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Cultural Marxism 101

Cultural Marxism, Homosexual agenda, Pink Swastika, AND so much more.

A MUST Read….

Progressivism (A.K.A. Cultural Marxism) is a leftist thought process implemented into society via media,
academia, politics and entertainment. It desires a world with no traditional families, no religion, no pride, and no
identity. It promotes degeneracy, immorality, ugliness, miscegenation, false history and self loathing.
Progressivism is societal rot, it eats away at the foundations of a civilization until it falls in on itself. What
is left is the decayed remnants of a once great civilization, the one time envy of the world and eternal enemy of
the progressives.
Progressivism thrives off certain traits unique to the European that work against the best interests of the
European. Those traits being empathy and altruism. It promotes out group empathy and out group altruism, and
attacks those who practice in group empathy and in group altruism.

An example of this would be the concept that ‘charity begins at home.’ This basically means that you look after
your own first and foremost, but progressivism would call this ‘racist’ and ‘discriminatory.’ They believe that
charity is for all even if it is damaging to the person or nation being charitable. The empathetic and altruistic
nature of the European is manipulated in this scenario, they will part with their money to feed the third world,
and will support the foreign aid budget sent to the third world, but have no idea about their own nations needy.

They will naively support immigration from the third world believing that third world people are merely seeking
a better life, yet they ignore the consequences for themselves and their own people in the long term. They fall
victim to the steering of their emotions by mass media and the progressive agenda. Empathy and Altruism are
emotions based on concern and sympathy for others, that is why the progressive left appeal to emotion and rarely
use logic based in reality.
‘Progress’ basically means moving forward, advancing, onward. In relation to society, ‘progress’ supposedly
means moving society forward, advancing society, or moving society onward. The question has to be therefore,
progress to what exactly?

The answer to this question is all around you, the ‘progress’ they seek is not to advance society or Western
civilization as a whole, it is to deconstruct it. To the progressives, Western civilization is the enemy, they
don’t want to advance us they want to destroy us. Can anybody who is not a brainwashed drone say hand on
heart that society is better today?

Progressivism is a false term when applied to what progressives say advances society, this is intentional.
For them to deconstruct and destroy Western Civilization they needed to give it a positive term, and ‘progress’ is
that term. When somebody thinks of the word progress, they think of a positive rather than a negative and this is
capitalized on by the progressives.
Strip away the layers surrounding ‘progressivism’ and you will find Cultural Marxism, an ideology hell bent
on the collapse of Western Civilization. Progressivism is a lie based on hatred, there is nothing positive about it
and nothing that benefits us as a society, people or culture by falling for the agenda. The hatred of the
progressives is directed at the West and the European people, our culture and traditionalism.

Anybody opposing the anti-Western progressive agenda will be subject to the Alinskyite tactics outlined in
‘Rules for Radicals,’ these are tactics that are used to advance the agenda. It can also be called repressive
tolerance which is the brainchild of Herbert Marcuse. In practice it means the toleration of all ideas and views
that are in line with the anti-Western narrative, and intolerance for all ideas and views that oppose them.

A good explanation of progressivism is the following:

‘Starting in the 1960s, academics took heightened interest in Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci’s cultural
Marxism. Members of the political class glimmered onto the resulting “social justice,” affirmative action,
“diversity,” multiculturalism, political correctness, and other malignancies spawned by cultural Marxism.
Progressive politicians came to view society as a hodge-podge of racial, ethnic, gender-based, and now also
sexual orientation-based groups locked in zero-sum combat with Western whites.

‘Generally speaking, cultural Marxism’s indoctrinees have learned to view morality and knowledge as
“constructs” and social and economic power as commodities to be transferred from “oppressor” to “oppressed.”
Progressives routinely label minorities as oppressed and anything that benefits minorities as moral.’ – Chuck

Some examples of the Cultural Marxist Progressivism agenda.


This is one tenet of progressivism. They say that having a multiracial society is ‘progress’ and that ‘diversity is
our strength.’ Progressives want a ‘post-racial’ society devoid of racial identity. They promote and support
mass immigration and miscegenation and desire the day when white Europeans are a minority in once White
European homelands. Can anybody who is not an anti-white see how this can possibly be called progress?
When you are able to think freely and evaluate the facts, you will see that progressivism is an anti white
European agenda. It isn’t about progressing the white European people, it is about destroying them.
Proof of this is seen in the demographic predictions by expert demographers that European nations including
Britain, France, Sweden, the Netherlands and others, will be minority European this century. We are anti-
European Union and anti-EU migration, we fully recognize the problems it brings, however the main issue is
the tens upon tens of millions of non-Europeans who have been brought to Europe. This is the primary reason
European nations will soon become minority European.


So called modern art and architecture is the result of the hatred of classical Western art and architecture.
The progressives produce and promote ugliness in every way possible, it is all about removing the individual
away from his cultural heritage. By producing modernist art and architecture they replace the historical
Western character of our culture, with so called ‘modern’ and ‘progressive’ monstrosities. The
progressives want to move past the historical character of our culture because they hate it, not because they want
to advance it. They do this not only by attacking the culture in academia, but also by replacing the cultural
expression of the West which was once a prominent feature of our culture.
Sexual Liberation

This tenet of progressivism has resulted in a culture of degeneracy promoted by the entertainment industry,
porn industry and media. The sexualization of our culture has led to a decline in family values and has
stigmatized the pursuit of creating a traditional family environment which includes man woman and child.
Cultural Marxists thought that if you could free people from what they called ‘sexual oppression’ then you
could start the process of deconstructing the West.

