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Question Bank

Unit 5

1. What training objectives can be used while pre-training word

embeddings? (1 point)
2. Name deep learning techniques that can be used for sentence
classification? (1 point)
3. What is the common intuition behind using convolutional networks for
sentence classification? (1 point)
4. Describe Gated Recurrent Unit. What are the main advantages while
compared to vanilla recurrent units? (2 points)
5. Imagine you were asked to implement a spellchecker component that
would check the capitalization in English sentences. How would you
solve it using deep learning — what data would you use, how would
you process them, what model would you use? (2 points)
6. How text is sent as input to a neural network?
7. “Unrolling the network in time” unfold the statement.
8. While discussing RNNs as Language Models, we at one point of time
talked about Matrix E and Matrix V to be similar. Figure that out how
two matrices are similar?
9. “Shahjahan built the Tajmahal” suggest a neural POS Tagger to
provide POS tags to the above sentence.
10.Can we use BERT Model for Question Answering System? Whether Yes
or No, justify your answer.
11.Differentiate between Retrieval and Generator Models in Seq2seq
12. Implement a Recurrent Neural Network for POS tagging.
13. Study and point out the differences in various variants of BERT.
14. Find at least 3 research papers using BERT for different NLP tasks.
15. Is CNN better than RNN for POS tagging? Explain through an example.

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