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☐ Rapporto settimanale

☐ Weekly report
SMS Group S.p.A. • Via Udine 103 • 33017 Tarcento No. 008-DA-HHE 2022

Our ref : PO .3200020180/L.E.

Department Expediting



Date 30-03-22


Job A0367 Russia Project
PO Num. 3200020180 / LE
Delivery Date 28-02-2022

Scope of the Visit:

Checking Status, Progress and Quality of Material for drawings number 2479-u006
Dwg: 2479-u006 Water Trough 28 tonns
Fabrication in progress
Actual situation
Project is starting , around 28 Tonns to be fabricated within 14 March FOB date, Project in Delayed, fabrication not
completed, assembly not completed as GMP received
Painting requirements are not as SN 200
NDT not completed yet looking repairing needed
With actual status and follow Manufacturing plan received last week, still increasing delayed , expected date to be
completed will be around 10-15 April

Internal Memo

1) Water trough present deformation

2) Scraper parts still under repairing , many weldings defects,as undercut and lack of fusion, . Supplier dont follow
requirements to prevent any oxidations and still apply unproperly process.


d:\sms\furnace water trough\reports\mom 30-03-2022.docx

Internal Memo

3) Water trough connections are out of dimension and deformations, are under checked and repairing during
assembly , some welding are to recovering as std, dett 2 and 3 example,
4) assembly in progress


d:\sms\furnace water trough\reports\mom 30-03-2022.docx

Internal Memo

5) Passivation still wrong procedure applying , Supplier passivated inox without follow the correct procedure, first
pickling second passivation, supplier direct apply passivation on surface without pickling, visual result very poor.
Water trough to be pickled and passivated after assembly , some oxidation/rusting is appearing out

Carbon steel parts

Some Welding parts still repairing, tickness paint is out of tollerances 20% ,


d:\sms\furnace water trough\reports\mom 30-03-2022.docx

Internal Memo

Final Comments

Assembly activity in progress all deformations defects and visual appearance , need to be repaired
Manufacturing plan received still not correct, still not properly actions to recover delayed,

Criticals and Requesting

All inox parts need to be pickled and passivated as standard,
Looking actual progress is requesting to improve mainpower and working time.
Assembly need to be carryout following drawing ,

Next actions by Supplier:

1. Waiting updated and correct schedule to be sent by Supplier to SMS for delayed impact
2. Fabrication area need to be protected and cleaned without any Carbon Steel contamination carbon steel
steel is fabricated in same area inox fabrication,
3. Water trough parts after welding stiffners have deformations what need to be repaired
4. Water trough items will pickled and passivated after assembly completed , supplier don’t apply properly
as scrappers parts and sure need to be done after assembly , at the moment visual is very poor
5. Painting water trough , stiffner part, painting appled on inox , bad visual ,
6. Scrappers need to be repairing welding requirements
7. Packing as requirements

Next Inspection on 06th April 2022

d:\sms\furnace water trough\reports\mom 30-03-2022.docx

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