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TAUGHT n, Application,
EN9W Identify the Read the sonnet below and answer the questions that
C-If-9.1 types and follow:
features of
poetry “From fairest creatures we desire increase,
That thereby beauty’s rose might never die.
But as the riper should by time decease,
His tender heir might bear his memory:
But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes,
Feed’st thy light’s flame with self-substantial fuel,
Making a famine where abundance lies,
Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel.
Thou that art now the world’s fresh ornament
And only herald to the gaudy spring,
Within thine own bud buriest they content
And, tender churl, mak’st waste in niggarding.
Pity the world, or else this glutton be,
To eat the world’s due, by the grave and thee…” A. Dactyl
B. Iamb Compreh
1. What type of rhythm is used in the sonnet above? C. Trochee ension
D. Spondee
2. What is the measurement of each line? A. Dimeter Compreh
B. Pentameter ension
C. Tetrameter
D. Monometer
3. What is the rhyme scheme used in the sonnet? A. aabb-ccdd-eeff
B. abba-cddc-effe
C. abab-cdcd-efef Compreh
D. abcd-abcd-efgh-efgh ension
EN9LT- Identify the
IIIc- distinguishing
16.1 features of
one-act plays
EN9RC Compare and Mirabel is kind, sweet, and charming, while her sisters A. They both want to marry the prince.
-IIa- contrast are mean and cruel. How are Mirabel and her sisters B. The step sisters are kind, but Mirabel
similar information different? is not.
C. Mirabel is kind, but her step sisters
presented in are not.
D. Mirabel and her sisters are wicked
texts. people. Compreh
Sally is having strawberry ice cream and Juan is having A. They are eating with a spoon.
chocolate ice cream. If I am comparing Sally and Juan, B. It is hot outside.
what do they have in common? C. I like to eat ice cream.
D. They are eating ice cream. Analysis
Kate lived in a large house with many animals. Her best A. Kate had a large house, but Jill’s was
friend, Jill, lived in a small house without pets. How small.
were the friends’ homes different? B. Kate doesn’t have pets, but Jill does.
C. Both Kate and Jill have homes.
D. Kate and Jill loves animals Analysis
When purchasing goods or services, most consumers A. Cash and cards are both evil Analysis
have a choice of using cash or a credit card. Credit B. Cash and card are interesting
cards are very convenient. Credit cards charge interest, C. One is paper and one is bigger paper
which is an additional charge on top of whatever the D. Cash leaves you with no interest and
product or service costs. If a credit card user doesn’t credit cards have interest
pay his bill immediately, the interest compounds
(increases), which can make an everyday purchase turn
into long-term debt. On the other hand, using cash
means a person is only using only money he has and is
not accumulating debt to pay in the future. What is a
difference between cash and credit cards?
Frogs and toads can live in the water and on the land. A. Legs and twigs
They both catch food with long, sticky tongues. They B. Frogs and toads
eat insects and small animals. You can tell them apart C. Cats and dogs
by their bodies. Frogs have long, strong back legs and D. Frogs and elephant
thin, moist skin. Toads have shorter back legs and drier Knowled
skin. What are being compared in the text? ge
The power of the crocodile is like that of a monstrous A. Directions
machine. With one lunge, it can destroy its prey and B. Cause and effect
protect the kill from other predators. What structure is C. Problem-solution Compreh
used in the text? D. Compare and contrast ension
There are some similarities between the T. Rex and the A. Directions and age
Gigantosaurus. Both were meat-eaters. Both were B. One is dead and one is alive
saurischians, or “”lizard-hipped” dinosaurs, as C. Both are dinosaurs
contrasted with “bird-lipped” dinosaurs. Each dinosaur D. Problem and solutions
was the dominant predator of its time and place. What Compreh
is something they have in common? ension
Are you a musician? Would you like to connect with A. Cause/effect
other music makers? You’ve got choices when it comes B. Compare/contrast
to musical programs at Morton University. You join the C. Problems/solution
marching band, you’ll play in front of thousands at our D. Sequence/order of importance
football games. If you join the jazz band, you’ll play at
our dances and elite alumni events. Each of these
programs can help you become a better musician. The
band is a little smaller than the marching band but
there is more room for improvisation. Of course if you
join the marching band, you’ll get to wear a cool cape.
The choice is yours. What is the structure used in this Compreh
text? ension
Frogs and toads can live in the water and on the land. A. What they eat
They both catch food with long, sticky tongues. They B. Frogs and toads are happy.
eat insects and small animals. You can tell them apart C. They have different size legs.
by their bodies. Frogs have long, strong back legs and D. They can both live on land or water.
thin, moist skin. Toads have shorter back legs and drier
skin. What is common about the two animals? Analysis
Ron and Michael are in different classes. What is this A. Writing
an example of? B. Comparing
C. Contrasting
D. Communicating
When we compare and contrast while reading, we are A. Truth and lies
looking for? B. Clues and facts
C. Wrongs and rights
D. Similarities and differences
Mary and Tracy are twin sisters. They are fourteen A. Comparing
years of age. What is this an example of? B. Contrasting
C. Fact and opinion
D. Chronological order
Which of the following transitions show a contrast in A. Also
thoughts? B. Accordingly
C. In the same way
D. On the other hand
Bill and Jack enjoy eating pizza. Bill’s favorite pizza is A. They hate pizza.
pepperoni and Jack only likes cheese pizza. Their B. They are good friends.
favorite place to eat pizza is at Mario’s Pizza. How are C. They both like pizza.
