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2022-03-01 WBS

01 Mar 2022

Rutger Beerekamp

Activities + Estimates
Phase Activity Who Task Notes

Intake Intake call 1h

Preparations Setup WBS cards write WBS 2h

cards Workout Plan of approach 1h

Preparation of central startup scripting cards PLM variables 3h

Teamcenter variables

NX variables

Check env

Check tccs / fcc

Check NX

Check Java

Preparation of central NX config cards NX section startup 1h

NX config variables

Preparation of installation script cards Software location section 4h

Java section

NX section

Tccs standalone section

local startup scirpt Active


Office client 4h

Verfication in development cards 4h

Capture configuration cards Setup Git repository 1h

Commit baseline 1h

Deliver IT requirements Ebusco Software location

Client with remote access local admin,

Shares PLMshare / Usershare

Validation of Ebusco IT deliverables cards 1h

Alignment of Ebusco related specifications 1h

Implementation Deploy startup scripting cards 1h

Deploy NXconfig cards 1h

Deploy installation script cards 2h

Verification of startup script 1h

Verification of NX config 1h

Verification of installation script cards 2h

Documentation of installation script cards 4h

Validation Validation of startup Ebusco tbd

Validation of NX config Ebusco tbd

Validation of installation script Ebusco tbd

Rework cards 8h only if needed

Go-live Aftercare cards 4h only if needed

Use cases
2 environments - only 1 environment active for file transfer

Production - Prod
Test - Test

2 type of users use case

NX with Active Workspace

Office Client with tccs

NX config
Teamcenter prefs

Place shortcuts on desktop
NX start menu, update of NX startup

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