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Vocabulary | learning Choose the correct words in italics. EAB complete the dialogues with si | started playing the trumpet last year, but | haven't made/done/had a lot of progress. I still sounds terrible! {'m making/doing getting a Spanish course at the moment. | made} got|did Law at university. I drank a lot of coffee while | was passing/failing/revising for my exams. When | graduated to/ rom/at university, started looking fora job, | tend to make/do take my research on the Internet | didn't make/got/get good marks in my exams. Did you take/do/go notes during the lecture? ‘A: Ate you coming with us for lunch? B: No. I'm just having/going/doing to my clas. I've got/made/araduated a degree in English Literature from London University My father graduated! passed! revised from the ‘same university as me. Great news! | made/went/passed the exam ~ and | got 99 percent! ble words. inthis job you need to learn things very quickiy. B: Yes, you are __ in atthe deep end, ‘A: 'm not very good at this yet. B: Keep trying. Practice makes __. [A: How are your driving lessons going? B: OK, butil's such a steep _curve. There's ‘so much to learn! : That's a lovely poem! 3: Yes, | learnt it by : How is your German? 3: Not very good. 1_a lot of mistakes, \: How did you learn to use this programme so quickly? B: I took a crash __ init, and after one day! knew enough to use it. when I was at school. Pere How to... | describe a learning experience Complete the text wit the prepositions. for (x2) in(x2) of (2) up When I was seventeen, | took an interest (1) juggling. |was studying (2) _my university entrance exams atthe time, so perhaps it wasn’t the best time to start a new hobby! | needed to revise () ___my school biology exams AND learn the basics (4) ____medicine. l spent hours at my desk, but sometimes it gat so boring! So a friend and | took a crash course (5) __ juggling just for a laugh, and | picked it (6) _quite fast. 'd practise ‘over and over. My mum always told me it was a complete waste (7) __ time, and that | should be studying. But | actually found it realy useful ~ after five minutes juggling, | felt relaxed and ready to get back to work. Grammar | subject/object questions ‘@ Put the words in the correct order to make questions. the/Cup/held/World/ Which/2010?/country/in \Who/American/election/2008?/won/the/in Florence?/the/created/Who/David/in/statue/o! city/What/Pompeli?/of/destroyed/the the/Where/ Partiament?/is/European Which/neariy/islands?/country/180,000/has language/What/do/speak/in/they/Brazil? did/Whenjthe/come/ Berlin/Wall/ down? ‘b Match the questions (1-8) in exercise 4a with the answers (a-h). a In198o, A volcano. In Brussels, Portuguese Barack Obama, South aia. Michelangelo Fintan Correct the mistakes in five of the questions. Who did give Mina my email address? When did you get back from holiday? Who the book belongs to? Who did invented the computer? Who invited Matthew to the party? Which tran did they catch? Where lives Marianna What did happened at the meeting? Reading ‘The sentences (a-d) have been taken out of the article below. Read the article and complete the saps (1-4) with the sentences. They fal to see them as part ofthe learning process. Learn to talk about your mistakes, at work and at home. € Then they restart the computer, and experiment again. 44. People who achieve great success then have ‘more to lose when things go wrong. Learning from TY en eae What do the words in bold in the article refer to? Line 2: it making mistakes 2 Line 8: them _ 2 Line 18 they 3 Line 25: this__ 44 Line 29: this Find words or expressions in the article which mean. 4 make you annoyed __ (line 3) 2 falling onthe ground Cline 4) 3. saying something withthe wrong pronunclation _—_— fline 5) 4 throw and catch three or more balls together line 6) 5 autton on a computer (ine 16) 6 do something in a way that people don't expect ____ (4 words) (line 24) 7. do things that could cause problems (line 28) 8 possibilities for things you can do __{line 30) Have you ever noticed how children are always making mistakes? They do it all the time, and it doesn't seem to bother them. You dontt learn to walk without falling over. You dorit learn to speak without 5 mispronouncing lots of words. You dontt learn to juggle without dropping balls. But if you create an environment where mistakes are not accepted, then people become frightened of them. (1) __. In these kinds of environments people 10 learn to hide their mistakes, and not to celebrate them asa good thing. If you're not making mistakes then you're not learning anything valuable. Its interesting to see what happens when someone uses a computer for the first time. When an older 15 person starts using a computer, they are often worried about pressing the wrong key. Perhaps they are worried about deleting files by mistake. But children aren't like that. They experiment with all the buttons, ust to see what will happen. (2)_. 