Module 6 - Genetically Modified Organisms, Gene Therapy, Climate Change

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1 Genetically Modified


Cloning is a gene therapy that aims to treat a

disease by supplying functional alleles. There is
one possible procedure on that gene therapy-

6.1.1 Bioethical Dilemmas
Using GMOs


The GEAC makes decisions regarding the validity

of GM research and the safety of introducing GM-
organisms for public services. On ethical issues
like every technology bio-nanotechnology which
is having some negative impact on the word that
need to be resolved first before taking its benefits.
6. 2 Gene Therapy studies before an efficient and safe gene therapy
procedure is adopted Gene Revolution: Issues
Brief History and Impacts, n. d., Wirth et al., 2013).

Human gene therapy was actually first

realized in 1971 when the first recombinant DNA
experiments were planned. It can be simply
viewed as insertion foreign DNA into a patient's
tissue that hopes to successfully eradicate the
targetted disease. In 1972, Theodore Friedman
and Richard Roblin proposed that people with
genetic disorders can be treated by replacing Summary
defective DNA with good DNA.
In summary, gene therapy is the method of
In 1985, Dr. W. French Anderson and Dr. inserting genes or nucleic acid into cells as a drug
Michael Blasse worked together to show that cells to treat genetic diseases. One of the approaches
of patients with Adenosine deaminase (ADA) is gene inhibition therapy in which a cell
deficiency can be corrected in tissue culture. In containing a faulty gene that produces cells
1990, the first approved gene therapy clinical functioning normally after blocking the gene. Also,
research took place at the National Institutes of we discussed the history where it started in 1971
Health (NIH) under the team of Dr. Anderson. It when the first recombinant DNA experiments
was conducted on a four-year-old girl who had were planned. In 1972, Friedman and Roblin had
ADA deficiency. In 1993. the first somatic proposed that people with genetic disorders can
treatment that proposed a permanent genetic be treated by replacing defective DNA with good
change was performed. DNA. After which, several scientists had ventured
into treating diseases using gene therapy.
The first commercial gene therapy product
Gendicine was approved in China in 2003 for the
treatment of certain cancers. Due to some clinical
successes since 2006, gene therapy gained
greater attention from researchers but was still
considered an experimental technique.

In 2016, the Committee for Medicinal Products

for Human Use of the European medicines
Agency endorsed the gene therapy treatment
called Strimvelis that was approved by European
Commission in June 2018.

Some Studies transplanted genes to speed up

the destruction of cancer cells. Gene therapy or
cell therapies have emerged as realistic prospects
for the treatment of cancer and involve the
delivery of genetic information to a tumor to
facilitate the production of therapeutic proteins.
This area of gene therapy still needs further
6.2. 1 Ethical Issues in Genetic

Various concerns on genetic engineering

arise, making gene therapy and GMOs very
controversial innovations in science and
technology. Others support that it is unethical for
humans to have a hand in genetically altering and
engineering organisms. There are instances when
genetic engineering has caused severe
repercussions to public health. Until today, cloning
is still unacceptable to many for it violates the
belief that only higher beings should be Below is a link about some ethical issues in
responsible for the existence of organisms on genetic engineering. Please read and understand
earth. There are also ethical and moral issues on and be able able to share your insights into these
stem cell therapy as it makes use of stem cells issues.
sourced from human embryos and thus destroys
What are the ethical issues surrounding gene
them. These concerns regarding genetic
therapy? (Links to an external site.)
engineering and gene therapy are rooted in the
question of whether or not humans are playing
gods in the alteration of genes of organisms.
Genetic engineering also poses problems in
agriculture. Hence, there is a need to study the In summary, gene therapy and GMOs are
ecological processes applied to agricultural very controversial innovations in science and
production systems. Agroecology is a field of technology. Others support that it is unethical for
study that presents novel management humans to have a hand in genetically altering and
approaches on farming systems that may help engineering organisms. Also, ethical issues on
address concerns regarding the effect of GMOs gene therapy are stem cell therapy in which is
on biodiversity and the health of the consumers. sourced from human embryos, and cloning which
Further researchers, as well as clinical experiments violates the belief that only a higher being should
to outline functional mechanisms, predictive be responsible for the existence of organisms on
approaches, patient-related studies, and earth. While on agriculture, issues such as the
upcoming challenges, should be done to address effect of GMOs on biodiversity and the health of
existing problems in the development of and to the consumers.
acquire future perspectives in gene therapy.
What are the ethical issues surrounding gene

