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Affix Completion.

Choose the best affix from the box to change the word in
parentheses to its correct form. Not all affixes will be used. Some affixes may be used
more than once. Ignore any spelling changes. (41 points)

A. non- B. pre- C. re- D. tri- E. un- F. multi- G. uni-

H. bi- I. dis- J. in- K. -ing L. -ed M. -al N. -ly
O. -able P. -ity Q. -tion R. -ive S. -ness T. -ous U. -ist
V. -ic W. -er X. -ful Y. -or Z. -en AA. -y

1. Before I went to Sydney for university, my mother (advice___) me to make friends

who focus on studying and not partying.
2. I don’t like these school (___forms) because they make everyone look shapeless.
3. The midterm will be a (challenge___) exam, but it will have a mixture of easy,
moderate, and difficult questions.
4. After her surgery, Amal experienced (___comfort) and pain for several weeks.
5. The students share a (common___) bathroom on the first floor.
6. Her (___security) about her weight made her feel uncomfortable when trying on new
7. After long (consider___), the family decided to move back to Riyadh.
8. It is completely (___excusable) to cheat during an exam.
9. The next Batman movie will be (feature___) Adam Scott as the lead actor.
10. I have studied all of the (___fixes) well, so I’m sure I will earn a high grade.
11. The ship engineers thought it was an (impossible___) that the Titanic could sink.
12. (Interesting___), scientists have found liquid water on one of Jupiter’s moons.
13. The beautiful wedding dress was so (luxury___) that I did not think I could afford it.
14. “I can’t find my phone anywhere, my mom is sick, and I have a headache,” she
replied (miserable___).
15. You can draw a six-pointed star by drawing two (___angles) on top of each other,
one pointed upward and one pointed downward.
16. When sharing a room in a dorm, having (private___) is especially important.
17. We have (rent___) an apartment in Tokyo for the summer.
18. I want the party to be for family only; I don’t want anyone (___related) there.
19. The (rule___) of Saudi Arabia is King Salman.
20. We are too (___similar) to get along well; we are always disagreeing with each
21. The chances of (survive___) after a plane crash are very low.
22. The weather in Jeddah is not highly (variety___); it is usually sunny and hot for most
of the year.
23. You are (waste___) your time watching TV; why don’t you read a book instead?
24. My sister and I are very close, so we have a lot of (affect___) for each other.
25. If you feel (___safe) walking alone at night to the grocery store, take a friend with
26. The (extreme___) of the situation caused us to call the police immediately.
27. My brother is (asthma___) so he needs to bring his nebulizer when he goes to play
28. In Seattle, most roads have a lane for cars and a lane for (___cycles) because many
people choose to ride to work for exercise.
29. (Lonely___) can be a problem for some students studying away from home.
30. Children must learn how to (___ply) in elementary school.
31. Are you (attend___) the conference on cardiomyopathy this Thursday?
32. The new job offered a (consider___) increase in pay, so Areen decided to take the
33. Although she became sick from her research, Marie Curie made some of the biggest
(___coveries) of the 20th century: the elements of polonium and radium.
34. The police investigation (___covered) a drug ring that was selling drugs to children.
35. Marwah was warned by her boss because she was (typical___) late to work.
36. If the rain lasts much longer, the flooding will (worse___).
37. When are you planning to (___turn) the DVD you borrowed?
38. The (weather___) old house needed to be repaired and freshly painted.
39. It was a (power___) storm that (damage___) many homes.
40. The evening news told a sad story of the (___appearance) of a little boy.
41. His (nervous___) made me feel nervous, too.

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