The Top 10 Leadership Interview Questions - With Example Answers

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Leadership Interview Questions & Answers

Interview Advice / Interview Questions

Updated 23 December 2021 Written by the WikiJob Team Fact Checked by Bianca Praino MA pgDip

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What Is a Behavioral Interview?

What Do Interviewers Mean by Leadership?

When Might You Be Asked About Your Leadership Skills?

Communication Skills For Effective Leadership

How to Show Leadership Experience Using the STAR Technique

Sample Answer Using the STAR Technique

“Tell Me About a Time You Led a Team to Success.”

Top 10 Leadership Interview Questions

1. “Tell Me About a Time You Demonstrated Leadership”

2. “Describe Your Weaknesses as a Leader” 1/215
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3. “How Do You Gain Commitment from Your Team?”

What Is Autocratic Leadership?
4. “Describe a Time You Demonstrated Your Leadership Style”
5. “How Do You Resolve Conflict Between Co-Workers?”
6. “Has a Co-Worker or Team Member Ever Disagreed with You, and How Did You Handle It?”
7. “Tell Me About a Time You Were Forced to Adapt”
8. “Tell Me About a Time You Implemented Change”
9. “Tell Me About a Time You Were Successful”
10. “How Do You Manage Your Workload?”
Key Tips

Final Thoughts

Whether you are a seasoned professional applying for a managerial role or a recent graduate looking for your first job,
you should expect to encounter behavioral questions about leadership in your interview.

Many people assume that leaders are only found in senior-level positions. But any employee, at any employment level,
can show leadership potential.

Leadership is not just about managing others – leaders innovate, they inspire and motivate their co-workers, and they
make tough decisions when no one else is prepared to step up.

Employers highly covet those that demonstrate leadership skills.

This article will explain what is meant by a behavioral interview; how interviewers determine leadership; when you will
be asked leadership questions; how to use the STAR technique; and the top 10 leadership interview questions to
prepare for.

What Is a Behavioral Interview?

Behavioral interviews are now standard practice for many employers. Your interviewer wants to test not just whether
you possess desired skills, but whether you can evidence times you have demonstrated those skills. The purpose is to
predict how you will perform in your new position.

Many start with, “Tell me about a time you…” because you are required to talk about specific situations, explain what
action you took and what the result was.

What Do Interviewers Mean by Leadership?

Questions regarding leadership are one of the most common types of behavioral questions. Leadership qualities are so
valuable to employers that some will even base their entire interview process on them.

Great leaders do more than tell others what to do. They bring value by creating a supportive and collaborative
environment. A great leader recognizes and nurtures the skills of those around them. They promote productivity and
boost morale. 2/215
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When interviewers ask about leadership, they are looking for specific qualities, including:

Organization and decision-making skills – Leaders can manage people and projects productively, and contribute to
the company’s commercial goals.

Persuasiveness and negotiation – Leaders can drive action and implement change.

Ability to innovate – Leaders come up with new ideas.

Self-confidence – Leaders aren’t afraid to take responsibility.

Self-awareness – Leaders are confident in their abilities but also recognize their limits. Good leaders delegate and
trust the professional advice of their co-workers.

Ability to motivate and inspire – Leaders maximize their employees’ potential. They praise exceptional efforts and
lead by example through hard work and dedication.

Conflict resolution – Leaders support their co-workers through difficult situations and find solutions to
interpersonal problems.

When Might You Be Asked About Your Leadership Skills?

Many job seekers assume that if they’re not looking for a management role, they will escape leadership interview
questions. In fact, employers are looking for potential leaders at any employment level, including entry- and graduate-

Businesses look for employees who are dedicated and likely to progress within the company, and your interviewer will
ask you leadership questions to assess whether you are a good long-term investment.

Therefore, whatever your experience level, it is vital you prepare for behavioral leadership questions by referring to
specific times you have demonstrated leadership qualities.

The Top 10 Leadership Interview Questions – With Answers

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Also Awesome

Communication Skills For

Effective Leadership
Good communication skills are crucial in a leader if
they are to remain a leader. A leader can be defined as
someone who plays a prominent role in a business or
a department within it. There are also religious,
political and community leaders, leaders of groups and
teams, and so on. In this guide, we will be looking at
business leaders and how good communication skills
are an important part of effective leadership.

Download the Free eBook Now

How to Show Leadership Experience Using the STAR Technique

When preparing your answers for leadership interview questions – whether it be for entry-level, graduate or team
leader interview questions – your task is to present a real workplace situation, what action you took and what the
outcome was.

The STAR technique is the best way to ensure you don’t miss out any important details: 4/215
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S = Situation. Outline a real situation you were in (it doesn’t have to be a specific leadership role). Examples could
What Is Autocratic
include Leadership?
a time at your previous job, volunteer work or college club.
T = Task. Explain what you were trying to achieve or the problem you were trying to solve.
A = Action. State what you did to overcome the challenge.
R = Result. What happened as a consequence? What skills did you learn from the experience, and what was the
impact on your team?

Sample Answer Using the STAR Technique

“Tell Me About a Time You Led a Team to Success.”


One of the responsibilities of my previous role was to collate sales data.


At the end of the last financial year, I noticed that sales for a product were falling.


I took the lead by calling a team meeting to address the issue. I suggested we create a

package of deals to offer customers bulk quantities of the product for discounted prices. I
scheduled weekly check-ins with my co-workers to assess sales and hear any concerns.

Result: 5/215

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What Is Autocratic
Our customers wereLeadership?
very receptive. By the new year’s second quarter, not only had sales

recovered, but profits for that product had risen by 15%. Our team was rewarded for
boosting our sales numbers, which made us eager to improve further.

Why this answer is good: the candidate demonstrated leadership qualities by recognizing an issue, taking the initiative
to solve it, and supporting and encouraging their co-workers to succeed.

Top 10 Leadership Interview Questions

You can apply the STAR technique to any question concerning leadership. Below are 10 strategic leadership interview
questions to prepare for:

1. “Tell Me About a Time You Demonstrated Leadership”

You don’t need to have been in a specific leadership position to answer this question. For example, you could relate
your situation to a volunteering position, or a group project for one of your college classes.

Emphasize through your task and action how you took on a leadership role or demonstrated leadership qualities.

For example:

I took the initiative to organize a black-tie gala at my college and successfully secured a
venue and band for a reduced fee. I also oversaw a team of six other students who secured

raffle prizes from local businesses. The event was a success, and we raised over $2,000 for
our charity.

2. “Describe Your Weaknesses as a Leader”

As well as what makes you great, you should be prepared to talk about any weaknesses you may have.

Self-awareness is an important trait for any leader, so admitting weakness will not make you unsuitable. However, you
should always state how you try to overcome your weaknesses and are a good leader in spite of them.

Perhaps you fell behind on a project because you were reluctant to delegate work. You adjusted your approach and
trusted your team to work independently. As a result, your team worked more efficiently and the project was completed
on time.

3. “How Do You Gain Commitment from Your Team?”

To answer this well, focus on a scenario in which you inspired and motivated those around you. For example:

You got to know each individual’s strengths and interests, and assigned roles accordingly. 6/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

When a project succeeded, you ensured your team received credit from your superiors.

You admitted to your team when you made a mistake, which made you likeable and approachable.

The result should always be that your team expressed satisfaction with your leadership.

4. “Describe a Time You Demonstrated Your Leadership Style”

Some examples of leadership styles are:

Lead by example – You understand that people are best motivated by dedicated and invested leaders.

Communication – You promote active discussion within your team because two or more heads are better than one.
Every idea is valued and the result is a collaborative and innovative workforce.

Delegation – You maximize your team’s productivity by assigning roles according to strength and regularly
evaluating each member’s performance.

5. “How Do You Resolve Conflict Between Co-Workers?”

This question requires you to give a scenario in which you have demonstrated your conflict-resolution skills. For
example, you could refer to a situation where two co-workers disagreed. Explain that you took the time to listen to both
sides of the story before offering a compromise.

The result should always be that the problem was resolved thanks to your action.

6. “Has a Co-Worker or Team Member Ever Disagreed with You, and How
Did You Handle It?”

This question challenges you to show self-awareness and demonstrate that you are prepared to take your co-worker’s
advice on board.

For example:

I previously worked for a small retail company. At one point, a co-worker disagreed with the
way I was handling a customer complaint.

After a discussion, we agreed that the customer’s satisfaction was paramount and that
issuing a refund was the best solution. I assured the co-worker that their concerns were valid
and that I appreciated their input. The customer was happy with the outcome and
complimented our complaints procedure. 7/215
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What Is Autocratic
7. “Tell Me AboutLeadership?
a Time You Were Forced to Adapt”

Adaptability is an indication of leadership potential. Leaders flourish even when forced to step outside their comfort

Perhaps you were suddenly hit with a tight deadline and you rallied your co-workers to complete the work on time.
Alternatively, perhaps you used persuasion skills to convince sponsors to fund a charity event.

The result should positively demonstrate how you can perform well under challenging circumstances.

8. “Tell Me About a Time You Implemented Change”

Good leaders are innovative and forward-thinking. If you can demonstrate a time you successfully oversaw a positive
change, you will demonstrate leadership potential.

Perhaps you implemented a new administrative system at your previous job or introduced a formal mentoring program
to support new employees. Maybe you invented and filled a new position on your college society’s committee.

9. “Tell Me About a Time You Were Successful”

Some measures of success include:

Achieving quantifiable goals and targets;

Improving efficiency and productivity;
Delivering excellent service;
Receiving positive feedback from superiors or customers.

For example:

For me, success is about going above and beyond expectations. In my previous role as Retail
Team Leader, my goal was to motivate my team to deliver impeccable customer service.

I actively praised team members who went out of their way to assist customers. We had
succeeded when several customers contacted head office specifically to compliment our

store’s customer service.

10. “How Do You Manage Your Workload?”

A good indication of leadership potential is the ability to balance your workload.

To answer well, give an example of a time you had difficulty prioritizing your workload, eg when you received two
urgent deadlines to work towards simultaneously. Explain how you managed your time efficiently, whether you
delegated any tasks to co-workers, and how you overcame the challenge and completed your work on time. 8/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

Key Tips

In addition to the STAR technique and the 10 sample leadership questions above, here are some tips to help you
prepare your own leadership examples:

Prepare your ‘situations’ for STAR in advance. Most situations can be adapted to answer any leadership question.

Understand leadership qualities. Ensure you can recognize when an interviewer is asking a behavioral leadership

Be specific. Keep your examples believable by adding lots of detail.

Try not to waffle. Limit your examples to their key points.

Remember to talk about how you took on a leadership role or demonstrated leadership qualities.

Don’t badmouth your former co-workers. This indicates that you aren't a positive role model.

Don’t talk about failures where you are unable to redeem yourself. For example, if you once mismanaged a project
which subsequently failed.

Final Thoughts

Leadership skills are essential for every candidate, including those just entering the job market, and leadership
potential is one of the top attributes forward-thinking employers look for in candidates.

Your task now is to come up with some past experiences where you demonstrated your leadership skills and practice
adapting them to each question. Stick to the STAR technique to ensure your answers are insightful and well structured,
and you will be in good stead.



What Is Leadership? 9/215
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In Is
article Skip toLeadership?

Do You Have to Be in a Managerial Position to Be a Leader?

What Types of Leadership Happen in the Workplace?

Practical Leadership
Educational Leadership
Managerial Leadership
Inspirational Leadership
Empathetic Leadership
Academic Leadership
What Are the Advantages of Different Kinds of Leadership?

How to Develop Leadership Skills

Final Thoughts

A simple definition of leadership – the ability to inspire and influence others to take a specific course of action.

However, the practice of leadership is far more complex, and cannot be fully understood through such a basic

To start, leadership exists in many forms. It can be in a professional context, where an individual has been given the
opportunity to lead a team in pursuit of organizational goals.

In that case, leadership and management need to be distinguished.

The latter, management, is the role the person has been given, whilst it is the former, leadership, that can determine
their success in that role.

Leadership also exists in a personal context, for example where an individual chooses to rally support and effect
change for a cause they are passionate about.

A leadership definition is further complicated by the fact that there are many different leadership styles, each suited
more to particular circumstances than others.

Whatever the context, effective leaders all have a set of key qualities that enables them to help others achieve their

They can communicate thoughts and ideas in a way that gives them real meaning and they can bring people together
under a common cause, empowering and motivating them to perform at their best.

This article will focus on leadership in a professional context, exploring its variations in the workplace and how to
develop your own leadership skills.

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As Is Autocratic
delineated Leadership?
above, leadership and management are different; although the two terms are often used interchangeably,
they are not one in the same.

Not all managers are effective leaders, and equally, you do not have to be in a managerial position to show your
leadership qualities.

In fact, there are some kinds of leadership that are easier to exercise when you are not directly responsible for
managing other people.

Leadership is achievable by everyone, regardless of their exact role within an organization or level of experience. It is
also one of the key areas to focus on when working towards your short term career goals: when you work on your
ability to motivate and inspire those around you, and show this in action, you set yourself apart as a strong candidate
for promotional opportunities.

What Types of Leadership Happen in the Workplace?

Understanding the multiple ways leadership can present itself in the workplace is key to identifying your own strengths
and developing your own leadership style.

Below are some of the most common forms:

Practical Leadership

Practical leaders are hands-on. They help others fulfil their responsibilities by giving clear and specific direction.

They typically adopt visual learning strategies; for example, they will give a physical demonstration of how to complete
a certain task.

In some cases, they will even be actively involved and work on tasks alongside their teams.

Practical leaders are good listeners with a high degree of patience. They take the time to understand the strengths and
weaknesses of employees so they can better assist them with improvement.

Practical leadership is a good example of a leadership style you can implement at any level of seniority.

If a colleague is struggling with an activity you are skilled at, you can empower them to achieve more by offering step
by step guidance.

Educational Leadership

These leaders are those who encourage others through teaching, giving them the knowledge they need to achieve their

Rather than allowing an individual to pursue ineffective practices, educational leaders will offer constructive criticism
and help them refine their approach. 11/215
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You Isthink
might Autocratic Leadership?
of an educational leader as a mentor – someone that passes on their own skills and experience to those
who follow in their footsteps.

Things like performance reviews are an integral part of this leadership style.

These allow employees and those who lead them to work together in assessing performance and setting realistic goals
for development.

Managerial Leadership

This style is where the separate concepts of management and leadership come together as one.

This type of leadership is the formal management of others, delegating tasks, overseeing work and training, and
organizing HR requirements like recruitment.

It is a type of leadership that follows existing practices and procedures, and is often results-driven. For example, a
managerial leader may encourage a team to achieve targets based on tried-and-tested sales techniques.

Though it can be viewed as a somewhat rigid approach, managerial leadership has its place in organizations where
rules need to be followed, such as laboratories with strict health-and-safety procedures, and authority needs to be
appointed to ensure as such.

Inspirational Leadership

These leaders influence and energise others through their actions. They lead by example, demonstrating qualities like
positivity, integrity and ambition, motivating others to follow suit.

Inspirational leaders take interest in the career development of those around them, investing time and effort into
nurturing talent.

They are charismatic to the degree that it sparks enthusiasm in their followers, pushing them to be the best that they
can be.

This is another type of leadership you can focus on at any level, simply by being a positive influence and encouraging
coworkers to achieve their full potential. 12/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

What Is Leadership?

Empathetic Leadership

Empathy is one of the most effective communication skills, and those that demonstrate it make for good leaders.

Empathetic leadership is based on the creation of an inclusive, understanding work culture where everyone’s individual
needs are considered and equality is achieved.

Those that adopt this leadership style form strong bonds with employees and are on hand to provide emotional
support. They also take the thoughts and feelings of others into account when making strategic decisions.

An empathetic leader has the final say, but believes the best ideas come from collaborative input.

Academic Leadership

Academic leaders are somewhat different to leaders in industry. Their strengths lie in research and problem solving,
which they use to inform strategic direction.

They are experts in their field, with years of experience that gives them the credentials to advise on evidence based
policies, practices and procedures.

An academic leader's presence may not always be physically seen or felt, but their influence is evident through the
actions an organization chooses to take.

What Are the Advantages of Different Kinds of Leadership?

Each type of leadership has its own time and place and some forms are more effective in certain circumstances than

As mentioned, managerial leadership works well when there are rules that need to be followed, and strategic
organization is required to achieve a desired goal.

Take a military environment for example. Those in charge of leading a troop need to assert a level of authority that
ensures safety and compliance. They need to delegate responsibilities and keep a close eye on performance.

Managerial leadership is however somewhat restrictive. In following rules and regulations, it can stunt creativity and
innovation. When this is the desired goal, such as in the design office of a clothing company, an approach like practical
or educational leadership is better suited, where employees are encouraged to explore and develop their own
strengths. 13/215
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What Isleaders
Academic Autocratic Leadership?
work with a level of autonomy, operating behind the scenes when important decisions need to be
made. By contrast, an empathetic leader needs a team to engage with to make the most of their skill set.

It is worth noting here that the types of leadership outlined here rarely stand on their own. In fact, the most effective
form of leadership combines various approaches. A strong leader will judge every situation on its own merits and adopt
the most appropriate style in response.

How to Develop Leadership Skills

Whatever stage of your career you are at, it is never too early to start working on your leadership skills. It should be
looked at as a form of personal development, as well as a professional benefit.

Start with an honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses before evaluating how best to use your skills in a
leadership context.

You can also follow some standard practices to help you become a more effective leader:

Ask for more responsibility – One of the best ways to develop your leadership skills is to step out of your comfort
zone and put them to the test. It is important you do not take on more than you can cope with, and do not allow
your boss to take you for granted, but showing some initiative is a good first step into leadership territory.

Start looking at the bigger picture – The best leaders see problems before they arise and implement plans to avoid
them. To do this, you need to understand how organizational goals are achieved and the potential pitfalls that can
throw progress off track. So instead of focusing on your role alone, look at how all departments work together.
The deeper your knowledge, the better leader you will become.