Because gene therapy involves making changes to

the body’s set of basic instructions, it raises many
unique ethical concerns. The ethical questions
surrounding gene therapy include:
• How can “good” and “bad” uses of gene
therapy be distinguished?
• Who decides which traits are normal and
which constitute a disability or disorder?
• Will the high costs of gene therapy make it
available only to the wealthy?
• Could the widespread use of gene therapy
make society less accepting of people who
are different?
• Should people be allowed to use gene
therapy to enhance basic human traits
such as height, intelligence, or athletic

Current gene therapy research has focused on

treating individuals by targeting the therapy to
body cells such as bone marrow or blood cells.
This type of gene therapy cannot be passed to a
person’s children. Gene therapy could be targeted
to egg and sperm cells (germ cells), however,
which would allow the inserted gene to be passed
to future generations. This approach is known as
germline gene therapy.

The idea of germline gene therapy is

controversial. While it could spare future
generations in a family from having a particular
genetic disorder, it might affect the development
of a fetus in unexpected ways or have long-term
side effects that are not yet known. Because
people who would be affected by germline gene
therapy are not yet born, they can’t choose
whether to have the treatment. Because of these
ethical concerns, the U.S. Government does not
allow federal funds to be used for research on
germline gene therapy in people.
6.3. Climate Change
As how the United Nations explained, Climate
Change is the defining issue of our time and we
are at a defining moment. From shifting weather
patterns that threaten food production, to rising
sea levels that increase the risk of catastrophic
flooding, the impacts of climate change are global
in scope and unprecedented in scale. Without
drastic action today, adapting to these impacts in
the future will be more difficult and costly.

Climate is not similar with weather which is

constantly changing. Climate refers to the long
term weather patterns prevailing over a given
area of the planet. The term comes from “klinein”
(to slope) and later evolved into “klima” connoting
a zone or region of the Earth characterized by its
atmospheric conditions.
6.3.1. Causes of Climate If you like, you might want to watch the video
below to learn more.
Change Link (Links to an external site.)
Indeed, Climate Change is a threat to both
developing and developed nations around the
world. But what exactly causes it? Scientists like Summary
those from NASA attribute the global
warming trend observed since the mid- As we all know, the earth has gone through warm
20th century to the human expansion of the and cool phases in the past, and long before
"greenhouse effect" (Links to an external site.) — humans were around. Forces that contribute to
warming that results when the atmosphere traps climate change include the sun’s intensity,
heat radiating from Earth toward space. But volcanic eruptions, and changes in naturally
overall, there are three major causes of climate occurring greenhouse gas concentrations. But
change, though it could be natural or by human records indicate that today’s climatic warming—
activities such as: particularly the warming since the mid-20th
century—is occurring much faster than ever
• Volcanic Eruptions - When volcanoes erupt, it before and can’t be explained by natural causes
emits different natural aerosols like carbon alone. Humans—more specifically, the
dioxide, sulfur dioxides, salt crystals, volcanic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions we generate—
ashes or dust, and even microorganisms like are the leading cause of the earth’s rapidly
bacteria and viruses all of which are changing climate. Greenhouse gases play an
greenhouse gases; Can cause a cooling effect important role in keeping the planet warm
to the lithosphere because its emitted aerosol enough to inhabit. But the amount of these gases
can block a certain percentage of solar in our atmosphere has skyrocketed in recent
radiation. decades.
• Orbital Changes - Also known as the Earth’s
movement around the sun
Earth’s orbit can also cause climate change,
this was proposed by the Milankovitch theory.
As the Earth travels through space around the
Sun, cyclical variations in three elements of
Earth-Sun geometry combine to produce
variations in the amount of solar energy that
reaches Earth.
• Human Activities - The largest known
contribution comes from the burning of fossil
fuels, which releases carbon dioxide gas into
the atmosphere. Human activities result in
emissions of four principal greenhouse gases:
o carbon dioxide
o Methane
o nitrous oxide
o Halocarbons
6.3.2. Effects of Climate these impacts in the future will be more difficult
and costly.
Climate change has devastating effects on all
living things especially humans. The effects are so
enormous that discussing it for a day may not be
enough. However, we may deduce it by looking
into its effects on society as a whole. Such effects
include but are not limited to the following:

• It directly affects the basic elements of

people’s lives like water, food, health, use
of land, and the environment.
• Declining crop yields due to drought,
especially in Africa, are likely to leave
hundreds of millions without the ability to
produce or purchase sufficient food.
• It will increase worldwide deaths from
malnutrition and heat stress.
• Ecosystems will be particularly vulnerable
to climate change.
• Ocean edification will have major effects
on marine ecosystems, with possible
adverse consequences on fish stocks.
• Melting or collapse of ice sheets would
raise sea levels
• It will increase flood risks during the wet
season and it will strongly reduce dry-
season water supplies.

