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Tumalog Falls, my solace

Tumalog falls, is one of the most scenic waterfalls near Oslob. You become one with the nature and you
understand why it is a home for so many animals and plants. Reasons to visit Tumalog falls: A 6-minute
breathtaking hike through the top of Tumalog falls, visitors are rewarded with some of the most
spectacular views. Tumalog Falls is easily one of the most impressive waterfalls near Oslob and perhaps
in all of far South of Cebu. Although Tumalog Falls has become quite a popular place to visit, it still
seems a little confusing as to how to get here and what to expect on the hike.

How do you get to Tumalog Falls? If you want to visit, and you came all the way from Cebu City, take a
bus to Bato Santander and tell the driver that you want to get off at Tumalog falls stop. The bus should
cost around 260 pesos (updated fare) and will drop you off at the turning point to the falls from the
main road. And if you’re from Dumaguete City, you can take the bus going to Cebu City and you can tell
the Conductor to make a stop at Tumalog falls. And maybe roughly it will cost you around 90 php. From
there you'll need to take a habal habal up to the car park before making your way down to the falls
which will cost you for 150 pesos per person. That’s already a round trip fare. From the car park, you’ll
have a 15 min trek going to Tumalog falls and once you’re at the entrance, you’ll be paying for an
Environmental Fee which costs around 20 php.

My experience while visiting to this beauty will always have a special place in my heart. I met new
friends while going there and befriending some locals. The locals know everything. Way back when I first
visited Tumalog, I can still remember it was a sunny Sunday afternoon and I have the entire falls all by
myself. The last time I visited Tumalog was way back December 2018 and I can’t wait to meet this
wonderful scenery once again. I’m obviously in awe with the place and as every traveler says; “I left my
heart in Tumalog”. This place will leave you speechless and you’ll always come back.

What makes Tumalog Falls stand-out from other waterfalls in Oslob is its sheer size. It stands at
approximately 80 to 100 meters in height. Due to the current COVID-19 happening now they don’t allow
foods and drinks in the area. Can only stay maximum of 1-2 hours or less to lessen its crowd for the
safety and security. Though you are already in your travel that doesn’t mean you are free. Let’s be
responsible and respect other lives. Continue to be concerned with your fellow travelers and be mindful
in observing the health protocols for the benefit of everybody. This might be more hassle experience for
you but take it from me this too shall pass. Let’s just keep our faith in the ground and continue to hope
that this pandemic will end so soon. Let’s all embrace the new normal.

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