Be an active listener – Good leadership is all about taking everyone’s views into account so work on your ability to
listen and consider things from different perspectives.

Learn to collaborate – This is a key attribute of a good leader, so build on your workplace collaboration skills. Go
out of your way to engage with and assist those both in and outside of your immediate team, be actively involved
in discussions and ideas sessions, respect others’ opinions – there are countless ways to develop and demonstrate
effective collaboration.

Decide what kind of leader you want to be – as this article has shown, there are many different types of
leadership, and understanding which is your desired goal will help you develop the right strengths and
competencies,and start putting them into practice.

Final Thoughts

Everyone has the capacity to be a leader in some form of the term. It does not matter whether you are fresh out of
college or five years into your professional career, we all have innate strengths that we can use to inspire and motivate
those around us.

These strengths can also be built upon and, with a little perseverance, you can nurture your talents to become a truly
inspirational leader. 14/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

Leadership Skills
In this article Skip to section
What Are Leadership Skills?

7 Best Practices for Successfully Developing Leaders in Your Organization

Why Do Leadership Skills Matter?

What Are the Top 10 Leadership Skills?

1. Inspiring Motivation
2. Communication
3. Positivity
4. Delegation
5. Creativity
6. Trustworthiness
7. Responsibility
8. Time Management
9. Influence
10. Decisiveness
How to Push Leadership Skills in CVs and Interviews

Final Thoughts

For anyone looking to progress to a management position or show their effectiveness when faced with authority,
leadership skills are a must.

From guidance as to what skills good leadership requires and why it matters, to the top 10 leadership interview
questions that you're likely to encounter, we have you covered.

Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills 15/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

What Are Leadership Skills?

One of a range of soft skills required to succeed in many workplaces, leadership skills fall under the umbrella of talents
that can’t be demonstrated through paperwork or qualifications alone.

Non-technical in style, leadership skills are exactly what they sound like – they are the skills required to be a good
leader, whether that’s acting as a team lead, working as a manager, or taking on an even more senior position.

Unlike industry-specific skills, leadership skills are entirely transferable. These kinds of soft skill aren’t based on a
tangible element of a particular vocation.

Leadership is a universal skill that is more connected to people than it is to the role itself and, therefore, is relevant in a
wide range of different fields and disciplines.

For candidates considering moving into more internally-focused or management-based roles, proving leadership skills
is vital. Personality, initiative and interaction are all as important in a working environment as specific qualifications.

A candidate who is capable of demonstrating excellent leadership skills is one step ahead of the competition and
shows potential employers – or existing ones – just how likely they are to succeed in the longer term.

Qualifications may come and go, but the ability to lead well is consistently required for success in just about any career.

Also Awesome 16/215
12/27/21, 5:52 PM The Top 10 Leadership Interview Questions – With Example Answers

What Is Autocratic Leadership?

7 Best Practices for
Successfully Developing
Leaders in Your Organization
You've seen it before. It happens all the time. A CEO or
business unit President tells human resources or
training and development that the team is struggling
with a particular leadership skill. This leads to training
programs to close the leadership skill gap, but the
results are never as good as one would expect. Break
this cycle by looking at seven best practices for
developing leaders in an engaging and measurable
way. Learn how to train leaders to elevate others.

Download the Free eBook Now

Why Do Leadership Skills Matter?

Leadership is undoubtedly a skill that employers are looking for – but why is it so important?

Leadership skills show progression potential. For any individual looking to move up within a business or industry,
it’s likely that some degree of management will be involved in that progression. When it comes to applying for
those higher-level roles, especially in the most competitive industries, the criteria for recruitment won’t just stop at
an individual’s formal training or specialist insight.

Leadership skills help a candidate stand out. Recruiters will examine the soft skills of every candidate – and
leadership is one of the most vital skills to demonstrate. A new manager may have the capacity and knowledge to
produce excellent work and maintain high standards of quality, but they may not have the leadership skills
necessary to inspire others to do the same.

Leadership skills are beneficial to the success of the company as a whole. From doctors to engineers, mechanics to
office workers, leadership skills matter in just about every industry. They’re the basis for effective working and
collaboration beyond technical knowledge. Great leadership can offer massive benefits to companies in the long

Leadership skills affect everyone. For a workplace to be healthy, productive and consistent, quality leadership
skills from managers and team leaders are a must. A job isn’t just about getting the work done; in the modern
workplace, it’s just as much about working in collaboration with others – from understanding perspectives and
managing conflicts, to building working relationships and quality teams.

What Are the Top 10 Leadership Skills?

So, what are the most important skills needed to be an effective leader? 17/215
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What Is Autocratic
1. Inspiring Leadership?

For a leader to be successful, they must motivate those around them to achieve more, go the extra mile and do better in
their work. This motivation goes beyond simply providing verbal encouragement; it can include offering team members
tangible rewards for their effort through recognition, improved responsibility and even physical rewards. Providing
employees with better autonomy and productive work is key to maintaining high motivation.

2. Communication
Leaders need first-rate communication skills. Being open to discussing issues, solving problems or forming objectives
with employees are all vital elements of good leadership. A leader will also have to chair team meetings, give
persuasive presentations and liaise effectively with clients.

3. Positivity

In any workplace, positivity can provide the extra support that employees need during stressful times. Excellent skills in
empathy and friendliness, as well as the ability to effectively manage conflict and stress, are good indicators of positive

4. Delegation

A great leader will know that delegating work, rather than taking it all on themselves, is the vital ingredient to
successful projects. Knowing when to delegate work effectively also indicates that the leader can identify the strengths
and weaknesses of their colleagues. They will use expectations, performance and resources to ensure that the work is
completed as a team, rather than in isolated parts.

5. Creativity

When it comes to finding the right answers or making the best decisions, the solution isn’t always a straight line. That’s
why it’s vital for leaders to have creativity when it comes to their responses – a leader isn’t afraid to take the less-used

6. Trustworthiness

If employees are uncomfortable or unwilling to approach a leader, then the trust between the leader and their team is
broken. When employees believe in their leader’s integrity, it is beneficial for the honesty and accountability in the
workplace as a whole. A trusted leader is a far more effective one.

7. Responsibility
As a leader, the responsibility for both failures and successes should be on your shoulders. This means taking full
ownership for the actions of yourself or your team, as well as being willing to accept blame and seek solutions when

8. Time Management 18/215
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A Isresponsibility
leader’s Autocraticisn’tLeadership?
just in managing workplace relationships. It’s also vital that they take a view of the bigger
picture when it comes to the completion of work, especially managing timelines and schedules. Providing realistic
deadlines, communicating them clearly and understanding the need for flexibility are vital.

9. Influence

Whether it is encouraging an employee to ‘buy in’ to a project, step outside their comfort zone or improve productivity, a
leader should have the influence to encourage that improvement. A positive influence is a vital skill that will help a
leader support their co-workers, and encourage them to go further and do more.

10. Decisiveness

Understanding what decision to make and when to make it is a must for any good leader. Being able to provide
answers to questions promptly and effectively ensures that schedules are not interrupted.


How to Push Leadership Skills in CVs and Interviews

Leadership skills can be demonstrated most effectively through real examples of their use, whether in the workplace, in
your personal life or in academia.

It’s important to not just list the skills you feel you have; show how you used them.

From leading as part of an undergraduate group project to acting in a shift lead capacity at a weekend job, there are
examples of good leadership available in many different contexts.

Try to take a closer look at your past experiences and connect them to specific leadership skills, such as good
communication or creativity in solving problems. 19/215
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Any Is Autocratic
examples from your CVLeadership?
should be followed up consistently in an interview. It’s essential to be truthful about the
skills you possess, as potential employers will notice if there are discrepancies between what you say and how you act.

Professionalism, decisiveness and great communication during your interview itself are all effective ways to
demonstrate your leadership skills.

Final Thoughts

With so many different elements making up an excellent leader, it can be difficult to pinpoint which skills are particular
strengths for you.

Being a good leader isn't about being ‘good on paper'. An individual with good leadership skills is able to:

Inspire employees to be more productive

Communicate effectively with those around them
Develop a good level of trust with those they lead.

When demonstrating your leadership skills, focus on what you can do and the experiences you have had. Never simply
include a list; provide tangible evidence.

Leadership isn't just one consistent skill; the requirements and style will vary from business to business and team to

The ability to adapt, acknowledge your environment and be comfortable in your own skin are all of great advantage.

Demonstrating these abilities will show any interviewer just how suitable you are – and will help them to see the
promise you could bring to their workpla

Behavioral Interview Questions and Answers

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Why Employers Use Behavioral Interview Questions

Typical Structure of a Behavioral Interview

Categories of Question and Model Answers

Negative Thinking
Decision Making
Organisational Skills
The CAR and STAR Approaches
The CAR Approach 20/215
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The STAR Approach

What Is Autocratic Leadership?
How to Prepare for Behavioral Interview Questions

Behavioral interview questions are a widely used method of assessing a candidate’s suitability for a position. By asking
behavioral questions, the employer goes further then just looking at the candidate's work and educational background
to decide whether or not they are the right fit for the organisation and, further to this, the role itself.

Behavioral interview questions are based on the premise that a candidate’s past behavior will reflect how he or she is
likely to think and act in the future. The interviewer will ask the candidate for specific examples of previous behavior to
determine whether these match the requirements of the current role.

Why Employers Use Behavioral Interview Questions

Interview questions based on a behavioral method can help employers to make better-informed employment decisions.

A traditional interview question such as “Why should we hire you?” allows a candidate to tailor their response directly
to what they think the interviewer wants to hear, while even more testing questions such as "What would you do if xxx
happened?” are quite impersonal, revealing relatively little about the candidate’s personality and skill set. This kind of
questioning style allows the interviewee to distance themselves a little, avoiding having to draw on past experience or
give real-life examples to back up their response.

A well-structured behavioral interview question makes it tricky to respond without revealing something of your
personality or making some reference to previous experience. It gives the interviewer more to work with and a deeper
insight into your thought processes and behavior. This style of questioning relies on the candidate giving truthful or at
least semi-truthful answers. 21/215
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It's OK toIsletAutocratic Leadership?
your personality shine through a little when facing behavioral questions.

Typical Structure of a Behavioral Interview

While each will differ depending on the organisation and the person asking the questions, a typical behavioural
interview will be structured as follows:

Opening (5%)
Job / Organisational culture (10%)
Questioning / Information gathering (75%)
Candidate questions (5%)
Wrapping up (5%)

Categories of Question and Model Answers


Leadership skills come in many different forms, as do the questions that test for this particular attribute.

Your employer may look for evidence of personal traits such as patience and open-mindedness, as well as clear
examples of how you work and interact with others in a professional setting.

A sample leadership-focused question may ask you to describe a situation where you had to delegate a task to
someone else. In answering this, you could mention a situation where you evaluated the individual strengths of the
people you were working with, before matching different aspects of the task to the person with the requisite skill set.

Negative Thinking

You may face questions regarding what you didn’t like about a previous experience, role or individual. Tread carefully:
demonstrating bitterness or a negative approach may reflect badly on you and your attitude, so look to emphasise the
positives by shifting the focus to how you successfully dealt with the situation.

For example, when answering the question “Tell me about a time when you were unhappy with a classmate or
colleague?”, seek to highlight how you managed to resolve a potentially difficult situation between the two of you,
rather than attributing blame to the other person.

Decision Making

Both positive and negative decision-making questions are commonly asked in behavioural interviews. Here, the
employer is looking to assess the interviewee’s ability to stick to a decision, be fair and demonstrate critical thinking,
reasoning and logic.

An example of when you handled a tough decision well could include describing how you had to choose between two
potential partners to work with on a joint university assignment. Again, it’s crucial to highlight your thought process
and how you came to a logical conclusion. 22/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?


Problem-solving is a sought-after skill by employers who may be evaluating your ability to identify issues and
challenges and then work independently and logically to resolve them. In this case the most important thing is not the
solution itself but how you went about reaching it.

A sample problem-solving behavioural question could be: “Explain a time where you had to make best use of your
decision-making skills.”

A typical answer to which might go as follows:

“The clothes store I was working at two summers ago was having problems with late
deliveries of some products.

"After a little investigation, I discovered that some of the invoices we had received from our
suppliers were not being paid on time, which was causing the delays. From there it was just a

question of making sure bills were paid on time.”


The ability to work within a team is vital for most graduate roles and will continue to be an important skill throughout
your career. To be seen as an effective team player, you can expect to be judged on your people skills, interactions with
others and evidence of strong relationships during your work and/or studies.

A typical question could ask to describe a situation where you had to resolve an issue between a group of friends or

An effective answer to this might be:

“I made sure not to rush in immediately in the hope that the issue would resolve itself. When
this wasn’t the case, my next step was to talk with each of the group members to get their

"From here I was able to put across the opposing views to each of the other members. The

most important thing was to maintain an objective stance and to avoid taking sides.”


Your ability to communicate effectively is important for any graduate role, particularly in situations where you are likely
to be dealing with clients or customers on a regular basis. 23/215
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You mayIs
be Autocratic Leadership?
asked by your interviewer to describe a time where your communication skills were tested. A strong
answer might be:

“I was given responsibility for running a company’s social media presence during my

"The target audience was people with an interest in financial markets, so it was crucial to
tailor my style and tone to reflect this.

"This meant having to read up on financial terminology. My manager was very impressed

with the level of interaction I achieved.”

Organisational Skills

Employers naturally want to hire people who can organise their workload effectively and possibly those of others. The
interviewer will want to see evidence of being able to put together a plan or strategy and work towards this in a
methodical way. You should also look to explain how you fit others into your planning and organisation processes.

If asked the question, a good example you could give of organising or planning could be a recent event for a student
society or club, again making sure to emphasise your thought processes and the different steps involved, as well as
how you worked effectively alongside others.

The CAR and STAR Approaches

Two popular and extremely useful techniques for preparing an answer to a behavioural-style question are CAR and

The CAR Approach

The CAR approach helps you to structure your answer as if it were a short essay.

Context is your introduction, where you describe the scenario you are confronted with. The Action forms the main body
and should be the longest part of your answer. The Result is the conclusion and, like the introduction, should be
relatively short and succinct.

Context: Begin by detailing the challenge that you were dealing with. A typical challenge may relate to your team,
technology, or timing.

Action: What action did you take? What were the different steps involved?

Result: What was the final outcome? While ideally the result will be positive, there is no harm in admitting the
difficulties you encountered, so long as you still achieved a satisfactory result. Ideally your answer will be quantifiable
eg you managed to achieve x times as many sales. 24/215
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What Is Autocratic
The STAR ApproachLeadership?

The STAR approach involves being positive about your actions throughout your response. Be careful not to stray too far
from the truth, as your interviewer may choose to delve deeper into your story by asking for specific details.

Situation: What was the situation facing you or your team?

Task: What tasks were involved in that situation?

Action: What actions did you take?

Result: What result did you achieve?

How to Prepare for Behavioral Interview Questions

The best preparation for a behavioral-style interview is to research the role in-depth beforehand, identifying what
character traits or skills the employer is likely to deem important for that role. Having selected those behaviors you feel
to be most relevant, spend time building up a bank of examples from your recent experience that provide evidence of
each trait.

Make sure the examples you give are varied and come from different areas of your experience. For example, you could
give examples of situations you encountered during a recent internship or part-time job; a number from your studies,
and so on. In selecting your examples and composing your ‘story’, try to make sure that each has a positive outcome.

Also give some thought to the structure of your story and how you plan on explaining the different thought processes
involved. Use the CAR and STAR techniques to guide you. While it might help to write some brief notes on your
examples to help you remember them, try not to learn your answers verbatim, which is likely to undermine the
authenticity of your response when it comes to the interview.

How to Use the STAR Technique in Interviews [2021

In this article Skip to section
What Does STAR Stand For?

An Example Answer for a Retail Position
Action 25/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?
Tips for Answering STAR questions

In an interview situation, you need to fit the most amount of relevant information about yourself into the shortest
amount of time possible.

There are many ways to do this – the problem is that some of them will lead to long or overly complex answers, in
which you can lose your direction or bore the interviewer.

Enter the STAR interview technique, which aims to provide a clear and concise structure when answering interview
questions, to ensure that your interview runs as smoothly as possible.

How Best to Use the STAR Technique for Job Interviews

How to Use the STAR Technique in Interviews

What Does STAR Stand For?

STAR is an acronym of the four stages needed to answer a typical interview question. Following this format is
especially recommended for competency based interviews, where you will need to demonstrate particular
competencies such as teamwork, organisation and leadership to your interviewer by drawing upon your previous

The four stages of answering an interview question using the STAR technique are:

Situation 26/215
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When Is Autocratic Leadership?
a question, you will first need to describe a situation that you were in at the time of the experience
you are using.

This may be an experience from your previous employment, university or extra-curricular activities. Such a situation
must be relevant to the competency you are demonstrating, and must be a unique situation specific to a fixed point of

You must make sure that the situation is appropriate and doesn’t include any behaviour that could be deemed
unprofessional. Also, make sure that the situation you use isn’t one highly specific to a previous industry that your
interviewer might not understand. This is because some sectors, such as the legal sector, often involve lots of technical


The next stage of using the STAR approach is the task or challenge that you were presented with in that particular

This can be something as simple as fixing a computer, or something as complex as creating a piece of software, as long
as it is something that needed to be done.

Make sure to explain the importance of completing the task itself, as well as the loss that would occur if the task were
not completed. The best answers will use unique and interesting challenges that are general to any area of life.


The most important stage of the STAR structure is the action you have done to change the situation for the better. This
can be as simple or complex as you want, though remember that your answer will be dependent on the competency
you are demonstrating.

It must be an action that you as a person, rather than as part of a team, has done – as this will demonstrate that you
alone have the specific competence that you are demonstrating to your interviewer.


