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The Flaming Blade

Single Use Circumstance Affiliation Score Modifier

Character Level +1/2 Hit Dice
Chaotic Alignment +1
Neutral Alignment (moral) +1
Chaotic-Neutral Alignment +1
Anarchic +1
Knowledge (religion) +1/5 ranks
Strength Score Ability Bonus
Wisdom Score Ability Bonus
Proficiency with all Martial Weapons +1
Proficiency with Heavy Armour +1
Weapons Focus +1
Weapon Specialization +1
Base Attack Bonus +1/5
Can cast spells from the Chaos domain +1/spell level
Crafts an item useful to the church +1/1000gp
Makes a pilgrimage +1
Scores two consecutive critical hits in a battle +1
Scores three or more consecutive critical hits in a battle +3
Survives a solo encounter with an EL 3 higher than own character level +1
Survives a solo encounter with an EL 5 higher than own character level +2
Holds a position in battle against odds two to one HD +1
Holds a position in battle against odds three to one HD +1
Holds a position in battle against odds four to one HD +1
Commands an assault group (2-7) during a major war +1
Commands a section (8-13) during a major war +2
Commands a platoon (26-55) during a major war +3
Commands a company (80-225) during a major war +4
Commands a battalion (300-1300) during a major war +5
Commands a regiment (1500-3000) during a major war +6
Commands a brigade (3000-5000) during a major war +7
Commands a division (1000-30000) during a major war +8
Has visited Limbo at least once +4
Humiliates a law enforcement officer +1
Defeats an enemy of the church +1/2 CR
Converts a new member +1/HD of concert
Fails in combat -1
Loses a skirmish as the commander an assault group (2-7) -1
Loses a skirmish as the commander a section (8-13) -2
Loses a skirmish as the commander a platoon (26-55) -3
Loses a skirmish as the commander a company (80-225) -4
Loses a battle as the commander a battalion (300-1300) -5
Loses a battle as the commander a regiment (1500-3000) -6
Loses a battle as the commander a brigade (3000-5000) -7
Loses a battle as the commander a division (1000-30000) -8
Base attack bonus +4 or lower -1
Fails in combat against a hated foe of the church -4
Lacks proficiency with at least one martial weapon -2
Associates with creatures of lawful alignment -2
Fails to defend an item or location important to the church -4

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Title Benefits
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1 1-4 Initiate of the Blade Gain a +2-sacred bonus to Initiative
2 5-8 Adapt of the Blade Gain a +1-sacred bonus on Fortitude saving throws
3 9-12 Student of the Blade Once per day, reroll a Critical Threat roll
4 13-16 Servant of the Blade Cast Virtue as a spell-like ability twice per day
Gain a +1-competence bonus to one roll type
5 17-20 Knight of the Blade
(attack, damage, save or skill roll)
Once per day, gain a sacred bonus to one skill check equal to
6 21-24 Guardian of the Blade
1/2 your character level
Champion of the Once per day, gain a sacred bonus to one saving throw equal
7 25-28
Blade to 1/2 your character
8 29-32 Lord of the Blade Once per day, treat any hit as a critical
9 33-36 Master of the Blade Once per day, cast Flame Strike as a spell-like ability
10 37-40 Paragon of the Blade Once per day cast Greater Heroism as a spell-like ability
11 41+ Exemplar of the Blade Gain maximum hit points retroactively

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