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EE 202 Homework 3

Due Date: 01.04.2022 5:00 pm

1. The pnp transistor in the circuit of Fig. Q1 has β=50. Find the value for RC to obtain
VC = +2 V. What happens if the transistor is replaced with another having β=100?
Give the value of VC in the latter case.

Figure Q1 Figure Q2

2. The pnp transistor in the circuit in Fig. Q2 has β=50. Show that the BJT is operating in
the saturation mode and find βforced and VC. To what value should RB be increased in
order for the transistor to operate at the edge of saturation?

3. Consider the operation of the circuit shown in Fig. Q3 for VB at –1 V, 0 V, and +1 V.

Assume that β is very high. What values of VE and VC result? At what value of VB
does the emitter current reduce to one-tenth of its value for VB = 0 V? For what value
of VB is the transistor just at the edge of conduction? (vBE = 0.5 V) What values of VE
and VC correspond? For what value of VB does the transistor reach the edge of
saturation? What values of VC and VE correspond? Find the value of VB for which the
transistor operates in saturation with a forced β of 2.

Figure Q3
4. For the circuits in Fig. Q4, find values for the labelled node voltages and branch
currents. Assume β to be very high.

Figure Q4. a Figure Q4. b Figure Q4.c

5. All the transistors in the circuits of Fig. Q5 are specified to have a minimum β of 50.
Find approximate values for the collector voltages and calculate forced β for each of the
transistors. (Hint: Initially, assume all transistors are operating in saturation, and verify
the assumption.)

6. Design the circuit in Fig. Q7 to obtain IE = 0.2 mA, VE = +2 V, and VC = + 5 V.

Design for IB2 = 0.1 mA. Use standard 5% resistors (refer to Table J.1 in Appendix J in
the textbook). The transistor has VBE = 0.7 V and β=100.

Figure Q7

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