The final stage of the STAR technique is the result that was achieved. This requires you to specifically explain what
your actions alone did to solve the problem, as well as any other benefits that arose from you solving it.

This will always be a positive result to demonstrate your competence and ingenuity in solving a problem. 27/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

An Example Answer for a Retail Position


“In my previous employment at Aldi, it was my job to replace all of the previous stock by
restacking the shelves.

This was stock which had reached its best-before-date and so was going to be thrown out by

the supermarket.”


“One night, while I was replacing the stock, over 200 customers came into the store around 6
a.m., which overwhelmed the staff.

I needed to help the cashiers manage all of the new customers but also still needed to
restock, as if I didn’t then the customers would be even more agitated by the lack of fresh



“To solve this, I decided to call a couple of volunteers from the local homeless shelter and

agreed with them that if they restocked the shelves, they could have all of the food that had
gone beyond its best-before-date.”

Result 28/215

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“Not Is Autocratic
only Leadership?
did the volunteers agree to restock the shelves so that I could help the cashiers,
resulting in 200 happy customers that day, but also the branch I was working with decided to

make it policy to give all food that had gone beyond its best-before-date to the homeless

Tips for Answering STAR questions

Be specific. When answering a question using the STAR technique, be specific with your answer. General actions
such as "working harder" or results such as "things got better" will not impress your interviewer as they are not
measurable. The best answers will give specific numbers and a form of quantifiable success to easily prove to your
interviewer that your actions had an impact.

Make it relevant. If your interviewer is asking you to demonstrate a specific competency, make sure your answer
demonstrates that competency. If a question is about leadership, try to put yourself in a situation when you were
in such a role and took charge. If the question is about problem-solving, make sure that you give an example of a
time that you found a creative example to solving a problem. If you merely choose any scenario and then try to
vaguely link it to the competency, your answer will drag on and the interviewer will become bored with you.

Timing. Most candidates want to get out of the interview as quickly as possible and so will rush some of their
answers. Avoid this, especially if you are answering questions using the STAR technique, as you give your
interviewer the impression that you’re unconfident and incompetent. At the same time, make sure your answers
don’t drag on for too long. The most suitable time to answer an interview question should be between 2–3
minutes. In that time, you should make sure that only the most pertinent information is mentioned.

Make it free-flowing. The STAR technique is very well known among interviewers and so while they will look for
interviewees to use it, they do not want it to be obvious. Merely rehearsing a list of activities is almost exactly the
same as memorising model answers to other questions, and demonstrates your lack of creativity to the
interviewer. Make sure that your story flows as a normal conversation would, and maintain a professional tone

Finally, as with anything else, practice makes perfect. Going to a mock assessment centre will help you refine your
interview technique and ensure that you ace the interview.

Teamwork Skills
In this article Skip to section
What Do Employers Mean by Teamwork?

Why Are Teamwork Skills So Highly Valued?

Types of Teamwork Skills

Support Skills
Problem-Solving Skills
Listening and Feedback Skills
Conflict Management Skills 29/215
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Example Teamwork Competency Questions

What Is Autocratic Leadership?
Tips and Examples for Answering Teamwork Questions
Final Thoughts

When it comes to working in a team, not everyone’s cut out for it. But the reality is, teamwork is one of the most vital
competencies in most forms of employment and without it companies tend to fail.

Even if you role seems highly independent and you perform most of it remotely or alone, you’ll still need to
communicate with others about what you’ve done, and understand why you’re doing it in the context of the
organisation as a whole.

Because of this, interviewers will always test whether you have teamwork skills - and if you demonstrate a lack of
these, or no such skills at all, you are unlikely to be successful. After all, who would want an employee who can’t get
along with others or has the tendency to spoil moods?

Top 5 Teamwork Skills You Need to Learn

Top 5 Teamwork Skills You Need to Learn

What Do Employers Mean by Teamwork?

Generally, employers mean the ability to work amicably with fellow employees in all kinds of situations and with
empathy. Teamwork in essence requires not only people skills but also a sense of maturity, which allows the individual
to think above petty misunderstandings that arise. 30/215
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What Is involves
Teamwork Autocratic
other members of your team to achieve a common goal quickly and effectively. This does
not mean that if you are in an interview you cannot use an example of you being a leader within a team. In fact, this is
highly recommended, as you can demonstrate your leadership skills, so long as you don't portray yourself as arrogant.

Teamwork ability is one of the competencies employers are most interested in.

Why Are Teamwork Skills So Highly Valued?

Largely because teamwork skills have a dual benefit: a harmonious office environment plus more effective work. Teams
that gel well are far more likely to impress clients, complete projects and seal deals. A company’s reputation often rests
on how competent the teams in it are perceived to be.

Types of Teamwork Skills

Teamwork involves a whole set of skills that can’t easily be put under one heading. Below we’ve covered five different
skill areas that are integral to a great team player.

Team players need to be able to communicate verbally and using body language, on both emotional and intellectual
levels, in a professional manner. Those who are effective at communication:

Are able to explain their ideas

Listen to others carefully and not always with an intent to reply
Make efforts to express what their feelings are without sounding threatening
Try to sense or understand how others feel, based on what they are saying or by their body language
Ask questions whenever they want clarification or are uncertain about something
Often reflect on events and interactions that took place and how things could have gone better (they try to learn
from bad experiences)
Avoid creating tension between others, and try to break tension rather than build on it

Support Skills 31/215
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Team Is Autocratic Leadership?
can show support for one another in various ways: congratulating others in moments of achievement,
or consoling in more trying times. It helps to look at other members of your team as collaborators rather than
competitors. A huge part of support is the ability to respect one another.

Problem-Solving Skills

Certain problem-solving skills entail a level of wisdom and experience, whereas others are based on analytical
prowess. In all cases they are concerned with the capacity to assess a given situation and arrive at a positive outcome.

In the context of teamwork, problem-solving skills are valued because employees are expected to develop solutions as
a team to situations that threaten to escalate into something potentially serious.

Listening and Feedback Skills

To ensure proper feedback is given in the different situations you are exposed to with fellow employees, it’s important
to listen attentively. Clarifying what other team members mean, and taking interest in their problems, demonstrates
that you care about them and their development.

Feedback can of course also be delivered via email; some things are better said in written form. With time and exposure
to different scenarios, one picks up on which feedback mechanism would probably work best.

Conflict Management Skills

Conflict in the workplace is something all of us experience at some stage. How you deal with conflicts can potentially
make or break your career.

Remember not to let your anger or frustration get the best of you. Ultimately you’re trying to reach a solution that
benefits the team generally, even if it puts a few individual noses out of joint.

Example Teamwork Competency Questions

Questions will vary depending on the competency that the interviewer is asking you to demonstrate, but for questions
surrounding teamwork, you will always need to use the STAR technique.

This requires you to give an example of a situation during either your previous employment, education or extracurricular
activities, explain what tasks you were faced with and how you overcame it.

Sample questions may include:

What is your definition of a good team player?

Do you consider yourself a good team player? Why or why not?
Describe a situation where you were successful in getting people to work together effectively.
A team member is annoying you on a daily basis and this is hampering your performance at work. How would you
handle this situation?
Describe a time when you were a member of a team and witnessed a conflict within the team. What did you do?
What were the results? What could you have done better?
What are some of your hobbies or extracurricular activities? 32/215
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Tell me about a time when you have had to modify yourself (or a way you did something) to take into account
What Is Autocratic
someone else's views.Leadership?
Tell me about a situation when you needed to offer constructive criticism to a friend or team member?

Tips and Examples for Answering Teamwork Questions

When it comes to answering teamwork questions, try to keep your answers grounded in real situations of which you
have actual experience.


Many interviewees tend to either drag on with their answers, or make their answers too short due to nerves, meaning
they miss out on key points or information relating to their answer. Try to ensure that your answers are between three
and five minutes long and include only the most relevant information to your ability to work successfully within a team.


Try to make sure the situation you were in when describing your answer is as unique and as relevant as possible. The
best situations will include positions where you were the leader of a team and listened to the other team members,
then used their information and feedback to help develop your own situation.

This will show that not only can you work in a team effectively, but also that you are willing to listen to the feedback of
others to improve your own work, something which is often difficult for others.

Another useful scenario is one where you resolved conflict with another team member. Ideally this will show how you
resolved the conflict professionally without letting your emotions get the better of you, and without involving HR to
resolve the matter for you.


Most examples you will use in answering teamwork questions will be from your extracurricular activities. This is
because sports such as football or rugby demand teamwork and vigilance. Besides this, hobbies are useful to show
your interviewer that you are not solely focused on work and have other interests.

If you are going to an interview which requires teamwork, WikiJob recommends practising aptitude tests prior to it,
which will help you develop other skills.

Final Thoughts

A lot of people tend to think that teamwork skills are only excelled at by extroverts. While it may be true that
extroverts can more easily mix with different people and verbally express themselves, in no way does this invalidate
introverts. An introvert’s ability to listen, to empathise and to reflect also form an essential part of a team’s overall
development and ability to thrive.

Teamwork skills can be mastered by all kinds of people, from all kinds of backgrounds, albeit some take longer than
others. Teamwork skills are lifelong skills that need to be fine-tuned, improved and developed with experience. 33/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

Situational Interview Questions & Answers
In this article Skip to section
What Are Situational Interview Questions?

Why Do Interviewers Ask Situational Questions and When Might You Encounter Them?

How to Answer Situational Interview Questions Using the STAR Technique

Sample Answer Using the STAR Technique

“How Would You Handle a Manager or Superior Offering You Constructive Criticism?”
Errors to Avoid
1. Being Unprepared
2. Over-Preparing
3. Failing to Tailor Your Answer to the Job and Company
Top Five Situational Interview Questions

1. “How Would You Approach a Task You’ve Never Done Before?”

2. “What Would You Do If You and a Co-Worker Disagreed?”
3. “How Would You Handle Being Faced with an Aggressive Customer or Client?”
4. “You’re Working Towards an Urgent Deadline When Your Manager Asks You to Also Work on Another
Equally Important Project. How Do You Prioritize Your Work?”
5. “Imagine Your Manager Has Assigned You Several Time-Sensitive Projects. What Would You Do If You
Realized You Would Be Unable to Complete the Work in Time?”
Final Thoughts

Every company wants the reassurance that its employees are capable of managing the responsibilities of their job, and
excelling even in challenging scenarios. Consequently, during your interview, you may be asked one or more situational
questions, which will help your interviewer predict your future performance at work.

This article will explain what situational interview questions are, their purpose, the best way to answer them using the
STAR technique, and five key questions for which you should prepare.

Situational Interview Questions & Answers

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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

What Are Situational Interview Questions?

Situational interview questions, or hypothetical interview questions, ask you to put yourself into a speculative situation
and explain what action you would take.

In many ways, they are similar to behavioral interview questions. The way they differ is that behavioral questions
specifically ask you to describe a past situation that actually happened to you.

For example, “Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership”.

Situational interview questions, on the other hand, are always purely hypothetical. Although they also require you to
refer to past experiences to describe the action and result.

For example, “How would you react if a coworker asked you to cover for a mistake they made?”

Why Do Interviewers Ask Situational Questions and When Might

You Encounter Them?

Your interviewer is scoping out how you might react in actual workplace situations. Your answers to situational
questions will predict your future workplace performance – and whether you are suitable to take on specific challenges
posed by the job.

You are likely to encounter situational questions in any interview and at any job level. A well-rounded interview will
include a mixture of traditional, behavioral and situational questions. Therefore, it is vital you prepare for all
possibilities. 35/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

How to Answer Situational Interview Questions Using the STAR


The ideal way to answer situational interview questions is to relate the interviewer’s hypothetical situation to a similar
situation you've encountered in the past.

While the hypothetical situation will most likely be set in the workplace, your past situation can be in any context, such
as work, school or volunteering.

Your goal is to demonstrate soft skills that would help you deal with the hypothetical workplace scenario and predict
your future performance at work. Such skills could include:

Critical thinking
Decision-making skills
Time management
Conflict resolution

The STAR technique is a helpful tool for structuring your answers to situational interview questions. The acronym
works as follows:

S = Situation. Choose a situation that presents similar issues to the question at hand.
T = Task. What problems or challenges arose which required you to take action?
A = Action. What action did you take? What skills did you use and develop? Did you consider any alternative
R = Result. What was the result? What did you learn? What were the reactions of others around you?

Sample Answer Using the STAR Technique

“How Would You Handle a Manager or Superior Offering You Constructive



In my previous role as Personal Assistant, I was tasked with managing the Creative Director’s

Task: 36/215

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What Is Autocratic
During a supervisionLeadership?
meeting, the Director asked me to take more initiative in organizing her
schedule to reduce her input.


I took the criticism on board and made it my goal always to be one step ahead of the
Director's schedule.

Every evening, I reviewed her calendar for the following day, so I always knew exactly where
she was supposed to be. I also focused on building relationships with other support staff,
such as the Meeting Room Assistants, to make the process of organizing meetings fast and



During my next supervision meeting, the Creative Director praised my organizational skills.

Why this answer is good: The candidate described a situation and problem which related to the question, and showed
how they used their skills to achieve a positive outcome.

Errors to Avoid

1. Being Unprepared

Many job candidates assume that there is no point in trying to prepare for situational interview questions since you
cannot predict what situations you will be asked about.

These candidates often resort to long, rambling stories that never quite answer the question.

You should prepare for situational interview questions using the STAR technique to ensure your answers are clear and

2. Over-Preparing

You are not expected to memorize perfect answers to situational questions. The purpose of situational questions is to:

Get you to think on the spot

Test your reaction to a scenario you might encounter at the job

You will not impress the interviewer by regurgitating an over-practiced answer. 37/215
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What Is Autocratic
3. Failing to TailorLeadership?
Your Answer to the Job and Company

Before your interview, you should research the job and organisation, and take notes on the skills and qualities you think
the company values – so you can tailor your answers accordingly.

For example:

Read the job description carefully for any specific skills such as self-motivation, adaptability or problem-solving.

Browse the company’s website; read its mission statement and review any client case studies.

Browse the company’s blog and LinkedIn page for past projects and other content related to its business.

Prepare for Situational Interview

Top Five Situational Interview Questions

Below are five popular situational questions you should prepare for before your interview:

1. “How Would You Approach a Task You’ve Never Done Before?”

Starting a new job often means a steep learning curve and a period of adjustment for the employee. Your interviewer
wants to assess whether you have problem-solving skills and whether you can approach new tasks intelligently.

Sample answer: 38/215

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In myIsprevious
Autocratic Leadership?
position as Project Support Officer, I was often challenged with new projects
requiring me to step outside of my comfort zone. Therefore, I developed a systematic
approach to each new challenge. For example, if the project was overwhelmingly large, I
would first break it down into manageable steps.

I would undertake internet research and consultations with colleagues who had previous
experience with the task. After I had completed each piece of work, I would always double-
check it before handing it to my manager.

My method means my work is always presented to the best of my ability, even if it is

something I have never done before.

2. “What Would You Do If You and a Co-Worker Disagreed?”

Conflict resolution skills and the ability to work with people with different thoughts and opinions to your own are
essential. You should refer to a time you and a co-worker disagreed, but make sure you were ultimately able to achieve
a positive result.

Sample answer:

My goal is always to find a way of communicating which works for us both. This often
involves compromise, but my outlook is, if the work gets done to the best of our abilities, we
have succeeded.

I recently faced this scenario in my current role as an IT technician. My co-worker took issue
with the way I was handling a particular case. Therefore, I scheduled a meeting with the co-
worker to discuss it.

Although we both had different approaches to the case in question, we agreed that our end
goal was the same – we wanted our client to receive a positive solution to their IT problem.

Ultimately, the co-worker agreed my method was correct, but I accepted my co-worker also
had good suggestions and I incorporated some into my work. I fixed the client’s issue without

delay, and they thanked us for our support.

3. “How Would You Handle Being Faced with an Aggressive Customer or


This question also challenges you to demonstrate conflict resolution skills. Your interviewer wants to know how you
cope with particularly stressful situations and whether you can empathize with others’ problems. 39/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?
Sample answer:

First, I would stay calm and remember that every customer has a right to complain if they are
dissatisfied with our service. I would aim to end the encounter on a positive note, by offering
the customer a remedy or compromise that is within my power to make.

I understand that, sometimes, a customer will not be satisfied with a compromise. In that
situation, I would refer them to a line manager.

I dealt with a similar situation while working as a Retail Assistant last summer. I sold a
customer an item, which, unbeknownst to me, was faulty, and they later returned to the store
with it. Unfortunately, we had run out of that particular item and this made the customer

I informed the customer that I could offer them a full refund, or I would be happy to help
them find a similar product among our range. The customer viewed the alternatives and

decided to exchange for a similar product. They left the store satisfied with the outcome.

4. “You’re Working Towards an Urgent Deadline When Your Manager Asks

You to Also Work on Another Equally Important Project. How Do You
Prioritize Your Work?”

Your interviewer wants to know whether you are flexible, and whether you can manage a heavy workload intelligently
and efficiently.

Sample answer:

I always approach my work methodically. In my current position as Administrative Assistant, I

am often faced with clashing deadlines, so prioritizing my work is part of my day-to-day life.

First, I write a list of all the tasks I need to complete. I note down their deadlines and which
tasks are of most importance to the business.

Where tasks are of equal importance, the one with the tightest deadline gets my immediate
action. However, I review my workload regularly and re-evaluate my priorities if necessary.

As a result, I rarely, if ever, miss deadlines or feel overwhelmed by my workload. 40/215
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What Is Autocratic
5. “Imagine Leadership?
Your Manager Has Assigned You Several Time-Sensitive
Projects. What Would You Do If You Realized You Would Be Unable to
Complete the Work in Time?”

A productive employee-manager relationship is built on cooperation and communication.

