Cristina Loana - HRM

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[COMPANY NAME]  [Company address]
P1: Explain the purpose and functions of HRM, applicable to workforce planning and resourcing an
M1 Assess how the functions of HRM can provide talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business
P2 Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.....3
M2 evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection..4
P3 Explain the benefits of different HRM practices within an organisation for both the employer
and employee.......................................................................................................................................4
P4 Evaluate the effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms of raising organisational profit
and productivity. M3 Explore the different methods used in HRM practices, providing specific
examples to support evaluation within an organisational context.....................................................5
P5 Analyse the importance of employee relations in respect to influencing HRM decision-making. 6
P6 Identify the key elements of employment legislation and the impact it has upon HRM decision
P7 Illustrate the application of HRM practices in a work-related context, using specific examples.
M5 Provide a rationale for the application of specific HRM practices in a work-related context......7
P1: Explain the purpose and functions of HRM, applicable to
workforce planning and resourcing an organisation
Human resource management is the function of the business that is responsible to choose the
right number of employees with the required skills on the right place at the right time in the
organization. This function is playing the major role to do effective recruitment and selection
process, doing efficient performance management to identify the potential of employees
according to their task. So, they can apply the effective training and development programs to
improve productivity of their employees. Also, this function is working to improve the
welfare program to their employees to make effective progress of the business or
organization (Armstrong and Taylor. 2014)
Human resource management is having the specific purposes that playing in the central part
of the organization. It helps to define exact number of employee need to run the operation.
So, it helps to reduce wattage and also it help to get the required skilled and experienced
employees only to the business progress. Workforce planning is the concept that helps to
match the organization about the demand of the employees with the supply of it. Marks and
Spencer is one of the leading retail business in UK. They are having large number of
operational and need a huge number of employees to run the operation. This business needs
different skilled workers to lead their operations. So, they are using the workforce planning
concept to make efficient engagement of their employees with the business operations.
M&S is having their workforce planning that helps them to get the right number of
employees with right skills in the right place at the right time. That helps them to produce the
proper delivery of skills and efficiencies about the short term and long term goals of the
business. Fair wages policy, flexible working hour, health and safety issues, performance
management, job design and many other activities are involving with the workforce planning.
M&S is doing efficient recruitment and selection process as they arriving more focus on the
skill about their candidates to offer the job. They’re running the fair recruitment and selection
process and set the job design and recruitment and selection policy to get the right skilled
employee sent here organization (Bach and Edwards, 2013)
Also, they are doing efficient performance management that helps to recognise the skills of
employees about their responsibility. So, they offers appropriate training and development
programs to make strong engagement of these employees by improving their productivity.
They are also margin engagement of their employee with the attractive reward policy that
boost up the motivational level of their employees and making strong engagement with the
business tasks
There are some functions of Human resource management is available as training and
development functions is working to improve the personal objectives and it also relates with
the organizational objectives. Because it improves personal skills and ability perform
efficiently on the business activities. HR planning, employee relation, performance appraisal
are running to reach the organizational objectives while performance appraisal also including
the personal objectives. Because it improves individual motivational level that gives more
chances to make strong engagement of the employees with the business goals and objectives
M1 Assess how the functions of HRM can provide talent and
skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives
There are different functions of HRM that provide talents and skills appropriate to fulfil
business objectives. As it help to do efficient staffing. So, they can hire the exact number of
skilled employees on their business. So, they can make strong relation between all the
employees and it gives more chance to share the knowledge and experiences to each other
skills to set the new and innovative decision for the further progress.
Also, HRM help to set the efficient plan as reward policy that makes strong engagement of
their employees with the business objectives. These reward policy help to boost up the
motivational level of employees. Also, it improves the efficiency that reflects high
performance of these employee to the business (Torrington, 2011)
HRM also helps to set the plan to make continuous development of their employees. Because
they identify the skills and ability of their employees and providing efficient training and
development program to make strong engagement of their employees to reach the sustainable
growth of their performance
Also, this concept helps to do efficient performance management that leads to generate idea
about the activities of their employees and their outputs to reach the objectives of the

P2 Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches

to recruitment and selection
Strengths and weaknesses of different recruitment and selection process are like-
Internal recruitment process Strengths: Limitations:
Major strengths of the Small number of candidate
internal recruitment policy is No chance to get fresh or
it is cost effective new experiences form
Less time need to do outsiders
recruitment and selection New gap introduces after
process shuffle of the role of an
Candidates are familiar with individual
the organizational culture
Management is having more
knowledge about potential
of these employees
External recruitment process Strengths: Limitations:
Get new fresh and It takes more time
experienced employees It takes more costs
More chance to get the right Need more experienced
skilled employee person on the selection
Large number of candidates board
are available
Marks and Spencer M&S is running their
recruitment and selection recruitment and selection
process process mostly using the
external recruitment policy
while they are also giving
promotions and sharing the
role according to the
experiences and skills of
their internal employee.
They are giving more focus
to get the right skilled
employees and running fair
recruitment policy to make
strong engagement of their
employees with the business
to reach goals and objectives
of the business

