Diet, Disease and Death in Colonial South India: V R Muraleedharan

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Diet, Disease and Death in Colonial South India

V R Muraleedharan

There is an abundance of evidence to suggest that a large number of the people in colonial south India suffered
continually from a number ofdeficiency diseases. Their susceptibility to these diseases was a result of inadequate diets.
However, the nutrition-mortality link has not received adequate attention so far.

THE existing studies on mortality trends ticular reference to the inter-war period? nial government from the late 1920s. The
in colonial India have very little to say on Is the present estimate of the minimum purpose of this essay is primarily to present
the nature of relationship between nutri- energy requirement applicable to the in- the available material on the extent of
tion and mortality. In fact, even much less ter-war period? (given Sukhatme's view malnutrition and the prevalence of dis-
has been said and written about the extent that energy requirement of an individual is eases caused by malnutrition in colonial
of malnutrition and its consequences on dynamic over time, which is why an south India. It attempts to highlight cer-
the incidence and prevalence of diseases individual adapts himself to lower energy tain important studies carried out and the
in colonial India. While paucity of empiri- intake): Is it possible to draw a single insights derived from them during the
cal data is an important reason for lack of upper limit and lower limit for the entire inter-war period, which formed an impor-
such studies, there has been no attempt Indian population, which differed in more tant phase in the development of nutrition
even to put together the available infor- than one respect from one region to an- science in India. It relies heavily on the
mation in this respect. other?; What percentage and which age findings of the studies reported in various
It is important to note here that an analy- group(s) of the population "remained just medical journals, and certain records of
sis of the nutrition-mortality link should above the lower limit"? What percentage the government of Madras. The details of
be preceded as far as possible by an em- of the Indian population remained moder- these studies are presented in Sections II
pirical understanding of the extent of mal- ately or severely malnourished during and III, while Section I briefly mentions
nutrition and its consequences with re- normal times? In fact, controversy still the prevailing views among the nutrition
spect to a given period and population. exists as to the exact relationship between workers in India by the end of 1930s.
Such preliminary exercises have not yet nutrition and mortality, particularly in Section IV concludes by raising few
been carried out to the extent it is possible determining the "threshold, critical mal- more questions that we need to face in
with the available data, which as a result nutrition level" beyond which malnutri- order to have a better understanding of t£e
limit our understanding of the demographic tion could cause mortality. Mortality mortality decline in inter-war period in
trends in colonial India. Consider for mechanisms are complex, as Livi-Bacci colonial India.
example, Sumit Guha's essay on "Mortal- puts it: "while it cannot be claimed that
ity Decline in Early Twentieth Century nutrition-mortality link is the sole key to I
India', 1 in which he questions Ira Klein's the explanation of mortality, it cannot be
immunological hypothesis 3 and puts for- also be denied that nutrition does play a By the end of 1930s an enormous amount
ward an alternative explanation for the role in determining the level of mortality of information had been collected on the
decline in mortality rates during inter-war of the Past"6 value of diets and their relationships with
colonial India. He suggests that " t h e In- These questions need to be answered the prevalence of diseases among the vari-
dian population in the second quarter of before one can accept Guha's hypothesis
ous sections of the populations in British
the twentieth century livedlongerbecause to explain the mortality decline in the India. Although in many respects there
the weather gods enabled it to maintain a inter-war period. Guha merely states were gaps in the knowledge of food habits
stable level of malnutrition rather than Sukhatme' s argument and considers it as a a n d their influence on the health of the
alternatively plunge between adequate valid explanation for the inter-war phe- people, nutrition workers in India had by
nutrition and severe malnutrition as it was nomenon without presenting the avail- late 1930s gained certain important in-
doing earlier." 5 He supports his argument able, though limited, empirical data on the sights intothe-physiological requirements
(a) by adopting the view that human be- dietary habits of the various sections of of the human body under different cli-
ings can adjust to moderate variation in the population. He spends considerable matic and environmental conditions. This
food intake (as argued by Sukhatme that space in order to cast doubt on Klein's is evident from the following words of W
"the energy requirement of an individual argument that mortality declined during R Aykroyd, made in late 1941:
is not static but is dynamic over a wide, inter-war period on account of changes in
Within the last 30 years science has reached
though limited range..."), 4 and (b) by ob- host-parasite relations and the develop- definite conclusions as to what constitutes a
serving that the food intake during inter- ment of natural immunity among the good diet for human beings. The principles
war period stabilised though the per capita people. But he does not provide any detail of correct feeding are fairly well understood
food availability declined in the same on the diets of the Indian population in and "optimum', dietary standards based on
period. Thus he says, " t h e bulk of the support of his argument. these principles have been drawn up by
population managed to remain just above The food intake and their value varied League of Nations Commissions and other
the lower limit of this range, whereas considerably, and as a result the preva- authoritative organisations.8
earlier at least a significant minority had lence of diseases too varied across the Yet, it was Aykroyd again who cautioned
periodically fallen below the lower limit." 5 regions in British India. In fact, as Michael the nutrition workers in India in 1938
A series of important issues and questions Worboy shows, malnutrition was 'dis- thus:
arise in this context which have not been covered* as a problem of imperial impor-
considered by Guha's above mentioned es- Common sense must always be used in
tance to the colonial government only drawing up new diet schedules, or in as-
say. Some of them are: what exactly is the during the inter-war years. 7 In colonial
range, in quantitative terms, that Guha sessing the adequacy of existing ones...
India, the extent of malnutrition came to Standards of calorie requirements are ap-
(and Sukhatme) is talking about with par- be recognised more acutely by the colo- plicable only to reasonably large numbers

