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Lacuesta, Ina Isha M.

ABM 12-D
Performance Check 1: Leader cosplay with known speech/statements (60 PTS)
A. Instruction: AKO MUNA SIYA. Choose a political leader that inspired you through
his legacy. In a video presentation, you will immortalize the chosen leader who
influenced change in society by cosplaying him/her and stating his/her known
statement/speeches regarding his legacy. The video presentation is limited to 2-3
minutes only. Upload the video presentation in our Facebook group

Link to my video;

B. After showing the video presentation, answer the following questions in your
canvas. 30 points.

1. Who was the leader you acted with? Eleanor Roosevelt

2. What inspires you to choose him? Eleanor inspires me because she is
What made him different from the a self-sufficient woman who achieved
other leaders. her goals without the help of her family.
Eleanor was born into the world as a
unique woman with great potential as a
leader in the battle for justice. Eleanor
had challenges throughout her life, but
instead of being depressed by the
criticism she received, she thrived on it.
When she developed enough
confidence, she demonstrated the
power of a woman. Eleanor had a
special connection with minorities, and
she made it a mission to protect them
from federal agents. It took a lot of
patience for her goal of people living in
peace to become a reality. When
resentful insults and hate were thrown at
her, she was unfazed.
3. What was his legacy? Does the Eleanor Roosevelt's impact goes on
legacy still relevant as of today? in today's social and political movements,
from pushing global human rights to
empowering female journalists.
Many people remember Eleanor
Roosevelt as a writer and activist, but she
also contributed to the advancement of
worldwide human rights.

As chairwoman of the United

Nations Human Rights Commission, she
led a group of worldwide diplomats in
formulating the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, which is considered "a
cornerstone document of international
human rights legislation."

Roosevelt championed gender

equality and women's rights in addition to
her work on the UDHR. Because women
journalists were not allowed to attend
presidential press conferences, she
began inviting them to her own monthly
press briefings in 1933. Roosevelt also "laid
the way" for first ladies to be recognized
as public figures, according to the White
House Historical Association.
4. If you were given a chance to talk to If I had the opportunity to speak
him now, what would you say to him? with Eleanor Roosevelt, I would tell her
that I have been listening to her radio
programs for some time and have been
really impressed by her sincerity and true
concern for the welfare of the people,
both individually and collectively.
1. What type of authority and Eleanor Roosevelt possesses
legitimacy does the leader have charismatic authority as a result of her
(refer to Max Weber’s category in determination to find fulfillment in the
this module)? Why? public life of her own. Eleanor Roosevelt,
recognized around the world as "The
World's First Lady," was the first politically
active First Lady in the history of American
democracy, redefining the role of a First
Lady. She exhibits numerous significant
leadership principles that professionals
can take from the way she spent her life.
Roosevelt had a social conscience and a
passion for politics, which she used with
her talent of leadership to break new
ground and make a positive difference in
the world.
2. How can a leader like you've mentioned being instrumental in bringing desired
political changes to society?
We were motivated by Eleanor Roosevelt to use our positions of power and
influence for social change. Providing equal chances for women and ensuring
that writers, artists, musicians, and theater professionals had proper professions.
Eleanor Roosevelt also played a key role in establishing the New Deal, a program
aimed at providing relief to those in need during the Great Depression that can
be applied to today's society.
(relevance to
the questions
being asked)

The answer
provided gives
Clarity clear and exact 10

Total – 30 Points

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