To learn more about the effects of climate

change, watch the video below.

Link (Links to an external site.)


Climate Change is the defining issue of our time

and we are at a defining moment. From shifting
weather patterns that threaten food production to
rising sea levels that increase the risk of
catastrophic flooding, the impacts of climate
change are global in scope and unprecedented in
scale. Without drastic action today, adapting to
6.3.3. Stratosphere and Ozone Ozone depletion results in harmful effects on
human health, plants, marine ecosystems, and
Depletion biochemical cycles among others.

To learn more about the effects of ozone

In your high school and elementary days, you
depletion, watch the video below.
were constantly reminded about the layers that
protect the Earth from rays of the sun and other Link (Links to an external site.)
external objects. You must also take note that the
depletion of the Earth's protective layers - such as
the Stratosphere is also affected by Climate Summary
Ozone depletion, gradual thinning of Earth’s
Ozone is both beneficial and harmful to us. Near ozone layer in the upper atmosphere caused by
the ground, ozone-forming as a result of chemical the release of chemical compounds containing
reactions involving traffic pollution and sunlight gaseous chlorine or bromine from industry and
may cause a number of respiratory problems, other human activities. The thinning is most
particularly for young children. However, high up pronounced in the polar regions, especially over
in the atmosphere in a region known as the Antarctica. Ozone depletion is a major
stratosphere, ozone filters out incoming radiation environmental problem because it increases the
from the Sun in the cell-damaging ultraviolet (UV) amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation that reaches
part of the spectrum. Without this ozone layer, life Earth’s surface, which increases the rate of skin
on earth would not have evolved in the way it has. cancer, eye cataracts, and genetic and immune
system damage.

The stratosphere is the second major layer of the

atmosphere and lies above the troposphere, the
lowest layer. It occupies the region of the
atmosphere from about 12 to 50 km above the
Earth's surface, although its lower boundary tends
to be higher nearer the equator and lower nearer
the poles.

Concentrations of ozone in the stratosphere

fluctuate naturally in response to variations in
weather conditions and amounts of energy being
released from the Sun, and to major volcanic
6.3.4. Acid Deposition
Watch the video below to will learn more about
Discussion its effects.
Another devastating effect of Climate Change on Link (Links to an external site.)
living things is acid rains. Acid rain describes any
form of precipitation that contains high levels of
nitric and sulfuric acids. It can also occur in the Summary:
form of snow, fog, and tiny bits of dry material
that settle to Earth. Normal rain is slightly acidic, Acid rain, or acid deposition, is a broad term that
with a pH of 5.6, while acid rain generally has a includes any form of precipitation with acidic
pH between 4.2 and 4.4. components, such as sulfuric or nitric acid that fall
to the ground from the atmosphere in wet or dry
Rotting vegetation and erupting volcanoes release forms. This can include rain, snow, fog, hail, or
some chemicals that can cause acid rain, but most even dust that is acidic. When an acid deposition
acid rain is a product of human activities. The is washed into lakes and streams, it can cause
biggest sources are coal-burning power plants, some to turn acidic which may lead to loss of
factories, and automobiles. biodiversity.
When humans burn fossil fuels, sulfur dioxide
(SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are released into
the atmosphere. Those air pollutants react with
water, oxygen, and other substances to form
airborne sulfuric and nitric acid. Winds may
spread these acidic compounds through the
atmosphere and over hundreds of miles. When
acid rain reaches Earth, it flows across the surface
in runoff water, enters water systems, and sinks
into the soil.

Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are not primary

greenhouse gases that contribute to global
warming, one of the main effects of climate
change; in fact, sulfur dioxide has a cooling effect
on the atmosphere. But nitrogen oxides
contribute to the formation of ground-level
ozone, a major pollutant that can be harmful to
people. Both gases cause environmental and
health concerns because they can spread easily
via air pollution and acid rain.

