Attribute Help For Beginner

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1126122, 219 PM ‘Altribute Help for beginner! NX DESIGN D e ChicagoMold (is/profle/00540000007xkxmQAI) asked a question. May 13, 2015 at 2:56 PM (/siquestion/00540000061wi28SAQ/attribute-help-for-beginner) Attribute Help for beginner!!! | am looking to understand how to start attributes in Unigraphics 9.0. | have previous experience with Solidworks of using attributes to a great extent it made drafting soo much more simpler. However, I cannot figure out how to get started with attributes here in Unigraphics. Can someone help me with the basics of being able to call out an attribute easily? 'm mostly wanting to apply attributes for a drawing template as well as creating a BOM list for assemblies. The big questions | need answered are: 1. How do you successfully create an attribute for a part? 2. In what way are you able to look for that attribute that was recently created and apply it with the correct syntax(in solidworks, when creating a note, there isan icon to click that will ring up al attributes related with the parts in that model as well as default attributes such as mass, volume, etc.. js tere something like this in unigraphies?) Any help would be appreciated! NX Design NXCAD {isltoniclOTO4Q000000MinTWAS), ——_{{sitopiclOTO49099000MinbWACN B2answers 3.5K views Like @ Answer (2, Share Top Rated Answers hitpsi/communty sw siemens. comsiqueston/0D54000006 twi2B/atribu (©) _sohnRBaker (siprofilei00540000007xh13QA)) 7 years 290 Ifall you want to do is to add Part Attributes on-the-fly, simply go to. File -> Properties -> Attributes and create the needed attributes in your part fie. rif you would like to have things where you can simply select the desired Attributes from a lst of predefined ones which are not activated until you need them, go t File > Utilities > Attribute Templates... where you can create a ‘catalog’ of predefined Attributes which will be available whenever you have a part file open by going to. ~> Properties > Attributes _.and selecting from the lst of "Unset attributes that you will find there. Note that using the Template approach does provide you with a lot more options as you can predefine the attributes values which could be from a limited list of choices. You can also set up so- «alled ‘Boolean’ attributes where the value is limited to either ‘True’ or False’ which can be useful when you want to provide someone a simple ‘binary’ choice. AAs for linking notes to an attribute, when in the note editor, below the text entry box there is @ ‘option titled "Category Just change it to ‘Relationships’ and youll then see an icon labeled ‘Insert Part Attribute! which when selected will give you list of all of the attributes in the current Work part. \lpor-boginner sno 1126122, 219 PM ‘Altribute Help for beginner! © Selected as Best Like All Answers (©) _sohnRBaker (siprofileio0s40000007xh13QA)) 7 years ago Ifall you want to do is to add Part Attributes on-the-fly, simply go to. File -> Properties -> Attributes and create the needed attributes in your part fie. rif you would like to have things where you can simply select the desired Attributes from a lst of predefined ones which are not activated until you need them, g File > Utilities > attribute Templates... where you can create a ‘catalog’ of predefined Attributes which will be available whenever you have a part fle open by going to, File > Properties -> Attributes _and selecting from the list of ‘Unset’ attributes that you will find there. Note that using the Template approach does provide you with a lot more options as you can predefine the attributes values which could be from a limited list of choices, You can also set up so- called ‘Boolean’ attributes where the value is limited to either "True' or ‘False’ which can be useful when you want to provide someone a simple ‘binary’ choice AAs for linking notes to an attribute, when in the note editor, below the text entry box there is @ ‘option titled ‘Category’ Just change it to ‘Relationships’ and youll then see an icon labeled ‘Insert Part Attribute' which