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Why Is It That Some People Succeed Wildly While Others Fail?

Regardless of the similarities or even

the differences between winners and 2. A declaration or statement
losers in life, there is a distinction, a
characteristic or trait that all 3. About yourself
WINNERS possess and losers lack.
4. In the first person ("I…")
5. In the present tense ("I am…")
Winners are self-motivated and goal
directed. Self-motivation is based on 6. SPECIFIC
attitude formation, it's a habit of
thought and since habits can be 7. About what you want to be, to do,
developed it is possible for you to to to have etc.
become a WINNER.
Emil Coue, at the turn-of-the-century
HOW CAN YOU DEVELOP SELF- is the first person to be known by us
MOTIVATION? to have used the power of affirmation.
He wrote a book called "Self-Mastery
The tool, technique or strategy has through Conscious Autosuggestion."
been around for a long time. All the And he gave us the world-famous
great philosophers throughout history affirmation:
disagreed on many things but on this
one thing they all were in accordance. "Every Day, in Every Way, I Am
Getting Better and Better."
We Become What We Think about!
Many people laughed at Coue, but his
affirmation worked.
#1. Winners use AFFIRMATIONS.
#2. Spaced Repetition: Repeat the
The most effective way to develop Positive, over and over Again
self-motivation is through the proper
use of AFFIRMATIONS. It has been It's the repetition of a positive
called self-talk, incantations, talking to thought, and affirmation, over and
yourself, autosuggestion… Whatever over again, day after day, that affects
name it has been given it is all the subconscious mind. Objectively
AFFIRMATION. using affirmations does not change
anything, but it is on the subjective
The positive statement of a truth that level that things begin to change.
we desire to live by, a truth we desire
to become. Why? Because you tend to live up to
what is expected of you whether good
Affirmations are ESSENTIAL in or bad. But you not only live up to
building attitudes and confidence in what others expect of you, but also
our own capabilities by reminding live up to what you EXPECT of
ourselves of what we can become. YOURSELF.
What is an affirmation:
One of the best ways to picture the
1. Positive effects of affirmations on your attitude
Why Is It That Some People Succeed Wildly While Others Fail?

Is to understand the "Theory of winners use self-motivation to

Displacement." their personal advantage it's time for
you to create your own success
Imagine a bucket filled with cold affirmations.
dirty water. This bucket represents
your past conditioning, negative First, decide exactly what you
thoughts, self-imposed limitations, want to change. What attitudes,
limiting beliefs etc. it's loaded with all habits, and personality traits do you
the negative ideas that you have been want to develop or change?
exposed to since childhood. A great
deal of input into our attitudes has Describe your desire or goal in specific
been negative. For whatever reason, terms. For example: "I want to use
society, family, and acquaintances my time more profitably by
often seem to have a natural negative making 20% more sales
bent about them. presentations each week."

Now imagine, that you have some Second, CREATE THE

smooth warm stones. These stones AFFIRMATIONS YOU NEED. These
represent positive ideas and affirmations will support the changes
affirmations. Each stone that you drop in your personality, attitudes or
into the bucket displaces some of the possessions that you have listed as
negative cold water. Drop in enough desirable.
stones and eventually you will
displace all the negatives. Third, write your affirmations
down on paper. Your affirmations if
When you begin to use positive they are to be effective must be
affirmations repeatedly, you gradually written down, because writing
shift your thinking in a positive crystallizes thought and thought
direction. As you continue dropping in motivates action. When you write
the warm positive stones into the down your affirmations it becomes
bucket of negative thoughts, the easy to visualize them as current
law of displacement reverses this reality. Your affirmations – – in the
imbalance and the negative is present tense – – are the tools that let
displaced by the positive affirmations. you experience how these new
conditions really feel.
When you can mentally see yourself
Self-talk or affirmations that is through using visualization, doing or
controlled and focused gives direction being whatever you have affirmed – –
and impact to your goals for self- you are already on the road to
improvement. It results in a greater success.
utilization of your POTENTIAL for
SUCCESS. Whatever your goals, #4. LAST BUT NOT LEAST:
AFFIRMATIONS will help you to
WIN ! You must repeat your affirmations
over and over and over again.
Now that you understand why Repeating your affirmations again and
affirmations are so powerful and how again – – spaced repetition – –
Why Is It That Some People Succeed Wildly While Others Fail?

helps you to visualize success and

displace whatever negatives you need
to replace with positives.

Start now and begin each day with

your positive affirmations. End each
night by reading your affirmations
again out loud.

Write these affirmations in a small

notebook and keep it by your bedside.
It'll be a visual reminder of your
desire to achieve your goals and
new thought habits.

Keep these two thoughts in mind:

Affirmations are never a substitute for
action and affirmations also require
patience. You got to where you are
today over time. You will become what
you want over time as well.

However, through the POWER OF

AFFIRMATIONS you will be able to
shorten that time because every day
and in every way you are getting
better and better!

"Affirmations Are Essential in

Building Attitudes and Confidence
In Our Own Capabilities by
Reminding Ourselves of What We
Can Become."

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