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1 Codes

At the end of this section, the learners should be able to:

1. Use coding schemes to encode and decode different types of information for identification,
privacy and security purposes and
2. Exemplify honesty and integrity when using codes for security purposes.

“We are all now connected by the Internet, like neurons in a giant brain.” –
Stephen Hawking
Every day of our lives, we use communications
The utility of Mathematics goes beyond mundane. Mathematics enables the development of codes
and ciphers that are useful to individuals and society.

Watch in youtube and invite some member of

your family to participate the game (take a picture for
evidence and attached it when you pass the activity.)

What can you say about the game?

- The game is about giving commands and following the command given by the teacher or
the leader

Now change the name “Simon” to “Coder”.

So, what is a coder?

- The coder is the one who is giving command or instruction to the computer.

The leader of the game is now the Coder and the players are computers who are following
the commands of the coder.
2.1.1 Coding Scheme (Tabut, 2015) is a convention that associates each character with character
set with a unique bit patterns- a binary presentation of the integers from 0. The common coding
scheme are ASC II, EBCDIC and UNICODE.

Three Common Coding Schemes:

1. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
2. EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code)
3. UNICODE (Universal Code)

To know more about these three coding schemes:

● Read this pdf file to know more about

ASCII and how it is used.




● And browse more in the internet for more information.

Answer the ff: s/the-

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