when selected will give you list of all of the attributes in the current Work part. O Selected asBest Like Reply © cricegomats dsprofiel00s40000007xexmaAl) 7 years ago This is perfect Ths s exactly what | needed to get ajump start. Thank youl® Like Reply e JohnRBaker (/s/profile/00540000007xh/3QAl) 7 years ago | do have one observation to make. For someone new to NX, atleast | assume so since you say you're ‘coming from where you've used 2 competitive product, | was surprised that you called it Unigraphics 9.0. Now there actually was @ UG V9.0 but that was something like 23 years ago, Officially we have not used the terms UG of Unigraphics since the release of NX 1.0, some 13 years ago ‘Anyway, 'm just curious as to you using terminology that has long been obsolete, although many of us ‘old timers’ still catch ourselves using those terms as well, when we're not careful. Now there's no real problem as most people know that you mean, just that it was a bit unexpected, that’s all @ Like Reply e ChicagoMold (Isiprofilel00540000007xkXmQAl), 7 years ago Hello, T guy for Chicago Mold here (diferent from the guy who started this thread), Outside of the gentleman you have been talking to, all of our users who have used this product have been doing this thing for along time, and stil call it Unigraphics. | quess it has rubbed off, but we still call it that because calling it PLM or NX9 isn't immediately understood by them, while Unigraphics stilis. Trust me, | have tried to get them to call it by something close to its real name, but to no avail Ive just attributed it to ‘Old timers stuck in their ways, but it stil rubbs off onto everyone else Like Reply htpsiicommuniy.sw siemens. com/stquestion/0054000006 Blatt \lpor-boginner ano 1126122, 219 PM ‘Altribute Help for beginner! ©) Actor siprorieto0s40000007xi410A0) 7 years ago Soha, relevant of how long it's been, I dont think the marketing of IX" has quite stuck, PeopleiCustomers come in all the time and when asked about the CAD system we use, I say "NX" and every single time I get a blank stare back, unless they use NX. When | tell them its the "new’ name for UnigraphicsiUG, then they all know what software we use. So whether it was the lawyers ‘or the Gov't that made you guys change the name of the software, | wish they would have kept their noses out of it..for your sake. my $0.02 Like Reply ©) otntbaer(stprofito0s40000007xh130A) 7 years ago ‘Trust me, this was a purely home-grown, and admittedly, marketing inspired name change and while imany of us old-time UG users felt a bit sad with passing of the "Unigraphics” name (and remember that I've been using this product since 1977), there was at least a rational motivation for the name ‘change at the time it was made ‘The NX label grew out of the need to have a new go-forward name for the product that grew out of the merging of Unigraphics and Ideas. And while itis true that NX is basically Unigraphics from an architectural point of view, @ large percentage of the new functionality introduced since the release of NX 1.0 has come either directly from or was inspired by functionality that was unique to Ideas andlor represented the best of what the two original products had to offer, and as such it was felt by ‘our management team that this NEW product deserved to carry a NEW name. With that in mind, the decisions was made to adopt the name "NX", which was an allusion to the idea that this was what was coming NEXT. Like Reply ©} _ktst0n (isiprofileio0s40000007x9520AA) 7 years ago Maybe Siemens should change the exe file to nx.exe instead of ugraf.exe. | just had to force quit a locked up UG er sorry NX session and lo and behold its still called ugraf.exe. It's Unigraphics at its Like Reply e JohnBaker (/siprofile/00540000007xh/3QAl) 7 years ago “W's Unigraphies a its core!” In many ways you ate correct, but there is no driving need to change the underlying nomenclature used to name the various tools and executable portions of the software. Overtime, as files are repurposed or replaced, they will be given the 'NX' moniker, as many fles have been done with a