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Undertaking from the Student and Parent as per the provisions of anti-ragging verdict by the
Hon’ble Supreme Court and rules / orders of the University

I, Mr / Ms. …………………………………………………………………………………….., a student of Ahmedabad

University do hereby undertake on this day………………..month……………. year…………., with respect to
above subject that:

1. I have understood that indulging in any form of ragging is a cognizable offence and the same is
banned by the University and the court of law and it will result in police action and/ or would also
make me liable for any punishment, including, but not limited to, the following :-

a) Cancellation of admission
b) Suspension from attending classes
c) Withholding / Withdrawing Scholarship / Fellowship and / or any other benefits
d) Debarring from appearing for any test / examination and / or other evaluation process
e) Withholding results of any test / examination
f) Debarring from representing the University in any campus interview
g) Debarring from representing the University from attending / participating in any national or
international meet/tournament / youth festival, etc.
h) Suspension / expulsion from the hostel
i) Rustication from the University for such period as may be decided by concerned authorities
j) Expulsion from the University and consequent debarring from admission to any other educational
institution, for such period as may be decided by concerned authorities
k) Imposition of fine upto Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousands)
l) Rigorous imprisonment upto 3 (three) years (by a Court of Law), etc.
2. That, I shall not resort to ragging in any form at any place and shall abide by the rules / laws
prescribed by the courts, Government of India, and the University authorities for the purpose as at
present and as revised from time to time.

Signature of the student



I, Mr. / Mrs............................................................., hereby, fully endorse the Undertaking given by my

child / ward, hereinabove and I, further declare that in case of violation of any of the declaration
made in this undertaking by my child / ward he /she will be liable for such punitive action as may be
prescribed by the concerned authorities, for which we will solely be held responsible.

Signature of Mother / Father/ Guardian


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