20 And they are learning from every move they make. ‘The fear of failure seems to develop as we go through school. We learn to become afraid of our mistakes, to be afraid of having the wrong answer, or to draw outside the lines 25 The fear of success comes later, and we can sce this often in successful professionals and leaders. @) So they start to worry, and decide not to take risks, Don't let this happen to you. (4) See what 20 opportunities can arise from the mistakes you make, and soon you'll feel happier about yourself Pronunciation | word stress in word building EBD match the adjectives from the box with the sentences. EBB a Look at the picture. What is the woman trying to do? Read the text to check your ideas. boring encouraging inspiring knowledgeable patient understanding He knows so much about so many things. He's very. knowledgeable, 1 He always tells you that you're doing well, 2 His books are wonderful. They give me lots of ideas. 3 She can always deal with difficult situations without getting angry. _ 4 He talks too slowly, and doesn't say anything interesting. __ 5 You can talk to her about your problems, and she knows how you're feeling. Vocabulary | word building (1) EAB Replace the word in brackets with the correct part of speech (verb, adjective or noun). He's very (imagination) imaginative, and has lots of creative ideas. 1 Lteally hate the feeling of (boring)__. 2 Canyou please (clarity) _one thing: what am | supposed to do? 3, Youneed to be more (tolerate) _ when. people don't agree with you, 4 I don’t know why, but spiders really right) __me. 5 He's very (know) history and customs, 6 Having (patient) about his country’s with children when they are learning new things is very important, | want to encourage my son to think about the job he's going to do when he's older. want him to have an interesting job. But it's frightening to think that, if e makes the wrong decision now, he might spend his life doing a job he hates. He really loves electric things, so maybe he'll be a great scientist. But he's also very artistic, so maybe he'll become a great painter of musician. Still, there's plenty of time for us to decide how we're going to educate him. He hasnt even learned to walk yet! 1b Put the words in bold in exercise 3a in the correct column (A or B) according to their stress. Aces Beer a lencourage © @x Now listen and check. There should be five words in the first column and four in the second. Grammar | used to and would Replace the Past Simple with used to/would in the sentences, where possible. 2 My grandmother cooked delicious meals. 3 She kept chickens, goats and horses, 14 My cousin and I rode the horses every day. 5. My favourite horse was called Racer. 6 Racer was faster than all the other horses. 1 tdidn' understand how dangerous viding could be. 8 One day 1 fll off Racer and broke my arm. 9 My mother didn't let me ride hi again. 10 Aer that, (sat in the house and watched sadly as the horses played in the field. ‘@ Rewrite the sentences using used to. 1 [played volleyball when | was at school. I don’t play now. Sylvie doesn't smoke now. Did she smoke before? When | was younger, I didn’t like mushrooms. I love them now, 4 l enjoyed cooking a lot before. Now I don't have enough time. 5 She drank milk when she was a child but now she isallergic to it, 6 He didn’t play computer games before. Now he is always playing them. 7 Ltead alot of books when | was at university don’t read so many now. 8 You don't study there now, but did you go to the ‘Anglo-American School before? 1 Inwhich sentences could you also use would? Listening GB © = Cover the audioscript. Listen to the description of a young boy called Roger starting school. Then answer the questions. 1 Before Roger started school, how did he feet about going to school? 2 When he started school, what did he think was the most important thing to learn? 3 How do you think Roger felt about Miss Bradshaw and the headteacher? GBB a Read the story again. Mark the sentences true (1) or false (F. 4 Roger thought he would never grow up. Qo 2 His mother never talked to him about school. [] 3. Roger was very happy about his fist day at school. Oo Roger was put in a class with the big children. L] 5. He thought the most important thing to do at school was not to move 6 Roger was punished at school. 7 He thought that ithe moved he would get a reward. 8 Inhis classroom he practised learning numbers and letters. 9 The headteacher asked if Roger was a naughty boy. 20 Miss Bradshaw sald that Roger's behaviour was better. b @>» Listen to check. — AUDIOSCRIPT |Lwas bom on 4 November 1956. think | always thought that | would spend my whole life ust being a child, and living at home with my parents. Sometimes my ‘mother would mention something called ‘schoo’, but she always said that | didn't need to worry. | didn't understand this, as whatever ‘school was, | didn't plan to.go there. Then, one morning, she woke me up early and said, Today you go to school, Roger I was teriffed, and thought to myself, ‘Tis isthe end of my life.” That first day at Elementary School | quickly came to understand the most important thing about education it was all about keeping stil As | entered the hall, large hand took me away from my mother, and put me ina line with some other small children. And then a loud voice commanded ‘KEEP STILL! I stood very, very stl, thinking that if | even moved one small part of my body, ! ‘would get some terrible punishment. | checked my body = feet and legs ~ keeping still, body and arms - keeping still, head and eyes ~ oh no what about my eyes? Were they moving? Sai Inside the classroom, there were the same rules. | was put behind a desk and al | can remember was this tall, thin lady ~ Miss Bradshaw, our teacher - who kept shouting at us to ‘Keep stl” while she was talking. “How can I write and keep stil’ | thought. ‘Can | open ‘my book?" After a month the situation was the same, and instead of concentrating on unimportant things like learning numbers and letters, | spent all my time Practising very hard the art of keeping stil twas rewarded, as one day the headteacher came into the classroom. ‘Stand up for the Headmistress!’ shouted Miss Bradshaw. ‘Who are the naughty children?’ asked the headteacher. What about you, Roger?" I stood very stil and tried to look serious. Miss Bradshaw replied, “No, not any more. Roger is much less trouble than he used to be,’ and I smiled along, warm smile elec Vocabulary | education Pronunciation | connected (Choose the correct words in italics. speech 4 According to a recent survey, Maths is considered the most @ + Listen to the sentences and boring subject/course by American schoolchildren. tick (/) the sentence you hear, a orb. 2 ove the idea of blend/blended learning. 4a Where did you tive? 3 Some universities offer practical courses in things like b Where do you tive? Hairdressing, as well academic formal ones like Economics. 2 a She would let us play outside. ‘4 When | finish school, | want to take/make a degree in Marketing, She wouldn't let us play 5. Myuniversity lecture/course lasts three years. outside. Ifyou live ina remote place, you can take a distance 3. a Youknow you can get through ‘education/learning course. the exam. 7 We have continued/continuous assessment on my course. You know you can’t get through 8 1 go toa seminar/degree every Tuesday morning the exam, 4 @ We can do some research and find out more. Grammar | modals of ability, past and present b We could do some research EAB comptete each sentence using the verbs in brackets and one of and find out more the verbs from the box. Make sure you use the correct tense. How to... it i Fi ann ee low to... | carry out an interview ‘@ Match the question beginnings (4-4) with the question endings (@-d). 4 Would you mind 2 | wonder ifyou could tell 3 Canyou give me an example ‘4 And how did eee eee 4 Pablo Picasso from a very young age. He had his first exhibition in La Coruna, Spain, at the age of thirteen, (could) 2 The world's youngest college ‘graduate, American Michael Kearney, a of adance that was difficult to learn? telling me how much you earn per day? you learn to do that? 4__me why you decided to become a dancer? 1b Match the replies (a-d) with the questions (1-4) from exercise 4a. | wanted to do this even as a young his doctor, ‘Thave an ‘ar infection’ when he ‘was only six months ‘old. (able) chil 3 Mozart was avery young composer. He b_ Wel, just did a crash course, and his first minuet for the piano when he was only five years old think practice makes perfect. (manage) €Itvaries a lot. Quite a tot when I'm 4. William James Sidis, who was perhaps one of the most performing, but on other days i's intelligent people ever, ____Homer, in Greek, nothing. when he was four years ol. (able) 4: It’s. a very steep learning curve for 5 The Swiss psychologist, Jean Piaget, wrote and every dance, but | found the tangr his first scientific paper atthe age of te. really hard (manage) 6 Mynephew the violin so well that he already plays in concerts. And he's only seven! (can) wae Vocabulary | learning: idioms and phrasal verbs Complete the idioms about learning in the sentences. 1 The exam was a piece of __. I've probably got Retirement — surely i's a golden age when you can 100 percent, ‘escape the daiy grind of work and spend your time doing 2 The translation was very dificultso la Gagarin, tang holdaye and chang wh Hes? Not mea hand. for everyone. Some people love their work so much that 3. She asked me or the pice so made a__ they stey onto thot 704; 60s a Oe, sess, 4 Ipicked___a otabout company lw when __Dorohy Backet, 93, has been working cake factory in worked ina la fm, Yorkshire, UK for more than 56 yeas. She weks a 40-hour 5. She always evs him top marks for his work week, puting cakes n boxes, together with peop wo becauseheisthe pet. are 70 years younger than he. n 1945, aged 36, Dorothy 6 Sheisavaysinher study eading books She is _ setup the factory wth her husband, Fed. Now, the areal bushes has a 84m annual tunover. "ve never wanted to 7 lineed to upon my Russian fam going rer’ sho says. "would be the end of to workin Moscow 8 He knew'thebuldnginside__Heevenknew Mr Javer Marco rtd atthe age of 71, he wantod to the numberof sta learn new sk, so he took a computer couse. Tis was 9 regular verbs are difficult, You just have to |when the Internet was new, 80 he leamt how to create ethem by heat abst. And ne was doing ths before most peopl even so Sho passed the exam vith ng few what a webste wes! devi now 91, and has 20 years experience I started as a hobby, butts now a ul ; timo ob. ‘My cents jut went me ratio, says aver, Reading “But that’s OK, because | work flom home, and ve got the GBB Read the article and choose a suitable ite, baal lhe et 4.20r3. 4 Not old enough 2 Can't wait to retire 3 Not the retiring type GD what is the importance of the following numbers from the article? 