Economic and Political Weekly January 1-8, 1994 55

and not to individuals. The relation be- there are innumerable American and excel- medical men or otherwise. The general
tween calorie requirements and such fac- lent English books on dietary, but most of principles are dealt with briefly and fig-
tors as work, activity and climate must be these, except for the teaching of general ures are given for the caloric requirements
born in mind. 9 principles, are of little use to the workers in of the average Indian... there are many
India. In the first place, the dietetic require- gaps in our knowledge of the nutritive
Two important but related issues re-
ments of the people of India are not the same, values of Indian foodstuffs, but enough is
ceived more attention of the nutrition work-
either quantitatively or qualitatively, as those known to justify the compiling of this
ers (in fact all over the world) particularly 'health bulletin'. Its publication will do
since the Great Depression of 1929-33. in temperate and cold countries, and at-
away with one of the most serious handi-
One was the question of evolving a 'bal- tempts to draw up standard diets without
caps under which the nutrition worker in
anced diet' and the other was the need to appreciating this fact would lead to both
India has been labouring. 14
understand the relationship between nu- waste and an unsuitable diet.12
trition and infection, or to put it differ- Therefore, it was felt necessary to have This represented a crucial stage in the prac-
ently, the incidence of nutritional dis- complete data on the value of the foodstuffs tical application of knowledge in the formu-
eases. And both these questions were seen available in India and prepare a balanced lation of public policy in colonial India. The
clearly as having a bearing on the eco- diet. The 1930s, as already indicated, wit- main difficulty encountered by the nutrition
nessed a growing and genuine interest in the worker was an economic one: how to devise
nomic nature of the problem. The various
field of nutrition science, which as a result a well-balanced diet that could be afforded
dietary surveys and the laboratory experi-
produced vast, though not complete, data on by an average Indian? As B N Gangulee put
ments conducted in different parts of the
the composition of various foodstuffs in it in 1939:
country during the 1920s and 1930s with
India. However, the studies conducted were
a view to understand the abovementioned Thus there are two sides to the problem; the
not adequate considering the vast and di-
issues formed an important stage in the scientific side which enquires whaf are the
verse patterns of diets followed by different laws and standards of rational diet; and the
evolution of nutrition science in India.
communities in India. broader social side which must attempt to
They proved rather conclusively that the
The publication of Health Bulletin: The answer the question, how can the optimum
nutritional standards of the European coun- Nutritive Value of Indian Foods and the
tries would not be appropriate for the diet indicated by the science of nutrition be
Planning of Satisfactory Diets in 1938 by ensured to the community as a whole. Only
people in the tropics; tbey also showed Aykroyd was essentially an attempt to present
that even within a society, individual re- when an answer is provided to both these
' 'our present knowledge of what constitutes
quirements vary. As Aykroyd put it in an adequate or optimum diet... based on an
1938: enormous amount of research work on hu-
But experience has shown that human be- man beings and laboratory animals carried
ings can adapt themselves, at a low level of out in many countries." 13
vitality and with their powers impaired, to The Health Bulletin was meant to serve
an insufficient ration, and scarcely realise as an authoritative guide book for plan-
that they are under-fed. The nutrition
ning a balanced diet. Its publication was
worker, in setting up standards of food
hailed and welcomed by many as it was an
requirements, ignores the remarkable fac-
ulty of the body to adapt itself to semi- attempt tocollate and synthesise the avail-
starvation.10 able information for the purpose of plan-
ning a balanced and affordable diet;
This was an important insight; But the
adaptive nature of man, as perceived by This brochure contains much... information
the nutrition workers in India in 1930s, did that will be invaluable to those in India who
not discourage them from attempting to have to judge or plan diets, whetherthey be Source: Gangulee, p 230, see note 15.
set a balanced diet, though no one could
satisfactorily define it in quantitative
terms. Talking about an ideal dietary and ( B O T H YIELDING 2 , 6 0 0 CALORIES)
nutritional standards in India, an editorial (in Ounces per consumption unit per day)
of Indian Medical Gazette in 1936 com-
mented thus:
The diet of a nation should be composed of
available foods based on scientific knowl-
edge of their values and they should not be
unduly manhandled either in the factory or
in the kitchen. The ideal in feeding of a
people should be to provide a 'square
meal' which in the language of modern
dietetics may be defined as one which is
well balanced from the point of bulk as
well as flavour and in the approximately
correct proportions of essential constitu-
The same editorial, while commenting on
the incidence of nutritional diseases, ob-
served that a considerable proportion of the
people may be suffering from a 'well-bal-
anced deficiency' indict and therefore were
Vitamin C (mg) ... 60 150
not showing any sign of malnutrition. Often
it was lamented that, Source: W R Aykroyd (December 1941), p 2; see note 8.

56 Economic and Political Weekly January 1-8, 1994

questions can we consider the problem of Both the diets have the same caloric con- relative effects of the experimental diets on
nutrition solved.19 tent or energy value. Taking 2,600 calories rats:
And there were also a few who felt that the approximately as the daily energy require- Let us now consider the diets of the rice-
solution to the problem of malnutrition could ments of an Indian adult male, both the diets eating population, particularly of south In-
come about only through a social revolu- would have satisfied hunger. But the more dia.
tion." varied " well-balanced diet, containing less Among the various cereals cultivated in
of cereals and more of everything else, is British India, the area under rice exceeded
II infinitely more satisfactory in quality.... "19 that under all the others put together. This
The variations in the physical stature and was particulary true in the provinces of
Various studies conducted during 1930s the health of the people from one region to Bihar, Bengal, Orissa and Madras where
in different parts of India clearly showed another in relation to their diets drew the rice was the staple food of the majority of
that a very large proportion of the popula- attention of the early nutrition workers in the population. Table 3 gives a comparative
tion suffered from undernutrition and mal- India. By the end of 1920s, R C McCarrison picture of the diets of the" 'poor rice-eaters"
nutrition, and that as a result, they became showed experimentally for the first time in various parts of India. The figures given
susceptible to infections of various sorts that the diet of the south Indian people on an below were published in 1941 "based on
draining their mental and physical energy. 17 average was perhaps the poorest as com- surveys carried out in widely separated parts
Also, a number of investigations of the pared to those of other regions.20 This study of the country—areas some of which are
peasant and working class dietary habits in along with many later studies showed that several thousand miles distant from each
different parts of India led to another view a general deficiency in diet was more or less other'" Talking about the diets of the rice-
that their diet was usually adequate in its prevalent all over British India. In a series of TABLE 5 : SCALE OF AVERAGE
calorific value, but was not well balanced. striking e x p e r i m e n t s conducted by CALORIE REQUIREMENTS
As one investigator of diets in colonial India McCarrison at Coonoor in 1920s, he sought
said in 1938, "...the low standard of health to determine for the first time the relative
among the bulk of the Indian population is values of seven typical Indian dietaries ''by
not so much due to under-feeding as to ill- feeding a group of albino rats on foodstuffs
feeding.. . "18 The purpose of this section is to resembling as far as possible those that are
provide details on the diets of the south habitually consumed by the Sikh, Pathan,
Indian population and thereby infer the Mahratta, Gurkha, Kanaresc, Bengalee, and
extent to which they were under- and Madrassi communities". 2I He noted that the
mal-nourished. rats fed on the 'Madrassi diet* gained least
A typical ill-balanced Indian diet as com- weight over a period of time, while those fed
pared to what was considered a well-bal- on the Sikh diet gained the maximum weight Source: Aykroyd, Health Bulletin, 1938, p 2; see
anced diet appeared as given in Table 1. during the same period. Table 2 gives the note 9.