M2 evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches

to recruitment and selection.
Internal recruitment and selection process is the approaches that help to get the right skilled
employees from the organization itself. These employees are more familiar with the business
and the organizational culture. So, it give more flexibility to make their effect run. Also, they
are well known about the working process and management have proper idea about their
potential. So, it makes effective run to get the right skillet deployed within the right time or
the business
External recruitment and selection process describe the process where business are giving job
vacancy notice to get the outsiders to their business. It also helps to generate more idea and
new experiences to make effective run of the business (Bratton and Gold, 2012)
Personal specification is the process that is known as job specification. This process describes
the skills and ability to carry out the different rules. Personal specification defines the certain
qualification, education, experiences that need to fulfil the task.

P3 Explain the benefits of different HRM practices within an

organisation for both the employer and employee.
M&S is running efficient HRM practices that helps to make efficient engagement of their
employee with the business activities to reach goals and objectives of the business. This
practices makes benefits for both employees and employers in the organization. As-
Effective practices of Human resource management helps this business to get the right
number of employees at the right time with rights skills in the organization. So, it helps
employers to get the skilled employees to run their further operations. On the other hand, it
helps to get the right skilled candidates to get the job.
Also, Human resource management practices helps to run strong and positive organizational
culture. So, it helps employers to make set effective process to make progress of their tasks to
reach goals and objectives of the business. Also, employees are getting more flexibility to
make engage with the organization culture that helps to boost up their motivational level.
Also, Human resource management process helps to generate the idea about the performance
of their employees according to their tasks. So, they are doing efficient performance
management. So, it helps to do identity the skills and ability of their employees. So, meanest
can provide the required training and development programs to these employees to improve
their productivity. It helps to improve the personal skills of employees and employers also
getting the skilled and experienced employees with their business context
Human resource management approaches also helps to se the workplace more flexible for
employees and employers. They are running efficient run of organizational culture that makes
strong bonding of this business to their employees to give better services. As, they are
approaching flexible working hours, provide benefits, holidays, bonuses, promotions, career
development opportunity etc. makes strong engagement of their employees with the business
to reach goals and objectives of it (Torrington, 2011)

P4 Evaluate the effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms

of raising organisational profit and productivity. M3 Explore the
different methods used in HRM practices, providing specific
examples to support evaluation within an organisational context.
Human resource management of M&S is approaching to get highly productive employees and
process that help to reach the sustained growth of the business. As Human resource management
is responsible to improve productivity, sustainability and compliances. Human resource
management are running to make effecting sustainability and compliance for the organization
but mostly business are looking for to improve the profit margin while M&S is giving full
focus to get the sustainable profit margin to reach their vision of the business.
So, they are approaching with fair recruitment and selection process that helps to get efficient
employees with their business. They are getting fresh, innovative and experienced employees
on their business to get more efficiencies to run their strategies. Also, they are giving more
concern about their performance as fair and strong recruitment and selection process helps
this business to run this section as highly competitive advantages for this business
Also, Human resource management of M&S is doing effecting performance management.
They are using balance scorecard. This approaches helps to define the performance of their
employees according to their tasks. So, it reflects the skills and abilities of these employees.
So, management can provide efficient training and development program to improve skills
and ability of these employees to reach the sustainable growth of the business
M&S is doing efficient performance appraisal as they set they are mixing the skilled, well
trained and multi skilled employees in a team to run every tasks. It helps to share the thinking
and experiences to each other inside the organization to make better run of the process of
reaching sustainable growth of the business (Boxall, Purcell and Wriht, 2007)
Also, M&S HRM practices is helps to set the strong reward policy. So, it helps to make
positive challenges between employees to reach the reward. As, they are giving promotions,
bonuses, acknowledgement of the best performer for the month, pay rise etc. These practices
also helps to improve the motivational level of employees in the workplace to reach
sustainable growth of the business
P5 Analyse the importance of employee relations in respect to
influencing HRM decision-making.
Employee relation plays the vital concept of the business to make effective engagement of
their employees with the business goals and objectives. This issue is having direct impact to
the decision making process of the business. As, management should give focus on the
specific issue and defining the issues on the business context. Also, they should evaluate the
best way to solve any conflict issues or making any changes of the business progress and
process. Also, managing need to gather all he required information about the alternatives of
the business. They need to dig the pros and corns of the options and market he decision for
the further progress of the business. Also, they should run efficient change management
concept that help to make strong engagement of their employees with the business decision
making process
So, human resource management should play key role to discourage the employees about the
conflict issues. They should set effective relation and trust between employees to make strong
engagement of them. M&S management is giving more concern to run strong relation
between all employees and making solid engagement of them with the business activities to
reach goals and objectives of the business (Flamholtz, 2012)
Also, strong employee relation help o improvise the loyalty between all the employees to the
management. It also give the proper respect to each other in the business. It works as
motivational concept that make strong engagement of the personal goals of employees to the
organizational goals to reach the vision of it

