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MIDTERM REVIEWER IN SBA an issue or your clients describe it to you, you are in

fact observing the symptoms and hearing about

pain points.
BUSINESS ANALYSIS  We cannot assume that the problem described to
us is the real issue. It may be a symptom of a more
Is a discipline approach for introducing and managing complex problem or a pain point that has multiple
change to organizations, whether they are for profit, causes.
businesses, government or non-profit.
 Before forging ahead to solve a problem set in front
Is used to identify and articulate the need for change in of you, make sure you understand it.
how organization work and to facilitate that change.
 Discovering the real issue may turn out to be
IS BUSINESS ANALYST RELATED TO FINANCE? the hardest challenge you face when practicing
Business analyst is responsible for analyzing a business analysis.
company’s technological system and business processes
as the relate to company’s operation. 3. Question everything – perfectionist
 Discovery and analysis are built on the
foundation of asking questions. Ask questions
to learn, to get information, to investigate, and
to understand. Ask questions instead of making
 The questions you ask, and the questions you
don’t ask, have the power to influence the
success of the change.

 Your most important role as a business analyst

is not in finding answers. It’s in asking the right
The 12 Mindset of a Perfect Business Analysis
4. Lead and facilitate
1. Focus on the business – calibrate solutions to
 As a business analyst, you have a special role.
business goals- To excel at what you do, you
You may not be managing people in a
always need to start with the client and their
traditional sense. But you are the link between
the groups of people that don’t always
understand each other.
 Who is your client when you are a business
 You are accountable for helping them
analyst? Is it the project manager, the developer,
communicate, reach that understanding, and
the test lead, or the architect? Perhaps, a
work better together. You help manage the
business relationship manager, or your functional
relationships, explain, clarify and navigate
different opinions and agendas.
 A business analyst is a classic example of a
 Your real clients are the business stakeholders
leader without authority, an influencer without
who have a problem you are helping to resolve.
Everything you do has to be done with business
 During a project, they will take on a variety of
needs in mind.
leadership roles — planning and leading the
requirements analysis process, organizing
2. Solve the right problem - would cost more to
diverse groups, managing expectations,
build or sell than its benefits
helping technical and business people
communicate, training and preparing business
 If solving problems was easy, business analysts
groups for upcoming changes.
would have nothing to do. In reality, when you see
 With a business analyst mindset, you have the  Late discoveries are unpleasant and sometimes
right foundation to become a true leader — a even shocking if they require changes to solution
leader who strives to do the right thing, leads design.
others to do the right thing, and knows what  It may be tempting to sweep the inconvenient
the right thing is. finding under the rug. The project may already
be late, or relationships already strained.
 This is the time when the business analyst
5. Analysis before synthesis; information before mindset plays a crucial role.
requirements  The role of a business analyst is to analyze the
gap and help the client make an informed
 Business analysts don’t gather requirements — decision.
that’s the biggest misconception of the
 They gather information about the current
state of business and investigate the root
causes of the problems.
 Quality business requirements are the result of
synthesis: applying business analysis
techniques to the gathered information to
create the vision of the future state.

 Finding a gap is a success, not a failure, as it

creates opportunities for improvement.

7. Simplify until nothing can be removed

 Many companies are obsessed with automation

projects as they are expected to help reduce
6. Uncover gaps the cost of running business.
 As business analysts get involved in these
 Discovering gaps and inconvenient truths and is “automation initiatives”, they often struggle.
an occupational hazard of business analysis.  Business processes tend to get more
Analysis activities may result in a discovery of complicated with every organizational change,
unexpected hidden problems that create risks redistribution of accountabilities or new
and become roadblocks to building better business rules.
solutions.  These changes often go undocumented or live
 These discoveries may be welcome or on sticky notes or one-page printouts taped to
unwelcome, depending on the timing. Early in the walls.
the project, we are more likely to acknowledge
and analyze every surprise.
8. Take responsibility of shared understanding the
business requirement. 