(Ounces per consumption unit per day)

Notes: Condiments and sugar in small quantities were also included in the diets.
• The families included in this survey consumed a little milk (2.2 oz per consumption unit per day).
** One of the Punjab states in the Himalayan foothills.
Source: Aykroyd (1940), p 343, see note 22.


Source: Aykroyd and Krishnan (1937), pp 671-73, see note 23.

Economic and Political Weekly January 1-8, 1994
eaters in India (based on the data as shown ous than Group I. Their annual income was tant ingredient in the diet of the south Indian
in Table 3), Aykroyd observed that, between Rs 200 and Rs 300. villagers; (3) Protein and fat intake was low,
Group III: Twenty-nine agricultural fami- particularly protein and fat of animal origin
the diets of the poor rice-eaters are very
similar in composition throughout India... lies in various villages in the neighbourhood was almost absent; (4) Vitamin A was present
The available data justifies the following of Mayanur, Trichinopoly district, consist- in 'infinitesimal quantities' in the diet of 39
statements: the poor ricfe-eater in India con- ing of one 168 persons. "This included of the 44 families; and (5) Many diets were
sumes, in addition to his staple cereal, only families of different income and economic found deficient in vitamin C.
very small quantities of other foods such as status, and regarded as a cross section of a The most significant outcome of this study
pulses, vegetable, and meat. Milk is taken in village community. At the upper limit, there was the realisation that the problem of un-
negligible amounts or notat all. While foods was a brahmin family owning 10 acres of dernutrition and malnutrition in south India
other than those listed [above], such as fruits, wet land and a considerable quantity of was more serious than had yet been under-
may occasionally be consumed, the table livestock whose annual income was about stood and appreciated. In terms of adequacy
gives a fairly accurate picture of the compo- of calorie intake, one-third to one-half of the
Rs 300; at the lower limit, there were fami-
sition of ordinary daily diets [of the rice-
lies supported by coolie work, leasing' an families was estimated to be underfed. The
eating populations]....
If the diets shown are worked out in terms of acre or soof dry land, and owning one or two central concern of this survey was to work
protein, minerals, and vitamins, and the re- head of cattle with a gross annual income out the minimum energy expenditure bud-
sults compared with the standards suggested under Rs 100. The average family income of get of a south Indian peasant. More pre-
by the Technical Commission on Nutrition this group was somewhat higher than in cisely, Aykroyd and Krishnan's village sur-
and other standards drawn up by physiolo- Group I, being in the neighbourhood of Rs vey tried to answer the question:"'How far
gists, it is found that the rice-eater1 s diet falls 100 per annum. are the diets of the various families suffi-
short of such standards in almost every im- Group IV: Three families not engaged in cient in quantity?'' They did not consider the
portant constituent." agriculture, near Mayanur, consisting 11 generally acceptcd European or American
While this was the general impression about persons. The income of these families was standard as useful in order to compare the
the value of the daily diet of the rice-eating between Rs 350 and Rs 500. observed calorie intake and therefore they
populations in India, the diets of the various Group I was the poorest of the four. Table felt it accessary to calculate the minimum
sections within south India seemed even 4 gives details of the average intake of requirements of a south Indian peasant,
more deficient in content and quality. calories, proteins, fats, etc, for each group subject to nature of work performed and the
In relative and absolute terms, the south of families surveyed. Seine of the signifi- local conditions. But it is difficult to work
Indian diet was grossly deficient practically cant findings of this survey were: (1) In 31 out the calorie requirements when intake is
from every point of view—total calories, out of the 44 families studied, milk and milk restricted by poverty or other circumstances.
total and animal proteins, total and animal products were absent in the diet; (2) Except Aykroyd and Krishnan were very much
fats, carotene, vitamin A, B2, and C, iron in case of a few prosperous families, foods aware of this: " A complaint'of hunger is
and calcium. The result was the low powers other than cereal were consumed in very perhaps better evidence of insufficient calo-
of resistance and endurance to infection. small quantities; pulses formed an impor- rie intake than a textbook deduction." 24
In an effort to estimate the diet values of

number of villages in 1936.23 It is worth-

while summarising the essential features of
this important study for it formed the basis
on which a number of suggestions were
made later in order to evolve a meaningful
policy and thereby correct the ill-balanced
diet of the population.
This survey was the first of its kind and
was also a fairly comprehensive one con-
ducted on the dietaries of south Indian peas-
ants/It covered 44 families, totalling 274
persons, from various districts over a period
McCarrison's results as quoted in S C Seal, 'Diet and the Incidence of Diseases in India*, Indian Medical
of 20 days. A notable feature of this survey
Gazette, 73 (May 1938), p 295.
was that it attempted to assess the economic
position of the population surveyed. Gross
income of each family was assessed roughly
taking into account the value of the crops Number Number Percen- Number Percen- Number Percen- Number Percen-
produced and the wages obtained from coo-
lie work and other labour. The sample popu-
lation was divided into four groups; their
essential features are given below:
Group I: Eght families in Overtownpet
village, Chingleput, consisting 67 persons.
They were tenants with an average holding
of three acres of land per household. Aver-
age annual income of this group was reck-
oned as between Rs 50 and Rs 80 per family.
GroupII: Four families in Karumpakkum
village, near Chingleput, consisting 28 per-
sons. They were distinctively more prosper- Source: Aykroyd and Rajagopalan (1936), p 43 L see note 41.

