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Human resource management

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L 01: P1: Explain the purpose and functions of HRM, applicable to workforce planning and
resourcing an organisation...................................................................................................................2
M1. Asses how the functions of HRM can provide talent and skills appropriate to fulfil Business
P2 Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.....3
M2. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.4
P3 Explain the benefits of different HRM practices within an organisation for both the employer
and employee.......................................................................................................................................4
P4 Evaluate the effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms of raising organisational profit
and productivity M3 Explore the different methods used in HRM practices, providing specific
examples to support evaluation within an organisational context.....................................................5
P5 Analyse the importance of employee relations in respect to influencing HRM decision-making. 6
P6 Identify the key elements of employment legislation and the impact it has upon HRM decision
making M4 Evaluate the key aspects of employee relations management and employment
legislation that affect HRM decision-making in an organisational context:........................................6
P7 Illustrate the application of HRM practices in a work-related context, using specific examples
and M5 Provide a rationale for the application of specific HRM practices in a work-related context:
L 01: P1: Explain the purpose and functions of HRM, applicable
to workforce planning and resourcing an organisation
Human resource management is playing the major role in the business or any organization to
make strong engage of their employees to the business objectives to give the better services
to their customer. Human resource management is giving more focus to choose the right
person with right skills to the right place at the right time to make effective progress of the
activities of the business or any organization.
Major purpose of Human resource management is to identify the exact number of employees
that the business need to progress their activities with the right skills on the right time. This
concept directly relates with the workforce planning. Workplace planning defines the need to
employees for the organization to make proceed their activities. So, this concept is giving
more focus to make strong engaged of the skilled, experienced employees on eh business to
deliver the better output and make long term sustainable growth for it
Workforce planning starts with the HR planning. HR planning help business or organization
to get the right portion of employees with right skilled. So, it helps to reduce cost of the
organization and getting more efficiencies from heir employees. Also, it helps to set the
design of jobs and margin more flexible canton of work to their employees to make strong
engagement with their activities and business goals (Armstrong, 2006)
Also, Human resource management is running to make better and efficient recruitment and
selection process. First to all they need to identify the potential skills of employees that they
need to run their operations. After that they should set the effective and fair recruitment and
selection process to be the right and qualified employees on the job position.
Human resource management also giving more concern about performance management of
their employees and provide training and development programs to their employees to
improve their skills and ability to reach success margin of the business
Human resource management also giving focus to set the reward policy for their employees.
It helps to make strong engagement of their employee and improve the positive challenges
among their all the employees to reach the reward concept that ultimately help business to
improves its productivity.
Human resource management also giving concern to make the workplace safe and secure for
their employees as well as their customers. So, they are working to improve the welfare
programs to provide better customer satisfaction margin and also making strong engagement
of their employees with the business goals and objectives (Mathis and Jackson, 2008)
M1. Asses how the functions of HRM can provide talent and skills
appropriate to fulfil Business objectives.
Marks and Spencer is one of the top class retail brand in UK. They are giving more concern
about their Human resource management to make effective attachment with their business
goals and objectives.
They are running fair recruitment and selection process that help them to make strong
engagement of skilled and experienced employees with the business. So, they are running fair
recruitment and selection process to get the right skilled employees at the right time with
right place
They are offering different benefits to their employees as, paid holidays, maternity leaves
bonuses, staff discount etc. that is running as their motivational practices to make strong
engagement of these employees to the business objectives (Kaplan and Norto, 1996)
Also, they are doing efficient performance management that helps to identify the exact skill
and performance that that employees are having according to their tasks. So, management is
offering different training programs to make strong engagement of their employees with their
business to reach goals and objectives of the business

P2 Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches

to recruitment and selection
Internal recruitment policy External recruitment policy
Strengths: Strengths:
Cost effective This will give more opportunity to get the
Need less time to manage whole process new and experiences idea from the outsiders
It is working as a motivational issue to their in the organization
employees Management is getting large candidate list
Familiar condition for the possible to find the best one
candidates Wider experiences are available of different
Management is having clear idea about the candidates that helps to get the more skilled
potential of their candidates employees on the organization.
Management known Limitations:
Limitations: Major limitation of this recruitment and
Organization is not getting any fresh or new selection process is it needs more cost
idea generated people Also, it need more time to do the
Management need to choose form the recruitment and selection
limited candidate list Also, they need more skilled interview
New vacancies raises because of the shifting board to get the right skilled workers on
of one employee to other job. their business
Also, candidates are new so they need more
time to come up with the organizational
Marks and Spencer M&S is running both the internal and
external recruitment and selection concept.
They are hiring the external people that
helps to get the new idea for the business
also they are giving promotions to their
internal employees to run the motivational
issues to make strong engagement of their
employees with the business