A good employee can prioritize their workload effectively, but they must also be able to recognize when their workload
is too heavy, communicate this to their manager and make suggestions as to how to improve the situation.

Sample answer:

I would assess my workload, and if it appeared unmanageable, I would communicate with my

manager and offer suggestions to make it manageable.

For example, during my previous role as a Litigation Paralegal, I managed my own caseload
assigned to me by my manager. One day, a co-worker received an urgent document request
and my manager instructed me to assist with the work.

I found myself working very long hours to maintain my caseload while also working on the
document request. I arranged a meeting with my manager and said I was concerned about
being unable to complete my work.

I suggested that some of my more straightforward cases be temporarily reassigned to junior

paralegals, enabling me to focus on the document request.

My manager appreciated my honesty and my self-awareness, and he agreed to reassign

some of my cases. I completed the document request on time, and my co-worker

complimented me on my dedication.

Final Thoughts

You should now be able to plan your own answers to key situational interview questions. Here is a summary of the key
tips covered in this article to help you get started:

Understand why situational interview questions are important – they help your interviewer to assess your
capability for the job.

Come up with some past experiences to bolster your answers.

Research the job and the company, and think about the key skills required. 41/215
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theAutocratic Leadership?
STAR technique to plan and structure your answers carefully.

Finally, try not to over-rehearse your answers as, ultimately, your interviewer is looking for some spontaneity. The
primary purpose of advance practice is to develop your ability to approach situational interview questions intelligently.

The more you practice, the easier it will be to come up with well-structured answers on the spot.

Common Leadership Styles

In this article Skip to section
What Is Leadership?

What Makes an Effective Leader?

The 11 Most Common Leadership Styles

1. Charismatic
2. Visionary
3. Transformational
4. Coaching
5. Pacesetter
6. Servant
7. Transactional
8. Laissez Faire
9. Democratic
10. Autocratic
11. Bureaucratic
Finding Your Leadership Style
Study the Different Leadership Styles
Develop Your Self-Awareness
Reflect on the Leaders You Have Encountered
Take a Leadership Assessment
Ask for Feedback From Trusted Individuals
Key Tips for Good Leadership

Hone Your Comfort With All Leadership Styles

Seek to Constantly Build Upon Your Leadership Skills
Believe in Your Leadership (and Technical) Abilities
Be Authentic
Final Thoughts

What Is Leadership?

Leadership is an essential quality for those in charge of a team at all seniority levels, including managers, senior
managers, directors and C-suite executives. 42/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

Leaders are relied upon to manage, encourage and inspire the members of their team towards achieving a common

There are numerous styles of leadership. The most appropriate form will depend on an individual’s personality and the
pressures of the situation in which leadership is required.

The most suitable leadership style may be a single approach or a mixture of different leadership styles. Either way, it
will be adaptive and responsive and rooted in the context and demands of the situation.

Skilled leaders are adept at employing their diverse range of leadership skills to deliver results.

Effective leadership ensures a high degree of productivity, satisfaction and inspiration in the workplace.

Leadership is not naturally imbued with the granting of a senior position but is built through social influence, the
demonstration of skill and competence, and the display of a fair and measured demeanor.

Regardless of seniority, any individual possessing the correct skills can become an effective and valued leader.

Improving your leadership skills can transform your teams’ perception of you, how you work within the hierarchy of your
organization and can display to your employer (both current and prospective) your suitability to adopt greater
managerial responsibilities.

This article is aimed at employees who wish to learn more about developing their leadership skills.

It will cover the tenets of effective leadership, leadership styles and how to find your approach to leadership in the

What Makes an Effective Leader?

An effective leader understands that there are multiple types of leadership which, most often, will be required in

They are observant and adaptive, and able to appropriately react to the situation at hand by combining and switching
leadership approaches with ease.

Strong leaders possess the necessary leadership qualities of:

Humility 43/215
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To Is Autocratic
establish yourself as an Leadership?
effective leader, you should first reflect upon your own personality traits and the type of
leader you wish to be.

An understanding of the different types of leadership will help you to comprehend where your leadership strengths
and weaknesses lie and how you communicate and connect best with a team.

It is also important to know the assets and limitations of your team, as a whole and as individuals, to understand what
your team requires from you as their leader.

Effective leadership skills are developed over years of experience, self-reflection and personal development.

Respect as an effective leader is achieved through action and leading by example.

The 11 Most Common Leadership Styles

As aforementioned, there are many different leadership styles. Each style encourages a different way of working,
producing different dynamics and results.

Certain styles are best suited to particular personality types or workplace situations.

Each leadership style is described below, along with its advantages and disadvantages as an approach.

1. Charismatic

A charismatic leader draws people in with their charm and spirit. They are positive, innovative and enthusiastic, and
draw others into their creative process and vision.

Their confidence puts individuals in the team at ease, whilst their passion encourages dedication and creativity from

A charismatic leader places value on working relationships and seeks to build rapport through their personality. They
are adept at rousing teams to reach their goals, whether through engaging speeches or their commitment and fervor.

Charismatic leadership is beneficial in situations where companies are required to rally against the odds, perhaps to
meet goals that at first appear to border on unachievable.

People are inclined to follow a charismatic leader, as a large personality and excellent communication skills make them
a likable character.

Charismatic leadership can fall short in situations where team members doubt the skill or competency of the leader.

Whilst personality is important, it is key that this is not all that charismatic leaders are seen to be. They require the
substance and proof of delivery to support the commitment and enthusiasm they inspire. 44/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

2. Visionary

Visionary leadership is characterized by innovative, broad view thinking.

Visionary leaders tend to be ambitious in their goals and motivate others to raise their expectations about what can be

They inspire people to work towards an aspirational future but are often less involved in the technical detail of how to
realize the vision, relying on the advice and expertise of a trusted team.

Visionary leadership is beneficial to scale and improve the impact, profitability or reach of a business or organization.

Visionary leaders are often more willing to take risks to realize their vision for the organization. They can, however, be
known for single-mindedness in pursuing their visionary ideas and a tendency to work alone, propelled by their vision.

Therefore, they may be in danger of alienating or distancing themselves from their team and the realities on the ground.

Whilst having a vision is important for progress, visionary leaders need to possess the commitment and know-how to
translate vision into reality.

3. Transformational
A transformational leadership style is defined by an ambition to improve and transform the overall company or

Similar to visionary leadership, this style focuses on large-scale thinking and overall organizational growth.

Transformational leaders use a shared vision of the future to motivate their team. They place great emphasis on
inclusion and open communication.

As they expect everyone in the team to contribute towards the transformation, they inspire participation and
camaraderie through working together towards a common goal.

This feeling of joint ownership encourages commitment and accountability.

Transformational leadership leaves team members feeling valued and part of something aspirational, increasing job
satisfaction and feelings of fulfillment at work.

Transformational leadership is particularly beneficial in a crisis or profit slump as it priorities creativity, conviction and
courage, and seeks to overhaul current organizational conventions and practices to achieve better results.

Transformational leaders are not, however, commonly involved in the minutiae of day-to-day activity and must make an
effort to stay grounded, up to date and connected with their team.

4. Coaching 45/215
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A Is Autocratic
coaching Leadership?
leadership approach seeks to build the competencies and confidence of the members of a team.

It focuses on personal professional development as well as organizational development by following the principle that
investing in the team is investing in the results and future of the organization.

A coach-style leader invests time in understanding the strengths, weaknesses and working style of the individuals they
manage while developing an awareness of their values and motivations.

Through understanding these factors, the coach-style leader’s team is optimized to deliver effectively.

This leadership style involves regular feedback, creating a constructive environment that privileges growth and

Individuals are often content working in a coaching environment as they feel heard, understood and supported.

Coaching leaders develop a strong team culture and gain the respect of their team through their investment in each
member, as well as the functioning whole.

Coaching leadership is a style that involves considerable time investment in identifying strengths and weaknesses and
then committing to improving skills through effective training and support.

As this style is an investment, it is not well suited to achieving rapid results in a fast-paced environment.

5. Pacesetter

A pacesetting leader is competent in driving progress to gain quick results.

It is a performance and goal-focused leadership style, with team members accountable for delivering rapidly against
their agreed outputs.

Pacesetting leaders expect high standards and are good at motivating their team to achieve these. They commonly
expect their team to be good at self-directing to reach their own individual goals.

In a fast-paced environment or for a time-sensitive project, pacesetting leadership is a beneficial leadership style.

A downside of this approach can be that it does not always leave space for adequate collaboration, or time for feedback
between the leader and team members.

If the focus is solely on speed and efficiency, the lack of personal connection or investment in team dynamics can leave
employees feeling under-appreciated or burnt out.

The targets and deadlines set by pacesetting leaders must be realistic and ambitious; otherwise, morale can be
damaged and team members may suffer from feelings of inadequacy.

A pacesetting style requires balance and should be used when necessary, rather than as a consistent approach. 46/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

6. Servant

A servant leadership style priorities employee satisfaction, believing that catering to the needs and fulfillment of the
team will encourage the best quality work and deliver results.

Values, ideals and ethics are central to this leadership style.

Servant leaders are open, generous and possess high levels of integrity.

By ensuring the needs of the team are met, they earn respect and engender a positive workplace culture.

Servant leaders can, however, find themselves overlooked amongst the leadership pool, despite often possessing the
highest team approval ratings.

Effective servant leadership also takes time and effort to enact. Therefore, it is a leadership style less suited to
pressured high-stakes situations requiring rapid decision-making.

Servant leaders often emerge as opposed to being created. Perceived leaders without formal recognition or seniority
are likely to exhibit servant leadership qualities.

In a world that places an increasing emphasis on values, servant leadership is a good approach for solid, supported
leadership advancement.

7. Transactional

A transactional leadership style relies on a clear work agreement, sustained through workplace incentives and

A transactional leader rewards strong performance, whilst poor performance triggers disciplinary action.

The style tends to be characterized by compliance to an agreed and clearly outlined work standard.

A transactional leadership approach has a well-defined structure and creates an environment where individuals are
acutely aware of their responsibilities and ensuring they deliver effectively against them.

As success is measured through evidenced good performance, it is a style under which self-motivated and ambitious
team members often excel.

It can, however, emerge as impersonal, damaging attempts to build rapport. It can also stifle innovation and expression
so is not well suited to creative or knowledge-based industries. 47/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

The Most Common Leadership Styles and How to Find Your Own

8. Laissez Faire

A laissez-faire leadership style is a hands-off approach, considered to be the opposite of micro-management.

Laissez-faire leaders are not, however, absent. They know what is going on and monitor progress from a distance,
without being directly or overly involved in all aspects.

The style is often characterized by considerable amounts of delegation, which can lead team members to feel valued as
they are trusted with increased responsibility.

It also encourages personal growth and demands employees challenge the limits of their abilities.

Senior laissez-faire leaders trust the organizational management structure in place and the managerial talent in-house,
to overly insert into the business.

At all levels, a laissez-faire approach translates to a belief in the capacity of the team to deliver against outcomes. This
faith can empower individuals and have a positive impact on work ethic, productivity and quality.

A laissez-faire approach can, however, lack structure. It relies on employee self-regulation and the ability to
independently manage workload.

This means it is not suited to environments with strict quality control standards and may not be the best approach for
meeting rigorous deadlines.

It is important that the right balance between freedom and managerial oversight is struck. Whilst less stringent
inspection of work increases speed, quality and accountability checks must still be in place.

A laissez-faire leader needs to ensure they are present enough to be considered an effective, knowledgeable and
capable leader with their finger on the pulse of the organization.

9. Democratic

Democratic leadership is a participative leadership style, where all team members are engaged in the decision-making
process. 48/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

It involves ensuring all voices are heard and considered before a judgment is reached and is based around the concept
that no decision should be made by an individual authority or expert.

A democratic leader will create an open and comfortable working environment, ensuring each member of the team
feels confident enough to offer their ideas and opinions.

This approach understands the value of different perspectives, insight levels and types of knowledge.

Characterized by collaboration, a democratic style will encourage creativity, foster confidence and create a forum for
constructive feedback.

Democratic leadership can also lead to increased job satisfaction, as team members feel they are valued contributors,
having had input into realizing the final result, product or goal.

For occasions where decisions must be made rapidly and decisively, the luxury of a democratic leadership style may not
be afforded.

In this case, the democratic style may delay key decisions being made and enacted.

10. Autocratic

Autocratic leadership involves unilateral decisions, with a marked absence of consulting with team members.

Autocratic leadership can be seen as inflexible and sometimes aggressive.

These leaders may not always be liked; however, in certain environments, such as within the military, they are
respected for their ability to be decisive on crucial judgments.

Whilst this style may be acceptable within companies and organizations when making calls for which there is no
necessity for wider input, or where success is not contingent upon agreement, an autocratic approach is generally
considered to be a less effective leadership style.

There are occasions, however, where an autocratic style may be most beneficial for encouraging quick decision-making
and delivering results, particularly when under extreme pressure.

Autocratic leaders may also become known for their preciseness and perfectionism, which can be a considerable asset
in certain fields.

An autocratic leadership style should not be overly relied upon, however, as it can be demoralizing, leading to
dissatisfaction, and can trigger indifference and high staff turnover.

It should instead only be employed when strictly necessary, in balance with other styles that encourage rapport
building, growth and development within a team.

11. Bureaucratic 49/215
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A Is Autocratic
bureaucratic Leadership?
leadership style adheres to company conventions and traditions. It is a rigid style, characterized by
defined responsibilities and expectations within a clearly outlined hierarchical structure.

The approach is systemic and often meticulous, well suited to highly regulated industries or departments. It can also be
commonly found in administrative work.

Bureaucratic leaders are persistent, dedicated and detail-oriented, and they like to be aware of everything that is going
on within their company, department or project.

Adherence to rules and procedures takes center stage, leading to a highly efficient yet dry environment.

It is a style useful for work environments with a high level of health & safety risk such as work with heavy machinery,
toxic chemical substances or work located in dangerous locations.

As the approach minimizes risk and margin for error, it is also suited to companies dealing with extremely large funds.

Bureaucratic leadership is, however, a style that can dampen creativity and innovation as it discourages breaking from
traditional ways of working to create new paths.

It is not suited to organizations that rely upon being resourceful, flexible and adaptive.

Finding Your Leadership Style

Understanding the type of leader you are will help you to appreciate your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to
leadership, allowing you to evolve and improve your approach and communication.

Below are our tips for determining your leadership style:

Study the Different Leadership Styles

Having an awareness of the different leadership styles listed above will help you to self-reflect on your current
behavior as a leader.

By recognizing certain leadership traits within yourself, you will be able to determine your leadership leaning.

Most people will exhibit traits from multiple leadership styles, and indeed, the best leaders can adapt their approach to
the situation at hand.

Understanding the leadership styles will give you an awareness of the management techniques available.

Develop Your Self-Awareness

Good leaders do not only have a comprehensive understanding of their team’s capability, but also of themselves. 50/215
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Often Is personal
Autocratic Leadership?
traits translate into your leadership style, so reflect on what defines your character.

Knowing your strengths, weaknesses, nature and values is essential to good leadership. Being self-aware and
reflective will help you to find a leadership style that matches your personality.

Reflect on the Leaders You Have Encountered

Leaders, good and bad, can leave an imprint on our lives. Consider the past and present leaders in your life, the
leadership styles they employ, and to what ends they employ them.

Think about which approaches you have witnessed deliver results and why.

Consider also whether you have experienced any of the detrimental impacts of a leader who is set in one leadership

Reflect on which approaches have resonated the most with you as a team member.

A strong leader knows what it is like to be a part of the team and tailors their approach to best suit each situation – in
terms of results and team morale.

Take a Leadership Assessment

An online leadership assessment is a tool aimed at helping individuals to pinpoint their leadership style.

If you feel you need a bit of extra help to ask yourself the right questions and trigger adequate self-reflection, take a
leadership assessment.

These assessments are commonly comprised of scenarios or statements. For each one, you select the answer that most
accurately reflects your opinion or the course of action you would take.

This results in a numerical score that correlates to a leadership style.

Try the Korn Ferry Leadership Assessment

Ask for Feedback From Trusted Individuals

Gaining feedback from the individuals you lead is the best way to gain insight into how you are perceived and the
impact you have as a leader.

This will help you to explore what type of leadership qualities you express and highlight which leadership styles you
tend to operate within.

Asking for feedback on your skills and traits not only provides insight into your areas of strength and weakness but
helps to build an open culture of constructive feedback within your team. 51/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

Key Tips for Good Leadership

Good leadership requires self-reflection and commitment.

Certain individuals may be said to be born leaders; however, while it could be true that particular characters possess a
propensity for charismatic or visionary leadership, effective and adaptive leadership skills are developed through

Here are our top tips for improving your leadership skills:

Hone Your Comfort With All Leadership Styles

To be a good leader, it is not enough to just know of the different leadership styles – you must be able to work with

The most effective leaders work flexibly across approaches, depending on the demands and particulars of the situation.

First, work with leadership styles that feel genuine to you, improving how you embody the style and communicate
when applying its approach.

Next, it is important to develop the styles of leadership that do not come as naturally. The ability to apply elements of
each style, even those that are not closely aligned with your personality, will make you a competent leader through any

Seek to Constantly Build Upon Your Leadership Skills

Leaders should remain committed to practicing and developing their unique leadership style.

Just as great leaders seek to develop the competencies of their team, the skills of the leader should also be continually

The best leaders view leadership as an area for continuous development. They are self-reflective and use this insight to
drive improvement and address the areas in which they may be falling short of the needs of their team.

For example, if you struggle to motivate your team, assess how you can adjust your style to inspire.

Practice agility across a diverse range of management situations, evaluating yourself and the impact of the leadership
traits you exhibit.