58 Economic and Political Weekly January 1-8, 1994

Suggesting a standard of dietary for the As for the dietary requirements of infants and the food habits of various sections of the
country was impossible, because of the vari- in India, the Health Bulletin could give only population. As for the ill-effects of under-
able conditions of life, racial habits, phy- tentative recommendations, since " u p to the nourishment. the following words of
sique, and climate in different parts of present the subject... has not been fully Aykroyd made in 1946 after years of work-
India. The few studies conducted so far had investigated by scientific methods". The ing in India summarise the situation:
showed clearly that the average intake of following were the estimated daily require- It is impossible to estimate accurately what
almost all the communities, even if supplied ments of 'average normal infants' of vari- proportion of disease in India has its roots in
the calorie requirements, provided no mar- ous ages. malnutrition. But there is plenty of evidence
gin to serve as 'reserve energy'. Therefore, that it is one of the most important factors
it was felt that "in suggesting a standard of underlying the dismal public health situa-
dietary, we should bear in mind that it must tion.
not only provide the bare nutritional re- Further he went on to say,
quirements but must ensure a margin of
In view of what is known about the deficien-
safety and a degree of resistance to dis-
cies of Indian diets, it is not unreasonable to
ease". 25 suppose that the incidence of diseases which
However, Aykroyd and Krishnan at- become more prevalent in times of food
Such estimates of minimum requirements
tempted "in a rough and ready fashion" to scarcity is influenced by diet in normal
formed the basis for estimating the extent of
estimate the minimum energy requirements
malnutrition as well as the ill-effects of times.30
of a south Indian peasant. Assuming that the
malnutrition. Based on different sets of as- In fact, the f a m o u s e x p e r i m e n t s of
south Indian peasant spends eight hours of
sumptions, different estimates were made McCarrison with rats in 1920s led him to
the 24 in sleep, eight hours at work, and
as to the extent of malnutrition in colonial believe that,
eight hours 'sitting at rest', his energy ex-
Indial. Aykroyd estimated that the propor- The great majority of the rats in that experi-
penditure budget was thus worked out as
tion of underfed in normal times was about ment enjoyed good health when fed on a
30 per cent of the population. 28 John Megaw well-constituted diet such as is used by Sikhs
of the Indian Medical Service put the figure of the betterclass, while the great majority of
around 60 per cent in 1935.29 In the next those fed on an ill-constituted diet, such as is
section, we shall turn to certain important commonly used by the poorer classes of this
consequences of the ill-balanced and often country, developed diseases of two chief
inadequate diets of the 'poor rice eaters' in kinds: respiratory and gastro-intestinal.31
* calorie calorie per hour colonial south India. More specifically, McCarrison observed
"All things considered", they observed, "we that the diet in common use by,the people of
are inclined to estimate the minimum daily in Madras, which was very poor and ill-consti-
calorie requirements per consumption unit tutcd, was largely responsible for the high
of south Indian peasant families as lying in The effects of malnutrition attracted the incidence of diseases of digestive and respi-
the neighbourhood of 2 , 5 0 0 . " " attention of the colonial authorities greatly ratory systems. For example, he showed
Although the figure 2,500 calories was since the late 1920s, as we have already that among every 1,000 sick persons in the
considered as the minimum for all practi- pointed out and by the end of 1930s signifi- hospitals in Madras in 1933, about 180
cal nutrition work, e g, in drawing up diet cant progress had been made in the under- suffered from diseases of the digestive sys-
schedules for institutions, Aykroyd and standing of the physiological requirements tem, and 76 suffered from diseases of the
an average: "... all individual cases falling
somewhat below it need not be regarded as
under-fed''. However, considering this fig-
ure as reasonable, the calorie intake in
Groups I and II was definitely insuffi-
cient. In the Group III, the mean intake
approaches the minimum requirement' 4 but
conceals (since the intake of a number of
families was in excess of the minimum)
under-nutrition in a considerable propor-
tion of f a m i l i e s " . Thus they felt justified
in stating that one-third to one-half of the
families studied did not consume enough Source: Aykroyd and Rajagopalan (1936), p 433, see note 41.
food during the period of investigation.
place in January 1936, while the rest was KARAIKUDI, RAMNAD DISTRICT, 1 9 2 7 TO 1 9 3 0
carried out during July-August of the same
What we see clearly from the informa-
tion presented above is that a large propor-
tion of the south Indian population were
not only underfed but also ill-fed. As per
the Health Bulletin of 1938, the minimum
caloric requirements for t h e ' 'average man''
and those for different age and sex were as Source: K S Srinivasa Iyer, 'Medical Inspection of Schools', Bulletin ofthe South Indian Medical Union,
follows: 27 21(12), December 1930, p 240.
respiratory system. These two accounted though slowly, to a lowering of vital pro- Beriberi in Madras is a place disease. Its
for about one-quarter of the total number of cesses, to impaired resistance to microbic peculiarly limited distribution in this presi-