M2. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different

approaches to recruitment and selection
Recruitment policy need to fair and organization should give more concern about choosing
the right form so recruitment policy to get the right skilled staffs with right portion to the
right time on the organization. There are different approaches are available of recruitment and
selection process. Internal recruitment policy, external recruitment policy, personal
specifications etc. these recruitment and selection policy is having different strengths and
weaknesses. These are-
Internal recruitment policy is the policy that management choose people from the inside of
the organization. So, they need les time and less cost to choose the candidates. Human
resource management is very much familiar with the potential skills and ability of their
internal employees. Also, they are doing efficient performance management to identify the
skills and ability of different employees. So, they can recruit the employee inside the
organization for the new takes that relates to the skills and ability of that employee. But the
major limitation is business is not getting any fresh or new person to their operations that
makes problem to get any new ideas to their business. Also, it cause the new gap because of
the shifting of one employee to do the new task (Wright, McMahan and McWilliams, 1994)
External recruitment policy is the policy, that Human resource management hired people
form the outside of the organization by running the fair recruitment and selection process that
helps hem to get new, fresh and experienced employee form the outside. So, it generated
more opportunity to develop the process and program of the organization. But the major
limitation of this process is the costing and more time need to complete the whole task

P3 Explain the benefits of different HRM practices within an

organisation for both the employer and employee
Human resource management is giving more focus on their recruitment and selection process
to get the skilled employees to make efficient progress of their organizational activities. M&S
is running their Human resource management practices to giving benefits to both employees
and employers in the business. As-
M&S is giving more concern to get the qualified employees with their business activities.
Because qualified employees helps to run the operation with more effective way to reduce
risk margin and improve the productivity of the business. So, employers getting more skilled
employees to run their task and employees are getting fair chance to involve with this
M&S is concerning improve the positive behavioural approaches of their employees. as, they
are running to get the positive organization culture where job should be specify with more
flexibility, employees with get more chances to make strong engagement with their
management to share their thing and knowledge. So, management of M&S is giving more
chances to make part on the decision making process of their employees that also helps to do
change management for this business.
Human resource management of the M&S is also giving concern to set effective and strong
reward policy to improve the motivational issues of their employees. Also, it helps to make
improve employee’s skills and engagements. They are providing different benefits fair wages
policy, giving job promotion, bonuses, holiday payments, pay rise, acknowledge by naming
the best employee of the month et. That helps to make improve of the skills of their
employees. Employees are also getting positive feedback form these activity that they are
getting more engagement and productive from their current employees
Also, this concept helps to make the workplace more flexible for both employees and
employers. So, employers can set the flexible working hours for their employees, giving
composition to the working team to make effective progress of this business activities

P4 Evaluate the effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms

of raising organisational profit and productivity M3 Explore the
different methods used in HRM practices, providing specific
examples to support evaluation within an organisational context
Human resource management is having different practices these practices are giving more
concern to improve the productivity and profit margin for the business. For M&S different
Human resource management practices are like-
Human resource management is running the fair recruitment and selection process for M&S.
M&S need to have skilled workers to run their wide ranges of activities. They need to have
more potential multi skilled employees to over the multi tasks along with their own task. So,
they are running fair recruitment and selection process to get the rights skill workers on their
business to improve productivity and reach the profit margin for the business (Armstrong and
Stephens, 2005)
Human resource management of M&S is also doing performance management of their
employees. It helps them to generate the idea about efficiencies of their customer according
to their tasks that given by the management. They are using balance scorecard to do
performance management of their employees. So, they can identify the strength and
weaknesses of their employees according to their given tasks and it reflects the skills of these
employees. So, Human resource management can offer the appropriate training and
development programs to their employees to improve their productivity and make strong
engagement of their employees with the business to reach goals and objectives of the
Also, Human resource management is setting the efficient reward policy that makes strong
engagement of their employee’s goals with the business objectives that reflects strong
engagement of them with the business concept. They are offering career development
opportunity to their employees, giving pension, benefits, bonuses, fair wages, no
discrimination, running effective organizational culture, paid holidays, pay rise, promotions
etc. that help to make strong engagement of their employees with the business objectives to
reach goals and objectives of the business (Torrington, 2011)
P5 Analyse the importance of employee relations in respect to
influencing HRM decision-making.
Employee relation is playing key role for the business that is having more engagement of
their employees with the business objectives. Strong employee relation gives more chances to
the business to margin effective decision for the further progress. Because it reflects the skills
and ability of their employees also, it helps to generate more idea about their business
Strong employee relation helps to face the conflict issues that also helps to avoid the conflict
issues and making strong progress of their business to reach goals and objectives of it. Better
employee relation help to discourage their employee to commit any conflict between them
and as with the management. Because better employee relation reflects the better sharing of
the thinking and views of business of management with their employees. Management is
giving more chance to their employee to take part on the decision margin it helps to do
effecting decision making for the further progress of the business. Also, employees are
getting more efficiencies to making solid engagement with the coming changes so they can
adopt them to the changes and make sustainable run of the business to reach goals and
objectives of the business (Bach and Edwards, 2013)
Also, strong employee Ralston helps to improve the loyalty between employees and
management. It works as motivational term to make solid engagement of their employees
with the business objectives. So, management can easily identify needs, demand and potential
of their employees to make the further decision of the business progress