 Business analysts invest a lot of effort into

understanding the current state of business, all
its processes, terminology, and business rules.
They spend many hours with subject matter
experts, ask them questions, and produce
diagrams, user stories, documents, and tables.
 They add a lot of details, cross-reference, and tag
requirements with multi-level numbers and
 This work is important, and its outcomes help
clarify business requirements. But it is not
enough that a business analyst understands the 10. Be part of the solution
problem and the requirements for the future  What’s the role of a business analyst once
solution. business requirements have been analyzed and
 This understanding must be shared by all captured? Is that it? Can they move on to the
stakeholders involved in the business change, next project? While agile methodology explicitly
from executive sponsors to the development and expects everyone to work as part of the team
testing teams. through all sprint activities, in waterfall it’s not
 The communication is only as good as the always as clear.
message received. And business requirements  Even with waterfall approach, business analysts
are only as good as the understanding of play a key role in the development and roll-out
requirements by the intended audiences. of the product through the whole product life

a) Clarify and explain requirements to everyone

9. Accept and embrace business change
involved in the development and
 Business analysts help organizations implement
changes. Requirements define what needs to b) Recognize, analyze and manage requirements
change to achieve a desired future state. changes
 Inevitably, as the analysis process results in
captured business requirements, and teams start c) Ensure that a solution design supports
working on the solution design and business needs
implementation, business systems will continue d) Oversee the design of non-technology
to change. components of the solution
 The external environment, competitive
landscape, legislative changes, and internal e) Support user acceptance testing, training, and
politics all create minor or major ripples that adoption efforts
require organizations to adjust. f) Capture and transfer the knowledge
 A business analyst can’t afford to get flustered by
change and should never take it personally.  The real measure of a business analyst’s
 Learn to expect change and master strategies for success comes from stakeholder satisfaction
handling it. with the implemented solution.
12. Learn, adapt and thrive
 Business analysts have to learn all the time. It is
part of the job, part of the challenge, and a big
part of the attraction.
 Every project, every change, brings something
new and unique to the business. To be
successful, business analysts must be able to
enjoy and welcome the new and the unknown,
be ready to learn and adapt.
 Throughout their career, they will be able to
expand their professional knowledge in many
a) New industries
b) Business disciplines (finance, human
11. Expect human behavior from human being  resources, marketing, or operations
 While the business analysis profession is management)
closely associated with information c) Technologies and software products
technology, it is based on a lot of social d) Data management, analytics and business
activities and interactions. intelligence
 As a business analyst, you work with people e) Product development methodologies
to help solve problems created by people to f) Architecture frameworks and modelling
build solutions that will be used by people. g) Software design principles and quality
 People are not always predictable. Dealing assurance methods
with them will have an element of h) Leadership, negotiation, and conflict
uncertainty. They have fears, biases, and resolution
emotions. i) Business analysis tools & techniques
 They will have their good days and bad days, j) Project management, communications, and
and sometimes they will go back on their training skills
word or change their mind when it’s most k) The breadth of new skills and domain
inconvenient. expertise that a business analyst can acquire
 Business analysts may need to deal with on the job will generously open a wide
difficult situations and difficult people. It will selection of further career choices for them.
require perception, empathy, intuition, and And thus, the principles of the BA mindset
the ability to look beyond petty and trivial. It will support business analysts in their
will require a business analyst mindset. professional development and finding true
job satisfaction in this rewarding career.
Asking for clarification and rationale works most
of the time if requested politely and
Problem scenario A
respectfully. A request for clarification may
Problem: need to be brokered or a line of communication
created. This is a case where rational
Stakeholders disagree on a vital point, and the side with persistence pays off.
higher authority is winning even though it does not
have a solid argument.  A business analyst needs to know the “why”
behind the requirements, so that she can
Challenge: facilitate shared understanding of these
Challenging authority is intimidating. Stepping in requirements and support determining the best
between two parties that are disagreeing and taking on solution. This should be a sufficient justification
a referee role can be emotionally taxing. A business for a conversation with the stakeholder who put
analyst is unwilling to arbitrate or wants the sides to forward the requirements in question.
settle their differences themselves. FINANCIAL POLICY
Constructive business analyst mindset: Financial policies refers to policies related to the
 The opposing sides may not be willing or ready to regulation, supervision, and oversight of the financial
settle their differences on all points, but business and payment systems, including markets and
analyst should help facilitate consensus on the institutions, with the view to promoting financial
particular questions relevant to the project. stability, market efficiency, and client-asset and
consumer protection.
 The consensus should be based on facts and
analysis, use real business data to validate
assumptions and an objective evaluation of pros WHAT FINANCIAL POLICIES SHOULD A COMPANY
and cons to avoid subjective decisions. This will HAVE?
require diplomacy, assertiveness, and objectivity
under pressure. Here is a list of financial policies and procedures you
should have in place.
Problem scenario B
 Division of Duties.
 Authorizations.
 An executive request that does not makes
sense, is eating up too much time or takes  Receipts/Disbursement Procedures.
business requirements in the wrong direction.
 Payroll.
 New Vendors.
 Managing stakeholder relationships is tricky,
especially with the most powerful stakeholders.
Sometimes a business analyst does not have WORKING CAPITAL FINANCING POLICY
access or a line of communication to these
 Working capital financing policy basically deals
stakeholders, and may not even have an
with the sources and the amount of working
opportunity to challenge or question the
capital that a company should maintain. A firm
is not only concerned about the amount of
Constructive business analyst mindset: current assets but also about the proportions of
short-term and long-term sources for financing
 Occasionally, such request may turn out to be a
the current assets.
misunderstanding, a case of a broken
telephone, or a question that is misinterpreted  The methods businesses use to raise money.
as a request by an overzealous team member.
Maturity matching : Also known as “Hedging Policy” or WORKING CAPITAL FINANCING POLICY
“Moderate Approach”. This strategy ensures that the
 Aggressive matching : Involves the maximum risk,
current assets of a company are always in sync with
and thus, also bring the potential for multiplied
short-term liabilities.
growth. Companies ensure their current assets,
In essence, this working capital financing policy aims to such as the value of debtors, are minimized by
balance the two extreme strategies, both in terms of ensuring timely payments or minimum credit sales.
risk and growth potential. Matches the maturity of the
 At the same time, management also maintains that
assets with the maturity of the financing.
payments to creditors are delayed to the furthest.
Uses short term (temporary) capital to finance
some permanent assets.

