SBM Script For Program

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School Based Management District Evaluation Cum Tchnical Assisstance

Singing of the national anthem/Prayer

Goodmorning everyone, and welcome to School Based Management District Evaluation

Cum Tchnical Assisstance. To begin with may we all stand as we pay tribute to our
National Flag, through the singing of the Philippine National Anthem, followed by
Ecunumecal Prayer.

Welcome note

To set the tone for this afternoon/ mornning’s Evaluation. Let us lend an ear to our
dynamic and motherly school Principal-I maam Maricar T. Landicho - for her Welcome

Presentation of malita north district (SBM TWG)

At this juncture may i present to you the Malita North District SBM teachers Working
Group. Here are the following people......(Say there names!)

Inspirational Messgae

Inspiring words of wisdom is a must ,for us to be mentally and spiritually inclined in

everthing we do! To give us his Inspirational Message, may i call on our energitic PSDS
(public school district supervisor) Dr. Ladislao T. Agawain JR.

Short Video presentation

Tubalan Comprehensive National High School has lead by its promise to educate,
inspire, and change lives. Through years of dedication in molding the future of our
generation We at Tubalan National High School seas to healed with the challanges of
the current covid situation. Today we presents you the passion driven work, aspirations
and truimps of our beloved Tubalan Comprehensive National High School leadership as
we continue Educating, Inspiring, and Changing Lives.

Everyone let all watch this short video presentation!

Message and brief oreintation on evaluation in

Giving of technical assistance

For his Message and brief oreintation on evaluation in giving of technical assistance,
May i call on the SBM Coordinator of Malita North District, Sir Arcadio G. Amor Jr.
A hand please.

SBM Evalutation
Declaration of evaluated result

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