Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9: A. Preparatory Activities 1. Daily Routine A. Prayer Let Us Pray and Feel The

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Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and

Penaranda – Off Campus
Penaranda, Nueva Ecija

 determine key ideas in a material viewed;
 judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the material
viewed; and
 evaluate the truthfulness of assertions in a text


TOPIC: Determine the Relevance and the Truthfulness of
Ideas Presented in the material viewed
REFERRENCE: MELC English 9 Quarter 3 Module 2 Lesson 1
MATERIALS: Powerpoint, Cellphone, and Laptop
1. Daily Routine
a. Prayer
Let us pray and feel the
presence of our Lord. Will you
please lead the prayer?
b. Greetings
Good afternoon, class!
How are you today?
Alright! I am glad that
you are all doing good today.
I am Ms. Vanessa
Martin, your English teacher in this
Welcome to our
online class Grade 9 students.
c. Classroom
d. Checking of
2. Review
Class, what was our previous
lesson all about?
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
before we proceed to our new
lesson, do you want to play a game
with me?
I have prepared a game called “4
pics, 1 word.”
Are you ready to play? Yes, Ma’am
Please read the instruction, _____?
For example: Instruction: Look at the
In these four pictures, what do you pictures and try to guess
see? Does anyone who has an the word that the pictures
idea in mind? Yes, ______? is trying to convey. Clues
will be given below the
All right! picture.
According to the clues given, what
do you think is he other word for
------- that fits the letters given
below? Yes, ______.
That is right! The answer is
Very good!
Now, are you ready to play?
All right, I will give you 20 seconds 1. audience
to answer each question. Please
type the “raise hand” emoji in the
chat box if you want to answer.
(the game starts now)

2. medium
3. message
2. Presentation of the
In the discussion to follow, we will
use Fig. 1 to describe the elements
that make up the following viewing
materials: 1) TV show, 2) film, 3)
music video, and 4) commercial.
3. Discussion of the

Elements of Communication
Let’s enumerate them one by one.
The first element is communicator.
Class what is communicator? This is also known as the
author, creator, or
producer of a message.
The communicator can be
a person, a group, or an

We proceed now in the second

element and that is what we called
What is message? The message refers to the
idea expressing layers of
meanings from the
communicator. It can be
real or imaginary.

And what is our third element? The audience, like the

communicator, refers to a
person, group, or
organization to whom the
message is either
addressed (specific
audience) or invoked
(general audience) and
from whom feedback is
It can be grouped
according to age, gender,
education, socioeconomic
status, among other

And our fourth element is context.

Who would like to define the
context? Context refers to the time
and place of
communication, together
with the conditions from
the physical environment.

The fifth element is purpose.

Class, what is purpose? . Video production and
showing are done with
overlapping reasons.
Nevertheless, for every
medium, there would
always be a dominant
purpose among these
four: to explain, to
describe, to entertain,
and to persuade.
Similarly, viewers spend
time watching videos to
achieve personal and
social goals.

To stay informed about current events
and to relieve stress and anxiety are
some examples of which. Caution
should be made, however, because
there are videos created to harm others
and encourage viewers to accept
falsehoods and lies as truth. On this
note, paying more attention to the
relevance and truthfulness of the
messages communicated via traditional
and new media is important to avoid
ending up in a communication situation
characterized by disinformation and
The sixth element is modality.
Who would like to define modality? Modality refers to the
senses involved in
decoding messages.
A text message is known
to be in verbal modality.
A song is auditory, while a
drawing is visual.
A pat on the shoulder is a
haptic kind of modality.
In the case of multimedia materials like
music video, they can be aptly
described as multimodal in that they
contain two or more modalities of
language use.

Let us proceed to the seventh element

known as medium.
What is medium? Medium is the technical
means by which
messages are
communicated (e.g.
commercial, song, news).
It can also mean the
devices used in
communication (e.g. TV,
cell phones, tablets,
laptops, desktops,
And our eight element is exigency.
Anyone from the class?
What is exigency?
Exigency refers to needs
and situations that cause
the production of video
materials. For example, the
destruction of the
environment inspired a
group of environmentalists
to launch an advocacy
video about climate
The ninth element is circulation.
Who would like to tell us what is
Circulation refers to the
method of distributing the
message as in print for
newspaper, broadcast for
radio and TV programs,
and digital for movies.
The tenth element is genre
Class, what do you think genre means?
Genre is the other term for
class or category in which
the viewing material
4. Generalization
5. Application

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