Bill and Jack alike. D. They like cake.
Janet and Kylie were best friends, they liked to do A. Kylie loved swimming and so with
everything together. Kylie loved horseback riding and Janet.
so did Janet. Janet loved swimming, and although Kylie B. Kylie loved horseback riding and
did not know how to swim, she loved the water. Janet Janet did not.
enjoyed vacationing in tropic areas while Kylie liked C. Janet liked vacationing in tropic
arctic zones. In what ways do the two girls contrast? areas while Kylie liked arctic zones.
D. Kylie liked to vacation in tropic areas
while Janet liked peaceful grasslands.
How is life on the farm likely the most different from A. Angie likely never spends time with
Angie’s urban life at home? her aunt and uncle at home.
B. Angie likely never gets up at 6 A.M. at
C. Angie likely does not have chickens
at home.
D. Angie likely does not have to do
chores at home.
In which of the following situations could you compare A. You are voting for class president and
and contrast? there are 3 students running.
B. You are writing an essay about which
time period you’d rather live in: 1980s
or the 1880s
C. You are deciding what are the major
differences between the first and last
Harry Potter books.
D. All of the above
Kelvin is writing about Greek myths that he recently A. Not comparing nor contrasting
read. He describes how they each focus on a hero’s B. Comparing Greek myths but not
quest and how each hero is different. Kelvin is contrasting them
________. C. Comparing Greek myths with Roman
D. Comparing and contrasting Greek
myths heroes
Before you write a compare and contrast essay, you A. Pick which item is better
should _______ B. Revise your essay using a flow chart
C. Pre-write your essay using a Venn
D. Choose one difference between the
items that is most important
When comparing and contrasting, you should ______ A. Write similarities in the overlapping
sections of a Venn diagram
B. Write differences in the overlapping
sections of a Venn diagram
C. Write similarities in the arrows of a
flow chart
D. Skip pre-writing and begin writing the
essay right away
If you’re comparing and contrasting three items, you A. Can’t use a Venn diagram
_____ B. Only have to describe two of them
C. Can add a third circle to your Venn
D. Can compare them without
What will you compare and contrast to respond to the A. Vertebrates
following essay prompt? B. Humans and insects
“Compare and contrast mammals and reptiles. Discuss C. Mammals and reptiles
their life cycles, habitats and bodies.” D. Deserts and rainforests
Which of the following statements contrasts mammals A. Humans are mammals.
and reptiles? B. Both mammals and reptiles are
C. Mammals and reptiles can live in the
same habitat.
D. Mammals are warm blooded while
reptiles are cold blooded.
Using _____ in your essay helps readers know when A. Nouns
you’re comparing and contrasting. B. Punctuation
C. Prepositions
D. Transition words
Which of the following words or phrases could be used A. Similarly
when contrasting? B. In conclusion
C. On the other hand
D. Nonetheless
Which of the following words or phrases can be used to A. On the other hand
show comparison? B. Similarly
C. In contrast
D. While
Differences and similarities of two or more things are A. Cause and effect
discussed B. Descriptivec
C. Compare and contrast
D. Sequence/process
Ice cream is a delicious frozen treat that comes in many A. chocolate and strawberry
different colors and flavors. Two of my favorite flavors B. Chocolate and ice cream
are strawberry and chocolate. Though both of these C. Strawberry and ice cream
flavors are delicious, strawberry may contain pieces of D. Chocolate ice cream and strawberry
fruit while chocolate usually will not. Even though ice cream
more chocolate ice cream is sold across the country
annually than strawberry, each flavor tastes great
inside of a milk shake. What two things are being
compared and contrasted?
The Fourth of July and Veteran’s Day are both U.S. A. Both holidays are celebrated in the
holidays. However, the Fourth of July celebrates our U.S.
independence and Veteran’s Day celebrates military B. Both holidays are in the summer
veterans. How are these holidays different? C. Fourth of July and Veteran’s Day are
celebrated by Americans only.
D. Fourth of July celebrates
independence, while Veteran’s Day
celebrates veterans.
Identify the key word: This wall is made of brick, while A. Wall
that wall is made of drywall. B. Made
C. While
D. Brick
Identify the keyword: Turtles and frogs have many A. Many
qualities in common. B. Qualities
C. In common
D. Qualities
Molly and Sara are sisters. They like to swim during the A. They are siblings.
summer. Molly is in the school band and Sara is in the B. They enjoy swimming.
basketball team. How are these sisters alike? C. They are both in a band.
D. They are both in the basketball team.
A teacher and a doctor both work with many people A. They work with children.
every day. The teacher works with children at the B. They work in hospitals.
school; however, the doctor sees patients at the C. They work together.
hospital. How are a teacher and a doctor alike? D. They work with many people.

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