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212122, 4:56 PM [NX1899] New Mass propertios management NX DESIGN mr 2) ubalibre00 (siprofile/00540000007xfhmQAA) asked a question. December 19, 2019 at 4:27 PM (siquestion/0D54000006FMSO3SAPInx1899-new-mass-properties-management) INX1899] New Mass properties management Hi, related to this enhancement, in the customer default it possible to ask to NX to generate an attribute for assembly mass. So I've a part mass attribute called 'NX_MASS' and mass attribute for assembly called "NX_ASS_MASS’. All works fine. I would like to know if can implement in the title block those attribute in the ‘manner that if the 'NX_ASS_MASS' has a value, it will be used, if not, use the 'NX_MASS. The question is that | have the same title block for part and for assembly, so | would like to discriminate when to use one respect the other. NX Design {isltonicioT04o000000MinTWAS), 21 answers 3,18K views 1h Like @ Answer (2, Share e Anthony Galante (/s/profile!00540000007xyGGQAY) 2years ago Ws already there. In the customer defaults (see image below), there is @ new TAB for Rol-Up ‘tributes, which are assembly or sub assembly mass. They aren't enabled OOTB, but they do work if you turn them on, Below image shows an example of it working. htpsiicommunity sw siemens. com/s!question/0D54000006F MSD3SAPinx1898-new-mass-propertes- management 18 [NX1899] New Mass propertios management ° omit 2 cs oe te like Reply 1 lke © exratv:200 (profie00s40000007%thmana) 2years ago @anthony Galante (/s!profile/00540000007xyGGQAY) , have you read my message ? In your opinion, how do | get the mass attribute of the assembly unless enabling what you write, | asked another question. Like Reply e Anthony Galante (Isiprofilel00540000007xyGGQAY) 2 years ago Been looking at this today & I think there's a better and much simpler solution to this ‘As mentioned in my first post, you need to turn on the MassPropRollupMass EXPRESSION setting in the customer defaults In your drawing templates, create an expression called MassPropRollupMass specify a value, making sure its a number (I prefer unitless as the type), ‘Then in your drawing titleblock, edit the appropriate cell and link to the expression MassPropRollupMass. Save your drawing templates. Now create a new drawing using that template (whether of an assembly or piece part) The value will not populate in the titleblock, but if you click the Update Mass Properties button, the mass will be calculated, MassPropRollupMass will be updated and the titleblock will show the mass. I've made a video that shows how this is done: https:liphoenxplm.sharefile.comld. se9e5d07a5c54e5c8 (https:/phoenxpim sharefile,com/d-see5d07a5c54e5c8) Like Reply 3 Fikes e cubalibre00 (Isiprofilel00540000007xfhmQAA) 2 years ago ‘@Anthony Galante (/s/proflel00540000007xyGGQAY) , htpsdicommunity sw siemens. com/s!question/0D54000006F MSD3SAPinx 1898-new-mass-propertes- management 212122, 4:86 PM [NX1899] New Mass propertios management thank you for the suggestion. The video is clear. | will check next year 2020 when I will return at ‘work. The problem is that we don't have the weight management license, then | don't know what | can do without the license, | need to do some tests, Like Reply Anthony Galante (/slprafilel00540000007xyGGQAY) 2 years ago @cubalibredd (Isiprofilel00540000007xthmQAA) Ive done some testing with a standard license that doesn't have Advanced Assemblies (i.e advanced weight management) and | got no error messages requesting the license to do what Ive done in the video. Showing the mass properties panel and updating the mass doesn't seem to ask for the advanced weight license. Like Reply 1 lke cubalibre00 (/s/profile/00540000007xfhmQAA) 2 years ago @Anthony Galante (Js!profilel00540000007xyGGQAY) , its seam a bug, Read this topic. hnttps:licommunity, no-longerneeded-for-assert-mass? soid=000300000006woe8s1nid=0D840000000kA6t&emkind=chatterCommentNotification&s1uid .00540000007xthmB&emtm=1582120552444&fromEmail=1&slext=0 {(https:llcommunity,sw.siemens.comls/question/0D740000005sqFz/nx-advanced-assemblies-license- no-longerneeded-for-assert-mass? soid=000300000006woe8s' nid=0DB40000000kA6t&emkind=chatterCommentNotification&s1uid .00540000007xthmB&emtm=1582120552444&fromEma stext Like Reply Anthony Galante (Is/profilel00540000007xy6GQAY) 2 years ago Well that sucks like Reply cubalibre00 (Isiprofilel00540000007xfhmQAA) Eclited February 21, 2020 at 4:33 PM Hi @Anthony Galante (siprofle!00540000007xyG6QAY) , today Ive tested your suggestion and work well Do you have a solution to avoid the click the Update Mass Properties button ? | would like to automate the process. I can't say to my colleagues to click on the button before to send to the workflow. Uke Reply Anthony Galante (Islproflel00540000007xy66QAY) 2years ago I haven't found one. Like Reply cubalibe00 (siprofile!00540000007xthmQAA) 2 years ago @Anthony Galante (Is!profilel00540000007xy6GQAY) . | will register a journal that invoke the update and | will add in the save drafting command. Like Reply hitpsdicammunity sw.slemens. coms/question/0D54000006F MSD3SAPinx1899-new-mase-properbee-management is 212122, 4:86 PM [NX1899] New Mass propertios management e cubalibre00 (/s/profile/00540000007xfhmQAA) 2 years ago @Paul Bevan (Isiprofilei005a000000A8MSIAAF) (Siemens Employee) ‘can you check what it's possible to do without the Advanced Weight Management 7 For example the generation part and expression attribute, the update command present in the new group. Like Reply (@,_ Paul Bevan (isiprofie100540000007x42yQAA) 2 years ago @cubalibre00 ({siprofle/00540000007xthmQAA) yes will check and see, in fact we have an internal presentation this week from Taylor Anderson who is the Product Manager for this topic so will ask him directly. Regards Paul Like Reply (@, %2u!