 3 Contin
$C$14 Decision Variables N 0 7 Contin
$D$14 Decision Variables W 0 5 Contin
$E$14 Decision Variables S 0 5 Contin

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$B$21 C1 LHS 3 $B$21>=$D$21 Binding 0
$B$22 C2 LHS 10 $B$22>=$D$22 Binding 0
$B$23 C3 LHS 0 $B$23<=$D$23 Binding 0
$B$24 C4 LHS -5 $B$24<=$D$24 Not Binding 5
$B$25 C5 LHS 5 $B$25>=$D$25 Not Binding 1
$B$26 C6 LHS 20 $B$26=$D$26 Binding 0
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Limits Report
Worksheet: [TOD511 LP chptr 2.xlsx]24th march
Report Created: 24-03-2022 18:27:53

Cell Name Value
$B$16 objective function L 3300

Variable Lower Objective Upper Objective

Cell Name Value Limit Result Limit Result
$B$14 Decision Variables L 3 3 3300 3 3300
$C$14 Decision Variables N 7 7 3300 7 3300
$D$14 Decision Variables W 5 5 3300 5 3300
$E$14 Decision Variables S 5 5 3300 5 3300
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Sensitivity Report
Worksheet: [TOD511 LP chptr 2.xlsx]24th march
Report Created: 24-03-2022 18:27:53

Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$B$14 Decision Variables L 3 0 300 1E+030 100
$C$14 Decision Variables N 7 0 200 100 100
$D$14 Decision Variables W 5 0 100 0 1E+030
$E$14 Decision Variables S 5 0 100 200 0

Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$B$21 C1 LHS 3 100 3 7 3
$B$22 C2 LHS 10 100 10 2 3.3333333333
$B$23 C3 LHS 0 0 0 10 2
$B$24 C4 LHS -5 0 0 1E+030 5
$B$25 C5 LHS 5 0 4 1 1E+030
$B$26 C6 LHS 20 100 20 10 2
L N W S Total
cost 300 200 100 100
C1 1 >= 3
C2 1 1 >= 10
C3 1 -1 <= 0
C4 -1 -1 1 <= 0
C5 1 >= 4
C6 1 1 1 1= 20
Non negative= L,N,W,S>=0

Decision Variables 3 7 5 5

objective function 3300 min cost

Constraints LHS RHS

C1 3 >= 3
C2 10 >= 10
C3 0 <= 0
C4 -5 <= 0
C5 5 >= 4
C6 20 = 20
Microsoft Excel 14.0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [Chapter 2_DS.xlsx]Q1 chapter 6
Report Created: 3/29/2022 6:30:58 PM
Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Engine: Simplex LP
Solution Time: 0.016 Seconds.
Iterations: 8 Subproblems: 0
Solver Options
Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001
Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Min)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$B$12 Minimize Cost Atlanta 24800 24800

Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
$B$16 Philadelphia Atlanta 1400 1400 Contin
$C$16 Philadelphia Dallas 200 200 Contin
$D$16 Philadelphia Columbus 2000 2000 Contin
$E$16 Philadelphia Boston 1400 1400 Contin
$B$17 New Orleans Atlanta 0 0 Contin
$C$17 New Orleans Dallas 3000 3000 Contin
$D$17 New Orleans Columbus 0 0 Contin
$E$17 New Orleans Boston 0 0 Contin

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$B$18 LHS Demand Atlanta 1400 $B$18=$B$20 Binding 0
$C$18 LHS Demand Dallas 3200 $C$18=$C$20 Binding 0
$D$18 LHS Demand Columbus 2000 $D$18=$D$20 Binding 0
$E$18 LHS Demand Boston 1400 $E$18=$E$20 Binding 0
$F$16 Philadelphia LHS Supply 5000 $F$16<=$H$16 Binding 0
$F$17 New Orleans LHS Supply 3000 $F$17<=$H$17 Binding 0
Microsoft Excel 14.0 Sensitivity Report
Worksheet: [Chapter 2_DS.xlsx]Q1 chapter 6
Report Created: 3/29/2022 6:30:58 PM

Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$B$16 Philadelphia Atlanta 1400 0 2 3 1E+030
$C$16 Philadelphia Dallas 200 0 6 1E+030 3
$D$16 Philadelphia Columbus 2000 0 6 3 1E+030
$E$16 Philadelphia Boston 1400 0 2 9 1E+030
$B$17 New Orleans Atlanta 0 3 1 1E+030 3
$C$17 New Orleans Dallas 3000 0 2 3 1E+030
$D$17 New Orleans Columbus 0 3 5 1E+030 3
$E$17 New Orleans Boston 0 9 7 1E+030 9

Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$B$18 LHS Demand Atlanta 1400 2 1400 0 1400
$C$18 LHS Demand Dallas 3200 6 3200 0 200
$D$18 LHS Demand Columbus 2000 6 2000 0 2000
$E$18 LHS Demand Boston 1400 2 1400 0 1400
$F$16 Philadelphia LHS Supply 5000 0 5000 1E+030 0
$F$17 New Orleans LHS Supply 3000 -4 3000 200 0
Microsoft Excel 14.0 Limits Report
Worksheet: [Chapter 2_DS.xlsx]Q1 chapter 6
Report Created: 3/29/2022 6:30:58 PM

Cell Name Value
$B$12 Minimize Cost Atlanta 24800

Variable Lower Objective Upper Objective

Cell Name Value Limit Result Limit Result
$B$16 Philadelphia Atlanta 1400 1400 24800 1400 24800
$C$16 Philadelphia Dallas 200 200 24800 200 24800
$D$16 Philadelphia Columbus 2000 2000 24800 2000 24800
$E$16 Philadelphia Boston 1400 1400 24800 1400 24800
$B$17 New Orleans Atlanta 0 0 24800 0 24800
$C$17 New Orleans Dallas 3000 3000 24800 3000 24800
$D$17 New Orleans Columbus 0 0 24800 0 24800
$E$17 New Orleans Boston 0 0 24800 0 24800
First assumption is that always demand and supply are equal, if not equal then we will equalize it.

XYZ Company

Ports Atlanta Dallas Columbus Boston Supply
Philadelphia 2 6 6 2 5000
New Orleans 1 2 5 7 3000
Demand 1400 3200 2000 1400

Minimize Cost 24800

Ports Atlanta Dallas Columbus Boston LHS Supply Supply
Philadelphia 1400 200 2000 1400 5000 <= 5000
New Orleans 0 3000 0 0 3000 <= 3000
LHS Demand 1400 3200 2000 1400
= = = =
Demand 1400 3200 2000 1400
for transporting 1 unit
from Philadelphia to Atlanta is 2 rupees

1 unit 2
x units 2x
Microsoft Excel 14.0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [Chapter 2_DS.xlsx]Q2 chpt 6
Report Created: 3/29/2022 10:41:38 PM
Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Engine: Simplex LP
Solution Time: 0.015 Seconds.
Iterations: 5 Subproblems: 0
Solver Options
Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001, Use Automatic Scaling
Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Min)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$B$8 Minimize cost Des Moines 0 410

Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
$B$11 Jefferson City Des Moines 0 0 Contin
$C$11 Jefferson City Kansas City 0 10 Contin
$D$11 Jefferson City St. Louis 0 10 Contin
$B$12 Omaha Des Moines 0 25 Contin
$C$12 Omaha Kansas City 0 5 Contin
$D$12 Omaha St. Louis 0 0 Contin

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$B$13 LHS Demand Des Moines 25 $B$13=$B$15 Binding 0
$C$13 LHS Demand Kansas City 15 $C$13=$C$15 Binding 0
$D$13 LHS Demand St. Louis 10 $D$13=$D$15 Binding 0
$E$11 Jefferson City LHS Supply 20 $E$11<=$G$11 Binding 0
$E$12 Omaha LHS Supply 30 $E$12<=$G$12 Binding 0
Microsoft Excel 14.0 Sensitivity Report
Worksheet: [Chapter 2_DS.xlsx]Q2 chpt 6
Report Created: 3/29/2022 10:41:38 PM

Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$B$11 Jefferson City Des Moines 0 7 14 1E+030 7
$C$11 Jefferson City Kansas City 10 0 9 1 7
$D$11 Jefferson City St. Louis 10 0 7 7 1E+030
$B$12 Omaha Des Moines 25 0 8 7 1E+030
$C$12 Omaha Kansas City 5 0 10 7 1
$D$12 Omaha St. Louis 0 7 15 1E+030 7

Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$B$13 LHS Demand Des Moines 25 8 25 0 25
$C$13 LHS Demand Kansas City 15 10 15 0 5
$D$13 LHS Demand St. Louis 10 8 10 0 5
$E$11 Jefferson City LHS Supply 20 -1 20 5 0
$E$12 Omaha LHS Supply 30 0 30 1E+030 0
Microsoft Excel 14.0 Limits Report
Worksheet: [Chapter 2_DS.xlsx]Q2 chpt 6
Report Created: 3/29/2022 10:41:38 PM

Cell Name Value
$B$8 Minimize cost Des Moines 410

Variable Lower Objective Upper Objective

Cell Name Value Limit Result Limit Result
$B$11 Jefferson City Des Moines 0 0 410 0 410
$C$11 Jefferson City Kansas City 10 10 410 10 410
$D$11 Jefferson City St. Louis 10 10 410 10 410
$B$12 Omaha Des Moines 25 25 410 25 410
$C$12 Omaha Kansas City 5 5 410 5 410
$D$12 Omaha St. Louis 0 0 410 0 410
Des Moines Kansas City St. Louis Supply
Jefferson City 14 9 7 20
Omaha 8 10 15 30
Demand 25 15 10

Minimize cost 410

Des Moines Kansas City St. Louis LHS Supply Supply

Jefferson City 0 10 10 20 <= 20
Omaha 25 5 0 30 <= 30
LHS Demand 25 15 10
= = =
Demand 25 15 10
Microsoft Excel 14.0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [Chapter 2_DS.xlsx]Figure 6.7 in TEXTBOOK
Report Created: 3/31/2022 6:45:39 PM
Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Engine: Simplex LP
Solution Time: 0.031 Seconds.
Iterations: 12 Subproblems: 0
Solver Options
Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001, Use Automatic Scaling
Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Min)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$F$18 Minimize cost In 0 5200

Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
$C$6 Denver - Kansas Units shipped 0 550 Contin
$C$7 Denver- Louisville Units shipped 0 50 Contin
$C$8 Atlanta- Kansas Units shipped 0 0 Contin
$C$9 Atlanta- Louisville Units shipped 0 400 Contin
$C$10 Kansas- Detroit Units shipped 0 200 Contin
$C$11 Kansas- Miami Units shipped 0 0 Contin
$C$12 Kansas- Dallas Units shipped 0 350 Contin
$C$13 Kansas- New Orleans Units shipped 0 0 Contin
$C$14 Louisville- Detroit Units shipped 0 0 Contin
$C$15 Louisville- Miami Units shipped 0 150 Contin
$C$16 Louisville- Dallas Units shipped 0 0 Contin
$C$17 Louisville- New Orleans Units shipped 0 300 Contin

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$H$10 Kansas Net shipment 0 $H$10=$J$10 Binding 0
$H$11 Louisville Net shipment 0 $H$11=$J$11 Binding 0
$H$12 Detroit Net shipment -200 $H$12=$J$12 Binding 0
$H$13 Miami Net shipment -150 $H$13=$J$13 Binding 0
$H$14 Dallas Net shipment -350 $H$14=$J$14 Binding 0
$H$15 New Orleans Net shipment -300 $H$15=$J$15 Binding 0
$H$8 Denver Net shipment 600 $H$8<=$J$8 Binding 0
$H$9 Atlanta Net shipment 400 $H$9<=$J$9 Binding 0
Microsoft Excel 14.0 Sensitivity Report
Worksheet: [Chapter 2_DS.xlsx]Figure 6.7 in TEXTBOOK
Report Created: 3/31/2022 6:45:40 PM

Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$C$6 Denver - Kansas Units shipped 550 0 2 3 0
$C$7 Denver- Louisville Units shipped 50 0 3 0 2
$C$8 Atlanta- Kansas Units shipped 0 3 3 1E+030 3
$C$9 Atlanta- Louisville Units shipped 400 0 1 2 1E+030
$C$10 Kansas- Detroit Units shipped 200 0 2 3 1E+030
$C$11 Kansas- Miami Units shipped 0 1 6 1E+030 1
$C$12 Kansas- Dallas Units shipped 350 0 3 4 1E+030
$C$13 Kansas- New Orleans Units shipped 0 0 6 1E+030 0
$C$14 Louisville- Detroit Units shipped 0 3 4 1E+030 3
$C$15 Louisville- Miami Units shipped 150 0 4 1 1E+030
$C$16 Louisville- Dallas Units shipped 0 4 6 1E+030 4
$C$17 Louisville- New Orleans Units shipped 300 0 5 0 1E+030

Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$H$10 Kansas Net shipment 0 -2 0 550 0
$H$11 Louisville Net shipment 0 -3 0 50 0
$H$12 Detroit Net shipment -200 -4 -200 200 0
$H$13 Miami Net shipment -150 -7 -150 50 0
$H$14 Dallas Net shipment -350 -5 -350 350 0
$H$15 New Orleans Net shipment -300 -8 -300 50 0
$H$8 Denver Net shipment 600 0 600 1E+030 0
$H$9 Atlanta Net shipment 400 -2 400 50 0
Microsoft Excel 14.0 Limits Report
Worksheet: [Chapter 2_DS.xlsx]Figure 6.7 in TEXTBOOK
Report Created: 3/31/2022 6:45:40 PM

Cell Name Value
$F$18 Minimize cost In 5200

Variable Lower Objective Upper Objective

Cell Name Value Limit Result Limit Result
$C$6 Denver - Kansas Units shipped 550 550 5200 550 5200
$C$7 Denver- Louisville Units shipped 50 50 5200 50 5200
$C$8 Atlanta- Kansas Units shipped 0 0 5200 0 5200
$C$9 Atlanta- Louisville Units shipped 400 400 5200 400 5200
$C$10 Kansas- Detroit Units shipped 200 200 5200 200 5200
$C$11 Kansas- Miami Units shipped 0 0 5200 0 5200
$C$12 Kansas- Dallas Units shipped 350 350 5200 350 5200
$C$13 Kansas- New Orleans Units shipped 0 0 5200 0 5200
$C$14 Louisville- Detroit Units shipped 0 0 5200 0 5200
$C$15 Louisville- Miami Units shipped 150 150 5200 150 5200
$C$16 Louisville- Dallas Units shipped 0 0 5200 0 5200
$C$17 Louisville- New Orleans Units shipped 300 300 5200 300 5200
Page 242 in textbook
Transshipment Problem

Arcs Cost per unit Units shipped

Denver - Kansas 2 550
Denver- Louisville 3 50 Nodes In Out
Atlanta- Kansas 3 0 Denver 600
Atlanta- Louisville 1 400 Atlanta 400
Kansas- Detroit 2 200 Kansas 550 550
Kansas- Miami 6 0 Louisville 450 450
Kansas- Dallas 3 350 Detroit 200
Kansas- New Orleans 6 0 Miami 150
Louisville- Detroit 4 0 Dallas 350
Louisville- Miami 4 150 New Orleans 300
Louisville- Dallas 6 0
Louisville- New Orleans 5 300
Minimize cost 5200
Net shipment Supply
600 <= 600
400 <= 400
0 = 0
0 = 0
-200 = -200
-150 = -150
-350 = -350
-300 = -300

Whatever is supplying has to be consumed

Negative supply because it stops and consumed already
Has to be less than or equal to 0

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