 Conservative matching : An organization

undertakes this strategy only when it requires
minimizing risk to the furthest.

 Under this policy, the management regulates the

credit limits stringently to ensure low risk. Uses
long-term (permanent) capital to finance some
temporary assets.


Long-term financing= Non-current assets + Permanent

Working Capital

Short-term financing=Temporary Working Capital


Under a conservative approach, the working capital you

need to maintain is substantial as it involves the
provision of idle capital for exigencies.  
Under an aggressive strategy, the working capital Long-term financing= Non-current assets + Permanent
requirement is notably low, which speaks to high risk, Working Capital
but the cost is saved. When considering the hedging
policy, this factor is neither too high, nor too low. Short-term financing=Temporary Working Capital


 While following an aggressive strategy, liquidity is

usually low since short-term funds are primarily
used to finance both fixed and fluctuating current
assets. A company is thus left with minimal idle

 Conversely, in the case of a conservative strategy,

liquidity is usually high. It is because companies
mainly use long-term sources of finance, which
leaves them with sufficient idle funds to address

 Hedging strategy involves moderate liquidity,

ensuring a balance between idle funds and their


 In a conservative approach, interest cost is higher

compared to the other two working capital

 Thus, naturally, it lowers profits. In general,

aggressive policies offer the highest returns since
the cost involved is kept to a minimum.

 As you can guess, in observing the matching

strategy, profits generated are moderate.


 Under a conservative approach, the working

capital you need to maintain is substantial as it
involves the provision of idle capital for

 Under an aggressive strategy, the working capital

requirement is notably low, which speaks to high
risk, but the cost is saved.

 When considering the hedging policy, this factor

is neither too high, nor too low.

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