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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the


Nikhath Fathima (1HK15IS040)
Tabassum R (1HK15IS059)
Aishwarya Srinivas (1HK16IS006)
Chandini K (1HK16IS024)

Under the guidance of

Prof. Chandanita Chatterjee ,
Prof. Deepika Nair (Co-guide)
Department of Information Science and Engineering,
HKBK College of Engineering,Bangalore-45

Accredited by NAAC
22/1, Nagawara, Bengaluru 560045
E-mail:, URL:







Submitted in partial fulfillment of


VII Semester, Dept. of ISE



Nikhath Fathima (1HK15IS040)

Tabassum R (1HK15IS059)
Aishwarya Srinivas (1HK16IS006)
Chandini K (1HK16IS024)
22/1, Nagawara, Bengaluru – 560 045


Certified that the project phase 1+ seminar work entitled “ATTENDANCE MONITORING
SYSTEM BASED ON FACE RECOGNITION” is a bonafide work carried out by
SRINIVAS (1HK16IS006) / CHANDINI K (1HK16IS026), in partial fulfillment of
PROJECT, VII Semester, Information Science and Engineering of the Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Belgaum during the year 2019-2020. It is certified that all
corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been incorporated in the
Report deposited in the departmental library. The project report has been approved as it
satisfies the academic requirements in respect of Project work.

----------------------------- -----------------------------
Signature of the Main Guide Signature of the Co-guide
(Prof. Chandanita Chatterjee) (Prof. Deepika Nair)

----------------------------- -----------------------------
Signature of Project Co-ordinator Signature of the HOD
(Dr N. Rajashekhar Reddy) (Dr A. Syed Mustafa)

I would like to place my regards and acknowledgement to all who helped in making this
project possible. I thank all those whose guidance served as a beacon of light and crowned
our efforts with success.

First of all I would take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to the management
committee - Chairman Mr. C.M. Ibrahim, Director Mr. C.M. Faiz Mohammed and the
Principal Dr. Muzammil Ahmed for all the infrastructures provided to complete the Project
Phase 1 in time.

I deeply indebted to Dr A. Syed Mustafa, HOD, Information Science and Engineering for
the ineffable encouragement he provided for the successful completion of the project.

A special and an earnest word of thanks to the project co-ordinator Dr. N. Rajashekhar
Reddy and project guides Prof. Chandanita Chatterjee (Main guide) & Prof. Deepika
Nair (Co-guide) for their constant assistance, support, patience, endurance and constructive
suggestions for the betterment of the project.

I’m extremely thankful to the teaching and non-teaching staff of the Department of
Information Science and Engineering for their valuable guidance and cooperation throughout
our dissertation.

I thank my parents for their support and guidance provided to us to finish the project well
ahead of time. I thank my friends who lent their support in every way possible to make sure
the project has been completed. Last, but not least I would like to thank God for giving us this
opportunity to do everything in the appropriate time to finish this project.



Face recognition system using principal component analysis is implemented for

authentication of a person using Image processing in Python. Security and authentication of a
person is a crucial part of any industry. There are many techniques used for this purpose. One
of them is face recognition. Face recognition is an effective means of authenticating a person.
The advantage of this approach is that, it enables us to detect changes in the face pattern of an
individual to an appreciable extent. Hence face recognition can be used as a key factor in
student detection mainly to identify absentees. There are several approaches to face
recognition of which Haar Cascade have been incorporated in our project.

Chapters PageNo

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 Literature Survey 2-3

Chapter 3 Problem Statement 4

3.1 Existing System 4

3.2 Proposed System 4

Chapter 4 System Requirements Specification 6

4.1 Software Requirements 6

4.2 Hardware Requirements 6

Chapter 5 Methodology 7

5.1 System Architecture 7

5.2 Input and Outputs 8

5.3 Applications 8

5.4 Advantages 8

Chapter 6 Conclusion 9

Project Phase 1 Introduction

Chapter 1

Face recognition over the ten years has become a popular area of research in computer vision and
one of the most successful applications of image analysis and understanding. It is the general
opinion that advances in computer vision research will provide useful insights to neuroscientists and
psychologists into how human brain works. The goal is to implement the system (model) for a
particular face and distinguish it from a large number of stored faces with some real-time variations
as well. The aim of this project is to study and develop an efficient Python program for face
recognition using principal component analysis. Face Recognition is a biometric method of
identifying an individual by comparing live capture or digital image data with the stored record for
that person. Face Recognition Attendance System is marking of attendance based on this
technology. This provides an automated attendance system that is practical, reliable and eliminate
disturbance and time loss of traditional attendance systems. To present a system that can accurately
evaluate student’s performance depending on their recorded attendance rate. Face recognition is an
important application of Image processing owing to its use in many fields. Identification of
individuals in an organization for the purpose of attendance is one such application of face
recognition. Maintenance and monitoring of attendance records plays a vital role in the analysis of
performance of any organization.

