Case Study On Joyce Travelbee

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School of Nursing

NCM 1130: Theoretical Foundation of Nursing

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Submitted to:

rs e Mr. Delihmar L. Tanueco, RN
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Submitted by:
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Serquiña, Janyn Claire M.

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July 16, 2020

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Case Study on Joyce Travelbee’s Theory


Introduction: Discovering significance in enduring could be perhaps the best mission. It is a

universal question, yet we all attribute its meaning personally. One of the nurse theorists,

Joyce Travelbee, set about to provide the basis for such discovery. The Human-to-Human

Relationship Model of Nursing focuses on the interpersonal aspect, such as mental health,

which helped fulfill the purpose of being a nurse.

Aim: The paper aims to discuss and elaborate on the concepts on how to provide health

care assistance accurately and how an individual human connects to another.

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Methodology: This document illustrates a case study incorporating Joyce Travelbee’s

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Human-to-Human Relationship Model of Nursing and the nursing theory process.
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Conclusion: This paper is an example of a theory that conceptualizes human-to-human

relationships that emphasize helping the patient see the bright side of life and find meaning
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in every experience. Patients are given care through five stages: observation, interpretation,
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decision making, action, and evaluation. This theory has dramatically influenced hospice

nursing, wherein nurses fascinate more on the relationship with their patients to serve the
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best quality of service.

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A woman named Susan, a 52-year-old, visited the office of nurse practitioner Lily for

a check-up. She could not have a check-up for a long time due to lack of money, support,

and does not have insurance at all. She was worried because she experienced pain in her

breast and noticed some redness and swelling that could be in a severe state. Nurse Lily

explained about doing Susan’s examination and any other concerns the patient wants to

address. The patient was feeling strange and acting uncomfortably, and Lily immediately

asked the patient if there is something wrong. The patient could not look her straight and

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went silent. Unable to wait for Lily to complete the history, Susan showed the nurse her

erythematous, swollen breasts located in the upper left quadrant. Nurse Lily looks closer at

the swelling, redness skin of Susan. The patient asked what it means with the following

question about her having cancer. When nurse Lily confirmed Susan’s case, tears began to

fall from the patient’s eyes. At that moment, Lily offered the patient a hug and comfort and

told her everything would be fine. Looking at the situation of Susan, she does not have any

health insurance or financial assistance. Meanwhile, nurse Lily suggests that she can ask

help from a foundation program.

Lily finished performing her physical examination, taking a record of the document

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about the extent of her swelling, the size, shape, and smoothness during the clinical breast

examination. Lily handed the referral form, prescription, and the contact information of the

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foundation representative. The patient was shredded with tears knowing that she had not
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shared her situation with anyone. Lily was touched, and tears began to fall while she hugs

the patient, as she knew she was powerless to help her that the only thing she could do is

refer her to the health department that would help provide the care she needed. After she
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was treated, the patient returned to the clinic and expressed her gratitude for their help.

Nursing Theory Process

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Joyce Travelbee’s theory incorporated scientific knowledge and clinical competence

into the concept of the therapeutic use of self to impact change in patient-centered care.
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They have supported it with a claim that patients are unique and should apply the five stages

of nursing care through observation, interpretation, decision making, action, and evaluation.

Nursing Assessment

A nurse applies a systematic way to gather and analyze data about a particular

patient. Travelbee’s concepts are evident in the patient’s situation. It comes with observation,

where the nurse collected the patient’s history and the findings of the examination. Through

the patient’s body language and nonspoken cues, nurse Lily interprets the possible results of

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the patient. She immediately evaluated the patient’s symptoms and concluded she has

breast cancer. The concept of decision making was utilized by identifying barriers to care

and existing sources of support for the patient and put it in action where she developed a

care plan that involved a referral from a health foundation program to the health department

for financial assistance regarding the patient’s treatment.


The nurse and patient established a rapport in the final stage. The phase of

sympathy and phase of rapport was established when Susan and Lily shared experiences,

thoughts, and feelings with each other. This phase demonstrates emotional involvement,

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where both Lily and Susan undergo and able to perceive and share experiences. The patient

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went into emotional breakdowns, and the nurse responded accordingly and translated

sympathy into helpful actions like offering a hug and a shoulder to cry on. It is perceived that
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this model is useful for the patient, and it will only be possible to succeed if there is a

commitment from both nurses and the patient and maintaining interactions.
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Nursing Diagnosis
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Based on Susan’s assessment findings, nursing diagnoses were developed. The

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human-to-human relationship Model of Nursing emphasized the Concept of Hope and the
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Concept of The Nurse’s Role. The task of the nurse to assist the ill person in maintaining and

regaining hope, which is experiencing despair. One of the important tasks, a professional
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practitioner should have first is the availability and willingness to listen to the ill person’s

problems and fears.


The intended outcome for the patient helped apply a short plan of care. The primary

care was successfully provided, and emotional needs were supported. Through the

interpersonal process, the purpose of nursing was fulfilled. The nurse as a changing agent,

influencing the recipient and, in turn, being influenced by the recipient. Susan’s caring goals

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were set, which helped her recover with her cancer and meet the physical, emotional, and

financial needs. It is revealed that this moment occurred in the data collection phase of the

Nursing process, present in this case study, where nurse Lily seeks to identify and

understand more about the patient’s situation.


The patient Susan was provided care through observations, by the concept of action.

Observations lead her to gather information about her illness and complications. This is a

necessary step to develop a human-to-human relationship and to collect data and validate

its meaning.

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The patient’s needs were successfully achieved. As a result, patient Susan was
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being treated supported by some of the organizations suggested by Lily. She verbalized her

concerns with the nurse and the symptoms she was experiencing. She confidently opened

up her status (emotionally and financially) and her feelings leading her to obtain emotional
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support. The patient was able to express her gratitude for all the things they have done.

Theory concept and relationship

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Joyce Travelbee used the concepts of the human-to-human relationship Model of

Nursing, in which nursing's purpose is being achieved. The concepts were focused on
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identifying the needs of the patient and making sure they are being provided. These needs

must first be identified by applying observation and communication. Moreover, these needs

are met if a nurse possesses and uses a disciplined intellectual approach to problems paired

with the therapeutic use of self. Her theory assumptions were based on the concepts of

existentialism and logotherapy, where humans naturally face troubles that depend on the

choices they make, and satisfaction in life is the greatest cure against emotional steadiness.


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The case scenario presented best describes the practice of utilizing the human-to-

human relationship by Joyce Travelbee. The theory is a vital aspect of a clinical setting and

can help recognize caring needs. Also, the concepts significantly contribute when dealing

with patients like Susan, who are not good at voicing concerns. Applying Nursing theories

and disseminating knowledge produced by this science, enhance the best quality of nursing

care, and help establish a good relationship with the patients. In our setting, many people

are facing mental health issues that lead to depression and death; that is why the human-to-

human relationship should be put into practice and acknowledged as the best caring


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Quiambao-Udan, J. (2020). Theoretical Foundation in Nursing. Manila: APD Educational Publishing


Shelton, G. (2016). Appraising Travelbee’s Human-to-Human Relationship Model. Journal of The

advanced practitioner in Oncology, 651-661. Retrieved from

Travelbee, J. (1964). What's wrong with sympathy? American Journal of Nursing, 64(1), 68-71

Travelbee, J. (1963). What do we mean by rapport? American Journal of Nursing, 63(2), 70-72.

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