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School Policies and Their Functions

Learning Outcome
After completion of this module, the students are expected to:
a. explain the importance of school policies in school cooperation
b. Observe school policies and evaluate its effectiveness.

Schools are institutions motivated by a shared vision. Necessarily, schools must have policies for
them to realize their vision and mission. These policies are a reflection of the values of the people who
created them. Whatever policies are formulated must redound to the improved teaching-learning of
learners which is the very reason of the existence of schools. In this Chapter, we will focus on school
policies that govern school and community partnership.

| Activity- Let’s Read This

Here is a part of the policy on grading given by the DepEd Central Office in DepEd Order 8,
s. 2015, dated April 1, 2015. Study the components and the corresponding percentage weights.

Weight of Components for Grade 1-10

Components Languages. AP, EsP Science and Math MAPEH, EPP and TLE
Written Works 30% 40% 20%
Performance Task 50% 40% 60%
Quarterly Assessment 20% 20% 20%

1. Read this policy on student’s absences and tardiness:

A learner who incurs absences of more than 20% of the prescribed number of class or laboratory
periods during the school year or semester should be given a failing grades and not earn credits for the
learning area or subjects. Furthermore, the school head may, at his/ her discretion and in the individual
case, exempts a learner who exceeds the 20% limit for reasons considered valid and acceptable to the
school. The discretionary authority is vested in the school head and may not be availed of by a student or
granted by a faculty member without the consent of the school head….(DepEd Order 8, s. 2015)

Habitual tardiness , especially during the first period in the morning and in the afternoon, is discouraged.
Teachers shall inform the parents/ guardians through a meeting if a learner has incurred 5 consecutive
days of tardiness.

2. Read this excerpt of DepEd Order 54, s.2009

Activities. All PTA activities within the school premises or which involve the school , its personnel or
students shall be with prior consultation and approval of the School Head
Financial Matters. Such collections shall be made by the PTA subject to the following conditions:
If collection of the School Publications Fee, Supreme Student Government(SSG) Developmental
Fund and other club membership fees and contribution is coursed through the PTA as requested by
the concerned organization the amount shall be remitted immediately to the school, SSG or other
students organizations concerned on the day it was collected. The pertinent organization shall deposit
the funds with a reputable bank on the next banking day under the organization’s account. No service
fee shall be charged against any student organization by the PTA.
Non-compliance or any of the aforementioned conditions shall be a ground for the cancellation of
the PTA’s recognition and/or the filing of appropriate charges as the case may be.

I. Policy on Collection of Contributions

Cognizant of the need of an organization for adequate funds to sustain its operations, a duly
recognized VLA may collect financial contributions from members and outside sources to enable it to
fund and sustain its operation and the implementation programs and projects exclusively for the benefit
of the students and the school where it operates. The VIA 's programs and projects shall be in line with
the School Improvement Plan (SIP).
The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
The contributions should be a reasonable amount as may be determined by the PTA Board of
Directors; Non-payment of the contributions by the parent-member shall not be a basis for non-
admission or non-issuance of clearance(s) to the child by the school concerned;

The contributions shall be collected by the fYr,4 Treasurer on a per parent-member basis
regardless of the number of their children in school;

No collection of PTA contributions shall be done during the enrollment period; and

No teacher or any school personnel shall be involved in such collection activities.

Safekeeping of Funds All collections of contributions or proceeds of fundraising activities shall

be deposited in a reputable banking institution as determined by the Board of Directors. The PTA'S
Treasurer or a duly authorized representative shall undertake the collection and shall issue official
receipts/ acknowledgement receipts. In no case shall any school official or personnel be entrusted with
the safekeeping and disbursement of collections made by the PTA All disbursements of funds shall be in
accordance with generally accepted accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

PTAS are prohibited from:

Interfering in the academic and administrative management and operations of the school, and of
the DepED, in general;

Engaging in any partisan political activity within school premises

Operating a canteen/school Supplies Store, or being a concessionaire thereof inside the school or
nearby premises, or offering these services to the school as its client either directly or indirectly.

Selling insurance, pre-need plans or similar schemes or programs to students and/or their
parents; and

Such other acts or circumstances analogous to the foregoing.

PT'A Officers and members of the Board of Directors are prohibited from collecting salaries,
honoraria, emoluments or other forms of compensation from any of the funds collected or received by the

PTAs shall have no right to disburse, or charge any fees as service fees or percentages against
the amount collected pertinent to the school Publication Fee, Supreme Student Government (SSG)
Developmental Fund and other club membership fees and contributions. In no case shall a PTA or any of
its officers or members of the Board of Directors call upon students and teachers for purposes of
investigation or disciplinary action.