_Bevan (s!profile!00540000007%42yQAA) 2 years ago @cubalibre00 (|slprofle/00540000007xthmQAA) it seem that you will not Properties Panel without Advanced Weight Management, Like Reply e cubalibre00 (/s/profile/00540000007xfhmQAA) 2 years ago @Paul Bevan (|siprofilei0052000000A8MSIAAF) (Siemens Employee) I don't use the Mass Properties Panel, but | asked if it's possible to generate part and expression attribute, the update command present in the new group without the Advanced Weight Management license. Like Reply e TaylorAnderson (/siprofile/00540000007xhvRQAQ) 2 years ago So... AS Paul described above, without the Advanced Assemblies license, the two toolbar buttons (the toggle for displaying the Mass Panels and the Update Button) will both display a message that a license was not found. This is consistent with the behavior of the previous Advanced Assembly Weight Management, where the immediate update button (buried in the Mass tab on the Component Properties dialog) has always been similarly disabled without the license. With that said, the "Update Mass Properties on Save" toggle in the Component Properties dialog is available (as before) without the Advanced Assemblies license. In other words, you can always update mass properties on save, and the license enables you de this on demand without necessarily saving the parts. ‘And as before, the “Generate Mass Data" Customer Default can still be used to automate this update- ‘on-save for all of your users, with or without the license. ‘As you mentioned, there are new opportunities to create various Part Attributes and Expressions described in the Customer Defaults. You'll be pleased to know that all of these can be created and updated even without the Advanced Assemblies license. As you might expect, with the license tps dicammunity sw.slemens. coms/question/0D54000006FMSD3SAPinx1899-new-mase-properbee-management 48 212122, 4:86 PM [NX1899] New Mass propertios management present these values can be updated on demand using one of the Update buttons. Without the license, these will be updated on save (again, as before.) You asked above about updating mass properties autornatically, ("to avoid the click the Update Mass Properties button’) This was a very interesting topic of discussion as we developed these new tools. On one hand, the convenience of always having up-to-date Mass Properties available certainly seems attractive. But on the other hand, the computational overhead involved in constantly recalculating these properties ~ particularly for complex geometry or for large assemblies ~ can get very irritating if it's happening during every model update. The decision to leave immediate update in the hands of the user (or for most usets, in the hands of the save button, which they are certain to be pushing from time to time) was a very deliberate one. We thought long and hard about it, and decided to come down on the side of higher performance for large assemblies, rather than slower, convenience. But again, remember that the "Generate Mass Data® Customer Default can still be used to automate this update-on-save for all of your users, with or without the license, So you really shouldn't need to “say to my colleagues to click on the button before to send to the workflow’ Hopefully that helps a bit! Thanks for always keeping us honest, cubaliore. @ Like Reply 1 tke ErieBerben ({siprofile/00540000007xt3qQAA) fa year ago Hiall, This topic has just popped up in an upgrade project (to NX1926). The issue is that we have an. attribute for parts (MassPropMass) and one for assemblies (MassPropRollupMass), so we always end Up with two attributes and one of them will be empty. The customer prefers to map the appropriate attribute to Teamcenter, depending on whether or not itis an assembly or a part. While Anthony's method of using expressions provides a workaround, it is troublesome if the customer has a big database with parts that doesn't have this expression. ‘Anyone who has found a solution for this? Would an ER make sense? Thanks, Eric Like Reply car|_hartison (Isiproflel00540000007xuHGQAY) ayear ago Hikric, | already have an ER raised to either: + Create MassPropRolllupMass expression in piece parts as well as assemblies, so that the drawing template can reference it ‘= Or ensure that MassPropRollupMass in a drawing only collects the mass from master modellassembly, and nothing else in the drawing file The reason is that as per the original question here, it's not easy to map the mass to a drawing sheet if you have different attributes for assemblies or piece parts, tps dicammunity