The process was started by the pseudo-scientist Sigmund Freud who tried to suggest that sexual oppression
was the cause of unhappiness. The sexual revolution, a term coined by Wilhelm Reich, became the
manifestation of what Freud had created. The progressives say that ‘sexual liberation’ is freedom from
Western morality and religious indoctrination.
Eros and civilization, written by Herbert Marcuse created an environment in the 60s of ‘free love’ among
the baby boomers or counterculture movement. The book is about how the oppression of human sexual
instinct is geared towards social control. In a nutshell it suggests that the freedom of sexual desire and the
pleasure principle is a means of human liberation from civilization, ie Western Civilization which they see a
being the capitalist West. The progressives see the family as being part of the capitalist conspiracy to
control people and therefore it must be deconstructed.


Homosexuality is part of the ‘sexual liberation’ agenda, however it is also a different kind of strategy. The goal
behind the normalizing and promotion of homosexuality is to corrupt and distort the natural realities behind the
reasons for sex. Sex is primarily about reproduction, the continuation of the species. Without heterosexuality
then the species would die out within a generation. Homosexuality and the homosexual agenda is one of
the main progressive agendas. They deny at every turn the real reasons behind it and its ultimate goals, and use
that term ‘progress’ to brainwash people into believing that support for, and promotion of ‘gay rights’ is good
for society.
They say that homosexuality is normal and that it is nobody’s business what two adults get up to. They say ‘love
is love’ and that we should all tolerate it. Anybody who doesn’t, and who doesn’t conform to the agenda is an
‘Intolerant homophobic bigot.’ They want children forced into same-sex households to be raised by
homosexuals and believe that children should be indoctrinated from the earliest age possible to support the gay
agenda. Children are the primary target of the homosexual agenda, as the new generation they are viewed
as pivotal in the ‘normalization’ process.

Another main strategy of the homosexual agenda is to legalize ‘same-sex marriage.’ This is an assault on
Western Culture which was once largely based on Christian teachings and values which does not allow same-sex
marriage or accept homosexuality as a normal or acceptable practice in the eyes of God. It is not about ‘equality
in marriage’ it is about targeting one of the foundations of the West in order to destroy it. In order for the
homosexual agenda to ‘progress’ therefore, means a concerted attack upon the religious opposition to it.

Another reason for the promotion of the homosexual agenda, is because the progressives believe that there is
no absolute truth or moral standard, no moral absolutism. Anything goes as far as the progressive is
concerned, anything that advances the ongoing assault on the West. They will say that nothing is absolute, and
therefore we ‘shouldn’t judge.’ Yes the people who scream ‘who are you to judge’ are the most judgmental
people you could ever have the misfortune to meet.

An example of moral relativism would be any practice that we in the West consider barbaric such as
Female Genital Mutilation, the moral relativist would say that the practice is a moral practice within a certain
culture, and therefore we shouldn’t judge.

The educational institutions push moral relativism onto the young and impressionable, telling them that all
beliefs and lifestyles are moral and therefore valid, except beliefs that run counter to the narrative of the agenda
however. This means that parents are losing the fight to be the moral educators of their children. The
progressives believe that in order to create a ‘truly egalitarian and equal society,’ that education should teach
(indoctrinate) children with homosexual propaganda.

Homosexuality is also opposed on the basis of the natural requirement and natural intention for man and
woman to procreate. The progressive will say that ‘homosexuality can be found in nature,’ but that wouldn’t
make it normal or natural. In nature, things have a design and purpose, and the design and purpose of the male
and female is to procreate. Attraction and sexual chemistry between male and female therefore is the normal and
natural requirement for procreation. Anything else is abnormal and unnatural. Any examples of so called
‘homosexuality in nature’ are merely an act of dominance and not a normal natural sexual act.

Progressives believe that an extreme minority in society who engage in this type of behavior, should be
empowered to dictate to the overwhelming heterosexual majority, who they consider to be a ‘bigoted majority.’

The term ‘homophobia’ was created by George Weinberg, it has become one the main Cultural Marxist
buzzwords and along with ‘racist’ has caused untold damage. ‘Homophobia’ suggests a fear of homosexuals and
what they say is an illogical heterosexual reaction to them. I would call ‘homophobia’ a natural feeling of utter
revulsion for an unnatural behavior.

Eradication of the Nuclear Family

Progressives see the family as an oppressive unit that pushes racism, sexism, homophobia and fascism onto
children. They say that the family is patriarchal, authoritative and hierarchical. They believe that after the
eradication of the family, they can fill children with the ideas of ‘equality’ and ‘egalitarianism.’ The methods in
which they set out to destroy the family are to promote homosexuality, feminism, sexual liberation and a reliance
on the state. The role of the father has also been under attack, cut the father out of the family unit and the job is
already half done. The family is labeled as a ‘generational chain of oppression.’

No Borders

Progressives believe that there should be no national borders anywhere, they believe in the full and absolute
freedom of movement for all people of the world. This in reality means no borders in nations that are majority
white European. The desire of the non-European people to come to Europe is vastly greater than the reverse. This
belief in no borders is in line with the Communist ‘world without borders’ mantra.

Progressiveness (A.K.A. Cultural Marxism) is a leftist thought process implemented into society via media,
academia, politics and entertainment. It desires a world with no traditional families, no religion, no pride, and no
identity. It promotes degeneracy, immorality, ugliness, miscegenation, false history and self loathing.
Progressivism is societal rot, it eats away at the foundations of a civilization until it falls in on itself. What is
left is the decayed remnants of a once great civilization, the one time envy of the world and eternal enemy of the

America is breaking their conditioning. We in Canaduh have only just begun.

Source: T.C.M.

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