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“Did Rizal Retract?

An Argumentative Essay

Rizal’s extraction from religious error has been a very controversial claim since it was
first brought up. In it, Rizal disowns all his life’s work. In the supposed retraction document,
he is alleged to have written: “I declare myself a Catholic and in this religion in which I was
born and educated I wish to live and die. I retract with all my heart whatever in my words,
writings, publications and conduct has been contrary to my character as son of the Catholic

This document is critical as Rizal became the inspiration of the Katipunan which
advocated for Philippine Independence. Ironically enough, Rizal was not really pro-

independence himself. He is aware that as of the time he was in, the people are not yet ready

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to launch a fight for independence and any attempt will just result in heavy losses and

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suffering to the people. He was an advocate of better treatment for the people, representation

in the Spanish Cortes, and education for the people - presumably to better prepare the people
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for Independence. When the Katipunan visited him in Dapitan, he himself emphasized it to
Dr. Pio Valenzuela. However, when pressed further, he advised that should a revolution be
unavoidable, to at least have the rich be neutral as they could easily turn the tide on the
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revolutionaries. He even suggested that they contact his friend, Antonio Luna (who is also by
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then still pro reform instead of pro independence). By showing a retraction document, the
Spanish authorities are hoping that Rizal’s death will not become a rallying cry for the
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Filipinos in the quest for independence. They fear it so much that the authorities even broke a
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promise to the Rizal family to release the body to them after the execution and instead
dumped his body on a secret, unmarked grave.
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This document will also serve as a face-saving measure for the friars whom Rizal

made fun of and criticized in his novels. However, there has been no definitive proof whether
this supposed retraction is real or not. While a copy of the original retraction document was
supposedly found in the 1930’s, it could also be a forgery. Two other documents could also
indirectly debunk the retraction:

1. The “Mi Ultimo Adios” - the person who supposedly witnessed the retraction, Fr. Balaguer,
never mentioned Rizal writing the poem during Rizal’s last night

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2. The marriage certificate - it was also claimed that upon retracting, Rizal married his
sweetheart Josephine Bracken. Josephine’ whereabouts during the days of the execution is not
known. If she was at his cell that night, it would have been noted by the guards and other
people in the area. When Josephine was trying to claim Rizal’s library from his friend Jose
Basa, she was asked to produce their marriage certificate as proof. She stopped the claim
then, the assumption of which is that she cannot produce any as there really was no marriage
which puts into question the accounts made by Fr. Balaguer Other than the two documents
being mentioned, this points also add why Jose Rizal would never retract his point of view.

1. His criticism against the Catholic Church is one of the factors why he was sentenced to
death. Rizal is not a fool to backdown his strong words against the church. Also, why would
he even backdown when he is already sentenced to be executed?

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2. Father Sanchez, Jose Rizal’s favourite teacher was sent to Dapitan by his Jesuit superiors

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during Jose Rizal’s exile in Dapitan to convince Rizal to stop his criticism against the Church.

If Rizal really wanted to retract his views, this event would be a strong reason for his
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retraction. Rizal was offered professorship, a hundred thousand pesos and an estate if he
wanted to retract his criticism but Rizal never bit the offer for his retraction.

3. At age 35, Jose Rizal is matured enough to know the consequences of his actions.
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4. Jose Rizal was a die-hard Filipino. He would rather die than to retract his words. He
coveted death. His character speaks so loud that even Jose Rizal’s friend does not believe that
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he will retract his works. He died because of his work; he was recognized and adored by the
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Filipino today because of how fearless he was. If the allegation about retraction is true then
Jose Rizal would become a laughing stock to Filipinos just like how the Filipinos viewed
Emilio Aguinaldo today. So no, Jose Rizal’s retraction is a blatant lie being perpetuated by
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the Catholic Church in order for them to earn the trust and indulgences of the rebellious

masses once again.

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