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Before diving deeper into the growth potential of the logistics industry, let's pay a

little attention to the following questions. First, is the logistics industry growing?
Second, how fast is the logistics industry growing? Final, what is the most
challenging aspect of logistics? Logistics is the commercial activity of transporting
goods from the place of origin to the consumption. It is a series of processes such
as: coordinating, moving, and storing materials, and it is associated with all
professions in society. As long as people exist, logistics will evolve. According to
Research and Markets: the global logistics market was worth 10.32 Billion USD in
2017 and, it is estimated to grow to 12.68 Billion USD by 2023 with a CAGR
(compound annual growth rate) of 3.49% between 2017 and 2023. As of 2018, the
transportation of raw materials accounted for 7.1% of all jobs in existence in the
United States. Experts predict it could grow by 6% in the next eight years. In
addition, third-party logistics businesses were expected to own the majority of the
commercial market. The total net value of third-party logistics companies (3PLs)
in 2017 was 168.4 million billion and is forecast to increase more than 1.6 times by
2027. As outlined above, the logistics industry has a lot of potential and
opportunities to go further, but it also faces challenges. It seems like that the
majority of participants and experts agree that transportation costs are the biggest
challenge of the industry. It accounted for approximately 30% of total expenses.
However, due to the impact of the cost of raw materials, it even goes up to more
than 50%

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