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Gabriel Nario

Practical research 1

Mind your ethics

Guide questions:

1. Based on the article, how will you define ethics in research?

Based on the article research ethics is moral rules and professional codes of conduct to the collection, analysis,
reporting, and publication of information about research subject in particular active acceptance of subject’s right
to privacy, confidentially, and informed consent.

2. Are the Tuskegee syphilis study diethylstilboestrol study on pregnant women unethical? why?

Tuskegee syphilis and study diethylstilboestrol on the pregnant women were seen as a both unethical as it as
illegal inhuman. The Tuskegee study violated basic bioethical principles of respect for autonomy ( participants
were not fully informed in order to make autonomous decisions), paticipants were harmed because treatment was
withheld after it became the treatment of choice.

3. If you were part of the research teams who conducted the research studies, what will you do correct the
unethical aspect of the experiment?

If I were part of the research teams who conducted the research studies, I will gather evidence , data or some
information to prove my own theory, second, I’ll help my research team to correct their wrong features of the
experiment and lastly, research any topics that is connected to such phenomena and tell it to other researcher and
I told them that they are wrong by giving an example, codes of conduct, plagiarism of words.

Task 3: Correct Me If I’m Wrong

1. Competence

2. Non discrimination

3. Plagiarism

4. Human subject protection

5. Objectivity
Reason for Committing Research Misconduct Ways on How to Prevent It
Using inappropriate research methods Ask proper channels or expert before initiating the research
Experimental, analytical, computational error Systematic error can be located and minimized with careful
analysis and design of the test conditions and procedure by
comparing your results to other results.

Violation of test subject protocols Ensure that a proposed protocols meets the appropriate
ethical guidelines before the test subjects may be enrolled
in the study.
Poor research design Your paper should outline and openly define the problem
and state what you intend to investigate to determine what
research design you will use

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