The recognition of any PTA shall be cancelled by the Division PTA Affairs Committee upon the
recommendation of the School Head concerned for any violation of the above monitored prohibited
activities and these Guidelines. Thereafter, the School Head may call for a special election to replace the
Board of Directors of the PTA whose recognition was cancelled. Criminal, civil and/or administrative
actions may be taken against any member or officer of the Board of the PTA who may appear responsible
for failure to submit the necessary annual financial statements or for failure to account the funds of the

Analysis- Let’s Analyze

l. How do you feel about the policies? Are you happy about them? Or are you happier without
them? Why?

The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
2. Based on the DepEd order on collections, why are schools very strict with money collections?
3. The policies given above come from DepEd central Office.
Should all school policies come from DepEd Central Office? Can schools also formulate their own
policies? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Abstraction- Let’s Conceptualize

Importance of Policies

Schools in partnership with their community have their own picture of what they want to be
(vision statement) and so must offer services and must do what they are supposed to do (mission
statement) in order to realize what they envisioned themselves to be. For these to happen, policies must be
in place. Observance of these policies
ensures everyone in the school community to tow the line. If conditions are ideal like when all members
of the school community are perfect-school heads, teachers, students, parents, non-teaching personnel and
other members of the outside community- there may be no need for a policy. The truth is conditions in the
school community and in this world are far from ideal and persons that make the school' community are
from perfect and so the need for policies.

One may wonder as to why the Department of Education has issued very stringent policies and
guidelines for PTAs in matters of
collecting contributions. Even engaging in any partisan political activity within school premises is written
as one prohibited activity. There must a history to that. Perhaps malversation of funds and other forms of
abuse happened in the past.

Schools' policy on the grading system is important for everyone concerned to know how grades
are computed. Both students and parents know how grades are derived objectively. Percentage weights
for each component are clear.

Teachers are guided in their assessment practices. The grading policy ensures objective
assessment practice. Without the grading policy, grading may become highly subjective. Similarly, if
there are no policies on students' tardiness and absenteeism, students may just come in late or absent. The
policies on students' tardiness and absenteeism certainly will curb tardiness and absenteeism to ensure

Effective Policy Formulation and Implementation in a School Community Partnership.

The policies on grading. Student tardiness an absenteeism came from above, DepEd Central
office. At times there is need for policies from above. But policies do not need to come from above all the

There are times when a school formulates a policy to address a local problem. In fact, this is how
it should be in a school-community partnership. Ideally, a policy must not be formulated by the school
head by himself/ herself. The school head must lead in the policy formulation process. The word -lead -
implies that an effective policy formulation process must be participatory. This means that it is best that
the rest of the school and community be involved. Two good heads are better than one. Besides
participation of school and community develops a sense of ownership of such formulated policy which
ensures a more effective implementation. This is school empowerment in action, Aside from involving
the school and community in policy formulation, a school head must ensure wide dissemination and
correct and clear understanding of the policy.

Application – Let’s Apply

The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
Read April 11, 2018, DM 066, s. 2018 - 2018 Brigada Eskwela Implementing Guidelines. Individually,
present a policy that you read in the DepEd Memorandum. Explain what the policy states and why this
policy is necessary.


• Policies are intended to ensure that schools perform and realize what they have envisioned for

• There are policies that come from authorities above the school since the school is a member of a
bigger organization or system.

• But schools are also empowered to formulate their own

• Policies to address their concerns speedily provided they are not contrary to policies that come
from above.

• School policies are effective when they are formulated with the participation of the members of the
school and community as this develops sense of ownership which ensures implementation of the

• Policies must also be widely disseminated for the information of the entire system -school and
community- and must be understood correctly and clearly.

• Policies set order in schools. The absence of clear-cut policies may court chaos.

Let’s Reflect
What is my attitude towards school policies? Do I welcome them?

LET Clinchers
l. Interfering in the academic and administrative management and operations of the school, and of the

ll. Engaging in any partisan political activity within school premises;

Ill. Operating a canteen/school supplies store, or being a concessionaire thereof inside the school or
nearby premises, or offering these services to the school as its client either directly or indirectly;

A. I , Il and Ill B. Il and Ill C. I and Il D. I and 111

2. Which statement on School Policies is CORRECT?

A. They suffocate school climate.
B. They help ensure realization of school goals.
C. They come from above and so by all means be observed.
D. They cannot be changed.

3. Which is the most effective way of making policies?

A. School Head to involve stakeholders
B. Students not to participate since policies are for them
C. Only parents of students enrolled are involved

The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
D. School policies are permanent to build the culture of excellence

4. Why is there a policy on grading?

I. To fulfill the purposes of assessment
Il. For fair grade computation
Ill. For the guidance and information of all

A. I, II B. 11 and 111 C. 1 and 111 D. 1, Il and 111

5. The Sabbath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath. What does this imply regarding policies?
A. Policies are formulated to help people in the organization?
B. Policies showed not to be adjusted when people in organization cannot aside by policy.
C. policies are orders from above like the law of the Sabbath.
D. Laws are formulated by men and women in society.

The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership

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