Believe in Your Leadership (and Technical) Abilities

As a leader, self-belief permeates through the hierarchy. It helps to instill trust and confidence within your team and
elicits faith from your superiors. 52/215
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The teamsIs ofAutocratic Leadership?
the best leaders have faith in the capability of their leader to guide them over any hurdles to achieve

Confidence does, however, need to be balanced. Be self-confident but not overtly, as intense confidence can be
mistaken for arrogance and have a damaging impact on workplace dynamics.

Be Authentic

To be an effective and respected leader, do not try to conform to a type of leadership you don’t wish to embody.

The leaders that resonate most with their teams or companies are true to themselves and reflect their values and
personality through their leadership style.

Whilst it is necessary to be able to apply a mixture of leadership approaches to be a well-equipped leader, your
predominant or default leadership style should be authentic to you.

Good leaders aim to maintain a genuine connection with their team, something that can only be fostered through an
authentic leadership style.

Final Thoughts

Whether you lead an entire company, a department, a project or a meeting, certain behavioral traits can lead to
stronger, more effective and impactful leadership.

Whilst defined leadership styles can help give an idea of the range of application of different leadership qualities, the
best leadership style will flexibly adopt a range of approaches.

The best leadership is adaptive and situational, tailored to the circumstances that are presented.

Becoming an adept leader is a learning process which involves constant self-reflection and evaluation.

By being consistently self-aware and unafraid to adjust your approach, you will be able to settle into an authentic yet
flexible leadership style and confidently handle the diverse range of leadership challenges that will arise throughout
your career.

What Is a Manager?
In this article Skip to section
What Is a Manager?

What Key Skills Should a Manager Have?

How Can You Get the Required Managerial Skills? 53/215
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What Roles and Responsibilities Do Managers Have?

What Is Autocratic Leadership?
Vertical Versus Horizontal Line Management

What Are the Different Management Styles?

How to Be a Great Manager
1. Take Inspiration From Others
2. Have Confidence in Your Abilities
3. Take Your Time to Develop Your Managerial Style
What Does a Managerial Career Path Look Like?
Before You Apply for Your First Role as a Manager
Your First Job as a Manager
Moving to Middle Management
Stepping up to C-Suite Management
Management Consultant
Final Thoughts

Managers play a hugely important role in the workplace. They oversee projects, ensure that businesses are working
effectively and are responsible for ensuring that the right teams are in place.

They will likely have significant responsibility for fiscal policies and general operations; they will also need to motivate
individuals to work to the best of their ability.

It comes as no surprise that managers need to have a wide range of skills to be successful.

But what are these skills and what does a manager do? This article will look at the role of the manager and help you
understand why they play such an important role.

What Is a Manager?

There are many different types of managers, and each one will have distinct roles and responsibilities.

Many companies choose to operate via a vertical line management structure.

This is where you may have a CEO or management team at the top, with various board members and/or senior C-suite
executives reporting directly to them.

Each board member may have their own team/division, complete with middle managers who may have line managers
or team leaders underneath them.

Imagine a reversed family tree, with branches spreading out downwards indicating the different teams reporting
upwards to their managers. Vertical versus horizontal management is discussed below. 54/215
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Here is aIs Autocratic
short Leadership?
breakdown of the role of each manager:

Top-level managers/C-suite executives. These managers take overall responsibility for the running of the
company. They are responsible for the wider business strategy and ensuring that it complies with all relevant rules
and legislation. They focus on business growth, acquisitions, investments, product portfolios and external
partnerships. They may be seen as the face of the company – for example, Jeff Bezos from Amazon.

Middle managers. They are responsible for specific departments. Whilst they do need to consider wider business
strategy, they take direction on this from their senior teams, leaving them to focus on managing their day-to-day
tasks. Middle management plays an important role – it is the link between the on-the-ground workers and the
senior management teams.

Line managers/team leaders. These are usually the first rung on the managerial ladder. These are the people who
are responsible for the day-to-day running of the operation but, unlike middle managers, do not need to consider
the wider perspectives. They may be responsible for recruitment within their teams and the operational tasks
involved in ensuring that work is completed on-time and on-budget.

What Key Skills Should a Manager Have?

To be successful, managers need to have a wide range of skills.

They will have likely begun their career in entry-level positions and worked their way up the career ladder. This means
that they will typically have frontline experience of working on the 'shop floor' but will also have gained wider
experience and capabilities through additional training and academic qualifications.

Here are some of the essential skills that great managers need to have:

Communication. What sets a great manager apart from a good manager is their ability to communicate effectively
with their staff. A manager must be able to clearly explain their corporate vision whether it is an ambitious growth
plan led by top-level managers or a specific job task explained to junior staff. Knowing how to talk to people can
play an important role in maintaining motivation and improving a co-worker's performance.

Critical thinking. Managers need to listen to what is being said and, more importantly, understand what is not
being said. They need to have the analytical and critical thinking skills to think beyond the initial problem or
situation and establish ways to overcome the issue. As managers work their way up, this becomes a more
conceptual skill. They need to understand the wider implications of their decisions, which may have long-lasting
consequences for the business.

Decision making. Managers are responsible for all of the decision-making in the business, from choosing which
staff member will do which task to recruitment plans and spotting expansion opportunities. Whether you are a
line manager, team leader or a C-suite executive, your days will be spent making decisions that may have lasting
effects on a business.

Delegation. One of the hardest skills for any manager is learning how to delegate. It may be tempting to simply do
it all yourself, but success will rely on delegating tasks or even decisions to other people, while not

Financial acumen. As you progress in your managerial career, you will likely take on more fiscal responsibility. The
manager's role will include responsibility for budgets, from small projects through to large departments. You must
understand cash flow and provide business cases for investment in new opportunities. Much of your time will be 55/215
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spent evaluating return on investments and understanding how to make money.

What Is Autocratic Leadership?
Leadership. Managers need to be inspiring. They need to be able to lead effectively, through calm, collected
choices and encourage people to want to work for them. Great managers are those who can lead others to work to
the best of their ability and work as part of a team.

Project management. To get a higher-level managerial position, you will need to have demonstrable proof of how
you can take a project to completion from start to finish. You will need to show you can put the right teams in
place, trust them to do the work you delegate and that you also know when to get involved to provide help and

Technical proficiency. This is an often overlooked managerial skill, but you need to have a deep knowledge of your
profession. You cannot manage a team of investment bankers if you do not have the vaguest idea of what
investment banking requires. If you have worked your way up from the bottom, you should understand what your
business does, but if you are new to a company, you need to show your knowledge. For example, a pharmaceutical
manager would need to have a scientific background to fully understand the business.

How Can You Get the Required Managerial Skills?

In many cases, these skills are built on years of experience and from working with and learning from others. However,
as you progress in your career and the stakes become much higher, you may find that you benefit from additional
training and academic qualifications to help you become a better manager.

For example, you may wish to enroll in an MBA where you can improve your theoretical knowledge about specific
specializations and learn from peers around the world.

What Roles and Responsibilities Do Managers Have?

Having managerial skills is good but they also need to be put into practice. Here are some of the wide variety of tasks
and responsibilities a manager may be expected to perform in their job role:

Ensuring smooth operations. As a manager, you take full responsibility for ensuring that the day-to-day operations
of the business are functioning effectively within your remit. You will be responsible for budgets, financial
responsibilities and ensuring that your cash flow remains positive. This may include writing a business case for any
investment into new products, services or technologies that can be used to help you grow your business.

Collaborating with HR. Working closely with your HR team to help identify recruitment needs and training
opportunities is important in a managerial role. You will be involved in staffing issues, from hiring to training, and
setting KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and achievable targets. You could also be heavily involved in the career
development of your staff, helping them develop new skills and progress their abilities with the goal of improving
your teams.

Goal setting. To facilitate business growth, you will have to set a wide range of short-term and long-term goals
that will keep you motivated and on-track. Establish what is achievable for your team’s existing capabilities and
then, in conjunction with training, push beyond with realistic ambitions. You will have to write strategic reports
outlining your achievements and showing an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses.

Communicating with others. Great managers cannot work in silos, keeping their cards close to their chest and not
sharing information with others working towards a common goal. The role of the manager is to be an effective
team player, leading by example. They need to show that they can motivate and inspire, while also recognizing 56/215
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achievements from individuals and rewarding them accordingly. They need to collaborate and work closely with
What Isspecific
their Autocratic
teams asLeadership?
well as communicating upwards along the managerial chain. Taking responsibility for clear
communication, managers ensure everyone is working towards the same goal regardless of their levels of
seniority and expertise.

What Is a Manager?

Vertical Versus Horizontal Line Management

As previously mentioned, many companies operate via a vertical line management structure. This is beneficial in areas
where employees want to see a clear hierarchy and career progression pathway. It can be effective because it allows
individuals to flourish in their roles and employees can work to their strengths.

But there is a risk that vertical structures become too hierarchal. Those at the top may be too far removed from the
workforce and unaware of the practicalities and restrictions that lower-level staff may be facing.

If it has been many years since they were ‘on the shop floor’ then they may be operating from out-of-date knowledge.

In contrast, some organizations prefer a flatter, more horizontal line management structure.

This means that there are fewer managerial layers and individual employees can have greater responsibility and

There is often an open-door policy in the workplace and communication flows much easier.

Junior workers are encouraged to approach senior managers, allowing them to share ideas and knowledge and remain
motivated to work for company goals. 57/215
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What Isthis
However, Autocratic Leadership?
approach also has its drawbacks as people may struggle to see a clear career path or feel that they are
being asked to work in ways where they lack the relevant experience.

What Are the Different Management Styles?

As you begin your role as a manager, you may need to decide what your managerial style will be.

This will determine your way of working, the way that you delegate and communicate with others, and the way that
you manage your staff.

There are no right or wrong managerial styles. Some styles may suit some professions more than others, and some
managers will be able to adopt different approaches with different teams of individuals.

The sign of a good manager is knowing how to work with employees to get the best out of them.

Although there are many different management styles available, they broadly split up into three distinct categories –
autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire.


This is an extremely bullish style of management. It focuses on the decision-making and communication coming directly
from top-level managers, often with little regard for those expected to perform the tasks.

Employees are often set distinct goals and performance levels are heavily monitored, with little room for creativity or
exploration of different ways of working.

Although it may sound like a negative way of working, autocratic management can be extremely effective. It can
prioritize fast decision-making processes, and all employees know exactly what they need to do and when.

In some cases, a manager may choose to use persuasive discretion to explain any roles or processes to employees.
They may take the time to involve teams in the decision-making criteria which can improve motivation and participation.
However, the result is the same: the decision comes directly from the top-level management structure.


In contrast, a democratic management style means that there is more communication and collaboration up and down
the vertical company structure.

Employees at all levels may be welcome to submit ideas and suggestions and will be heavily involved in helping to
improve business success.

Although the specific manager will take full responsibility for any products/processes/projects, they will collaborate
with team members to work as effectively as possible.

This style of management is often used when the manager needs to rely on the individual skill sets of team members. 58/215
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For Is Autocratic
example, Leadership?
marketing managers may often involve entire teams to generate campaign ideas. The manager’s role will
be to retain responsibility for the overall project management, but they will likely trust individuals to be involved in
campaign creation and delivery.

It can be a far more effective style of management. This is because individual employees will feel respected and
motivated, but it can be costly. Time efficiency could be lost due to the time it takes to involve staff in decisions, and it
can also be difficult to ensure that every person feels valued and listened to.


This is a unique style of management. It requires the total trust of the manager in their team to simply get on with the

Laissez-faire managers tend to step back from day-to-day management and rely on individuals to work to their ability
with minimal supervision.

Many smaller firms may use this style of management because it allows people to work at their own pace, yet they can
ask a manager for help when needed.

The role of the manager may be to focus solely on delegation and communication. Or they may just share an outline of
what they need employees to do and give them the freedom to get on with it.

For some teams, this is a highly effective way of working. It can improve creativity and collaboration and some workers
may flourish with the freedom of working to the best of their ability.

However, inexperienced workers may struggle to progress, and a lack of direction can lead to internal conflicts or
tension between team members.

How to Be a Great Manager

Here are a few tips on how you can ensure that you are the best manager that you can be:

1. Take Inspiration From Others

Think back to anyone you have worked with or been managed by and what their strengths and weaknesses were.

Try and consider your own individual working preferences – do you require continual monitoring and evaluation or do
you crave freedom and creativity?

In your role as a manager, try to think about what you need to work as effectively as possible.

2. Have Confidence in Your Abilities

If you are listening to other colleagues, you must remember that you are in charge. You need to feel confident in your
decision-making criteria and believe in yourself. 59/215
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With thisIsconfidence,
Autocratic Leadership?
you can build trust with your employees and they will have greater respect for you.

3. Take Your Time to Develop Your Managerial Style

Each team will have their ways of working and if you are coming in new to a new role as a manager, you need to take
time to see how things function before you implement any changes.

You need to be adaptable; what may have worked well in one managerial role may not be as efficient in a new
company with new people with different skills.

You may also need to offer different approaches for individuals – some employees may be hugely competitive and
responsive to reward schemes. Others may need a more nurturing manager who can give them a supportive pat when

What Does a Managerial Career Path Look Like?

The role of a manager is varied, and the career path will change depending on your profession. But there are still some
similarities between managers everywhere.

Here is an outline of how you could perceive your managerial career path:

Before You Apply for Your First Role as a Manager

Suggested experience: 3 to 5 years in your chosen profession before considering management.

If you feel ready to take your first step into management, it’s time to think about what technical skills you have and how
you can share this knowledge and information with more junior colleagues.

If you are confident that you have the right skills for the job, try asking a respected colleague to act as a mentor. They
can help you navigate the jump from being responsible for your own workload to being responsible for an entire team
or large project.

Many people start their managerial careers by starting at the bottom and working their way up. They may have several
years’ experience and a proven track record of being good at what they do. They understand how they can make the
most of their experience on their management resume.

When it comes to applying for your first role as a manager, take a look at the job description and establish if there are
any areas where you may need to gain new knowledge or specific accreditations and/or professional licenses.

Once you know what credentials you need, you can speak to your existing employer to find out if they would sponsor
you to gain these accreditations/qualifications to help you achieve your ambitions.

Your First Job as a Manager 60/215
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What Is experience:
Suggested Autocratic Leadership?
Allocate 2 to 3 years for your first management job, giving you ample opportunity to learn the

At the start of your management career, it is important to be a strong team player.

If you have been promoted internally, your colleagues will know that you are new to management. You will need to
consider your transition period – not just for you in your role, but also for your colleagues, who may have worked their
way up the career ladder alongside you.

At this stage of your career, you may be using theoretical knowledge to inform your managerial style. This is because
you will not yet have discovered a way of working that suits you.

You may want to take a democratic approach to management; this will give you time to judge your style whilst allowing
others to collaborate with you effectively.

As you start to become more experienced, you will gain more confidence in recommending specific ways of working
and be able to focus more on managerial tasks such as report writing and employee management.

To enhance your management style, you may wish to speak to your HR team about securing management training
opportunities that will increase your core competencies.

Moving to Middle Management

Suggested experience: Allocate 5 to 10 years within middle management before taking that next step up.

After a few years, you may start to think about your short-term and long-term career goals.

Are you happy to stay as a line manager/team leader, or are you looking for new challenges?

This could be about progressing into middle management/top-level management or it could be about moving into new
manager roles elsewhere. Make a career plan and decide whether you need to consider any postgraduate training.

You will be ready to move to a more senior position if you:

Have ample experience of which management techniques do and do not work well
Have learned how to motivate your team and get them working effectively
Understand how to prepare budgets and work in conjunction with other teams/agencies
Know what your strengths and your weaknesses are
Can provide demonstrable proof of your managerial success

Stepping up to C-Suite Management

Suggested experience: You may need at least 15 to 20 years’ professional experience before you make this step.

Many middle managers are keen to progress into board-level job roles and it is easy to see why:

This is where the real decisions are made

You have the opportunity for significant responsibilities and high earning potential 61/215
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You’ll be able to be extremely ambitious and identify new trends and business opportunities giving you enormous
What Is to
scope Autocratic Leadership?
progress in your career

At this stage of your career, you may benefit from further postgraduate training. Many people are drawn to
qualifications such as EMBAs or PhDs which can help you to improve your academic knowledge and work alongside
peers from around the world.

Management Consultant

Suggested experience: You may need at least 15 to 20 years’ professional experience and technical proficiency.

If you are not sure about stepping up to board-level management, consider a career path as a management consultant.

This is where you can use your existing knowledge to help other business leaders improve their businesses.

As an independent voice, you can assess an organization’s strengths/weaknesses and help them identify areas for
improvement. You can use your knowledge of different technologies or processes and help businesses understand how
they can make financial savings whilst also increasing efficiency.

This is a hugely varied job role, and many people are drawn to it as it can offer a greater variety of work along with a
better work-life balance.

Final Thoughts

This article has helped you to understand the specific role of a manager and what skills are required.

A manager helps a business function as effectively as it should and, as a result, managers need to have a distinct skill
set beyond the technical proficiencies of a particular profession.

Not everyone is suited to management; more of your time will be spent away from what you are trained to do and you
will spend much more time focusing on administrative tasks.

However, it is a role where you can take greater responsibility and directly impact your business success as well as one
with attractive pay and benefit opportunities.

The Best Free University and College Courses for

In this article Skip to section
What Is an Online Leadership Course?

Why Should I Take an Online Leadership Course?

Who Might Benefit From an Online Leadership Course? 62/215
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Those Interested in Continuous Learning

What Is Autocratic Leadership?
Those Interested in Expanding their Current Skill Set
Those Preparing for a Promotion
Those Considering a Career Change
Those Starting their Degree
What Can I Expect to Learn From an Online Leadership Course?