56 years ‘milion n 70 4o hours 9 Read the article again and answer the questions. 1 What thre things does the article suggest people can do mae of when they stop working? What does Dorothy Beckett's work involve? How ol are some of her collegues? Would Dorothy keto stop work? When dd aver Marco start leaming about computers? Why des ave say he hast retired? Does Javier enoy hs ob? Duy Red ry |Review and consolidation unit _'7_ Subject and object questions Correct the mistakes in six of the questions. Who did go to the meeting? Which room did they go to? What did happen? Where did was Shakespeare born? Who did write The Castle? Which character did you like best? ‘Who did telephone the engineer? What did he say? When did you see her? Who did eat the cake? used to and would/Past Simple EB ek (7) the comect options, a, bor. There may be more than one correct of When I was a boy !___a bicycle. a use to ride used to ride © would rode ‘As a young girl she__. always loving paint always loved painting © would always love painting We ___ ina huge house in the countryside. 2 would live b used to live oo0 ooo oo0 ¢ lived My grandfather __me how to co ‘@ would show b showed use to show | didn’t ___ listening to opera mi a use to enjoy b enjoyed © would enjoy He once___me he would never leave. a used to promise b would promise © promised As children we. b used to being would be Xk. oo00 ooo 000 very naughty. Yesterday, |__ to the cinema, 2 used to g0 b went © would go oo0 oo0O0 Modals of ability, past and present ERB choose the correct words in tas, ° Ivan could/managed/was able to to get us some tickets for the show. We managed not to/couldn't/didn't able see properly because we were in the back row. Were you able/manage/ ould to read my handwriting? | didn't could/manage/able to send him a message in time. Problems meant that they couldn't/dida't ‘manage|weren't able finish the job Did you manage to/able to/could get her autograph? | didn’t manage /couldn’t/ wasn’t able swim until was 22, She couldn’tfwasn’t able to understand my accent. | was able/could/ managed speak three languages before | was six years old. 40 We didn't manage /able/couldo't contact you Immediately. Lifelong learning (using a correction code) Correct the mistakes using the correction code from unit 7. | decided to brush out {WW up] on my German before sy holiday to germany 3 intensive course at my college local 2 |, and enrolled on an Jttwasa pretty steap [3_learning curve, and | was amazed how much forgotten from {4 ___] my at school time [5 _].In those days, 've been [6__]quite good, and | knew the grammar inside out. Atty __lend ofthe corse [8_} there had been [9 Ja test. twas all multiple choice. When I didn't know [10 _J answer, just made a wild guessing [11 ___} Well, must be the world's best guesser, because somehow | passed with fy [12 Jcolours. Wve no idea how I did it? [13 __} Vocabulary Use the clues to complete the crossword. GMB complete the sentences the words and Phrases from the box. brought curve deep fast learner heart practice steep strict perfect picked thrown 4 Hearn things quickly. ma 2. We couldn't mess around in her lessons. She was Across 3. She g last year from university with an Honours degree in Economics, They say that practice makes p__ ‘She's such a b___~ she's always reading! He's the teacher's p__. That’s why he always ‘ets good marks. 40 I'mnot very good yet, but I'm making p. 44. Unfortunately, you f___ the exam. 43 Did you get good m____in your exam? a4 At university, ! was late forall of my L 45 Have you r___ forthe history test? Down 4 Itwas hard work, and | was thrown in at the end, Ihad to learn it all myself 2. Do you have c_ assessment, or ust an exam al the end of the course? 5. mdoing an art __in the evenings. ‘We've been doing some r___ into why people cat fast food, 8 think I've made a terrible m__. 42 His lectures are so memorable you don’t need to oh nana avery __ teacher. 3 Just keep trying and you'll get better. makes 4 have learnt so much in the first week. It's a —_learning__. 5. Ican sing all the Beatles’ songs from memory. learnt them by 6 I didn't have Spanish lessons. just _ it up when | was there on holiday. 7 We didn’t have any training, We were just _ atthe end, 8 When | was a child, my parents respect older people. __me upto GB Feplace the words in brackets with a suitable word to complete the sentences. 1 Myuncle was very k___ (he knew a fot) about the war. 2 Lexplained the problems and he was very u___ (he knew howe | felt). 3 My teacher was very s___ (she told us what to do and what not to do), and | was a bit frightened of het. 4 Agood teacher needs to be very p__ (able to ‘wait without getting angry). 5 Teachers should always c ‘what they mean. 6 Thank you for giving me so much e. which made me feel better) (explain clearly) (help How to... Complete the sentences with the words in the box, interest know sounds surprised though wonder 1 |____ifyou could tell me about your previous job? 2 Itwasa great experience, even __ it was hard work. 3 Iteally didn't__what to expect. 4 That interesting, tell me a bit more .. 5 What____me was... 6 About a year ago, | took an_ in...

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