Title: Author: Critical Approach

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Title: Big Sister

Author: Consorcio Borje

Critical Approach: Reader Response Criticism

Perceiving through the published date of the story entitled, “Big Sister” by Consorcio Borje
which is in the late 1940s, the story brings nostalgia upon reading for it exhibits the lives of many
Filipinos in the province back in the days. The ideology of growing in an incomplete family but still
manifesting a normal Filipino family life and values were highlighted in the story as well. Considering
that Inciang went to great lengths just to help his brother, Itong, finish his study, depicts a motherly love
she has for him.

Pondering through the story, we’ve found an issue within whereas the moment Itong returned
from Vigan, conveying his excitement to meet his friends more than his family, her sister felt that he
became distant to her over time as if his needs for his sister are already met and that being as warm as
he is before to her will only show irrelevance. This problem is timely relevant as somehow, our
generation forgets to look back to people who worked hard just for us to get to the success that we’ve
always wanted. We grow up and then forget about the efforts they’ve done to show the love and care
they have for us, failing to think that we owe a lot to them.

The morale of the story was explicitly shown through the lines, “she knew despite the ache of
her heart, that she could not keep Itong forever young, forever the boy whom she had brought up.”
Change is indeed inevitable as time passes by that no matter what we do, we can no longer keep a hold
of things we used to have before. Moreover, this story brings overwhelming feelings to the readers and
gives a longing feeling to family members. Concisely, the story revolves around growing up and the
changes within. So, we always have to remember and accept that the character of the people whom we
most love, whether it be our siblings or parents, will alter and the only way for us to cope is to accept it
that it’s all part of growth. Afterall, it’s still us and our family members who can help each other in times
of downfalls.

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