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3/16/22, 11:56 AM Quiz 2 Spring 2022 (page 2 of 2)

Question 11
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Which of the following is one of the basic features of Dependency

Injection (DI)?

a. Maintenance

b. Deployment

c. Registration

d. Implementation

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Question 12
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Which of the following ways can be used to implement the Dependency

Injection in the .NET application?

a. Constructor Injection

b. None of the others

c. Method Injection

d. All of the others

e. Property Injection

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Question 13
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Suppose that you want to configure the root folder for Razor Pages to be
something other than the default. What the following code
should you put in
ConfigureServices method of Startup.cs file?

a. public void
ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

=> {
            options.RootDirectory =

public void
ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

c. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection

=> {
            options.RootDirectory =

d. public void
ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)


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Question 14
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The scaffolding tool features a number of generators including ones for

producing MVC areas, controllers and views, and Razor Pages.
Choose the
templates exist for Razor Pages.

a. Empty, Create, Edit, Delete, Details, List

b. Empty, AddNew, Edit, Delete, Details, ListAll

c. Empty, New, Edit, Delete, Details, List

d. Empty, Create, Edit, Delete, Details, ListAll

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Question 15
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To enable SignalR in the specific application, call the AddSignalR

extension method to configure the IoC container with services
required by
SignalR. Choose following code to add to ConfigureServices method (Startup.cs).

a. public void
ConfigureServices (IServiceCollection services)

    // ...
public void
Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, HostingEnvironment env)
    // ...
    app.UseSignalR (builder =>

public void
ConfigureServices (IServiceCollection services)
    // ...

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public void
Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, HostingEnvironment env)
    // ...
    app.UseSignalR (builder =>
        builder.MapHub< ChatHubClass

c. None of the others.

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Question 16
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Which of the following statements related to the Inversion of Control

(IoC) is True?

a. It makes the application difficult to test and maintain

b. It is a design principle

c. It is used to invert different kinds of controls in object-oriented

design to achieve high coupling

d. All of the others

e. None of the others

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Question 17
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Choose the main purpose

of the Razor Pages PageModel class.

a. To provide the easy way to reduce the code for the UI components. 

To provide the easy way
to understand the UI components with processing code logic for the page. 

c. To provide clear separation between the UI layer (the .cshtml view file)
and processing logic for the page.

d. To provide clear
separation between the UI layer (the .cshtml.cs view file) and processing logic
for the page. 

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Question 18
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Which of the following statements related to the Single Responsibility

Principle is True?

a. A class should be inherited from many other classes

b. A class should be implemented from multiple interfaces

c. A class should have only a single responsibility

d. None of the others

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Question 19
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SignalR provides two models for communicate between clients and severs:
Persistent Connections, Hubs. Choose the correct
information about Persistent

a. Persistent Connections provide direct access to a low-level

communication protocol that signalR provides. Each client
connection to a
server is identified by a connectionID.

b. If you have multiple types of messages that you want to send between a
server and a client then it is recommended to use
Persistent Connections so you
do not need to do your own dispatching.

c. Persistent Connections provide a High-level API for the client and

server to call each other's method. It will be very familiar to
developers who have worked on remote invocation APIs.

d. None of the others.

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Question 20
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Choose the correct answer with Server-side validation in Razor Pages.

if (!ModelState.IsValid)
    return Page();

b. if

    return Page();

c. if
    return Page();

d. if (!ModelState.IsTrue)

    return Page();

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