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Number : 02/BPPDH/PPTR/III/2022 Sya’ban 07th 1443 H

Enclosure : 1 Sheet March 10th 2022 M
Subject : Borrowing Goods

Respectable To,
Library Section Staff
Darul Hijrah Islamic Boarding School
Cindai Alus

‫بِسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫السالم عليكم و رحمة اللّه و بركاته‬

All praise to Allah to lord of the world who has gift much Blessings and mercies to us for and cause
Allah we can lives under his blessings with healthy until now
Peace and Salution be upon to our prophet Muhammad Saw he has brought us from Jahiliyah era to
Lightness era ,lightness by Iman , Islam and Ikhsan.
For the smoothness of our agenda, Inauguration of Committee, we as the Committee of Ta’mir
Ramadhan 1443 H request Library Section Staff to lend 1 Set of Red Carpet, which will be used for:
Day, Date : Thursday, March 10th 2022 M until Saturday, March 12th 2022 M
Place : Meeting Hall
Person in Charge : Akhmad Nur Multakim
Thus this letter we made may Allah gives Blessings and mercies to us For supporting and
attention, we say thank you
‫ثم السالم عليكم و َرحمةُ اهلل و بركاته‬

Committee of Ta’mir Ramadhan 1443 H


Judhy Ichsan Julianto

Mr. Ari Prakasa

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