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“Thumbs Up / Thumbs Down” Formative Assessment


Benefits: Examples:
- Can be used after students are - After I give students instructions, I’ll
given instructions, to see if they feel ask for thumbs up if they understand
like they understand what they are what they are doing. If most students
doing before they start. have thumbs up, I’ll let them start
working and go around to the few
- It is a quick assessment strategy, students who didn’t have their
and can be used at various points in thumbs up. But if a lot of students
the lessons. don’t have their thumbs up, I know I
need to re-explain the instructions to
- Non-verbal assessment type, helps
the whole class because I wasn’t clear
students who struggle with verbal
and writing forms of communication enough the first time. (Can use it to
assess my own instructions).

Weaknesses: - This is especially useful in my school

that has a large population of
- The students don’t always know that students with hearing impairments.
they don’t understand something, so When I ask students to do this, I will
they might put their thumb up, but as do the signals myself so the students
I am walking around and checking on see what I’m asking them to do and
them, some students might be doing they recognize that they are using it
it wrong. to show me if they understand.

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