P6 Identify the key elements of employment legislation and the

impact it has upon HRM decision making
There are different legislation issues that is having impact on the employee relation and
decision making process of the business. Govt. sets the different legislation and making
changes because of the needs of different situation. These rules and regulations is having
more impacts on the business to make further progress of it. On the recruitment process,
wage plan, development issues, compensation factors are having more impact of the
employment legislation in UK
UK govt. sets the minimum wage policy that defends the employees should get the minimum
wages that sets by the govt. of UK. Also, they should get fair wages according to their tasks,
skills and ability. They should not face any discrimination about their race, religion, colour,
gender, origin etc. so, employees should get equal payment according to their skills and
Also, they should give focus on the privacy act of the business. Because they are holding
different customer data and also having the employees data. They should not pass these
confidential data to the third parties. Also, employee cannot use the financial and internal
data to the outsiders of the organization (Steen et al, 2009)
M&S is giving different holidays and maternity leave with payment, paid holidays, different
leave, double payment on the bank holiday workers. So, they are giving compensation about
the health and safety issues of the business to their employees to make effective engagement
of their employees to the business
M&S is giving more concern about the working hours, working flexibility, health and safety
issue of their employees. So, they set the working hour not more than 40 hours. They are
giving the job flexibility as part time and full time job. Also, they are giving high concern to
ensure the place healthy and safety

P7 Illustrate the application of HRM practices in a work-related

context, using specific examples. M5 Provide a rationale for the
application of specific HRM practices in a work-related context.
M&S is having efficient recruitment and selection process. They are using the online
recruitment and selection process where they are having random assessment questions. So,
candidates first need to pass through the assessment. This is one of the best parch that ensure
the fair recruitment and selection process. Candidates need to show their ability and
efficiency to e the final call from the management of this business. M&S is giving more
concern to run the efficient recruitment and selection process to get the right skilled people
on the right place within the right time.
They are making efficient differentiation of their blue collar and white collar employees. Blue
collar labour are running as the maintenance and clearing job in the business. This business is
doing daily check to their health and safety issues. So, they are giving more concern of price
of maintenance and cleaners on every single day to this business place. These employees are
not need to have high skilled. So, management is giving concern to make them motivated and
give the potential payment of their work to make them satisfy
On the other hand, white collar labour the employees of the business that are having direct
relation with business goals and objectives. Management, cuter service persons are treating as
white collar labour. M&S is having dress code to define ease employees. They are getting fair
pay according to their tasks and ability. Also, they should all the rights and rewards form eh
business to make their personal goals engaging with the organizational goal to reach the
vision of the business

 ARMSTRONG, M. and TAYLOR, S. (2014) Armstrong’s Handbook of Human
Resource Management Practice. 13th Ed. London: Kogan Page.
 BACH, S. and EDWARDS, M. (2013) Managing Human Resources. Oxford: Wiley.
 BRATTON, J. and GOLD, J. (2012) Human Resource Management: Theory and
Practice. 5th Ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
 TORRINGTON, D, et al. (2011) Human Resource Management. 8th Ed. London:
Prentice Hall. CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) available at
 Bradley, S (2004). The impact of HRM practices and pay inezuality on workers job
satisfaction. Department of Economics
 Steen et al, (2009). Huamn resource manaemetn. McGraw-Hill
 Bratton, J and Gold, J. (2012). Human resource managemetn. Palrave Mcmillan.
 Boxall, F., Purcell J., Wright, (2007), “Oxford Handbook of Human Resource
Management”, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
 Flamholtz, G., (2012), “Human Resource Accounting”, New York: Springer.
 Noe, A., Hollenbeck, R., Gerhart, B. and Wright, M., (2014), “Fundamentals of
Human Resource Management”, 9th Edition, Irwin: McGraw Hill.

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