sick persons admitted in hospitals in Ma- and other pathogenic agents of disease and dency appears to indicate that there are
dras. Also he believed that the high inci- to the development of maladies of many telluric, climatic and hygienic factors, as
kinds".34 well as conditions relating to the storage of
dence of leprosy and tuberculosis in Madras
rice, concerned in its causation that require
presidency was related to the poor diet of the An important fact that came through a
consideration equally with the dietic factors.
rice-eaters. Table 6 shows the frequency number of surveys was that malnutrition It is tiue that a cause of Beriberi is well
distribution of certain disease per 1,000 of was more marked among the poor of the known—deficiency of vitamin B—but
the sick persons compared with the nutritive towns and cities than among the poor of the causes of Beriberi are not yet well known.39
values of diets in the five main divisions in countryside. This was true not only of the
colonial India. general population, but also of the children In fact, the rural-urban difference noted
This led to a belief that 14 the distribution of in south India. The main reason for this above was more due to another important
certain diseases is in inverse ratio propor- urban-rural difference in malnutrition level factor: while in the rural areas at least some
tional to the nutritive values of their diet was found in the quality of rice consumed, amount of one of the millets formed a part of
irrespective of climate, race, environments, which formed the bulk of the daily diet of the diet, in urban areas there was a social
etc." 3 2 Significantly, though leprosy and both urban and rural populations. prejudice against millets, particularly against
tuberculosis were found to be common The highly polished/milled rice (taken ragi. Millets were generally regarded as the
among people whose diet was ill-balanced, widely by the urban people) was less nutri- food of the poor villager and also as the food
they were more common in regions where tious as compared to the home-pounded or of the prisoners. Raw milled rice was the
rice was the staple food, containing little roughly milled or parboiled rice consumed staple food of the educated class. Such
protein and vitamins. Hence, they were more by villagers. In most parts of India par- prejudices were observed even among the
common among the people of Bengal and boiled rice—i e, rice which is steamed be- children. This was brought out clearly by
Madras than among those whose staple diet fore milling—was consumed in preference Aykroyd and Krishnan in their study in 1937
consisted of wheat, jowar, or other grains to raw milled rice. A diet largely composed on the state of nutrition of school children in
richer in protein and among those who took of raw milled rice, with little of pulses, south India. 40 They took a sample of 714
milk and milk products. vegetable, etc, contained insufficient vita- boys and 955 girls in the age group of four
Besides these, a number of widely preva- min B1, which gave rise to beriberi; whereas, to 20 (the majority of whom fell in the age
lent 'deficiency diseases' were identified "parboiled rice retains a-considerable pro- group 9 to 17) from 24 hostels situated in
among the people. Studies revealed that portion of its vitamin B l content even when various parts of the Madras presidency.
"apart from the clinically defined diseases, highly milled". 35 Many of the hostel superintendents had
a subclinical state of deficiency is the pri- expressed that they had the greatest diffi-
Beriberi was in endemic form in certain
mary cause of the general ill-health and culty in persuading the children to cat ragi
parts of the presidency where milled rice
and other kinds of millet, even when millet
lowering of resistance of the people and is was the staple article of daily diet.36 More
indirectly responsible for the most severe was the staple food of the district from
importantly, it was mainly confined to 'a
ravages of this country by the various tropi- which they came.
narrow tract on the east coast in the districts
cal diseases such as malaria, kala-azar, tu- o f . G a n j a m , Vizagapatnam, Godavari, A few important studies had been con-
berculosis, leprosy, cholera, anaemia, diar- Krishna, Guntur and Nellore. 37 About 95 per ducted in 1930s to record the incidence of
rhoea, etc." 3 3 These 'deficiency diseases', cent of the 40,000 cases reported annually in malnutrition and symptoms of deficiency
though less obviously manifested, came to the Madras presidency occurred in these diseases among the children in south India.
be realised as were of greater practical im- districts. "In this area, the population con- We will mention here one of them carried
portance than the more obvious but less sumes raw rice, whereas elsewhere in south out by Aykroyd and Rajagopal in 1936.41
common diseases. As McCarrison put it: India, and throughout most of the country, Their study covered about 2,000 school
'the milder grades of deficiency of certain the poorer classes prefer parboiled rice."38 children from three different towns and
food-essentials—particularly of vitamins Early in 1920s, after conducting his valu- compared the incidence of. the following
and mineral elements—were much more able survey on the causation and prevalence deficiency diseases among them:
widespread among the people than the se- of beriberi in the Madras presidency, (a) Angular stomatitis: deficiency of some
vere grades; and that they led as surely, McCarrison observed: part of the vitamin B2 complex was consid-