Acid deposits damage physical structures such as

limestone buildings and cars. And when it takes
the form of inhalable fog, acid precipitation can
cause health problems including eye irritation and
6.3.5. Thermal Inversion Summary

A temperature or thermal inversion is a natural

Another devastating effect of Climate Change is phenomenon and ideally with the increase in
the fact that the temperature in certain areas height the temperature decreases. However, in
tends to become inverted. But what exactly is the troposphere, the temperature of the
temperature inversion or thermal inversion? atmosphere decreases with the increase in
According to Britannica Encyclopedia, altitude at the rate of 1 degree for every 165
Temperature inversion, also called thermal meters. One of the most harmful effects of
inversion, is a reversal of the normal behavior of inversions is that they trap the pollution close to
temperature in the troposphere (the region of the the ground, trapping the smog.
atmosphere nearest Earth’s surface), in which a
layer of cool air at the surface is overlain by a
layer of warmer air. (Under normal conditions air
temperature usually decreases with height.)

Although temperature inversion may be

somewhat a normal phenomenon, it may have an
adverse effect if coupled with climate change and
global warming. Temperature inversions have a
great effect on air pollution. Whether it's a blanket
of smog over a city or the melting of ice packs
due to ozone depletion, atmospheric temperature
inversions are intricately involved. They influence
the scope and intensity of the effects of air
pollution on a temporary, localized basis as well
as long term and globally.

If climate change is not controlled, temporary

inversion may lead to its permanence. Permanent
temperature inversions occur high above the
surface of the planet. In regard to air pollution,
the most important of these is the stratosphere.
This atmospheric layer stretches from an average
of seven miles to 31 miles above the earth's
surface. The stratosphere sits atop the
troposphere, which is the lowest layer of the
atmosphere and home to the majority of all-
weather. The stratosphere’s temperature inversion
impacts global, long-term air pollution.

Watch the video below.

Link (Links to an external site.)

6.3.6. Environmental awareness is an easy way to become an
environmental steward and participate in creating
Awareness a brighter future for our children.

To learn more about environmental awareness,

watch the video below.
Obviously, we humans are one of the agents of
Link (Links to an external site.)
Climate Change. Our actions and inactions can
lead to harmful effects on our planet. It is
essential, therefore, to raise our environmental
awareness. Mother Earth as we speak, has its own Summary
way to heal herself. Environmental awareness is to understand the
Maybe some of you have seen posters, ads, and fragility of our environment and the importance of
the like carrying the exhortation ''Go Green!'' But, its protection. Promoting environmental
what does it mean to ''go green''? It takes a awareness is an easy way to become an
variety of forms, but essentially, going green environmental steward and participate in creating
means being mindful of the natural environment a brighter future for our children.
and making economic choices that aren't harmful
to the earth. For example, this might mean
purchasing a glass or ceramic water bottle instead
of using disposable plastic water bottles. Plastic
takes an incredibly long time to break down, and
a significant percentage of plastic makes it to the
oceans, where it kills plant and animal life. Going
green might also involve using an all-natural hair-
care product, instead of a can of aerosol spray
containing toxic chemicals.

When people ''go green,'' they are practicing

environmental awareness. The term means exactly
what you expect it to be aware of the natural
environment and making choices that benefit--
rather than hurt--the earth. In recent years,
environmental awareness has gained increased
attention. It is fair to say it has become a bit of a
trend: from environmentally friendly tiny homes to
organic food, environmental awareness is a hot
topic. However, it is nothing new and it ought to
be more than just a passing fad because of its
importance. Let's dig deeper and learn more
about environmental awareness.

Environmental awareness is to understand the

fragility of our environment and the importance of
its protection. Promoting environmental
6.3.7. Disaster Risk

Research conducted by the United Nations

indicates that the Earth’s climate is changing at a
rate that has exceeded most scientific forecasts.
Some families and communities have already
started to suffer from disasters and the
consequences of climate change, which has
forced them to leave their homes in search of a
new beginning.UNHCR recognizes that the
consequences of climate change are extremely
serious, including for refugees and other people
of concern. The Global Compact on Refugees,
adopted by an overwhelming majority in the UN
General Assembly in December 2018, directly
addresses this growing concern. It recognizes that
‘climate, environmental degradation, and natural
disasters increasingly interact with the drivers of
refugee movements.’

It is therefore imperative that high-risk countries

must have a well-developed Disaster Risk
Management policy. Watch the video to know

Link (Links to an external site.)


Disaster Risk Management or simply Disaster Risk

Reduction helps us consider our emergency
response activities in light of existing and new
disaster risks. This enables us to design or adjust
our activities so that people and communities
become safer and more disaster-resilient, as well
as safeguarding efforts to create and expand
enabling conditions for sustainable poverty
alleviation and development.

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