release ike NX 10.0 Like Reply e Rob N. (Isiprofile/00540000007xjICQAY) 6 years ago Yup, Unigraphies at its core. Even in 10. Hard as try, I still call it UG. get that blank stare as well when people ask what software we run. I just say UG or UGNX = hitps:i/community sw siemens. comsiquestion/0D54000006 tw:2Blatribute-helpfr-boginnar ano 1126122, 219 PM hitpsi/communty sw siemens. comsiqueston/0D54000006 twi2B/atribu ‘Altribute Help for beginner! like Reply e JohnRBaker (/s/profile/00540000007xhJ3QAl) 6 years ago Yes, but we are making progress. Ifyou scroll up from there you'l find 10 folders with 'NX' as the prefix® Like Reply e Rob N. (Jsiprofile/00540000007xjICQAY) 6 years ago ‘hope by the time they all start with NX, well have a modern plotting solution, But enough of the hijack. For al of NX's faults, Theres no other software I'd rather run, Like Reply e cord (Isi/profilel00540000007xfgAQAQ) 6 years ago We just got signs put up above are cubicles that says are area is for UG. Is there a UG refresher course sol can go back to using it? Like Reply e mike_fdo (/siprofile/00540000007xi9nQAA) 7 years 2g0 Sometime ago I was in the same situation like you are. In Solidworks you find only File Properties as same as Windows file properties, which could be accessed and edit inside SWx, Windows file explorer and outside third party (bulk editing) software. | find in NX you could have attributes on any object and File Attribute is almost same as SW File properties but unable to access outside ofthe software (Not known to me). In SWx you could directly link any value by picking directly on it where as In NX you have to go through Expressions. (Please correct me if fm wrong.) In Solidworks you could ‘add a comment” to each feature (Like Windows Excel) and could be used to show information and also as fiter tool. (=NX's objectiFeature attributes?) Could someone please enlighten us the usage and the real benefit of having attributes in object level? In NX if you delete a File Attribute, it will move under the category “All Unset” whereas In SWx it deletes permanently In NX you type and add values in the bottom part of the window and don't forget to press the Tab to move to next (Or select the next box), green check box to apply Japply button. (In SWX, like a database table, you directly type on the Value in the cell and “Enter” would accept and take the curser to the next box.) ‘Another question from me (Iohn?}! Where is the best place enter Properties like DrawnBy, DrawnDate, Customer etc. As expressions and link to File attributes (this is what ! was told to do) or directly in the File Attributes (This is what I think is correct). Like Reply © CiceseMels (istprofleto0s40000007xKxmQA) 7 years ago \lpor-boginner ano 1126122, 219 PM hitpsi/communty sw siemens. comsiqueston/0D54000006 twi2B/atribu ‘Altribute Help for beginner! You are right on that Mike_fdo. (as far as the SW comments go). SW has attribute creating and managing soo much easier. Its nice to see the differences when you compare them like that. However, | never used the feature attributes | only used them for the part fles in a whole assembly. | would love to see that question answered. | was looking to add those attributes to my drawing template but | couldnt figure out how to do that. There should be a property automatically entered when the file is created such as date, time, creator. we should be able to pull those properties out correct? Or, am | wrong on that? | have found a few varibles that i was looking for accidently. here are a few. : - If understand correctly, The sytax "W@SSH_* will define a varible from the properties of that sheet. So, if | understand correctly, anything in the edit sheet menu can be defined using that same sytax. Just need to figure out the correct varible name for whatever you are trying to use. In solidworks these attributes are already defined for you and ready to be plucked with a few clicks. | ‘cannot remember how | found these attributes I listed above, but I'm sure glad | did. So helpful when you have multiple sheets. Here is my question that | have! Iwas not