Fill in The Blank With The Best From The List Answer Key

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1. After years of experience in the workplace, returning to education was a/an exciting and
2. We concentrated on the failure of the trust to give the school fair treatment and adequate
3. Such opportunities help learners to overcome their left-handedness and to develop their
ability to use equipment comfortably.
4. However, that claim may be fraudulent, which could cast doubt on the letter's credibility.
5. It is a good plan, and after extensive discussion and analysis and questioning, the board
voted convincingly in favor of it.
6. The illness left him with a damaged heart, and doctors warned his parents that he would
probably never be able to lead a normal life.
7. The high or even moderate levels of violence in these videos could potentially adversely
affect at least some young viewers.
8. Your personal preference and the type of work you perform may influence the styles or
materials of the body wear you select.
9. The development of codes and themes was cross-checked with another researcher to
enhance validity.
10. Although there is no cure for the disease yet, the research results are encouraging.


1. That is obviously going to be valuable when we look towards diagnosis and treatment.
2. Computers and storage systems that are physically insecure pose a difficult challenge to
enterprises as well.
3. For your convenience, we have added a/an feature that allows you to pay your bills over
the Internet.
4. Historians sometimes consider this social factor to be extremely important, along with
the nature of the national economies involved.
5. The program allows users to do global searches through all the available data.
6. At times I continue to experience those feelings of lowness and depression which at
times is very difficult for me and those closest to me.
7. This energy is distributed around the globe by winds, ocean currents, and other
mechanisms to affect the climates of different regions.
8. He had the kind of personality that made you want to believe everything he said, even if
he said the sky was pink.
9. The combination of economic and demographic factors led to hunger, housing shortages
and a lack of work for young people.
10. Doctors reportedly have insufficient time to train and improve skills, which will cause
problems for them and for patients in the future.

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