Source: Aykroyd (1941), p 7, see note 8.

60 Economic ana Political weekly January 1-8, 1994

cred the causative factor; fissures at the poor physique, impaired vigour, gastroin- tein daily, 20 per cent of pregnancies had
angles of the mouth usually found in asso- testinal disturbances, low resistance to in- terminated in abortion, miscarriages or still
ciation with the lesion of the tongue; fections and other pronounced symptoms of Igahs^-
(b) Phrynoderma: cqnsidered as due to vita- malnutrition—all these features are com- Also, the effect a still birth as compared to
min A deficiency; it relates to dryness of skin mon among schoolchildren throughout a a live birth on the survival chances of a
(described as toad sldn); the subject whose great part of India.4'
undernourished mother was significantly
skin is thus affected is often afflicted with
Many later studies confirmed that malnu- higher. This was brought out clearly in 1929
sore mouth; the progressive wasting of the
child suffering from malnutrition is usually trition, particularly protein malnutrition was by Ubhay a and Adisheshan in their study of
manifested in the condition of the skin; a problem of very considerable magnitude the factors associated with maternal mortal-
(c) Xeropthalmia: an eye trouble caused by in the poorer communities of south India. ity in south India. 51 They surveyed 7,324
deficiency of vitamin A, a cause for blind- They showed a high prevalence of frank confinements registered in Madras, Madura,
ness; their incidence was noted by observing cases of kwashiorkor, and marasmus (ema- Trichinopoly and Coimbatore during the
patches of foamy yellowish-white substance ciation) among the children in south India. period October 1927 to September 1928.
(known as Bitot's spots) appearing on the Someswar Rao etal's survey in late 1950s of Among the confinements analysed, there
conjectiva... the extent of protein malnutrition in south were 7,176 live births and 166 still births;
These were considered "the conspicuous India estimated that 1 per cent and 1.7 per the proportion of latter to the former being
symptoms of malnutrition' . Table 7 shows cent of children suffered from frank cases of 2.31. The overall maternal death rate was
the incidence of these symptoms among the kwashiorkor and marasmus. 46 Their survey 17.89 per 1,000 births. But what is more
children of Coonoor, Mettupalayam, Calicut, covered about 4,500 children from families important to note here is that "the maternal
as reported by Aykroyd and Rajagopal. It whose monthly income was less than Rs death-rate in the case of confinements re-
shows that nearly 25 per cent of the children 100, in the states ef Kerala, Madras (pres- sulting in still births was a little over 5 times
examined suffered from these three dis- ently, Tamil Nadu), Andhra ftadesh and the death-rate in the case of confinements
eases alone. Karnataka. resulting in live births''.
In the same study they also compared the Besides these symptoms of malnutrition, Pregnancy-anaemia, largely nutritional in
incidence of the same deficiency diseases there were also other disorders, such as origin, was found to be one of the chief
among the children in 'poor' and 'better- rickets, osteomalacia, dental carries, caused causes for the high maternal mortality in
class'of schools in Coonoor town and found by nutritional deficiencies. For example, it India, particularly among the working class.52
them considerably higher in the 'poor' was found that the incidence of badly formed This was confirmed to be true in the case of
school.42 The 'poor' schools included two or decayed teeth was widespread among the Madras city also, as showed by an investiga-
schools for the children of the dhobies rice-growing parts of India.41 tion conducted by A L Mudaliyar in 1932
(washermen) and sweepers, while the 'bet- A diet deficient in protein, iron, vitamins, into the causes of maternal deaths in the
ter-class' school included children from etc, also had adverse effects on maternal and various city hospitals. 53 Of the'436 maternal
economically better-off families, though infant mortality rate. By late 1930s suffi- deaths out of26,207 confinements, he found
many children of the very poor parents also cient medical evidence had been collected that pregnancy-anaemia caused 50 deaths
attended these schools. Table 8 summarises to show that nutrition was at the bottom of (about 12 per cent). Mudaliyar's study sug-
the comparative positions of the children of the problem of maternal mortality. A defi- gested that this was largely due to deficien-
the poor and better class schools in terms of cient diet of the mother was found to cause cies in food intake. Also, his study found
phrynoderma, angular stomatitis and cessation of growth of the child in the foetus. that the deaths due to toxemias of preg-
xerophthalmia (Bitot spots). This was an important cause for the high nancy, considered as the consequences of
The extent of malnutrition among the incidence of feeble and premature birth of dietetic deficiency, was about 10 per cent.
children was thus evidently very high in the infants all over colonial India; and prema- Although malnutrition per se may not have
entire Madras presidency. The Madras ture birth was certainly a cause for the caused these maternal deaths; it would have
corporation's reports regularly recorded a higher infant mortality. In colonial south certainly aggravated in some sense the de-
high incidence of xerophthalmia and India, neonatal deaths accounted for about velopment of toxemias of pregnancy." Of
stomatitis due to diet deficiency among 50 per cent of the total infant deaths. Recent course, sepsis continued to be the chief
corporation school children in Madras city. studies have implicated maternal malnutri- cause for maternal deaths.
Generally, the corporation schools were at- tion as an important cause of the high infant As for the extent of malnutrition among
tended by the children of the poorest classes. mortality in many developing countries. the working class population in colonial
During the years 1930 to 1934, nearly 20 per Aaron Lechitg's study in this respect sug- south India, very little information is avail-
cent of the children in the corporation schools gests that 'both short- and long-term mater- able. Much of what we have is related to the
in Madras was found to be suffering from nal nutrition status may be causally related workers in Madras city. There was no sys-
malnutrition. 43 Regular medical examina- to infant mortality." 48 This does not mean, tematic enquiry into the living conditions of
tions of the children conducted in other parts as he points out, that other factors, namely, the working class until the survey of the
of the presidency also revealed a high inci- medical care and environmental sanitation Family Budgets of Industrial Workers in
dence of Malnutrition among the children, arc not important determinants of infant Madras city was undertaken in 1935." The
as can be seen, for example, from Table 9 of mortality. family budget survey sought to analyse what
a school in Karaikudi town in Ramnad dis- In one of their many pioneering studies, a working class family actually spent, not
trict for the period 1927-1930. It shows Balfour and Talpade observed in 1932 that only on the bare necessaries of life but also
clearly that at least one-fourth of the chil- ' 'the unsatisfactory conditionsof the infants on the social obligations, on "the satisfac-
dren were malnourished. It may be noted may have been either due to lack of protein tion of certain wants springing from the
here that such a high percentage of malnour- or to lack of vitamin B " in the diet of the social conditions in which people were
ished children was also common in the mothers. 49 Later in 1962, talking about preg- placed and reared up. "
Bengal and Bihar provinces where, rice nancy wastage, C Gopalan referred to a It observed that the food consumed by the
formed the bulk of the diet.44 survey carried out in south India which industrial workers was deficient in calories,
The data given above are obviously selec- revealed that among poor women whose and proteins, fat, minerals and vitamins
tive, but they certainly reflect the poor state dietaries during pregnancy provided 1,400- except B1. Table 10 gives the findings of the
of health of the children in colonial India: 1,500 calories and about 40 grams of pro- above mentioned survey on the diet of the