Team Building
Handling Conflict
Improved Confidence
Increased Opportunities
How to Improve Your Leadership Knowledge Alongside Your Free Online Leadership Courses

The Best Free University and College Courses in Leadership

General Leadership Courses

1. Inspired Leadership Specialization – Case Western Reserve University

2. What is Leadership? – Deakin University
3. Exercising Leadership: Foundational Principles – Harvard University
4. Agile Leadership Principles and Practices – University of Maryland
5. Leading People and Teams Specialization – University of Michigan
Decision-Making Courses
6. Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making – University of California, Irvine
7. Decision-Making in a Complex and Uncertain World – University of Groningen
CEO and Innovation Courses

8. Leading Strategic Innovation: How to Lead with Purpose – Coventry University

9. Building Effective Professional Networks and Relationships – Central Queensland University
10. Rise to Leadership: Become a CEO – Babson
Final Thoughts

What Is an Online Leadership Course?

Leadership is an essential skill for anyone wanting to progress in their careers.

Over the decades, there has been extensive research into leadership best practices. As workplace trends evolve, so
does the role of the leader.

Before, leaders held a more authoritative position in the team. Now, their role is more collaborative.

Online courses or MOOCs (massive open online courses) allow leaders and potential leaders to keep up to date with
new findings and develop new skills.

Why Should I Take an Online Leadership Course? 63/215
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What IstoAutocratic
Studying Leadership?
improve or learn about leadership has several benefits.

The first is that to be a good leader you need to know your leadership style.

There are many courses that can help you find your style and teach you how to maximize its strengths.

Learning about other styles and methods can also benefit you and your team. For example, if your style is more
bureaucratic, could you begin to incorporate visionary-style elements?

The second benefit is that some people struggle with leadership and need further training to build confidence.

They suffer from imposter syndrome and feel that they should not be in a senior position. Yet, taking on a leadership
role is part of their career development plan.

Completing additional online courses may benefit those who don't find decision-making or delegating easy.

The third benefit is that of being a better leader. Having strong leaders has many benefits:

Improves productivity in the workplace

Creates a trusting work environment
Improves job satisfaction for both yourself and your team
Can help you cultivate better relationships in and out of work

Who Might Benefit From an Online Leadership Course?

Those Interested in Continuous Learning

As mentioned, leadership roles are continuously evolving, so it is important to keep up with new developments.

Technology is constantly changing the work landscape. Employees look to their leaders for help and support when a
new program or software is introduced. Therefore, it is essential for you to stay ahead.

Those Interested in Expanding their Current Skill Set

Anyone can complete leadership courses. You don't have to be in that role or in line for a promotion to start exploring
the subject.

The skills you learn from being a leader are transferable skills that can be utilized in all areas of your life.

Those Preparing for a Promotion

Having a good foundation before starting your official training can help you progress further and understand the
subject better.

It also shows that you are dedicated and ready for this new challenge. 64/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

If your employer sees that you are using your free time to improve yourself, they are more likely to consider you for

Those Considering a Career Change

Before making a move into another career, it is essential to explore the topic first.

You don't want to change your entire career only to discover it isn't what you thought it would be.

Taking some online courses can help you decide if the topic is of any interest to you.

Those Starting their Degree

You may be about to start your college course or an MBA in leadership and want to make a good impression.

Completing a few foundation courses will give you a good understanding of the subject.

If you want to study any part of leadership further but it isn't in your curriculum, you can always complete a MOOC to
show future employers that it is something you have an interest in.

These courses are also useful if you are unsure of which topic to study. Degrees are costly, and you don't want to invest
in the wrong one.

Completing some free courses will allow you to decide if it is the right subject for you.

What Can I Expect to Learn From an Online Leadership Course?

The exact leadership skills you can expect to learn will vary depending on the course type and content. However, you
can expect to learn:


Communication is an essential part of leadership. How we communicate determines how another person interprets that

You want to ensure that all your communication is received positively. Any course that improves that skill is worth


Knowing how to motivate people positively isn't always an easy skill to master. It takes emotional intelligence and
patience. 65/215
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What Is improving
Constantly Autocratic Leadership?
your motivation skills will benefit both you and your team. It will teach you to deliver better
constructive criticism and goal-setting sessions.


This is a skill that many leaders struggle with.

Completing courses that teach you how to delegate and help you discover why you have a problem delegating will
make you a much better leader.

Team Building

Almost every leadership course will touch on team building.

As teams and projects change, you must know how to build a new team and get the best from them.

Handling Conflict

Conflict in the workplace is never a good thing. As a leader, you are expected to take an active role in conflict resolution.

Taking courses around this specialization will make it easier for you to handle should conflict arise.

More importantly, they will also teach you how to prevent conflict.

Improved Confidence
Taking the time to develop existing skills and learn new ones will improve your confidence in the workplace.

These courses may also encourage you to implement a new system or way of thinking that improves productivity.

Increased Opportunities

The more you put yourself out there and showcase your new skills, the more likely you are to be noticed by your

If the work you do is good, this may lead to promotions or new opportunities.

How to Improve Your Leadership Knowledge Alongside Your Free

Online Leadership Courses

Career growth and development is essential for most people’s long-term goals. 66/215
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Very Is do
rarely Autocratic
these things Leadership?
happen naturally. You have to be proactive in your life and find opportunities where you can
develop and thrive.

Here are some tips:

Find a mentor – Finding a mentor isn't always easy. Use networking events and schemes to find someone who
shares your values. Learning from someone you admire can change your professional life for the better.

Self-reflection and evaluation – Take the time to evaluate your strengths, weaknesses and how you react to
situations and people. Do you have biases that influence your decision-making? Do you easily judge? Learn all you
can about yourself, so you know what areas you need to improve on.

Take advantage of everyday opportunities – Leadership skills can be used in everyday situations, from ordering
your coffee to catching up with friends. Take every opportunity to practice skills like active listening, learning
people's names and speaking in public.

Do something you care about – When you are passionate about something it shows, and it inspires. Try to lead
projects you enjoy or work in a setting that suits you. That way, you are in a position to make the best possible

The Best Free University and College Courses in Leadership

The below courses are all MOOCs, meaning that they are free to access and complete, but you may need to pay for an
official certificate and additional course material.

The Best Free University and College Courses for Leadership

General Leadership Courses 67/215
12/27/21, 5:52 PM The Top 10 Leadership Interview Questions – With Example Answers

What Is Autocratic
1. Inspired Leadership?
Leadership Specialization – Case Western Reserve University

Duration: Eight months, approximately two hours per week

Level of enrollment: Intermediate

Additional fees: £42 for certificate and unlimited access

Delivery: Self-led and fully flexible schedule

50% of learners have started a new career after completing this specialization.

The course teaches you to overcome chronic stress and renew your body to become a better leader.

The modules taught include:

Inspiring leadership through emotional intelligence

Women in leadership
Conversations that inspire
Leading positive change

All Coursera specializations come with a mandatory capstone project, should you want your certificate.

Visit Inspired Leadership Specialization – Case Western Reserve University

2. What is Leadership? – Deakin University

Duration: Two weeks, three hours per week

Level of enrollment: Those with existing management responsibilities and experience

Additional fees: £52 for a verified certificate and unlimited course access

Delivery: Self-led

A thought-provoking course that helps you discover your leadership style and influencing power.

The topics covered are:

Why leadership is different to management

What effective leadership is
How individual differences shape the perception of leadership

This course introduces the Deakin University postgraduate degree in leadership, which is 100% online and available on

Visit What is Leadership? – Deakin University

3. Exercising Leadership: Foundational Principles – Harvard University

Duration: Four weeks, two to three hours per week

Level of enrollment: Beginner

Additional fees: £101 for a verified certificate 68/215
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Delivery: Self-led but limited start dates

What Is Autocratic Leadership?
This introductory course teaches the main principles of leadership, including:

Identifying the work that needs to be done

Lead with, beyond and without authority
Take action – think politically, build trust and orchestrate conflict

The course is taught by Ronald Heifetz, founder of the Center for Public Leadership.

Visit Exercising Leadership: Foundational Principles – Harvard University

4. Agile Leadership Principles and Practices – University of Maryland

Duration: Four weeks, two to three hours per week

Level of enrollment: Advanced

Additional fees: £144 for a verified certificate

Delivery: Self-led

Agile leadership focuses on facilitation and communication skills rather than traditional leadership traits.

Its goal is to train inspiring leaders to suit new working environments and attitudes.

The topics covered are:

Overview and key roles

Building self-organizing teams
Decision science and human mind heuristics
Managing bias through mindfulness and emotional intelligence

Visit Agile Leadership Principles and Practices – University of Maryland

5. Leading People and Teams Specialization – University of Michigan

Duration: Five months, approximately three hours per week

Level of enrollment: Beginner

Additional fees: Monthly subscription for additional features and certificate

Delivery: Self-led and fully flexible deadlines

This specialization promises to teach you the essential leadership skills needed to inspire, influence and motivate.

The course is led by professors from the Ross School of Business.

It features guest lectures from the Global Head of HR at Morgan Stanley and the Head Coach from the University of
Michigan's Men's Basketball Team.

The five-month course covers: 69/215
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What Is Autocratic
Inspiring Leadership?
and motivating individuals
Influencing people
Leading teams
Leading people

Additionally, the top-scoring students will receive one of the following:

Office hours with a member of the faculty

One credit towards the Michigan Ross Distinguished Leader certificate
A waived application fee to Michigan Ross graduate programs
LinkedIn recommendation or endorsement from a faculty member

Visit Leading People and Teams Specialization – University of Michigan

Decision-Making Courses

6. Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making – University of California,


Duration: Five hours

Level of enrollment: Designed for those wanting to build on their knowledge

Additional fees: Will need a Coursera subscription for certificate

Delivery: Self-led and flexible deadlines

This course is also part of two other programs:

1. Career Success Specialization

2. Project Management and Other Tools for Career Development Specialization

It aims to instruct students on using critical thinking for analysis, synthesizing and positive inquiries.

The course covers:

Introduction to problem-solving
Decision-making models
Implementing decisions

Course reviews say it is concise, informative and enjoyable.

Visit Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making – University of California, Irvine

7. Decision-Making in a Complex and Uncertain World – University of


Duration: Seven weeks, five hours per week

Level of enrollment: Intermediate – knowledge of economics, financial institutions, maths and logic needed

Additional fees: £52 for certificate

Delivery: Self-led 70/215
12/27/21, 5:52 PM The Top 10 Leadership Interview Questions – With Example Answers

What Is Autocratic Leadership?

This course provides students with the scientific background needed to develop into a forward-thinking decision-maker.

The course features guest lecturers and real-life case studies.

The modules covered are:

Complexity and uncertainty

Emergence and networks
Evolutionary dynamics
Individual decision-making and entrepreneurship

Visit Decision-Making in a Complex and Uncertain World – University of Groningen

CEO and Innovation Courses

8. Leading Strategic Innovation: How to Lead with Purpose – Coventry


Duration: Two weeks, three hours per week

Level of enrollment: Beginner

Additional fees: £52 for certificate

Delivery: Self-led

Designed for anyone wanting to be more innovative in their personal and professional life, this course will get you to
critically reflect on your past experiences to improve future decision-making.

Topics include:

Personal experience of change

Strategic thinking and drift
Leadership and strategic purpose
The play to win model

Reviews of the course say it is insightful and thought-provoking.

Visit Leading Strategic Innovation: How to Lead with Purpose – Coventry University

9. Building Effective Professional Networks and Relationships – Central

Queensland University

Duration: Two weeks, two hours per week

Level of enrollment: Designed for any level, from any profession

Additional fees: £25 for certificate

Delivery: Self-led 71/215
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The Is Autocratic
majority Leadership?
of new opportunities come through the professional relationships we cultivate. But not everyone finds
networking easy.

This course aims to provide those who struggle with networking actionable steps to implement immediately.

The course focuses on:

Leveraging different networking tools

Face-to-face relationship building

Visit Building Effective Professional Networks and Relationships – Central Queensland University

10. Rise to Leadership: Become a CEO – Babson

Duration: Four weeks, four to six hours per week

Level of enrollment: Intermediate

Additional fees: £145 for a verified certificate

Delivery: Self-led

Babson is considered one of the top universities for entrepreneurship education.

The course is designed to prepare you for that corner office or for running your own business.

This course covers:

Getting results
Creating culture
Driving innovation
Formulating strategy

Visit Rise to Leadership: Become a CEO – Babson

Final Thoughts

MOOCs come with both advantages and disadvantages. They are an excellent resource for learning new information
and skills. They are often short and can be completed on any smart device, laptop or computer.

However, they can become costly if you need certificates or additional material.

But regardless of your level of understanding, there is a free university or college course that will help you develop the
leadership skills you want. 72/215
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What Leadership
Autocratic Leadership?Principles

In this article Skip to section

What Are Leadership Principles?

Why Do You Need Principles to Lead Well?

Top 10 Effective Leadership Principles

1. Be a Role Model
2. Facilitating Dialogue
3. Have a Clear Vision
4. Admitting Mistakes
5. Remaining Resilient
6. Use Persuasion Over Power
7. Believe in the Mission
8. Leaders Should Inspire
9. Learn to Delegate
10. Innovate and Grow
Final Thoughts

Strong leaders are crucial to a successful company. Without them, the whole hierarchy would crumble and the business
would descend into chaos.

However, there is much more to being a successful leader than merely telling others what to do.

As well as ensuring the company's success, your role as a leader is to help those under your management triumph.

These 10 leadership principles will help you develop personally and allow those around you to thrive.

What Are Leadership Principles?

You can view leadership principles from two distinct perspectives.

The first would be the company culture, which considers the ethos and beliefs behind the business as a whole.

This might include aspects of the role that are important to individuals, including changing working patterns and
remote working policies.

However, leadership principles are generally viewed on an individual basis. If you manage a team, you must have the
correct values and temperament to ensure business success.

Put simply, a leadership principle is a rule or belief that every leader must possess.

Without these qualities, a person is likely not suited to managing others. 73/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

Why Do You Need Principles to Lead Well?

For those new to management, having a set of guiding principles to help shape them as a leader is vital. It will help
build confidence and allow staff to work in a way that aligns with company beliefs.

Those who have been a leader for many years may not feel the need to refer to these principles constantly.

However, businesses are adaptable, and landscapes continuously change. Therefore, all leaders must regularly
evaluate their styles to ensure they are working most effectively.

Another, often overlooked, benefit of effective leadership is that it provides consistency within a large company. When
staff move between departments within an organization, they should receive the same level of support, regardless of
who their direct manager is.

Consistent, efficient leadership will help your brand image and make the workforce much more comfortable, helping
boost staff retention rates.

Top 10 Effective Leadership Principles

1. Be a Role Model

Outstanding leadership is not about telling your team what to do; it is about showing them how to do it.

Do not give your staff empty promises. Delivering on your word will show them you are serious about your
commitments and inspire them to act accordingly.

An Example of Being a Role Model

There is a big deadline looming over the team. All staff have been arriving at the office promptly and working tirelessly
throughout the day.

In the final week before deadline completion, you begin turning up late and making excuses to leave early.

This tells your staff that the upcoming deadline is not important and that they shouldn't be placing such high value on

Regardless of the number of emails you send advising on the importance of punctuality, your staff will not oblige if
yours is not excellent.

Whereas, if you roll up your sleeves and get stuck in with everyone else, you will quickly reap the rewards of an
enthusiastic workforce.

2. Facilitating Dialogue 74/215
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Many Is Autocratic Leadership?
have had the displeasure of working in a toxic environment at some point throughout their career. Where
there is no communication between staff, relationships quickly break down and managing workloads becomes

In the workplace, problems often spiral. Therefore, facilitating open conversations is an integral leadership principle.

What starts as a minor issue snowballs into something catastrophic and can affect the entire team. However, if open
communication channels are encouraged, the problem can be resolved in the first instance, keeping staff and
management happy.

Becoming a leader can cause many to fall into the trap of talking to their staff, rather than with them.

Your team will be bursting with excellent ideas and often have a much more thorough understanding of ground-level
procedures than senior management do.

An Example of Facilitating Dialogue

There may be a current procedure or piece of technology that is hindering your staff. It could be slowing them down
and may even cause them to miss deadlines.

Without proper communication channels, ineffective leaders jump to conclusions that their team simply is not working
hard enough.

Open communication allows for a more content workforce and can facilitate savvy business decisions. Here, it could
enable you to adjust the procedure, or invest in new technology, to rectify the issue.

The most successful leaders, and therefore businesses, are the ones who encourage honest, open and respectful
dialogue, transcending all levels of staff.

3. Have a Clear Vision

Of course, leaders must remain flexible and adaptable to the needs of their staff. However, as an excellent leader, you
must keep a clear vision of the company's end goals.

This means you must visualize the big picture at all times, appreciating how the small decisions inevitably culminate.

Having a clear vision can be challenging at times. There is a fragile balancing act between monitoring your team
members and micromanaging them.

An Example of Having a Clear Vision

You have a team member who is fantastic at their job. They work autonomously and effectively, requiring very little
support and often help with training other staff.

They now cannot come into the office for personal reasons and need to transition to remote working. However,
company policy does not allow for this. 75/215
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A leaderIs Autocratic
who does not haveLeadership?
a clear vision would view the policy in a linear way, resulting in losing this extremely
valuable team member.

However, a leader who views the big picture understands the value this team member brings and how losing them
would hinder the broader company goals.

Understanding that fluidity and flexibility will always be required (within reason) to reach the large targets will make
you an incredible leader.

4. Admitting Mistakes

Being a leader is not easy. There is pressure from your management, your team and your peers.

Many leaders battle a great deal of anxiety daily, frightful of making any mistakes. However, taking a step back and
realizing that you are just one person is a crucial leadership principle.

You will make mistakes along the way, but what will make you a great leader is how you handle them.

How Leaders Should Handle Their Own Mistakes

Most importantly, you should always own up to your errors. This will make rectifying the situation much easier and
encourage other staff to do the same.

From here, you can put a plan in place. Admitting an error will help you assess the situation and solve the issue. It will
also help cultivate strong relationships with your team as they will admire your honesty and lack of ego.

