Example Questions Statistics (Quantitaive)

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To give you an idea of the type of questions you can expect during the Quantitative Research

Methods (QUAN) exam, we provide you a number of example questions. They are 10 multiple
choice questions, divided into two parts. Part A contains four multiple choice questions with four
answer options each. Part B contains a case with six questions, with two answer options each,
true / false.

Please find the answers on the last page.

Part A.

1) Which of the following situations primarily affects the reliability of collected data?
a) The questions of a questionnaire are suggestive.
b) The topics that are addressed in a questionnaire are taboo.
c) Answers of respondents are every now and then incorrectly coded by the interviewer.
d) The answering categories are incomplete.

2) The most frequent used criterion for establishing the number of factors in factor analysis

a) Communality > .20.

b) Eigenvalue > 1.
c) Factor correlations > |.30|.
d) Factor loadings > |.30|.

3) We provide the following output of an analysis of variance.

How many groups are compared in this analysis?

a) 2.
b) 3.
c) 15.
d) 17.

4) If in regression analysis the variance of the residuals are equally distributed across the
values of the independent variable(s), then the data are:
a) Standardized.
b) Linear.
c) Multicollinear.
d) Homoscedastic.
Part B

Multiple choice questions 5 up to and including question 10 concern a probe exam case on
MANOVA. The output related to this case is presented in the resource (Appendix Probe exam:

In a study about the evaluation of education a Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was
conducted. The independent variables were discipline (alpha, beta, and gamma) and gender
(female, male). The three dependent variables represent the opinion of students about: Quality of
program organization, Quality of exams, and Quality of staff. SPSS produced the following table.
A MANOVA was conducted, using an alpha of 5%.

You may assume that all relevant assumptions tested outside the procedure of a MANOVA were

MANOVA output belonging to Case Probe exam and multiple choice questions 5-10.

Assess the output based on the criteria discussed in class and used in the assignments of the
course. Decide for each statement if it is true (A) or false (B).

Question Statement TRUE FALSE

5 There is a significant multivariate effect of discipline. A B
6 Male students have a higher score on the variable Quality of
program organization than female students.
7 You should not interpret the multivariate effect of gender. A B
8 The multivariate interaction effect has a medium effect size. A B
9 The multivariate effect of gender should be reported as follows:
Wilks‘ Λ = .95, F(3) = 10.74, p = .053, ηp2 = .01
10 There is homogeneity of regression lines. A B

1c; 2b; 3b; 4d;

5a; 6b; 7a; 8b; 9b; 10b

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