Shadowing Journal

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- Shadowing Journal -

Time: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Date: 10/27/21

Place: Lloyd’s Heating Shop

Total Hours Spent Shadowing: 7 hours

Mentor’s Signature _____________________________________

I got to Lloyd’s shop at 8 AM. It was a rainy day, so Scott said I was going to spend most of the
day in the shop. Scott and Andy are co-owners of the company. I had a meeting prior to today
with Scott and Andy and found out that I was going to shadow Andy. I then got to meet some of
the employees that were working in the shop. Other employees came in and out as they were on
service calls. For most of the morning, I watched as they built air ducts out of sheet meddle. I got
to see how these pieces came together. They build a lot of their own air ducts as each house is
different and unique in structure. After lunch, they gave me a couple of small tasks to help build
the air ducts. I did what I was told the rest of the day.

Today was my first experience shadowing at Lloyd’s heating. I really enjoyed the hands-on
aspect of the job. It was cool to see how each of the parts came together. It gave me an insight on
how air ducts transfer heat through the whole house.
- Shadowing Journal -
Time: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Date: 11/9/21

Place: Job Cite

Total Hours Spent Shadowing: 9 hours

Mentor’s Signature _____________________________________

I arrived at the shop around 8 AM. I spent the first hour watching as the employees got things
ready to take to a house they had been working on. We loaded the vans up with all the parts they
needed for the day. Once we got to the job site, I helped carry things like gas lines, refrigeration
lines, all sorts of tools, and other miscellaneous things. We first put in the refrigeration line
through the house to an AC unit outside. It was a tough process as the pipe was difficult to uncoil
and bringing it through the rafters was no easy task. This house was also three stories and
absolutely huge! The construction crew was working on siding the house and I found
communication was very important to keep everyone happy. After we got the refrigeration line
in, some of the employees went back and made sure it was as level as possible so no buildup
would happen inside the pipe.

After lunch, we ran quite a few gas lines throughout the house. They were for the kitchen,
fireplace, and other things throughout the house. We had to be sure to be a foot and 17 inches
under the ceiling as the ductwork went through there. After they finished that they ran more lines
for heating the house. Those lines were put right by the refrigeration line and the workers made
the lines look nice. Once they finished with this it was to head to the roof. The chimney for the
fireplace needed an escape route at the top of the house. Andy cut a hole in the roof and brought
the pipe through. The workers then made it waterproof.


Today was a lot more exciting than working in the shop. I got to see what the inside of a house
looked like. What all the pipes and wires were for and why they were placed in their location. I
enjoyed watching the employees and Andy working through problems. That’s a thing I learn
there are always small problems that come about throughout the day. Andy explained to me that
every house is different, and they have to adjust accordingly.
- Shadowing Journal -
Time: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Date: 11/16/21

Place: Unknown

Total Hours Spent Shadowing: 5 hours

Mentor’s Signature _____________________________________

I got to the shop at 8 AM. Today was different than the last two previous days. Everyone seemed
stressed out and super busy. Andy and the employees had left early to get started on a new job.
Scott set me up with Devan, the service employee. He took me on his morning routine going
around on service calls. Our first stop wasn’t too far from the shop and was just cleaning. Devan
took the furnace apart and showed me how it worked. He proceeded to take the fan out that we
took back to the shop to clean. He blew it off and we brought it back to the house, changed the
filter, and were on to the next call. This one was at Pizza Ranch. They were having problems
with the furnace overheating. Devan took the gas lines apart and put in smaller holes so the
system would have less gas to burn. We stayed there for about 10 minutes making sure this fixed
the problem. Nothing acted up so we were good to go.

Devan and I then headed to the job site as there were no calls to go on. Scott and Andy showed
me around and explained what they were doing. I looked over and Devan was on the phone and
that meant it was time to leave. We went across Watertown to replace a chimney that had been
damaged by a storm. After lunch, I spent the rest of the day back in the shop working on air

Today was my favorite part of the whole shadowing experience. I really enjoy the fixing part of the job.
Installing the wires, ductwork, and other materials was a good experience, but the service side of the job
was my favorite. All in all, I enjoyed my time at Lloyd’s Heating and look forward to further exploring
this career.

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