Encouraging a workplace with transparency and honesty is crucial. It will help the whole team feel much more relaxed
and content, which will dramatically increase staff retention.

Top 10 Effective Leadership Principles: Definition and Examples 76/215
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What Is Autocratic
5. Remaining Leadership?

Resilience is the power to overcome difficult times. When your business faces adversity, it is your job as a leader to
encourage your staff to bounce back.

How to Demonstrate Resilience

Resilient leaders champion change. This doesn't mean that in times of hardship, they completely change their methods.
Instead, it means that influential and resilient leaders are adaptable and open to evolving environments.

If your company faces a downturn, a great display of resilience is to discuss the reasons transparently, putting a plan of
action in place with your team.

Your staff will value the openness and will be eager to help the company reemerge stronger.

6. Use Persuasion Over Power

As a leader, you know that you have the power to tell your staff members what to do. However, constantly issuing
orders will not help workforce morale.

Instead, use the skill of persuasion. This involves talking with your team members, discussing the issues and coming to
a conclusion together.

This helps your staff take ownership of the work they are completing and free up your time to tackle other tasks.

How to Use Persuasion

Together with your team, discuss the problem and the consequence of that problem. To develop a solution, you must
fully understand the ramifications of the issue.

Next, talk through the potential solutions, discussing the benefits of each option.

Wherever possible, allow your staff to conclude in their own time, so they will be confident to progress without your
assistance in the future.

7. Believe in the Mission

Every great leader must truly believe in, and align with, the company's goals.

As a leader, you will have to make difficult decisions, but you are also responsible for instilling pride and enthusiasm
into those you lead.

Your personal opinion and goals will be evident from how you manage staff and the work you produce. This will
transcend the chain of command and result in a higher calibre of work from those at a lower level. 77/215
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What Isbelieving
Genuinely Autocratic Leadership?
in the mission will allow you to make riskier decisions. To make significant change and progress,
difficult choices are inevitable. However, with a passion for the company and industry, you will be confident in choosing
the right path.

An Example of Believing in the Mission

You hire an intern for the summer period who, like many interns, makes a few mistakes. Those around you encourage
you to let this person go once fall arrives.

However, you saw potential in this individual. Their skill set aligns with the gaps in your team, and you know that with
suitable assistance and training, they will be an integral member of the department.

So, you decide to hire them permanently, and within 12 months they have transformed the team's productivity and
catapulted you towards reaching those long-term goals.

8. Leaders Should Inspire

Effective leaders pave the way for the next generation.

Whilst there is an undeniable need to be firm with those you are leading, effective management should nurture the
skills and qualities of the team.

How to Inspire Your Staff

To inspire your staff, you must show them that you care. Listen to their thoughts, ideas and concerns. Perhaps even
more importantly, show them how you will put these into action and follow up with them at a later date.

This shows you are a trustworthy leader with integrity.

Understanding your staff on a personal level is the best way to spark inspiration. Learning what makes an individual
tick will allow you, as a leader, to encourage and inspire them to do incredible things.

9. Learn to Delegate

Just because you are a leader does not mean you have to take on every task.

In fact, the best leaders are those who can effectively delegate tasks. The key here is to ensure that jobs are carefully
prioritized and allocated to staff with the ideal skill set.

Leaders who fail to delegate often find themselves suffering from burnout and will no longer be able to carry out their
role efficiently.

Delegation is a difficult skill to master, especially if you are new to being a manager or leader.

An Example of How to Delegate 78/215
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First, youIsmust
Autocratic Leadership?
know what tasks can, and should, be passed onto another staff member.

Monthly appraisals or performance reviews are likely not appropriate to be handled by anyone else.

Once you have established the roles you can hand over, consider which tasks play to the strengths of particular

There may be a report which needs proofreading and submitting, so delegating to a team member with extreme
attention to detail would be ideal – showing again the importance of knowing your team personally.

An essential rule of delegation is to prepare yourself for failure. Unfortunately, mistakes happen and planning a
contingency time budget will help avoid a last-minute panic.

Finally, always remember to give credit. Your team member was likely as nervous about carrying out the job as you
were delegating it to them. A reassurance that they've done a great job will give them confidence in their role moving

10. Innovate and Grow

Taking on a leadership role requires you to be fluid. Therefore, the job you initially applied for may look very different to
the one you are occupying today.

Where there are humans, there is unpredictability. You will have staff leave, join, thrive, complain and everything in

Your role is to guide them along the way, delicately balancing their personal goals with the company targets. This is
why being open to change and innovation is a crucial leadership principle.

An Example of Welcoming Innovation

Everyone knows that automation is becoming more prominent in our offices, and many staff, and leaders, are
frightened. They are worried that computers will take their roles, and they will become obsolete.

In contrast, the best leaders flip this idea on its head and use it as a positive.

A computer completing the laborious, tedious tasks frees up time for your team to work on the intricate projects they
are passionate about. Viewing technology as a tool to enhance the workplace, rather than something to fear, is critical
for growth.

Final Thoughts

Leadership is a huge learning curve, and even those with years of experience often require support.

The 10 leadership principles center on balancing the company's needs with the personal targets of individual staff. 79/215
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To Is Autocratic
be a great Leadership?
leader, you must be adaptable and flexible while remaining focused on the big picture.

You will undoubtedly settle into your own distinct style of leadership. Providing this works for you and is in line with the
foundational leadership principles, then there is no reason you will not be a successful leader.

What Is Visionary Leadership?

In this article Skip to section
What Is Visionary Leadership?

Why Is Visionary Leadership Useful?

It Promotes Innovation
It Helps a Workforce to Bond
It Helps a Team See Past the Finer Details
It Creates a Sense of Meaning and Purpose
It Facilitates Change
What Traits Does a Visionary Leader Have?

Emotional Intelligence
Strong Communication Skills
Not Afraid to Take Risks
Final Thoughts

What Is Visionary Leadership?

Visionary leadership is a management style that is often credited with driving a team forward and achieving results. A
visionary leader inspires and leads their team, using long-term goals and aspirational ideas that help people see the
end goal.

The concept of visionary leadership is about big ideas. This type of leader doesn’t shy away from trying something new
and is always willing to break away from the status quo.

The term ‘visionary leader’ was first coined by Daniel Goleman, who identified six styles of leadership.

They are:

1. Coaching – Nurturing team members and improving morale

2. Affiliative – Being ‘one of the team’
3. Democratic – Good for team cohesion at times of change
4. Commanding – Ideal for fast decision-making from the team leader 80/215
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5. Pacesetting – Encouraging high performance and fast results

What Is Autocratic
6. Visionary Leadership?
– A joint mission to reach bigger, aspirational goals

Each of these styles has its own skill set, characteristics and features, with different ways to get results. Goleman
suggests that a combination of all six is the best approach.

Of the six styles, visionary leadership is the most ambitious and aspirational. Visionary leaders are enthusiastic and
passionate about their goals. They use their skills to motivate and inspire their team to show the same level of
commitment to the same goals.

A visionary leader is confident and focuses on positive outcomes. No idea is too lofty and no goal too ambitious for a
visionary leader. They believe that anything is possible with the right approach.

It is useful to have a mix of leadership styles within an organization, and visionary leadership fits in by driving the
company forwards and aiming high at every opportunity. If an employer wants to implement change, perhaps by
pursuing rapid growth or branching out into a new field, visionary leadership is often the best option.

A visionary leader takes direction from their managers and gets fully on board with the vision, using their natural
enthusiasm to explore how the goals can be achieved. They then pass this enthusiasm and strategy down to their team
with infectious optimism.

Why Is Visionary Leadership Useful?

There are numerous reasons why visionary leadership is useful for business.

It Promotes Innovation

Aiming for bigger-picture goals often means that things must be done differently to how they have always been done.
The enthusiasm and drive of visionary leadership encourage people to use their imagination and think outside the box,
leading to innovation and progress.

Visionary leaders are always looking for the next big thing to help move the business along, and often create these
opportunities themselves using innovative thinking.

It Helps a Workforce to Bond

Visionary leaders know that they need the support of the workforce to achieve their goals. Luckily, they have the
communication skills and empathy to connect with colleagues and help bring the team together.

The act of all pulling towards the same goal is also a great way to bond. Under the direction of visionary leadership, the
team can share successes and overcome obstacles.

As the team gains momentum and reaches milestones, the visionary leader uses this to prove to the team that success
is inevitable. The boost in morale further bonds a team together, and as the team morale grows, performance often
grows along with it.

It Helps a Team See Past the Finer Details 81/215
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What Is who
Employees Autocratic
work underLeadership?
visionary leadership are frequently reminded that they are on a bigger mission for change.
They don’t need to get overly caught up in the finer details of work life because, as long as they are all pulling in the
same direction, the minor issues are not insignificant. Of course, attention to detail is vital in certain situations, and this
is an area that a visionary needs to keep in check.

A good leader will spot members of the team who pay attention to detail and will delegate finer work to them, to
ensure that nothing important gets missed. But the influence of big picture thinking from a visionary leader stops
people from getting so caught up in the details that they cannot move forwards.

It Creates a Sense of Meaning and Purpose

Knowing and believing in a larger purpose or end goal can be incredibly motivating for a team. Individuals can go to
work each day knowing what they are working towards and why. Their visionary leader has explained the mission with
enthusiasm and passion, which helps drive the whole team forward with a sense of purpose.

This sense of meaning and purpose can improve job satisfaction and boost morale, resulting in a happier workforce.

What Is Visionary Leadership and Its 7 Traits?

It Facilitates Change

If a company wants to drive change, visionary leadership is a highly effective method of achieving the desired outcome.

Visionary leaders set their sights on the end goal and make it happen, inspiring and motivating their team to pull
together to do whatever it takes.

Visionary leadership doesn’t just do what has been done before. It innovates and creates new ways of working to
change the outcome.

As well as the ability to implement change, a visionary leader can also rally the staff to get on board.

One of the biggest challenges of implementing change is convincing people that it is worth the effort, so a leader who
overcomes this challenge is an extremely valuable asset for any business. 82/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

What Traits Does a Visionary Leader Have?

Visionary leadership has benefits for an employer, but it takes a certain type of person to deliver this style of leadership.

Although some of the necessary skills can be taught, many of the qualities of a good visionary leader are natural
personality traits.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence involves understanding and using emotions in a positive way. It refers to a person’s ability to
regulate their own emotions and to read the feelings of others.

Emotional intelligence is different from cognitive intelligence, but it is just as important in a leadership role.

Emotional intelligence is a common trait of visionary leaders, and it helps give them positive influence over their team.

A visionary leader understands the emotions involved in drive, motivation, success and competition. They take the time
to understand their team members’ emotional triggers and drivers, and use these to encourage and reward them.

Emotional intelligence can also help a visionary leader resolve conflicts and identify any unease or tension within a
team. They have the emotional tools to deal with these issues as they arise.

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, metaphorically speaking. It is recognizing another
person’s thoughts and feelings about a situation, even if you don’t share them yourself.

By showing empathy with their team, a visionary leader connects with each individual, making them feel valued and

Empathy, along with other soft skills, is particularly beneficial at times of conflict.

The visionary leader understands that people have different perspectives of a situation and they can see all sides. The
visionary leader is diplomatic and tactful and can handle problems sensitively.


Resilience is the ability to bounce back after a difficulty or failure. Visionary leaders display clear resilience in their
pursuit of the end goal.

They understand that when you have big dreams, there are bound to be stumbling blocks along the way. Their natural
resilience rubs off on others, as they sweep their team along with enthusiasm and positivity, despite setbacks.

For an employer, the resilience that a visionary leader brings to the table is an essential factor in building a strong team
that keeps up the momentum. 83/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?


Enthusiasm is a loveable trait that manifests in enjoyment and a keen interest in a subject.

Enthusiasm is a powerful motivator to continue when things become difficult, and visionary leaders use it in this way to
inspire themselves and their team.

Every leader faces challenges, and without enthusiasm for the role, a leader can lose sight of the end goal and bring
down their team.

However, a visionary leader spreads positivity and enthusiasm, and their team reaps the rewards of this, as the
enthusiasm rubs off on them.

When the team goals are as ambitious as those of a visionary leader, enthusiasm is crucial for driving employees


A leader needs to be creative in many senses of the word. In a business sense, creativity can help them be innovative
and find solutions to problems.

As a leader, they can think up creative ideas of how to grow and develop their team.

Visionary leadership relies on creativity to succeed, as the leader sees the bigger picture and how to get to the end

The creativity of a visionary leader heavily contributes to their outlook and ability to focus on the bigger goals without
getting caught up in the everyday problems that can hold other leaders back.

Most businesses have a corporate culture that encourages and nurtures creativity for these reasons and will greatly
benefit from how a visionary leader uses creativity in their role.

Strong Communication Skills

The term ‘communication skills’ describes the ability to communicate successfully with other people using both verbal
and non-verbal communication.

Good communication is an integral part of leadership and can make or break a team.

Visionary leadership relies on successful communication to bring a team together cohesively and help every member
get on board with new ideas.

Not everyone thinks in broad, big-picture terms like a visionary leader, so their ability to communicate their ideas with
the team and wider company plays a big part in bringing their ideas to fruition. 84/215
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What Is Autocratic
Not Afraid to TakeLeadership?

There is a fine balance between being too cautious and taking unnecessary risks. Visionary leaders make sure they
strike the right balance and are naturally willing to take risks to get closer to their end goal.

Often the biggest advances in business come with risks. Visionary leadership relies on courage to take these risks to
pursue the big dreams and ideas that will drive a business forward.

The combination of skills of a good visionary leader means that they are well placed to evaluate risk without letting
fear of failure hold them back.

Visionary leadership is brave and innovative and can reap big rewards for the employer and the team.

Final Thoughts

As Daniel Goleman and other experts have identified, there are several ways to lead a team in business.

Of the six common styles that Goleman identified, visionary leadership is the most effective for a company looking to
drive change and innovation.

However, visionary leadership is not the only way, and a combination of all six of these approaches is likely to yield the
best results.

A visionary leader does bring certain qualities to the role that are incredibly impactful on the performance and morale
of a team and a business. Their communication skills are put to good use as they inspire others and share their big ideas
with the team.

Ultimately, visionary leadership is exciting, enthusiastic and aspirational. It inspires the team to take risks and think
bigger. Without it, other leadership styles can seem flat and uninspiring in comparison.

How to Answer the Interview Question: "Describe a

Situation in Which You Influenced or Motivated
In this article Skip to section
What Is Motivation, and How Is It Relevant to the Workplace?

Why Do Employers Ask This Question?

What Employers Are Looking for in Your Answer

An Understanding of Your Leadership and Motivation Style
How You Work With Different Types of People 85/215
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That You Can Handle Challenges and Effectively Problem Solve

What Is Autocratic Leadership?
How Else Might This Question Be Asked?

How to Answer the Interview Question

Choosing the Right Situation to Talk About

Structure Your Response Using the STAR Method
Include What You Learned From the Situation
Example Answers

1. Management Position: Art Director

2. Entry Level Position: Junior Travel Consultant
3. Senior Level/Management Position: Digital Marketing Account Manager
4. Graduate/Entry Level Position: Junior Copywriter
What to Avoid

Generic Answers
Irrelevant Information
Using an Unsuitable Example
Overlooking Your Conclusion
Not Practicing
Final Thoughts

What Is Motivation, and How Is It Relevant to the Workplace?

Simply put, motivation is a positive contributor to significant work outcomes such as performance and achievement,
leading to greater productivity and wellbeing.

Motivation involves an individual’s ability to keep their tasks focused towards the long and short-term goals, even when
other emotions or distractions arise.

Motivated individuals and those who can motivate others are pivotal members of any workforce; when motivation is
present, it creates an environment that is focused and positive.

Why Do Employers Ask This Question?

This question is very commonly asked at job interviews as a situational question, so it is wise to be prepared to answer
this with some real-life examples that will help to show you in your best light.

Asking this question makes logical sense if you are applying for a role within a supervisory or managerial capacity.

However, this question is also often asked for other roles, as a way to gauge how you interact with different
personalities and how you operate as a positive, valued member of a team.

Sticking together as part of a team, no matter what, requires a decent pinch of drive and strength, but it also
necessitates interpersonal abilities. 86/215
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You mayIs Autocratic
have the skill and Leadership?
drive to motivate yourself, but what if a member of your team is struggling? Are you capable
of picking your colleagues up when they fall?

Without motivation, you have no productivity; without productivity, work doesn’t happen.

You may think that experience, knowledge or other skills may outweigh motivation. Yet, you could be the most
accredited, educated and experienced employee in your company but without motivation to complete work, you would
not be of much use.

Motivation makes the world – or in this case a workplace – go round.

What Employers Are Looking for in Your Answer

This question gives you a great opportunity to sell yourself based on concrete real-life experiences where you
specifically have shone.

From the recruitment professional’s perspective, this is a behavioral question loosely designed to gauge your problem-
solving ability and personality.

An Understanding of Your Leadership and Motivation Style

This is particular to roles where you have responsibility for other employees, perhaps in a team.

If you have applied for a higher-level position like that, it will be important to understand what kind of leader you will

It will also be equally important for the recruiter to discover whether your leadership style will fit into the company
dynamic and overall business approach.

How You Work With Different Types of People

Depending on your answer, this is going to show your communication skills and levels of emotional intelligence
through your ability to adapt and react to different personality types.

These collaboration skills are important, whether you are in a managerial or team position.

If employees feel understood by their managers and other members of their workplace team, they are more likely to be
content in their employment, producing better work results, and therefore overall representing the company in its best

That You Can Handle Challenges and Effectively Problem Solve

Problems and difficulties can arise in any business, and recruiters will be looking to see how you will be able to manage
demanding situations with a degree of steadiness and without becoming overwhelmed or indifferent, which can lead to
a lack of motivation. 87/215
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If Is Autocratic
this question Leadership?
is given within the context of a senior-level employee position, your interviewer may be looking for you
to demonstrate the necessary social skills and charisma to diffuse conflict between different personalities, to keep
motivation and therefore productivity levels stabilized.