Economic and Political Weekly January 1-8, 1994

industrial workers in Madras city. The ill- the medical authorities to the Royal Com- India conducted in 1920s and 1930s is that
balanced diet was estimated to cost from Rs mission on Indian Labour in 1929 stated, "it we should not be overhasty in explaining the
2 to Rs 3 per adult per month, depending on [the diet] is too bulky; it contains a very mortality decline in the inter-war period.
the nature of cereal and differences and small amount of milk, butter, and animal More empirical analysis is required before
fluctuations in food prices. The cost of the fats and consequently does not give any we can arrive at even a preliminary view on
well-balanced diet was estimated as Rs 4 to appreciable power of endurance and resis- the nutrition-mortality link.
Rs 6 per adult per month. tance." 60 Any discussion on the nutritional status of
Two important findings of this survey a given population of the past has to be
which are related to level of malnutrition IV cautious for a number of reasons, one of
among the working class should be men- them being the lack of information. While
tioned here (Table 10). There is an abundance of evidence to discussing the value of contemporary stud-
...monthly expenditure on food, even in the suggest that a large number of the people in ies on nutrition for historians, Scrimshaw
lowest group; was slightly above that neces- colonial south India suffered continually remarks that 1 'Nutritional mechanisms and
sary to purchase an ill-balanced diet suffi- from a number of deficiency diseases; their consequences that can be discerned only
cient in quantity. Presumably, therefore, the susceptibility to these diseases was a result with great difficulty from the usually sparse
majority of families were above the starva- of their diets which were defective in many and inadequate historical data can often be
tion level—they had enough to eat. respects, particularly in terms of 'protective understood with reasonable certainty through
The percentage of total income spent on food food'. Under- and malnutrition meant not access to detailed contemporary informa-
averaged S2.6 per cent in all families. [But only low resistance to infections, loss of tion and analysis". 61 We need such an
the] expenditure on food per consumption vitality and productivity, but in many cases indepth study. What I have presented here
unit did not rise proportionately to income also death. A large number of deaths in may be considered a small step'in that
per consumption unit. direction.
colonial south India may have been due to
The average amount spent by all families malnutrition per, aggravated by the onset
surveyed on food per unit of consumption of certain infectious diseases. It is not pos- Notes
per month was Rs 3-10-8 as against Rs 6 per sible to get a precise figure of the impact of
unit of consumption per month required for malnutrition on mortality in the past; but it [I wish to thank S Ambirajan, A Vaidyanathan, C
a well-balanced diet. 56 Only the highest in- needs to be pointed out here that the ques- Oopalan, C $ Subramaniam, D Veeraraghavan,
come group (with income above Rs 70 per tion of nutrition-mortality link so far has not and Shambu Prasad for their comments on this
month) could spend enough on food to pur- received adequate attention by the scholars paper. Many of their valuable suggestions to widen
working on demographic change in colo- the scope of this essay will be incorporated in a
chase a well-balanced diet. It should be
larger study which is under progress. The errors
noted that the amount spent on milk in- nial India. It is necessary to first assemble
that remain are mine.]
creased but in small amount until the highest together the available data on the regional
income group is reached. Aykroyd 1 s expla- variations in the diets of the Indian popula- 1 Sumit Guha, 'Mortality Decline in Early
nation for this trend does sound reasonable. tion before and during inter-war period in Twentieth Century India: A Preliminary
The probable explanation is that an ill- order to prove or disprove as to whether the Enquiry', The Indian Economic and Social
bulk of them suffered from moderate mal- History Review (hereafter '1ESHR), 28,
balanced diet is the normal diet of the poor 4(1991), pp 371-91. Tim Dyson's (edited)
in south India, and poor families will not nutrition but remained stable and just above
India's Historical Demography: Studies in
readily make sacrifices in other items of the minimum requirements to survive. Un- Famine, Diseases and Socie4y, London,
expenditure to purchase a diet of superior til then, Klein's immunological hypothesis 1989, has very little to say on this very
quality. It is only when income reaches a may remain undisproved, though it also important and a complex relationship be-
level which allows needs other than food to does not sqaurely answer certain questions tween nutrition and mortalilty.
be fulfilled with relative ease that more such as the following: How was it that 2 Ira Klein, 'Population Growth and Mortality
money is devoted to buying a better diet.57 immunity developed by early 1920s and not in British Indian Part II: The demographic
Similar tendencies were also noted in earlier or later, given the fact that for a long revolution' JESHR, 27,1(1990), pp 33-62.
family budget enquiries carried out in period of time the people were exposed to 3 Ouha, p 387, see note 1.
thesediseases, without much Improvements 4 Guha cites Sukhatme's 'The Process View
A h m e d a b a d , Shplapur, Howrah, and
of Nutrition' in S K Roy (ed) Frontiers of
Bombay, on the industrial workers with in their diet standards?; Which age group of
Research ih Agriculture, Calcutta, 1983, Ibid,
monthly income ranging from below Rs 20 the population had more immunity to these p 387.
to Rs 80 per family. 58 diseases? What about the children: were 5 Guha, p 387, see note 1.
While the Family Budget of Industrial they more or less immune to these dis- 6 MassinoLivi-Bacci, The Nutrition Mortality
Workers in Madras City suggested that the eases?. Their diets were certainly poor and Link in Past Times: A Comment*, JIH, 14(2)
majority of workers were above the starva- aided spread of infectious diseases. Nearly 1983, pp 293-98.
tion level, C W Ranson's observations in half of the total deaths were among the 7 Michael Worboys, The Discovery of Mal-
children. Why did such a trend continue? nutrition betweenthe Wars', in D Arnold
1938 on the workers 1 state of health in
Was it because they never developed suffi- (ed) Imperial Medicine and Indigenous So-
Madras seem to contradict it: "considering ciety, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1989,
that the figures furnished by M/s Binny and cient immunity to escape from attacks of
pp 208-25.
Co for 1919 were average wages and that these infectious diseases?. If immunity did
8 W R Aykroyd, 'Economic Aspects of the
there must have been many employees who develop around early 1920s, why is that till Problem of Nutrition in India', Indian Journal
received less than the average, a large num- today certain parts of India, particularly the of Social Work, II, 3 (1941), p 1.
ber of the workers should have been living states of Bihar and Orissa, continue to expe- 9 W R Aykroyd, 'The Nutritive Value of Indian
under what were virtually famine condi- rience a high mortality rates?; they have Food and the Planning 6f Satisfactory Diets'.
tions."59 been exposed to these diseases at least for Health Bulletint No 23, revised and enlarged,
as long as the rest of India. Government of Indja, New Delhi, 1938.
What may be said in general terms about
10 Ibid, p 1.
the working class is that the usual diet avail- Many such questions can be raised. The 11 'Dietary and Nutritional Standards in India'
able to the bulk of the industrial labour was lesson I derive from scanning through the (editorial), M/G 71 (July 1936), p 405.
not balanced and was inadequate in calorific results of the studies on diets and its rela- 12 'The Nutritive Value of Indian Foods and
value. As the memorandum submitted by tionship with diseases in colonial south the Planning of Diets' (editorial), Indian