able to find these callouts anywhere in the attribute list. Is there a lst of drawing attributes that | can get to be called out using similar syntax? Uke Reply Ken_A ((siprofile!00540000007xhtiQAA) 7 years 290 if you have the NX9 docs loaded: Home -> CAD -> Drafting -> Drawing Automation -> Adding attributes to drawing templates Note these are SHEET attributes, not PART attributes, so they don't show up in File -> Properties. Not sure if they show up in (right click on drawing SHEET) -> Properties. Like Reply ChicagoMold (Is/profile/00540000007xkXmQAl) 7 years ago Ken_A, | was not able to find any defined sheet attributes the way you mentioned in your post. but by defining the note as being . the actual sheet number appears with no attribute being created in the file. It looks like | am calling out a vaible within the program(NX9) not an attribute. Like Reply JohnRBaker (Is/profile!00540000007xh/3QAl) 7 years ago “it looks like 1am calling outa vaible within the program(NX9) not an attribute.” Yes, that's exactly what's happening, Like Reply tmike_fdo (lsiprofile/00540000007xi9nQAA) 7 years ago \lpor-boginner sno 1126/22, 2:19 PM ‘Altribute Help for beginner! ne er aes se nh atte imal “fest SLL DUO no ee ‘etn erecting pe Se Like Reply e ChicagoMold (/s/profile!00540000007xkXmQAl) 7 years ago 1am jumping with joy in my seat right now! this is PERFECT! These are the strings | am looking for! Thank you Mike! Also for Ken to leading us in the right direction to find this! like Reply e mike_fdo (siprofilel00540000007xi9nQAA) 7 years ago You are welcome. ‘Another thing you should know is the MMT (Master Model Technique) which is similar to SW drawings and models in two different files. The main difference | see in Nx’s MMT is that you could switch to Modeling and to drafting inside both files which feels awkward to me (because of the duplicity). | understand that MMT is the NX recommended method of drawing creation and the future developments are geared towards that. In MMT, since the Drawing is referring the attributes of an external part, replace “W@SSH_" with "DB_DWG_TEMPLATE." to get the part attributes. hitpsdleammunity sir ns. comlsiquestlon/00'540000006 w:2B/atriaute-help-far- beginner ano 1126/22, 2:19 PM e hitpsdleammunity sir Altrbute Help for beginner! ros digs tet tent ritnh ty tem ere an a like Reply Adrian-Anglade (Is/profileI00540000007xhvWQAQ) 7 years ago @ChicagoMold (https:/, ‘This set of videos has been very, very, helpful, the presenter Anthony gives a good run down on how to leverage what is there https:livimeo,comlalbum/3065578 (httpsiivimeo.comlalbum/3065578), Like Reply lonesome-joe ((s/profile(00540000007xmHQAQ) 3 years ago Hi, All | am building a title block in NX11. Our Drafting Standard (currently using AutoDesk Inventor) has the “drawing number’ fils on the drawing title block populated by an attribute stored in the model file, 'm having trouble cajoling NX into allowing this. The Attribute pointer is called ~ " When | open the template file and try to put this into the text of the title block cell | get an error (see attached). | tried inserting the part into the drawing and doing the same thing, but when | try to insert the object attribute NX won't let me access the model's attributes. | tried putting the text into the cell, got the same error, Is there a way to put a reference to a model fie into the drawing template title block? Thanx. like Reply BenBroad ((sIproflef00540000007xjgxQAA) 3 years ago ns. comlsiquestlon/00'540000006 w:2B/atriaute-help-far- beginner m0 1126122, 219 PM hitpsi/communty sw siemens. comsiqueston/0D54000006 twi2B/atribu ‘Altribute Help for beginner! Hi @lonesom ioe (https:/icommunity sw. siemens. com/s/profiles00540000007xtmHQAQ), Have you looked at the Drawing System Attributes {pttpsilldocs,plm automation siemens,comitdocinx/12.0,2/nx helpliuid:drawing_drw auto text ov) It looks like the one you need to use is: Regards, Ben Like Reply BenBroad (/sIprofel00540000007sjgxQAA) 3 years ago After looking at your uploaded image, itlooks like you might need to look into creating an Attribute Template {htspsilidocs lm automation siemens.comitdocinx/12,0.2inx helptuid:wid) 128417:index drafting: vid 1108282sid 126254 1:xid461526:xi0461527), Regards, Ben Like Reply lonesome-joe (Isiprofile(00540000007x1mHQAQ) 3 years ago I look at the attribute template! I'm new to NX, and 'm learning on-the-job, so there's a WHOLE LOT I don't know, and Ive little time to learn it! Thanx to everyone for all your help! ed Like Reply BenBroad (|sIprofle!00540000007xjgxQAA) 3 years ago Hey @lonesome-joe (hitps:lcommunity sw. siemens.coms/proflel00540000007xtmHOAQ), Here's a quick video showing how the Attribute Template works using your DRAWING NUMBER attribute in the model part file (the Attribute Template is saved in the drawing template). Note: | restarted NX at 01:47, This video content is no longer availabe. (view in My Videos) Regards, Ben Like Reply lonesome-joe (/s/profile!00540000007xtmHQAQ) 3 years ago Hi, Ben! Thank you for the suggestion regarding the Attribute Template. | had a little trouble getting it to work, though. | must admit, | have a really hard time with any new software. Seems if a mistake can be made, Ill make it, and if a failure to function is possible, itll happen to me. That said, | built the Attribute Template per your instructions... except | missed one "underscore" After some troubleshooting, it works fine, Thank you VERY much, Fd Like Reply lonesome-joe (/s/profile!00540000007xtmHQAQ) 3 years ago Hi, All! have another Attribute question, The Parts List in NX which is the default list has an attribute, '$ PART_NAME>" which references the filename of each of the components jjn the drawing model. | need to reference this, but | can't get it to work on our parts list. I tried creating a column and pasting the attribute into the cell, but it appears as the filename in brackets. | saved the parts list \lpor-boginner ano 1126122, 219 PM ‘Altribute Help for beginner! ‘as a template, but when | inserted it into a drawing, the text in the cell was gone. How can | use this. attribute? | don't want to put a new attribute into all the parts, as we're still not sure we're going to be able to use these models, and there’s a BUNCH of them. Thanx. Ed Like Reply BenBroad (Is/profle/00540000007xjgxQAA) 3 years ago Hi @lonesome-joe (https:licommunity.sw.siemens.comislprofilel00540000007xtmHQAQ), ‘The brackets indicate that the cell contains manuel text. To add read this attribute value from all ‘components, right click the column and choose Settings. From the Column settings, you can then choose “SPART_NAME" as shown in the movie below: This video content is no longer available. (view in My Videos) Regards, Ben Like Reply lonesome-joe (IsIprofle!00540000007x1mHQAQ) 3 years ago Hi, Ben! Thanx, that worked great! | know Ive done that before, but Id lost the trail (my C.R.Sis acting up @ ). Ive got this page saved now, to avoid such lapses. Thanks again forall your help! ed ke Reply lonesome-joe (Is/profile(00540000007xmHQAQ) 3 years ago ‘Thanx for the reply, Ben. The attrib "cW@$SH_MASTER_PART_NAME>" works! The Drawing Number attribute needs to be a writeable attrib. I can't find the “" one in the model fle, and it comes in blank. Is it a writeable attribute? Thanx. ed like Reply MSB ((siprofile/00540000007xxpoQAA) 2 years ago | have already designed drawing template and | want to assign system attributes (4 attributes), how lable to do this? like — Reply Log In to Answer BOOKMARK TRENDING ARTICLES What is a Power Spectral Density (PSD)? hitpsJIcommunty sw siemens. comisiqueston/0D54000006 twi2B/atribu \lpor-boginner sno ‘262, 219M _Altribute Help fr beginner! ((slarticlelwhat-is-a-power-spectral-density-psd) Digital Signal Processing: Sampling Rates, Bandwith, Spectral Lines, and more. (slarticleldigital-signal-processing-sampling-rates-bandwidth-spectral-lines-and-more) What is a Frequency Response Function (FRF)? (slarticlelwhat-is-a-frequency-response-function-frf) NX Shortcut Keys - View Full List and Create Custom Keys (/slarticleinx-shortcut-keys-view-fulllist-and-create-custom-keys) What is a SN-Curve? 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