Depending on the way this question is worded, you may need to think quickly on your feet in order to come up with an
answer for an imaginary scenario given by your interviewer.

How Else Might This Question Be Asked?

"Give an example of a time you have motivated others"
"Give an example of a time that you have motivated yourself"
"Give an example of a time you have motivated your team"
"Give an example of a time you have helped a colleague who was struggling to stay motivated"
"How do you keep yourself motivated on a day-to-day basis?"
"How would you keep yourself motivated when carrying out a task that you didn’t enjoy?"

How to Answer the Interview Question

Choosing the Right Situation to Talk About

In order to pick the right example for the interview, make sure to thoroughly research the company’s values and
consider how your answer chimes with these.

The way the company presents itself via its user interface, social media, website and other promotional materials will
give you a lot of insight as to their corporate culture is.

Researching present employees on LinkedIn is also a great way to gain insight into the team dynamic and what sort of
employees the company already retains within its workforce.

Structure Your Response Using the STAR Method

Using the STAR method will ensure that your answer remains concise and on-track to help you eliminate the possibility
of rambling or going off-topic.

STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result and is explained in more depth in our dedicated article.

Include What You Learned From the Situation

Adding what you have learnt from the situation will add credence to your actions.

It will also give you a chance to explain further why you feel your response to a situation was a positive, impactful one.

This can be particularly relevant when talking about how you stayed motivated after failing.

You will also be additionally demonstrating your knowledge of motivational techniques. 88/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

Example Answers

When answering this question, consider carefully how to tailor your answer to the job position (whether senior or
entry-level), and to have several rehearsed examples to mind so that you can pull the most relevant one to explain to
your interviewer.

1. Management Position: Art Director

This example shows a strong level of leadership and a forward-thinking approach.

This type of management would suit a company with a more relaxed office culture, due to the reward system

In linking the reward system to the employee’s personal life, the manager here is making a smart move to ensure that

the employee feels she works in an environment that will give her the opportunities she genuinely enjoys outside of

I was working with an employee that had recently been moved to my department, whose
working methods were not familiar to me as a result.

I met with her personally to discuss the project, and during the discourse checked in with her
regarding what she feels motivates her, and how she likes to be rewarded if she completes a
job especially well.

She answered that she finds she enjoys working as autonomously as possible (she is a
trusted senior-level employee), but also likes to receive words of support and affirmation, and
would prefer to be rewarded in a way where she can spend a little quality time away from
her desk.

Now that I am aware of how to reward her, and how she deals well with motivating herself
with words of encouragement, we have a great working relationship. She really appreciates a

reward system that works for her and taps into the value she places on her work-life balance. 89/215
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What Is Autocratic Leadership?

How to Answer the Interview Question: Describe a Situation in Which You Influenced or Motivated People

2. Entry Level Position: Junior Travel Consultant

If you are joining a company at the start of your career, having solid work examples to hand may be challenging.

However, with some consideration, you should be able to use work experience, placements, volunteering or an
internship to your advantage.

This example shows a candidate that has a strong sense of teamwork and a drive to succeed.

It also gives the example within an interesting context that gives the impression of a candidate that is motivated to help
and is interested in other cultures.

This answer could easily suit a formal and informal office culture.

During my gap year work experience, I was working with a team of other colleagues from
different cultures and backgrounds, building a village school in Thailand. We didn’t know
each other well, but we were all working towards a specific deadline where our building
project would need to be finished.

Although I couldn’t yet sense a lack of motivation, I felt it would be good to have something
to bond us together. Food is something that is a great social bonder and motivator,
irrespective of background, so after having a meeting with the rest of the team, we decided to
end the project on a high and cook a big group dinner together once the project had been

By suggesting the initial team meeting, we all felt much more comfortable communicating
with each other which kept our spirits buoyant, and by having something fun to look forward

to, we finished our project on a high.

3. Senior Level/Management Position: Digital Marketing Account Manager

This example shows that the candidate in question has a good level of intuition and emotional intelligence, sensitively
dealing with an employee instead of jumping to a conclusion.

If the manager had initially berated them, it would have had far-reaching consequences for the well-being and
motivation of the employee, and therefore the overall work output in the long and the short term. 90/215
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This Is Autocratic
answer Leadership?
would suit a company with a more formal business culture – details regarding goal setting and the
wording here would match such an atmosphere.

I was working with a member of my team on a project which I knew that she would ordinarily
not only enjoy but usually complete ahead of the schedule.

However, she missed several early deadlines, which was unusual and also a cause for

As we were working remotely, I hadn't had a chance to witness her mood or catch up with
her properly, so I arranged a meeting with her out of the office face-to-face for an informal
coffee so that she could air any problems or concerns in a comfortable neutral location.

As it turned out, she was finding the project more difficult than expected, and due to her
previous record of completing projects early, was struggling with her own levels of
perfectionism and expectation.

We were able to have a frank discussion about deadlines being there to be realistic, and not
necessarily to be beaten, and I was also able to put in some coping strategies in place for her
which helped in the short and long term.

This worked well and definitely strengthened my work relationship with my team overall. It
also gave me an insight into the pressure employees can put themselves under and how to

manage expectations.

4. Graduate/Entry Level Position: Junior Copywriter

This answer shows a candidate who is brave enough to state that there have been past projects that haven’t been as
enjoyable – this is realistic and shows integrity and honesty.

There is also a strong sense of self-awareness; not only does the candidate in question attack the project in a practical
way (managing their time effectively by breaking the task up into chunks), but they also know themselves well enough
to support their unique personality in the best way possible.

This shows the recruiter that this candidate can be trusted to self-manage on occasion, and will also be self-motivated
enough to be able to keep on task without becoming distracted. 91/215

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I wasIsstruggling
Autocratic Leadership?
to feel motivated on a project that I just wasn’t enjoying at work.

It was a project that required me to work alone, and my line manager was also away from
work at the time, so it was down to me to construct a realistic schedule with arbitrary
deadlines to work towards. To keep myself motivated, I took the time to scale the work into
bite-sized chunks.

I also made sure that I kept connected with work colleagues in other ways so that I didn’t feel
too isolated – I know that I am a naturally extroverted person whose comfort zone isn’t
naturally weighted towards lone working.

I also made sure that I checked in with the client on a regular basis so that I could draw some
motivation from positive interaction with them.

The project went well, and when my manager returned to the office, they were pleased that I

had managed the project alone without having to call in for extra help.

What to Avoid

Generic Answers

Keep your answers as specific as possible.

Take time to research the company’s corporate culture and match your answer accordingly.

Irrelevant Information

Be aware of only including relevant information.

Pay attention to the key terms used within the question and do not deviate, as you will risk losing your recruiter’s

Giving clear and succinct answers will also show your skills as a communicator.

Using an Unsuitable Example

You may have a wonderful motivational story from your last job, but before you use it for your current interview, make
sure that it fits well. 92/215
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For Is Autocratic
example, Leadership?
if this is an illustration of how you motivated a colleague within a sales role, and you are now applying for
an internal role in a different department, consider an example from a different place of work that is a more relevant

Overlooking Your Conclusion

Make sure that you include a solid close to your example. Don't tail off; give a good, positive spin to your answer.

The more you practice your answers, the better chance you will have at giving a specific, definite conclusion confidently.

Not Practicing

If possible, try to practice your answers with the help of a friend or trusted family member so that you are prepared and
will have a selection of answers to pick from, rather than leaving things to chance on the day of the interview.

Equally, do not fall into the trap of over-rehearsing; this can give a note of dishonesty. Strike a balance so that your
answers appear confident and not learned by rote.

Final Thoughts

This question is likely to appear at many job interviews. It is a way for the candidate to reveal their personality and to
give a natural insight into their interpersonal skills, levels of emotional intelligence and likelihood of fitting into a team

Because of this, preparing your answers and considering your approach, using feedback from friends and family
members is a smart move that will help to make a positive overall impression at your interview.

What Is Autocratic Leadership?

In this article Skip to section
What Is an Autocracy?

What Are the Traits of an Autocratic Leader?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Autocratic Leadership

1. Communication
2. Workload
3. Delegation 93/215
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4. Personality
What Is Autocratic Leadership?
Applying Autocratic Leadership

1. Relationships
2. Work Rate
3. Clarity
4. Results
Final Thoughts

What Is an Autocracy?

In business, the share of power is determined by who is the most proficient and productive.

If we look at a Pareto distribution of power within a single corporation, we will usually see the most productive
individuals at the top of the hierarchy.

An autocracy usually develops from these situations. The political and governmental examples of autocracy are
somewhat ominous as they are often associated with dictatorial rule.

However, in business, autocratic rule is quite common, and can be an ideal situation for direction and profit.

To put it simply, autocracy is when one individual has the overruling say and control over fundamental functions and

In a boardroom, this may appear in the form of a company owner or an executive.

You may be surprised to learn that if you run your own small business and make the critical decisions, your position
could be defined as autocratic.

The individual with the autocratic power may finalize corporate and business decisions, but they are most likely reliant
upon the input of others.

A tight-knit support network and strong communication links are some of the structures an autocracy needs to keep
itself in check.

Consultation and delegation are also common in business autocracies. Without debate and discussion, the executive
board members may be reliant on instinct rather than rationale.

In this article, we will discuss the makeup of an autocratic leader and consider the advantages and disadvantages of the
autocratic power structure.

We will also highlight what it takes to be a positive autocratic leader.

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When Autocratic Leadership?
of an autocratic leader, the person who comes to mind may be authoritarian, demanding and, at times,

These perceptions are the end products of wider personality traits. They are singular parts of a wider spectrum of an
autocratic peson.

How they are managed and implemented in the workplace can determine how successful an autocratic leader is.


Having a passive manager is not only frustrating, but it can also mean that work doesn't get done on time.

An autocratic leader is assertive in their communication and their direction.

If you have an assertive manager, you don't need to ask for direction or what the next phase is. They will have already
made that clear.

Assertiveness must not be mistaken for aggression. An aggressive person resorts to unrestrained emotion, whilst
someone who is assertive can communicate without this.

Even passive aggression is not related to assertiveness. Forms of passive aggression, whether in an email or a
conversation, are usually from those who have genuine difficulties in being assertive.

Assertion is essential for an autocratic leader if they are to successfully communicate their plans and ideas.


An agreeable person is willing to compromise their own itinerary to suit somebody else's. They may not enjoy doing so,
but their personality trait will incline them to submit to such requests.

In contrast, an autocratic leader is likely to be disagreeable, meaning they are not one for compromise.

They often rely on a form of dominance to prioritize their own preferences.

Disagreeableness allows an autocratic leader to override the decisions of others.

This approach communicates to colleagues that their plans will always be secondary to those of the autocratic

Disagreeable people generally have a difficult time maintaining friendships due to their unrestrictive dominance.
However, friendship is not their priority at work; they are all about getting the work done.

Conscientiousness 95/215
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What Isindividuals
Autocratic Autocratic Leadership?
are some of the most hardworking people in the workplace. They view the completion of their
work as an imperative.

Autocratic leaders can be found working long, unsociable hours, and they do not use excuses to get out of doing the

An autocratic leader can sometimes be harsh if you come to them with excuses, even if you feel the excuses are

Their rationale is centered around work success and ensuring that everyone else follows the same logic.


Their position and stature are often their primary working principles.

The autocratic leader will have no issue with telling you this, and they expect you to understand.

The ethos of the autocratic individual is based on protecting their own principles and their working methods.

It is true that there is room in autocracies for discussion, but it must not interfere with the major principles at hand.

Someone who is not autocratically inclined may prioritize care and rest, whilst others may simply be in a job to cover
financial responsibilities.

In contrast, the ethic of the autocrat is one of success and dominance.


Though an autocrat may demand the respect of their colleagues and board members, they have no concerns with
earning it either.

The autocrat's tireless working patterns, their assertiveness and their willingness to commit to things that others prefer
not to do can earn them respect.

They are usually confident with a strong sense of self that is communicated through their demeanor and actions.

Gaining the respect of an autocrat depends on how willing you are to commit to their plans and how much you fall in
line with their working expectations.

Autocrats are not usually found with other autocrats because they are competitive and rely upon a degree of
submissiveness from their subordinates.

Competitive autocrats are usually aware of each other's presence and will splinter into other working areas so that they
can maintain an air of control. 96/215
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Once youIshave
Autocratic Leadership?
gained the respect of an autocrat, you will be rewarded. They do not dish out respect lightly, so you'll
notice if it happens to you.

What Is Autocratic Leadership?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Autocratic Leadership

Autocracy, like any other leadership style, has both benefits and challenges.

1. Communication


There will be clarity with any decision or plan

It is very unlikely that you will have to ask twice for direction
An autocrat treats everyone the same, so their assertiveness is not personally directed at you


It can be hard at times not to take their bluntness personally

Small talk and personality are the last of an autocrat's worries. They rarely care about issues outside of work
Compromise will not be welcomed. Going against an autocrat's wishes is not advised

2. Workload


An autocrat will do more than their fair share of the work set
Plans and directions will be easy to follow, so the work will not be misconstrued
If approached honestly, a respectable autocrat will throw in their hat to help with the workload


With an autocrat, there will be little room for excusing the workload. They see deadlines as a priority
Autocrats set heavy workloads 97/215
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If you ask a difficult autocrat for help or advice, it could be interpreted as a way to get out of a workload
What Is Autocratic Leadership?
3. Delegation


An autocrat may delegate work roles to get the best results on a job. You may be given a heavy workload, but it
will reflect your skill and relevance to the job
A conscientious delegate will take on the difficult tasks. They will strive to maintain control over a project and will
take on most of the responsibility


The work you have been given is most likely non-negotiable

4. Personality


As already mentioned, autocrats are usually uniform in their behavior towards their staff and colleagues. Their
authoritarian approach is not personal
They can be trusted to be left alone in the workplace
Autocrats are likely to be focused upon the work, so you don't need to be overly friendly with them


Someone who has autocratic tendencies may also be manipulative in certain ways
The distinct focus on work and achievement may lead to cold relationships in a boardroom
Autocrats are rarely polite and cordial
Autocrats can be remorseless and lack empathy. A number of autocrats display dark triad behavioral traits
(narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy)

Applying Autocratic Leadership

It is likely that you have come across autocratic individuals in the workplace, and you may even have these tendencies
yourself. However, how you apply them determines how successful you are in the long run.

Unpleasant autocrats often display distinct personalities. They may be narcissistic or even show signs of aggression.

In these cases, an autocrat's relationship with their staff is negative and can be counterproductive.

Working with an autocrat who displays these behavioral traits can be demoralizing and uncomfortable.

To apply autocratic behavior as a successful leadership style, consider the following points.

1. Relationships

How you maintain good relationships as an autocrat is entirely different from someone who is more democratic. 98/215
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Firstly, Is must
Autocratic Leadership?
come to terms with your style, and the fact that its application will be uncomfortable for many of your

As an autocrat, you will learn to accept this and not take it too personally.

Because of your difficulties with social relationships in the workplace, you may be left to yourself at times.

Accepting you will not be invited to many social occasions may be painful, but you should remember the intended ends
of an autocratic style.

Retaining a firm position in the workplace regarding your attitudes and principles will eventually earn you respect. Once
this approach brings positive results, people are likely to respect you even more.

Explain your intentions clearly, and do not pander to other relationships in the workplace. This way, you can separate
yourself to concentrate on achieving success.

2. Work Rate

If you are naturally inclined to display autocratic behavior, it is likely that you have a higher work rate than the people
around you.

As already mentioned, autocrats are conscientious in their working methods.

In contrast, your work colleagues may not display the same drive, ability or passion to commit to the work.

A poor autocrat would lean towards punitive consequences.

Punishing your colleagues will only negatively affect your overall reception in the workplace.

It is better to try and maintain your composure when you believe that you are surrounded by incompetency.

Be fair in leadership and be respectful of the varying perspectives that exist in the workplace.

Offering help, whether willingly or otherwise, will grant you better co-operation, as will offering extensions on
deadlines, supporting colleagues in difficult situations and better communication.

Naturally, you will not compromise your autocratic position, but ensure that you treat your staff fairly.

Lay out your expectations and set to achieve them first. Do not use your autocracy to chastise others if it is unnecessary.

3. Clarity

Brutal honesty about your plans and projects may not win you many fans, but it does remind them of your approach. A
poor autocrat does not accept they are one. 99/215
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What your
Making Is Autocratic Leadership?
autocratic approach clear to your colleagues is one way of expressing your intentions.

You do not have to be over-zealous or arrogant. Successful autocrats know their own dominant behaviors, and the best
of them can communicate this calmly.

Clarity will also help you achieve the results you want. It is also a great way of signposting the importance of the work.

Likewise, you must clearly communicate your intentions in emails, board meetings and discussions.

4. Results

For the autocrat to truly succeed and maintain leadership, they must deliver.

Any autocratic behavior without positive results may lead to a result as severe as dismissal.

There is only so much room in the workplace for a certain number of autocrats.

Following through with projects and plans and delivering top results will justify your autocratic leadership style.

It will also win you the trust and respect of other members of staff. With more respect comes better opportunities.

Final Thoughts

The autocratic leadership style is controversial, and even counterproductive if not used correctly.

Autocrats can be cold, punitive and disruptive to a good working environment.

However, if you display autocratic traits or know of colleagues who are unquestionably autocratic, you must learn how
to harness and use that ability.

Setting out strong plans and making others aware of your intentions is the first step to becoming a successful autocratic

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12/27/21, 5:52 PM The Top 10 Leadership Interview Questions – With Example Answers

What Is Autocratic Leadership?

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