62 Economic and Political Weekly January 1-8, 1994

Medical Gazette (hereafter IMG), 72 (May Orgafusation (hereafter BWHO), 20 (1959), Madras, Government of Madras, 1933.
1937), pp 299-300. pp 603-39. 54 Gangulee (1938), p 129, see note 15 and also
13 Aykroyd (1938), p 7, see note 9. 47 Oangulee (1938), p 139-40, see note 15. refer to Gopalan (1962), p204, see note 50and
14 IMGt (1937), p 300,-see note 12. 48 Aaron Lechtig, 'Relationship between Ma- note 33.
15 B N Oangulee, Nutrition and Health in India, ternal Nutrition and Infant Mortality' in 55 Report of the Enquiry into the Family Budgets
London, 1939, p IS. Waltor Santos et al (eds). Nutrition and Food of Industrial Workers in Madras City; Govern-
16 As for example, PC Ray remarked in 1941 that Science; Present Knowledgeand Utilisation, ment of Madras, 1938 (hereafter, 1935 Family
"the problemof nutrition is not only a scien- Vol 3: Nutritional Bio-Chemistry and Pa- Budget Enquiry).
tific problem but also a social problem" and thology. New York. 1980, pp 567-80. 56 Ibid, p 131.
that it * 'should be tackled by radically altering 49 MI Balfour and S K Talpade, 'The Influence 57 Aykroyd (1941), p 8, see note 8.
the social system' refer his article * The prob- of Diet onfregnancyand Early Infant Mortal- 58 Ibid, p 8.
lem of nutrition in India*', The Indian Review, ity in India*, /A#G67 (November 1932), p606. 59 C W Ranson, A City in Transition, Madras,
42,4 (1941), pp 209-12. 50 CGopalan, 'Effects ofNutrition on Pregnancy 1938, pp 41-42.
17 'The Nutritive Value of Indian Fbods and the and Lactation*, BWHO, 26,2 (1962), p 203. 60 Gangulee (1938), p 222, see note 15 and D
Planning of Diets', Indian Medical Gazette 51 N R Ubhaya and R Adisheshan, 'Maternal Veeraraghavan, The Rise and Growth of
(hereafter IMG), 72 (May 1937), pp 299-300; Mortality in India: A Preliminary Study', IMG Labour Movement in the City of Madras and
and D C Wilson and Widdowson, 'A Com- (October 1929), p 555. its Environs 1918-1939, PhD thesis, Indian
parative Nutritional Survey of Various Indian 52 L Wills and M M Mehta, 'Studies in Pernicious Institute of Technology, Madras, Chapter 1.
Communities*, Indian Medical Research Mem- Anaemia of Pregnancy', I JMR 18(July 1930), 61 NS Scrimshaw,'The Value of Contemporary
oirs (hereafter IMRM), No 34 (March 1942). pp 283-306. Food and Nutrition Studies for Historians,
18 S P Niyogi, V N Patwardhan, and R G Chitre, 53 A L Mudaliyar, Report of an Investigation into Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 14(2)
'Balanced Diet, (Part I)', Indian Journal of the Causes ofMaternal Mortality in the City of 1983, pp 529-34.
Medical Research (hereafter IJMR), 24 (Janu-
ary 1937), p 787.
19 WR Aykroyd (1941), p 2 see note 8.
20 Robert McCarrison, 'A Good Diet and a Bad
One: An Experimental Contrast', IJMR, 14
21 Details of these experiments are taken from
Gangulee, p 230, see note 15. Breast-Feeding: Beyond Economics
22 WR Aykroyd, 'ThePoor Rice-Eater's of Diet',
Bulletin of the Helath Organisation of the Shanti Ghosh
League of Nations, 9, 3(1940), p 344,
23 W R Aykroyd and B G Krishnan, 'Diet Sur- THE articles by Gupta and Rohde (EPW, widely accepted. Infants of undernourished
veys in South Indian Villages*, I JMR, 24 (Janu- June 26, 1993) and Mina Swaminathan women weigh less from birth through in-
ary, 1937), pp 667-688. (EPWP September 25, 1993) have raised fancy compared to those born to better nour-
24 Ibid, p 682. interesting issues. Let me say at the outset ished women. The nutrient need of smaller
25 Gangulee, p 232, see note 15. that breast-feeding remains the ideal food babies is less than of bigger babies. Most
26 Aykroyd and Krishnan, p 684, see note 23. for the baby and exclusive breast-feeding Indian babies continue to grow well for
27 Aykroyd (1938), p 2, see note 9.
for the first four-six months leads to better four-six months on breast milk alone. WHO
28 Aykroyd, Nutrition, Oxford Pamphlets on In-
dian Affairs, Oxford Universityfress,21,1946. nutrition, better growth and virtual freedom Collaborative Studies have shown that when
29 As quoted in Gangulee, p 229, see note 15. from infection. There are innumerable other infants of similar birth weight' and body
30 Aykroyd (1946), see note 28. advantages but I will not go into them here. weight were investigated, there were no
31 R McCarrison, Nutrition and Health (The Can- It is a bond between the mother and the baby significant differences in volumes of milk
tor Lectures, The Royal Society of Arts, 1936, leading to tremendous emotional satisfac- produced between undernourished and well-
Faber and Faber, London 1956). tion to both. Almost all Indian rural women nourished mothers, supporting the hypoth-
32 As quoted in S C Seal, 'Diet and the Incidence breast-feed naturally without thinking of the esis that infant size is one of the determi-
of Disease in India', IMG, 73 (May 1938). p 294. benifits either nutritional or psychological. nants of the volume of milk secreted. Mater-
33 Ibid, p 300.
The milk is there, they have seen-everyone nal under-nutrition does not seem to have
34 McCarrison (1936), see note 31.
35 Aykroyd (1940), p 349, see note 22. around them breast-feeding and so they any adverse effect either on initiation of
36 R McCarrison and R V Norris, 'The Rela- breast-feed the baby automatically. They do lactation or the duration of lactation.
tionship of Rice to Beri-Beri in India*, IMRM not think of the economic benefits and the Lactation involves considerable nutrient
No 2 (1924). amount of money saved. Thinking in eco- expenditure for the mother, the estimated
37 Government Order (hereafter GO), 1565 (Pub- nomic terms somehow reduces the mother caloric expenditure varies between 400-700
lic Health Department; (hereafter PH), 17 to a good milk-yielding cow, even though K cal/day. There is no deposition of body fat
November 1922; and Letter from R McCarrison in the context of the national economics during pregnancy among poor women to
to the Surgeon-General with Government of
this might evoke a great deal of academic meet the extra need during lactation. Major-
Madras (No D/200, December 5,1922), in GO
63$ (PH), April 14,1923. interest. ity of lactating women front low income
38 Aykroyd (1940), p 349, see note 22. The subject of maternal nutrition and groups subsist on diets which provide 1200-
39 GO 639 (PH), April 14,1929. breast-feeding has evoked a great deal of 1600 K cal/day irrespective of whether they
40 WR Aykroyd and BGKrishnan, The State of interest. Earlier studies by the National In- are lactating or not. The expenditure in-
Nutrition of School Children in South India*, stitute of Nutrition had shown that under- volved in producing 500-600 ml of milk per
Part-II, IJMR, 24 (January 1937), pp 707-25. nourished women Secrete 500-800 ml of day is about 450-600 K cal per day. Under
41 W R Aykroyd and K Rajagopal. 'The State of milk [Ramachandran 1989]. More recent normal circumstances such a large energy
Nutrition of School Children in South India*, studies using electronic balances for mea- deficit is likely to result in weight loss of
Part-1,IJ MR,24 (October 1936), pp 419-37.
surement of milk intakes of infants have 1.5-2.0 kg per month. Even though women
42 Ibid.
43 Referred to in ibid, p 419. confirmed this. Women in developed coun- continue to work both inside and outside the
44 Seal (1938), see note 32. tries can secrete 600-1000 ml of milk a day home, the alterations in body weight during
45 Gangulee (1938), p 215, see note 15. but milk intakeof infants born to undernour- lactation are of too small a magnitude to
46 K Someswar Rao et al, 'Protein Malnutrition ished women was lower [WHO 1985]. That make any difference to energy needs. With
in South India', Bulletin of the World Health infant modulates maternal milk yield is cessation of lactation again it is no more

Economic and Political Weekly January 1-8, 1994 63

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