sw.slemens. coms/question/0D54000006FMSD3SAPinx1899-new-mase-properbee-management 58 212122, 4:86 PM e [NX1899] New Mass propertios management So instead you can run the mass roll up at drawing level, which therefore treats everything as an assembly. But the problem here is mass roll up would also include anything else added to the drawing as referencelscenery geometry. I'd prefer if mass roll up created the same attribute in piece parts or assemblies, and wasn't concerned with whether the mass was bodies or components. Regards Carl like Reply 1 lke TaylorAnderson (s/proflel00540000007xhvRQAQ) ‘year ago @car|_harrison ({siprofilef00540000007xuHGQAY) — You've gota great point here as well. We're not happy with how difficult itis to use part attributes (in general) in 2 Mast Model drawing, so we will be doing some work here. If you read between the lines in my reply here to Eric, you can probably see the challenge in populating only the rolled-up values into the attribute all the time. (If we did this in the attribute we sync to Teamcenter, then the whole ability of Teamcenter to do accurate rollups would collapse.) But | see your challenge here. And I've received and read through your ER 9676436. As we do the attributes work described above, we'll think long and hard about the best/easiest way to get one consistent attribute for the purpose of drawings, ‘Thanks, Carl! Like Reply 1 lke carL_hartison (Isiprofilel00540000007xuHGQAY) a year ago Hi @TaylorAnderson (Is/profile/00540000007xhvRQAQ) ‘Thank you for your reply. Regarding the use of assembly mass on drawings | think great progress has been made and it's “almost” there. For the job | was asking about we were able to do mass roll up in the drawing file so that it would work for parts or assemblies, because this customer didn't use any scenery. Also recently I've used the Attribute Templates method, where master model attributes can be referenced in 2 drawing without the need for a dummy MM. That also is great! Re your answer below about Teamcenter, it's interesting about the difference between an NX roll-up, (effectively frozen) and a live TC roll up, I'l pass that on to some relevant people. Regards Carl Like Reply TaylorAnderson (/siprofile!00540000007xhvRQAQ) a year ago @EricBerben (Ishprofilel00540000007xt3aQAA) tps dlcammunity sw siemens. omsquestion/0D54000006F MSD3SAPinx1899-new-mase-properbee-management 68 212122, 4:86 PM [NX1899] New Mass propertios management Yours is a good question here. It's something that we discussed long and hard with the Teamcenter folks as well. Here’s the dilemma... 1) On one hand, the rolled-up mass attributes at the assembly level are really helpful in NX. It's nice to have those aggregated properties at the assembly level, and at first it only seemed right to sync these to Teamcenter. 2) On the other hand, these values are generated and saved with the assembly part, and if we were to sync them to Teamcenter at that moment, they would only represent a static snapshot of the one moment in time when the assembly file was saved. In any design environment where multiple users are collaborating on a common assembly (which you must realize is VERY common amongst our customers) that saved set of rolled-up properties at the assembly level is almost certain to be incorrect much of the time, and therefore highly unreliable. We really don’t want to mislead you. And so in the end, we concluded that syncing the rolled-up values to Teamcenter was not necessarily a helpful thing, Syncing the individual contributions of ‘components (and any assembly-level operations like promotions, hole series, assembly cuts, et.) to Teamcenter will give Teamcent the abilty to roll up in real-time the actual current numbers ~ including any adjust mentsledits that other team members may have made to components or subassemblies since the last save of the larger assembly in question hope that makes sense, These rollup attributes are going to be more useful for users who don't have Teamcenter, and for various use cases inside NX, But Teamcenter is really good at rolling up values in a 80M, and can do ‘a better, more up-to-date job using the individual component properties synced from NX. Does that help? Like Reply ©) HricBerden (isiprofiteioos40000007x13qQAA) year ago @TaylorAnderson (Is/profle/00540000007xhvRQAQ) Yes, that makes sense I can create a Teamcenter mass rollup report, but the customer prefers to have the rolled-up mass of anything that is released to their master data system. Is there anyone who was successful in creating 2 rollup Teamcenter property and who is willing to share how to do this? Thanks! eric Like Reply Log In to Answer BOOKMARK TRENDING ARTICLES tps dicammunity sw siemens. coms/question/0D54000006F MSD3SAPinx1899-new-mase-propertee-management 118 212122, 4:56 PM [NX1899] New Mass propertios management What is a Power Spectral Density (PSD)? ((slarticlelwhat-is-a-power-spectral-density-psd) Digital Signal Processing: Sampling Rates, Bandwith, Spectral Lines, and more. ((slarticleldigital-signal-processing-sampling-rates-bandwidth-spectral-lines-and-more) What is a Frequency Response Function (FRF)? 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