P6 Identify the key elements of employment legislation and the

impact it has upon HRM decision making M4 Evaluate the key
aspects of employee relations management and employment
legislation that affect HRM decision-making in an organisational
There are different legislation issues that need to consider by the human resource
management of the business. Because these issues are having more impact and influences on
the decision making process of the business.
Business need to run the fair wage policy. They should provide the fair wages according to
the skills and govt. rules and regulation. In UK, govt. is having proper rules to give the fair
wages policy and the minimum wages policy, so, M&S should follow this concept and
legislation issue. Otherwise employee can claim for the fair washes. So, they need to set the
wages policy under considering the legislation issues
Also, they cannot make any discrimination on their recruitment and selection process. Also,
cannot run and proceed any racism issues. So, they should offer equally to their employee
according to their employee under the civil rights act 1972. So, the operations and
approaching of employees is considering under the civil rights act 1972
They should run the health and safety issues first to ensure the better workplace for their
workforce. They should give compensation if any employees getting hurt form him any
breach of duty from the management or others. Also, they should provide effecting benefits,
bonuses, paid holidays, maternity leaves etc. So, these issues are making impact and
influence to the decision margin process of the business
They are giving more concern to give the better flexibility of their workers on the workplace.
They should give flexile working hours and time. So, they need to give more concern to fixed
the working schedule of the duty by considering these legislation issues

P7 Illustrate the application of HRM practices in a work-related

context, using specific examples and M5 Provide a rationale for
the application of specific HRM practices in a work-related
M&S is giving more concern to set their HRM practices that relates to the working contexts
of the business. As, they are giving more concern to their recruitment and selection process.
Applicants are applies through the online and they need to get pass from the online
assessment. They are answering different question randomly over online and the result will
automated updated and it will go through the HRM of the business to the applicant’s if
applicants pass that assessment then they get the final interview call where they need to show
their skills and efficiency to make the interview board satisfy to reach goals and objectives of
the business. So, this is much more fair recruitment and selection process that helps this
business to get the qualified employees only (Bratton and Gold, 2012)
Also, they are doing efficient performance management to identify the strengths and lacking
of the skills of their employees. So, they can set the approaches to make better use of their
staffs by providing efficient training and development programs.
They also making efficient segmentation of their employees according to their skills, an
ability and working process. As blue collar labour are recognise as the workers that are
responsible for the maintenance and cleaning job for this business. They might not need to
have experiences but they shod have physical capability and willingness to do the work. Also,
they should train about the hygienic issues and make the workplace safety and secure for both
employees and Th customer
On the other hand, white collar labour are recognise as the workers that they are performing
the management and customer services responsilbities. They should have skills and
knowledge about their task also, they should get training from the management to improve
their efficiency and make them able to improve their productivity to reach goals and
objectives of the business
 Armstrong (2006) A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 10th
edition, Kogan Page Limited, UK
 Mathis, L and Jackson, H, (2008) Human Resource Management, 12th edition,
Thomas South-Western, USA
 Kaplan R. and Norton, D. (1996). Using the balanced scorecard as a strategic
management system. Harvard Business Review: 76
 Wright, P., McMahan, G., & McWilliams, A. (1994). Human resources and sustained
competitive advantage: A resource based perspective. International Journal of
Human Resource Management 5. (pp. 301-26)
 Obloga, E. (2011). Starbucks HR policies and practices. [Online].
 Armstrong, M.; Stephens, T. (2005). A Handbook of Employee Reward Management
and Practice. United Kingdom: Kogan Page Limited. p.  92
 Bach, S. and Edwards, M. (2013) Managing Human Resources. Oxford: Wiley.
 Bratton, J. and Gold, J. (2012) Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice.
5th Ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
 Torrington, D, et al. (2011) Human Resource Management. 8th Ed. London: Prentice
 Boxall, F., Purcell J., Wright, (2007), “Oxford Handbook of Human Resource
Management”, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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