Asycnchronous LP Raising Questions Aquino - Ballesteros

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A Detailed Lesson Plan for Asynchronous Classes on English 7

Prepared by: Mary Grace G. Aquino and Maricris A. Ballesteros

Program Standard The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/

her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
Grade Level The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/
Standard her understanding of Philippine Literature and other texts types for a
deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture.
Course Description This subject focuses on Philippine Literature in English (DepEd Order
No. 21, s. 2019).
Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature
during the Period of Apprenticeship as a means of examining
various purposeful listening and viewing strategies; difference
between literal and figurative language; ways to extract and
information based on library sources; verbal and non-verbal cues in
oral communication; and types of phrases, clauses, and sentences.
Performance The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts presented in
Standard literary selections; using tools and mechanisms in locating library
resources; extracting information and noting details from texts to
write a précis, summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing between and
literal and figurative language and verbal and non-verbal cues; use
phrases, clauses, and sentences meaningfully and appropriately.

Quarter (Number)/ Week (Number)/ Day (Number)

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should have achieved the following competencies:
a. thoroughly understood the importance of raising questions by watching video lessons and
other online resources; and
b. politely asked questions about the material viewed through constructing/writing three

II. Learning Content

A. Subject Matter  Raising Questions about a Material Viewed
B. Curriculum Guide Code/s  EN7VC-II-h-12: EN7VC-II-h-12
C. Instructional Materials  Video lesson from YouTube
D. Concepts  Raising/ Asking Questions
E. Skills  Viewing Comprehension; Writing; Speaking; and

Communication Skills;
F. Values  “Asking questions is one of the best ways to
grow as a human being.” –Michael Hyatt

III. Learning Procedures

Teacher’s Activities
I. Introduction
 Good morning, grade 7! I hope you are healthy and feeling happy not only today but
every day! I also hope that you enjoyed our recent topics and get excited about our
upcoming ones!
 Before we start with our lessons, let me remind you with our learning objectives. At
the end of the lesson, you should have achieved the following competencies:
a. thoroughly understood the importance of raising questions by watching video
lessons and other online resources; and
b. politely asked questions about the material viewed through constructing/writing
three questions.
II. Interaction
 We ask questions in order to learn more information about something, and we
answer questions to provide more information. Asking and answering questions is not
only a part of how we learn, but it is also a part of our social skills; we ask and
answer questions to be polite and build and maintain relationships.  Types of
questions we ask and answer include “who”, “what”, “where”, “when”, and “why”.

However, our topic for today is “Raising Questions about a Material Viewed.”
According to our grade 7 English book, raising questions relevant to a material
viewed is considered an effective viewing strategy as it promotes understanding of
the video as well as its content. Viewers are encouraged to ask questions based on
their interpretations and ideas on what is seen in the visual artwork of what they
are watching. This process is called inquiry-based looking.

Here are some of the skills generated by Walsh on how to ask/raise questions:


1. Ask questions to yourself to a. What seems to be the most
make meaning of the most important idea?
important facts or ideas you read or b. What is confusing me?

2. Ask questions to connect content a. What comes to mind when I hear

to what you already know. (or read) this?
Guide questions: b. What do I already know about
c. Does this contradict something I
think I already know?
d. In what ways does this add to or
extend what I already know?

3. Ask questions to clarify and a. What did the author mean when
better understand the meaning of a she wrote ____?
topic or a text.

a. How is ___ similar to ___? (You

4. Ask questions to understand the can compare movies, news, and
relationship between two different other materials viewed.)
things. b. How is ___ different from ___?

5. Inquire about the importance and a. What contributes to the

value of something. significance of this material

6. Express curiosity. a. I wonder why ____.

b. How might we ____?

 The Importance of Asking Good Questions-

 The Power of Effective Questioning-
III. Integration
“Asking questions is one of the best ways to grow as a human being.” Let me remind
you, class, that asking questions does not mean that you are not smart enough and it
is not wrong to ask, but we ask questions to increase our knowledge.
 What instances in your life did asking questions help you?

V. Assignment/ Agreement
 Ask Me Questions!
Directions: Write 3 questions about the short film in the provided link below. Submit
it in Google Classroom.

Listen (A Short Film)



Arkaina, K. B., Esteban, J. F., Galvez, N. Jr., and Santiago, A. J. V. Jr. (2020).
Language in Literature: Philippine Literature (2nd ed.). Vibal Group, Inc.


Lee, L. (2019, June 15). Teaching Students How to Ask Productive Questions. Retrieved from

Questioning Techniques. (n.d.). Retrieved from Mind Tools:

The Imporatnce of Asking Good Questions. (2015, October 21).

The Power of Effective Questioning. (2014, December 22).

Val, J. a. (2014, August 8). Listen.

Why is Asking and Answering Questions Important? (n.d.). Retrieved from ABC Pediatric
Therapy Network:

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