Dept. of ISE,VIIsem,HKBKCE 1 2019-20

Project Phase 1 Literature Survey

Chapter 2

Page title Work done Advantages Disadvantages

Face Recognition- Classroom attendance Implementation of Eigen Faces Based
Based Mobile check is a contributing the system is easy detection. Distance
Automatic Classroom factor to student between the student
Attendance participation and the final and camera makes
Management System success in the courses. accuracy of
Muhammed Tanriverdi Taking attendance by recording of the
2017 calling out names or correct attendance
passing around an less
attendance sheet are both
time-consuming, and
especially the latter is open
to easy fraud

Attendance system The attendance Use of two Time consuming

based on face maintaining system is algorithms makes process and
recognition using eigen difficult process if it is system more accuracy of
face and PCA done manually. The smart accurate recording of the
algorithms and automated attendance correct attendance is
Priyanka Wagh system for managing the not as expected
2015 attendance can be
implemented using the
various ways of
biometrics. Face
recognition is one of them

Smart Attendance In present academic This is a fully This system might

Monitoring System system, regular class automated system fail to recognize all
(SAMS): A Face attendance of students' the students face
Recognition Based plays a significant role in available in the
Attendance System for performance assessment classroom
Classroom Environment and quality monitoring

Dept. of ISE,VIIsem,HKBKCE 2 2019-20

Project Phase 1 Literature Survey

Paper Title Work Done Advantages Disadvantages

FaceTime — Deep In the interest of recent Deep learning As deep learning
learning based face accomplishments in the makes the system requires lot of
recognition attendance development of deep more accurate database. Designing
system convolutional neural will be difficult
Marko Arsenovic networks (CNNs) for face
2017 detection and recognition
tasks, a new deep learning
based face recognition
attendance system is
proposed in this paper

Attendance automation Attendance automation has Reduced cost and Recording of

using face recognition become one of the most data cannot be lost attendance is not
biometric important needs in 100% accurate,
requires additional
authentication educational institutions and
hardware and cannot
V. Soniya R, Shwetha work places across the be reset once
2017 world, since it saves time compromised
and accurate too

Dept. of ISE,VIIsem,HKBKCE 3 2019-20

Project Phase 1 Problem Statement

Chapter 3



 Attendance is an important part of daily classroom evaluation

 Manual / Fingerprint / RFID based Systems

 At the beginning and ending of class, it is usually checked by the teacher, but it may appear
that a teacher may miss someone or some students answer multiple times

 Time consuming Process


 The system consists of a camera that captures the images of the students sitting in the
classroom and sends it to the image enhancement module

 In the image enhancement module, images are enhanced so that matching can be
performed easily. After enhancement, the image comes in the Face Detection and
Recognition modules and then the attendance is marked in the database

 At the time of enrolment, templates of face images of individual students are stored in the
Face database

Dept. of ISE,VIIsem,HKBKCE 4 2019-20

Project Phase 1 Problem Statement

The challenges of face recognition are the rapid and accurate identification or classification of a
query image. Some difficulties in face recognition are identifying similar faces (inter-class
similarity) and intra-class variability as head pose, illumination condition, facial expression and
aging effect. The performance of a face recognition technique should be able to produce the results
within a reasonable time. Detection of unique face image amidst the other natural components such
as walls, backgrounds etc. Extraction of unique characteristic features of a face useful for face
recognition. Detection of faces amongst other face characters such as beard , spectacles etc.
Effective recognition of unique faces in a crowd (individual recognition in crowd). Automated
update in the database without human intervention.

Dept. of ISE,VIIsem,HKBKCE 5 2019-20

Project Phase 1 System Requirements Specification

Chapter 4

Software Requirements
 Operating system : Windows 10 / Linux

 Coding Language : Python

 IDE : Open CV

Hardware Requirements
 System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz

 Hard Disk : 40 GB

 Monitor : 15 VGA Color

 Mouse : Logitech

 Ram : 512 Mb

Dept. of ISE,VIIsem,HKBKCE 6 2019-20

Project Phase 1 Methodology

Chapter 5

The proposed face recognition system overcomes certain limitations of the existing face recognition
system. It is based on extracting the dominating features of a set of human faces stored in the
database and performing mathematical operations on the values corresponding to them. Hence,
when a new image is fed into the system for recognition the main features are extracted and
computed to find the distance between the input image and the stored images. Thus, some variations
in the new face image to be recognized can be tolerated. When the new image of a person differs
from the images of that person stored in the database, the system will be able to recognize the new
face and identify who the person is. It is a linear transformation that chooses a new coordinate
system for the data set such that the greatest variance by any projection of the data set comes to lie
on the first axis (called the first principal component), the second greatest variance on the second
axis, and so on. Haar Cascade can be used for reducing dimensionality in a dataset while retaining
those characteristics of the dataset that contribute most to its variance, by keeping lower-order
principal components and ignoring higher-order ones.

5.1 System Architecture

Fig 1: System Architecture

Dept. of ISE,VIIsem,HKBKCE 7 2019-20

Project Phase 1 Methodology

5.2 Input and Outputs of the Project


• Image to Processor


• Face Detection
• Face Recognition
• Attendance Generation

5.3 Applications
 Computer human interaction

 Face ID smart cards

 Safety and secure

 Audio-visual observation

 Others applications

5.4 Advantages
 It saves there time and efforts

 The software stores the faces that are detected and automatically marks attendance

 The system is convenient and secure for the user

 The software can be used for security purposes in organization and secured zones

Dept. of ISE,VIIsem,HKBKCE 8 2019-20

Project Phase 1 Conclusion

Chapter 6

In this system we have implemented an attendance system for a lecture, section or laboratory by
which lecturer or teaching assistant an record student’s attendance. It saves time and effort,
especially if it is a lecture with huge number of students. This attendance system shows the use of
facial recognition techniques. The purpose of student attendance and for the further process this
record of student can be used in exam related issues.

Dept. of ISE,VIIsem,HKBKCE 9 2019-20

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