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Age bracket F cf m fm

21-25 4 4 23 92
26-30 3 7 28 84
31-35 6 13 33 198
36-40 5 18 38 190
41-45 10 28 43 430
46-50 8 36 48 384
51-55 5 41 53 265
56-60 6 47 58 348
61-65 2 49 63 126
Sum=49 Sum=2117

Mean = fm/f

= 2117/49

= 43.20

Median = l+(N/2−F/f) × h

where l = lower limit of the median class

f = frequency of the median class

F = cumulative frequency of the class preceding the median class

N = total number of observations

h = width of the median class

Median = 40.5 + (49/2 – 18 / 10) × 5

= 40.5 + 3.25

= 43.25

Mode = L + (fm − fm-1)/(fm − fm-1) + (fm − fm+1) × w


L is the lower-class boundary of the modal group

fm-1 is the frequency of the group before the modal group

fm is the frequency of the modal group

fm+1 is the frequency of the group after the modal group

w is the group width

= 40. 5 + (10 – 5 / (10-5)+(10-8) × 5

= 40.5 + 3.125

= 43.125

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